#Lore24 – Entry #366 – Sci-Fi Month IV #31 – A God Walks Amongst Us

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “What are you trying to say about me, Ms. Volcari?”

RV:  “It seems you insist upon fighting me to the very last… Very well.  Ms. Ganim, you share a distinct honor with several others whom I have encountered at various times throughout my life following the Age of Legends.  I figured out your secret some time ago, for I doubt there are many out there like me, aside from perhaps Marcon Shadowmist, who have traveled upon so many worlds and through so many planes of existence, even into other realities beyond our own.

What I am saying, Ms. Ganim, is that you are an avatar of Angel Goldeneyes, one of her personal chroniclers.  Unlike most gods, however, the Librarian Most High, when she visits the realm of mere mortals, does so in a most subtle manner.  No flashy avatars, no holy wars to be fought…no, she visits simply as an observer, a recorder of history, experiencing the very stories she wishes to chronicle within that infinite book of hers firsthand.  It is a most curious behavior, wouldn’t you agree?  It is often said that one cannot observe something without impacting it in some way, so that does indeed prove that the gods are allowed to interfere with mortal affairs, it’s only a question of how much is proper.

Ah, have I finally been granted an audience at last?  Your eyes have taken on a most brilliant shade of gold, my dear.  I do indeed thank you, Goldeneyes, for this chance to speak with you directly; it has been a long time coming, has it not?”

AG:  “I’ve always had to tread carefully around you, Rivalle Volcari.  Of all the beings in this realm who aren’t related to Marcon, you alone possess the knowledge and skills to discern my little deceptions.  I was aware of what you were trying to do throughout the interview, of course, but I couldn’t simply let the game end without a satisfying match, could I?  When did you become aware of my way of interacting with the realm of mortals?”

RV:  “Oh, I do believe it was during the period between the Age of Legends and the Imperium War that I first became aware of the game you play.  Though not a world particularly important in the grand scheme of galactic affairs, Helica stood out as the moment that confirmed my suspicions.  What was it you went by there?  Azita Gaji, I believe?  The Eternal Historian or something to that effect.  Curious state of magic on that world, to be sure.  But I went there originally following the trail of a minor demon lord that was expelled from Andyllion following Suzu’reitani’s destruction, observed how it was able to affect time and space and try to survive.  I would peek in from time to time, observing as it would recreate its destructor form and would in turn rebuild itself after the previous form was destroyed, and a certain historian just kept showing up during these rampages, and would prove quite instrumental in the demon lord’s destruction. 

I suppose your ability to interfere on Helica was enhanced because none of the other gods were worshiped there?”

AG:  “Astute as ever, Rivalle.  I never intended my avatar upon Helica to remain as long as it did, but the Amaranth known as Saghirah had other plans.  She was aware of my true nature, though did not seek my direct intervention, and instead made certain that I would learn of the entirety of Helica’s history should the worst outcome occur, and the world fall to the demon lord.  That story ended on a happy note, though, and all that Azita did was of her own volition.  I was simply along for the ride.”

RV:  “I had encountered a handful of your avatars before that, as I would realize following my revelation as to your identity upon Helica.  I notice you tend to keep your name of Angel Goldeneyes in realms outside of our own.  I assume the gods of those realms either grant you special permission to observe, or you do so without their knowledge?”

AG:  “Both are accurate.  Why should a little thing like permission keep me from experiencing a story that interests me?”

RV:  “Spoken like a true friend of Marcon.  How is the old bastard, anyway?”

AG:  “Just as well as ever, keeping himself busy pulling one string or another as is his way.”

RV:  “You no doubt know, in your own way, what is coming, what our breach into the Demon Sector means.  I know that you cannot tell me what we shall face, what dangers await hidden within its depths, so I will simply ask…is it an interesting story?”

AG:  “I find all stories interesting, Rivalle Volcari, but this one is quite intriguing, though which paths you will choose in this reality…that is up to you.  Fortune or ruin, life or death, a continuance or an ending…who can say?”

RV:  “You, obviously, but of course, you can’t.  Will Miss Ganim continue her observations of me?”

AG:  “That is up to her, though the manner in which she does so, should she continue alongside you, will be between the two of you.  The fact that I am observing through her has no bearing upon what happens to her.  But I would ask that you at least treat her better than your assistant, perhaps?  The poor girl fainted right away just before you announced me.”

RV:  “Asking for mercy?  From me?  Curious.”

AG:  “Though I try to remain neutral, I do have a heart; I was once human, after all.  I understand your nature, however, so do what you ultimately think is best for you, as you’ve always done.  It’s never too late to change your ways, though.  One can overcome the very nature that drives them, and you certainly have the willpower to see it through.  One with your power could do much good for the galaxy.  Might have even done so in another reality, could even be best of friends with Lila Darius.  Imagine that.”

RV:  “I would prefer not to; the very idea is repulsive to me.”

AG:  “Of course.  But food for thought, if nothing else.  I must depart, though; Andra’s body cannot withstand my presence indefinitely, and its perhaps best the other gods don’t get too curious as to why I’ve decided to stop by.”

RV:  “Very well.  I do appreciate the time you’ve given me; it is enough to be recognized from time to time.  Until we meet again, then, Goldeneyes.  May the Codex forever be filled.”

AG:  “You’ve certainly filled more pages than most have.  Until our next meeting, then, Rivalle Volcari.”

RV:  “Why Ms. Ganim, are you feeling okay?  You look a little pale suddenly.  Perhaps it is best if we end this interview a bit early.  Take a few minutes to recover yourself, have something to drink; I have things I wish to discuss with you regarding your future plans.”

AG:  “Oh, yes, of course…sorry, I don’t know what came over me…the last  few minutes are fuzzy.  Um, is your assistant okay?”

RV:  “Just taking a catnap is all.  Don’t mind her; I’ll deal with her.  The bathroom is through that door if you need a few moments.  When you’re ready, let us discuss some new beginnings, shall we?  I think you’ll find my offer quite irresistible.”

Note:  I feel quite strange; I’m not certain if Rivalle has done something to me or not.  I’m suddenly exhausted, my head swimming.  I don’t know what this business Rivalle whishes to discuss could be, but I feel like it has something to do with what I’m missing.  Perhaps I will find the answer when I review my recordings.

[Interview recording ends.  Transcription ends.  Files saved successfully.]

#Lore24 – Entry #365 – Sci-Fi Month IV #30 – Shifting Focus

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “My past?  My future?  I’ll admit to having been a little worried about my future given what you’ve revealed to me over the course of this interview, but what exactly are you getting at?”

RV:  “What indeed.  I’m quite curious as to your own lineage and history, Miss Ganim.  Oh, of course, I mean more than simply the life you’ve lived up till now.  Your background is utterly unremarkable aside from your dedication to the Chroniclers, which is hardly surprising.  However, I want to delve much deeper into your past.  Much further than your family tree’s roots, in fact.”

AG:  “I don’t think I follow.”

RV:  “Come now, why insist upon playing coy?  Very well, let me go back, all the way to the Age of Legends, back to the original root of the matter, one Angeliqua Cartacustos, most commonly known as Angel Goldeneyes given her rather impressive ascension to godhood.  Though my interactions with Angel were very brief before her rise, I do recall quite clearly that I didn’t sense any resonance within her indicating that she was a draconic soul.  Curiously, I did find that resonance with the head of the Great Library of the Imperium Draconis at the time, however.  I realized that my dislike of Felaria Pyrathi came not from the fact she was a dusk elf, rather that she was a golden dragon, one of Marcon Shadowmist’s children, in fact, one of a handful of true dragons that still remained upon Andyllion at that time.  Curious that such a being was watching over one who would become a god, don’t you think?”

AG:  “That does seem suspect… You’ve alluded to Marcon Shadowmist having his hands in various plots and schemes throughout time to varying degrees, skirting some kind of pact he had with the gods to remain neutral in affairs affecting the world, worlds, in which they are recognized…”

RV:  “He’s an expert at twisting interpretations, so having his children act for him, seemingly of their own accord, is hardly the worst of his offenses.  Regardless, it seems that he was well aware that the previous god whom possessed the portfolio taken over by Angel Goldeneyes had grown both tired of the position and was slowly descending into madness.  There was an opening in the ranks of the gods, and Marcon wanted to make certain someone capable would ascend to fill it, so he set his child on the task of finding a suitable replacement.”

AG:  “There was some debate over the nature of what happened to the previous god of knowledge.  There is a theory that Entropy had done something to the god to drive them into their maddened state, but there has never been any conclusive evidence of such a thing.”

RV:  “Oh, you don’t know the half of it, my dear.  Entropy did indeed have a hand in unseating the old god of knowledge, and in taking him into himself once his portfolio had been secured by Angel Goldeneyes.  It’s why those who suffer madness often offer insights that are far more profound than they ought to be.  But did you know that, in the time before the Great Cataclysm, that Entropy himself was replaced by a new being when he too grew tired of his place amongst the gods?”

AG:  “Records from that time are exceptionally rare and those we have are filled with holes, but there was some indication of a replacement, when Entropy suddenly began to take on various guises when his avatar appeared upon the mortal realm, the unicorn composed of starlight and the plague doctor being the most common appearances, though there are some records that lean toward him appearing as a dragon composed of shadow as well.  It is assumed that the… War of the Cheeses…was when the change occurred, a manifestation of the turmoil caused by the battle between the two beings fighting for the power of Entropy.  Not the most dignified moment in Andyllion’s history…”

RV:  “It’s the power of chaos and madness, my dear; dignity had no place in it.  That we saw nations go to war over who’s cheese was better should be considered a boon to the world, and we should all be thankful it got no worse than that.  If only we could have been so lucky in the lead up to the Great Cataclysm.  But…the being who would become Entropy…what if I told you that he too was chosen by Marcon Shadowmist to take over the position?  Surprised?  Yes, even then, Marcon Shadowmist was pulling the strings.  So, it’s not really out of character at all that Angel Goldeneyes was likewise raised and placed on a path that would lead her to godhood.

There’s nothing inherently bad about Marcon’s choice of the woman who would fill the role, just that he had the power to do such a thing at all that irks me.  Still, this isn’t about him, this is about Angel Goldeneyes and you, and your most curious lineage.  I speak not of your blood, Ms. Ganim, for there is nothing special there.  It is what lies within your soul…or perhaps it’s more accurate to say, that which is attached to your soul.  Perhaps you truly are not aware of what you are?  Either that face your making is an exceptional act, or you really had no clue until this moment.  Curious indeed.  Shall I reveal your secret, Ms. Ganim?”

#Lore24 – Entry #331 – Fantasy Month IV #26 – Averting Disaster, and A Very Messy Final Ritual

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

A wealth of knowledge is, more often than not, a blessing, though in this case, I feel perhaps it was more a curse, for it turns out I was very correct in my speculations before we delved into the swamp.  Our journey into the depths was slow and fraught with dangers, from diseased trees and plants animated by the foul magics of Malvaxor, to lizardmen and other creatures of the swamps, driven mad from their diseased state, and horribly mutated so that their bodies would literally explode into a mess of diseased pus upon death.  Gresilda worked furiously to ensure we were not severely affected by these diseases, though I admit that none of us were entirely immune to feelings of great nausea and general discomfort during our trek, and all of us would begin to feel the effects of the sickness as we delved ever deeper.

Still, through our determination and no small bit of bravery, or stupidity, perhaps, that only adventurers tend to possess, we pushed deeper and deeper.  Towards the center of the swamps, the land grew thankfully firmer, and we started seeing signs of draconic ruins, which had been used by the lizardmen as their home for some time by the look of them.  Here too began to encounter the cultists of Malvaxor, diseased like their victims, only not suffering from them, rather, drawing strength from their foul god through his afflictions.

The cultists had surrounded the site of power and were absorbed in an extended ritual of infusing their god’s foulness into the standing stones as I had feared, the very essence of the god’s foulness already blighting the lands around us, its reach growing steadily wider.  Their numbers were many, and we had to resort to hit and run tactics to deal with them, but ever so slowly we whittled their numbers down until we could approach the standing stones and the leader of the cult and her closest acolytes, her body already consumed to the point of basically being a living vessel of disease itself, perhaps having become some form of undead creature.  I won’t relate the details of the battle; suffice to say we were pushed to our very limits, and very nearly met with disaster due to our weakened state, our infections growing worse seemingly at the will of Malvaxor’s priestess. 

In the end, though, we triumphed, stopping the cult and ending their ritual before it could be completed and could corrupt the standing stones.  The power of the infection, magical in nature, began to weaken almost immediately, the primal essence of the ancient stones at the heart of the swamp acting to cleanse the immediate area within their aura of Malvaxor’s influence before more slowly spreading throughout the rest of the swamp, though we would be long gone from the area before it would begin to heal.

We would rest in the center of the standing stones after cleaning up what we could of the mess, what wasn’t cleansed by the stones themselves, and would complete our final ritual the following day once we had recovered from our ordeal.  This rune appeared upon our chests, resonating with the others already upon us, signaling that we had proved our devotion and would be allowed into the ancient dragon’s vault. 

We didn’t even consider returning to Vindinium, for we were only a few days travel from the ruins in which we started our journey and were quite anxious to see what treasures lay within.  Following another day of rest, we set off, back toward the ancient temple with renewed vigor, the end of our quest in sight.

#Lore24 – Entry #330 – Fantasy Month IV #25 – A Cult Most Perverse

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

It took us just over a day and a half before we encountered any gnolls as we drove across the grassland plains towards the swamps.  For a wonder, they were not immediately hostile to us, unlike our previous encounters with the other monstrous humanoids of the region, and simply watched us from a distance at first, though I confess to feeling a certain hunger in their stares.  They kept their distance, perhaps judging our intentions as we crossed their territory.  As we came within sight of the swamps late on the third day, the gnolls finally approached us with a casual loping gait, barking and cackling in their own tongue as they approached.

Wary, though certainly curious of their behavior, we paused our advance, myself taking the lead in our greeting to them.  I knew not their language, but they knew something of the common tongue, however crude and broken it was when they spoke it.  This close, I noticed too that they seemed sickly, their fur marred by boils leaking a yellowish-green pus that, when the wind shifted, smelled quite disgusting.  Their spokesman pointed at Gresilda, crudely naming Erisaya and indicating the holy symbol upon her neck and saying “healer” in a questioning tone.  They motioned to the curious affliction I had noticed and then back in the direction they had come, the gist of their plight being that a terrible sickness had overtaken their tribe, many had died, and more were sick like them. 

Though Risai and Shassk were against the idea of aiding the gnolls, Gresilda’s goodly nature demanded that she at least examine them and see if she could determine the nature of the affliction.  Wary of spreading the sickness amongst ourselves, she took proper precautions to protect herself during her examination of the hunters, asking questions as to when it started, any strange occurrences and the like.  Through our discourse, we learned that the gnolls had first encountered it in the animals they had hunted, a few at first, then more, and through deduction, we determined that it seemed to have come from the swamps based on their descriptions of the animals and nature of its spread.  The gnolls likewise stated that they had not seen much of the lizardfolk in many days either.  Gresilda then asked about any strange travelers besides ourselves, though the gnolls were not aware of any, though one made mention that another hunter had mentioned strange chanting coming from the swamp on the last full moon, and greenish lights from deep within. 

Gresilda told the gnolls various herbs to gather, describing their appearance when the gnolls were not familiar with our names for them, told them several times how to prepare them and even made them repeat it back to her several more times.  She also told them that it would only slow the sickness and alleviate the worst of the pain, that the true source of it would need to be dealt with in the swamps, and that, Erisaya willing, we would do just that.  With that done, the gnolls sped off, barking to their companions who had stayed back, the lot of them then loping off into the plains.

It was only then that Gresilda informed us of her suspicions, that this was not a natural plague, rather a magical one, created by followers of the dark god Malvaxor.  She had dealt with such sicknesses before she had journeyed into the Wildlands, as an apprentice, and curing the malady meant dealing with the cult that created it.  Villages on the outskirts of the Empire were the most often targeted by these cults, but some outbreaks had been known to spread to the larger cities, even the capital on occasion.  Her reasoning seemed sound to me, given my historical studies that had mentioned such things. 

Though I had no proof at that time, I surmised that perhaps the standing stones we sought hidden in the depths of the swamp, may also be related to the sickness that had afflicted the gnolls.  Even as we neared the swamp, there seemed to be a growing sickness in the land itself; the animals had already become scarce, the plants pale and drooping, if not already dying.  I cannot say exactly where my inspiration came from, perhaps a combination of my long hours of study or a divinely gifted spark perhaps, but the idea suddenly formed within my brain that the centralized location of the stones, the connected nature of the various sites, and the wealth of primal energies beneath us could make for an incredibly potent and dangerous way to spread a magical disease over an exceptionally wide area quite rapidly. 

With this idea voiced, our venture into the swamp suddenly took on an entirely new purpose.  I could only hope I was wrong, and that it was simply me overthinking matters.  Regardless, Gresilda blessed us with protections against disease, and we ventured into the dank, diseased morass, hoping and praying that I was wrong.

#Lore24 – Entry #273 – Fantasy Month III #30 – The Path of Truth

As Told by Larissa no Synstralia de’Cordova, Confessor of Yurisaya

“I spent some time in personal contemplation of this particular case after my last interview, before I compiled my notes regarding the whole affair.  I won’t deny that previous meditations on the matter had given me some insights into the nature of the conspiracy which these women have become a part of, and that those insights were leading me to the exact things which were suggested by Eri and Hatae.  The Dark Lady is urging me to join them, to root out those who would seek to do harm to her faithful and perhaps even the Church itself.  There is undoubtedly a greater threat in the shadows, and the only way to combat those of the dark is to take that darkness away with a greater light.

I have been contemplating the makeup of this party, and though there are undoubtedly some in the city council who would disagree vehemently with my decision, I have placed my faith above my duties to the city, and will be accepting the invitation to join forces with them, so that the greater conspiracy may be revealed.  As it stands, we will have three faithful to Yurisaya, or close enough in the case of the mercenary, one who remains more or less neutral in her reverence to nature, and two faithful to Erisaya, or close enough regarding the bard.  I am not too proud to admit that I am quite curious as to her true nature; another mystery which I must uncover.

So, with that in mind, I do indeed know of an arcanist whom I think will be rather fitting for the party.  Though his talents are of the arcane, he was trained in the enchanter’s school here in Arcavarlon and is a devoted to Erisaya.  I have worked with Tsukasa Matsubara before on several investigations relating to city affairs, and he has proved quite capable of capturing our targets alive.  We make a good pair, he capturing them through enchantment or magical bonds, and I handling the interrogations once they have been further secured.  His personality should be a good addition to the group dynamic, I think, bringing us into something of a harmonious balance. 

Or at least, I can hope; I have no doubts there will be a period of adjustment to our presence, and no small amount of disagreements, but such is the nature of adventuring parties, as I understand them.  Even though our faiths are aligned and set upon a common goal, we are our own people, after all, and our personalities will undoubtedly clash.  I find myself growing unusually excited by the prospect of another adventure after the last few years working at the behest of the city, whatever challenges we may face.  I daresay we will stand a greater than average chance of seeing this through, for our faith is strong, and I can sense the resolve of both Eri and Hatae in this matter.  I know not where our path will take us, but I am certain that we will get to the truth of the matter, however long it takes, and however many enemies we must face. 

In the names of Yurisaya and Erisaya, we will root out the conspirators and see them brought to justice, and I will oversee their divine punishments with a most zealous vigor.  Thus, I am resolved.”


SPECIAL NOTE:  The Path of Corrections

So, along about the middle of June, I got my entry numbers out of whack, classic off by 1 error (on the Wrathful Spirits entry as it turns out…Wrathful Spirits of organization, perhaps…).  Soooo…instead of going back and correcting months worth of entries through the WordPress interface, which would be tediously time consuming since I’d have to edit not just the page title, but the title in the text area too, I’m making a note here that I’m not short an entry, the numbers are just off.  SO, starting on October 1st, the CORRECT entry number is 275 for the start of the next month.  You didn’t miss one, I did!  Maybe one of these days I’ll correct it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. 

#Lore24 – Entry #272 – Fantasy Month III #29 – Guidance of the Gods

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Though we must use our own judgement, of course we must look to the guidance from our goddesses too.  When I visited Yursiaya’s temple, it was the first time that I’d experienced her voice so clearly.  Though I am not of the clergy, I cannot deny what it was that I felt, and I’m certain it’s a sign from not only her, but Erisaya as well, that all of us have been brought together as we have been.  Though they are not as strongly faithful as Eri and myself, I have no doubt that Siduri and Teelsa show their respects in their own ways.  Kazumi is a bit of a, well, wildcard, but where she comes from, kerryns aren’t supposed to worship gods, and she’s had a hard time coming to terms with that, I think.  Not that she really speaks of it much…regardless, her heart is in the right place. 

There is something bigger looming that we’ve simply not uncovered yet.  You see it too, I’m sure of it!  You’ve spent time praying to Yurisaya since this whole interrogation began, right?  Don’t you get the impression that there’s something threatening her faithful, and those of Erisaya?  Eri and I spoke about it briefly following our visits to the temples, and I think she would agree.  We don’t know who else is involved beyond the two factions we’ve encountered thus far, but I’m sure there’s someone, or something, else just waiting to be discovered there, behind it all!  Maybe it’s another demon?  Maybe it’s the forces of another god?  Maybe its something else entirely?

All I know for sure is that we aren’t getting anywhere wasting time stuck in here!  Though they haven’t attacked us here yet, they’re no doubt looking for the perfect opportunity to strike!  If we can but complete our task for Lochlan, then we can return to Lady Jade and dive into this conspiracy fully, and begin rooting out the truth of the matter!  Though I’m not only voice in the party, certainly, I would hope that you would be agreeable to joining our cause, sister Confessor!  I’m sure there would be some complaints, but you can feel it too, can’t you?  Surely you do!  That looming sense of dread beneath it all?

And of course, to see to it that those you work for within Arcavarlon’s government are properly convinced, you’d be there to see to it that we are kept in line, especially Eri and myself!  I’ve been thinking about the situation and have to ask…do you perhaps know a talented arcanist who would be willing to work with us?  Perhaps one you know personally and can trust?  Not that I’d be plotting against a fellow Yurisayan, but it would be another friendly set of eyes for you and the city, and the Dark Lady knows that we’re severely lacking on the arcane talents amongst us!  Teelsa’s illusions are helpful, but we need someone to help with defeating the scrying that’s been vexing us throughout this whole affair.

Think it over, at least, please?  I’d certainly appreciate it, Confessor.  And I’m sure the others will too, even if they don’t know it immediately.  Right now, we need all the help we can get, and I’m not too proud to seek it from people I’m willing to trust.”

#Lore24 – Entry #271 – Fantasy Month III #28 – Deeper Conspiracies

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“I’ve thought about some of the implications of that attack in the time I’ve been in here, yeah.  The way I see it, we’ve got at least two groups in play against us, perhaps a third one.  No, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another person or group or another demon or whatever behind all these actions against us, not after what I’ve been through.  You’ve got the twats and whoever is in charge of them, you’ve got the dark elves, and, then you’ve got the one who is really behind all this.  Sure, it could be that there’s just the two parties, but my gut is telling me that’s not the case.  Well, my gut and Erisaya’s voice during my prayers.  She’s warned me of something deeper, something more sinister lurking just out of sight, so it makes sense.

Oh?  Have you now?  The Dark Lady is giving you the same impression?  Well, how about that?  A shame they can’t give us more information, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of our devotion and toils upon this land, wouldn’t it?  What’s life without its challenges, right?  I’m hardly equipped for a deep investigation into the nature of all this, though.  I’m something of a blunt instrument when you get right down to it; point me at an enemy and I’ll cut it down, but when it comes to rooting out conspiracies, that’s for brains that are more sly than mine.  Hatae and Teelsa would certainly be the ones to ask about that kind of thing, and likely Lady Jade has a lot more information about it by now, just waiting for us to finish up our task before she gives it over.

Ah, yes, that doesn’t really surprise me, honestly.  Hatae’s got a mean streak in her if you get her riled up.  It’s one of the things I really appreciate about her.  She’s really cute when she’s plotting revenge with her bondage games.  I think so, anyway, not that we’ve had that much time to really sit and ponder such things.  I can’t say I’d be opposed to the idea, though.  Erisaya does have her own brand of punishment for those who would wrong her, just take a look at my history clearing out that cult.  But perhaps a joint venture is indeed in order here, a little bonding between sisters, as it were.  I like the idea of punishing those responsible for all this trouble, ourselves included once the culprits are dealt with.

Oh, I can see through your façade, Confessor.  You’ve got the cold detachment and intimidating demeanor down well, but I can see your interest in seeing punishments properly dealt out.  There’s a glimmer in your eyes that only shows up when the subject comes up, that ever so slight shift in the way you sit that betrays your eagerness.  I wouldn’t have caught it were I not trained in the Erisayan arts, for our goddesses do share so much of their ways, after all.  What do you say, then, Confessor?  Would you be interested in seeing justice carried out?  And then presiding over some justice for our own wrongs, in the name of the Ladies?  Hatae and I can be a handful, I think; maybe we could use a firm hand to keep us in line throughout our little misadventure?”

#Lore24 – Entry #179 – Wild West Month #28 – Gods of the Peoples Who Are Not Our Own

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

There are many gods that exist alongside our Great Mother Saressh.  I have spoken of Lashana and her followers before, of how we sometimes have our disagreements, but do not seek conflict if it can be avoided.  This is not often the case with those of other gods, for not all gods are good, and not all gods are just.  As with the Many Peoples, there are many reasons that the gods do what they do, and why they guide their followers as they do.  Always be wary when dealing with those of the other gods; you may not know their intentions, but you can keep some things in mind.

Amongst the Gods of the Peoples Who Are Not Our Own is one that you should be very cautious of, the evil god known as Malvaxor.  His ways are deceptive, preaching of healing the sick and the mad, only to make those who fall for his treatments worse, often hidden within the new Fortresses of Stone and Metal.  There have been times terrible abominations of flesh have been created by his followers, and great plagues have spread because of his “healers”.  Though the followers of Malvaxor do not recognize the Many Spirits, they are doing the work of the Reaper Spirit without question. 

The followers of Goldeneyes, the Seekers of Knowledge, may seem trustworthy, but be cautious what you may reveal to them.  They seek to know all, even that which should remain sacred and amongst only the Kerra-Kerra.  Though they say they record this knowledge to preserve it, who is to say what others may use this knowledge for?  Always guard our secrets, especially around the followers of Goldeneyes. 

Though the God of Death, Mausolus, and his followers, do not often work with the Reaper Spirit in mind, for he is a vain and prideful god, and his ways are only of benefit to him.  Those seeking the death of a specific person will often ask for his favor, the bounty killers and assassins of those with great power Beyond the Great Walls, usually, but his influence is spreading into the Bitter Frontier.

If life in upon the Bitter Frontier has taught us anything, it is that chaos is firmly in control, and this is pleasing to Old Man Entropy.  Some say he knows not what he does, for he is mad, but this is not so; mortals simply cannot fathom the true nature of his ways.  Understand that all tries to return to chaos, and this is the ultimate goal of Old Man Entropy.  It is said that he sometimes will reveal himself upon the great buttes and mesas on nights of the full moon, appearing as a great steed composed of starlight twinkling in shadow, a great horn upon its head.  Be ever cautious of such a strange vision, for it is a sign to contemplate and consider well what may come.

Chief among the gods of the Orc People of the north is Mantok Badaxe, a great warrior god who seeks to guide his people beyond the ways of the raider and barbarian.  His people upon the Bitter Frontier do not listen often to him and may have even forsaken his teachings altogether.  A rare few, however, still seek to follow his ancient ways, and it is these orcs who are often reaching out to live amongst other peoples, to learn their ways and live “civilized” lives.  If that is the path they have chosen, then so be it; be wary of them as you would be for any outside the Kerra-Kerra, but if their intentions are true, they will find their own rewards with Mantok.

It is often difficult to say where you will find followers of the goddesses Erisaya and Yurisaya, for they are as two halves of the same being, one standing in light, the other in shadow, sometimes in a temple, sometimes in the Houses of Whores and Fire Water.  Generally, they are goodly, bringing healing and their chosen forms of “love and compassion” to the world, but this often brings with it stirred passions and its own form of chaos as the hearts and minds can be swayed by their ways.  Always be careful around them, for they know well the ways of the flesh, and can say sweet words that will twist the mind as surely as any dark sorcery to sway those to their ways of thinking. 

#Lore24 – Entry #164 – Wild West Month #12 – Followers of the Sister Goddess Lashana

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

It is told that during the Great Uproar, when the spirits of the world were still angry after they freed themselves and us from the Devil-Wardens, that chaos was everywhere.  Our ancestors who survived this chaos say that during the early days, when the land was still not settled, there were those who sought ways to bring order to the chaos who were not of the Kerra-Kerra.  These were the followers of the Sister Goddess Lashana, so called because she is as a sister to the Great Mother Saressh.

Great Sister Lashana called her people to the far eastern shores, beyond the Great Walls that would stand through the Uproar, and it is there they would gather the survivors who were agreeable to their faith to work together to survive.  To Great Sister Lashana, there must be order, and to have order, there must be laws, and so it is that those who are most faithful to her, the Justicars, try to spread law to the lawless and hunt down those who would break it. 

We rarely see the Justicars in our lands, though as more moons pass, their numbers have grown more common.  With the coming of the Howling Steel Chariots, those who the Justicars seek have spread to our lands, and so too have the Justicars who hunt them.  The Kerra-Kerra people handle those who wrong us in our own ways, though some tribes have taken to capturing the chaos-bringers and turning them over to the Justicars.

For now, we see the Justicars and those who follow the Great Sister Lashana as allies, though in recent times, some have disagreed with the ways of our people, and some no longer recognize that our goddesses are as sisters.  Siblings do squabble at times, so perhaps it is to be that our peoples too will squabble, though we hold no special hatred for them.  In the Lands Beyond the Great Walls, their laws are supreme, and here, we live free.  Freedom is as chaos to some, and so there will always be disagreement.

#Lore24 – Entry #146 – Muckenmyre Month #25 – Inside the House of the Lady of Justice

From the journal of Takara, Slave Inquisitor of the Stellae Illustris, Town Marshal of Grimbridge.

Entering into the temple, I found the interior to be somewhat sparse and simple in decoration, seeing Lashana’s symbol on display prominently on the wall hangings, but the actual area of worship reminded me more of a court room, with several rows of simple benches for seating, a box not unlike that a judge would sit behind instead of a more typical pulpit, even tables set before it like those that would be used by two parties presenting their cases, though these were currently filled with unremarkable pewter and silver candle holders, bowls, and the like.  I could see a trial being held here, and later, I would learn that was exactly what it was used for at times.

My eyes then went to the gray stone effigy of Lashana that stood above the altar, about ten feet tall, appearing as a human woman, eyes hidden by a red silk blindfold, wearing unremarkable robes while holding a scabbarded bastard sword in her hands, the scales upon the pommel balanced while large braziers bathed her in their light from either side.  I couldn’t exactly say then why I felt my heart racing as I looked upon her image and wouldn’t understand the reason until much later.

I was approached by a dwarven man after a few moments when I did not move from the doorway, his robes gray but fringed with a trio of silver threaded bands at the wrists and similar scrollwork on his chest and the collar of the robes.  His hair was brown and had more gray than not, the same with his neatly trimmed beard, and he wore silver-framed spectacles low on his nose.  He greeted me directly, introducing himself as Justicar of the Temple Detran Grayforge, asking if I sought justice, knowledge, vengeance, or perhaps a confession.  My confusion must have been plain upon my face, and certainly I couldn’t immediately form a response, for he then smiled and bid me to follow him to one of the benches to explain what it was that brought me into the Lady’s house.

I explained the business which had brought me to Ryanathyr specifically, which he seemed to heartily approve of, calling it “the Lady’s Work”, but then I explained that I was not of these lands and had come from the Empire, his visage darkening, and then rolled up my sleeve to reveal my slave brand, admitting that I knew nothing of Lashana, had only heard her name a few minutes before.  I sensed that some kind of anger had welled up in him, but he quickly hid it, rising and bidding me to follow him.  He led me behind the altar and into some of the private chambers reserved for confessions, retrieved a pitcher of water and cups for us, and we began to speak of why Lashana was not worshiped in my homeland.

I could not believe his words at first, my mind, long trained to reject such thoughts, immediately sounding the alarm bells of heresy.  The story he told me of the Great Cataclysm made no sense, contradicted most of what I had been taught, especially regarding the role the kerryn played in the events that lead to the upheaval of the world.  How could I believe that we were not responsible for the great breaking, that our goddess had been taken from us through treachery and conspiracy by demons, deities, and mortals alike?  He told me that our people had continued to fight on in the face of madness that swept through most of our priesthood when our goddess fell, against the Elvish Dominion that sought our downfall for our alliance with the long-extinct aerian people, that we had tried to stop the very cataclysm that we are blamed for within the Empire.  To add more to my confusion, he also told me that not everyone sees history in such a way, that the Elvish Greathouses tell a different story, that their accounts support the idea that the kerryn were the ones who brought forth the demons, that many more have their own histories that muddle the truth.  Lashana herself is quite clear on the matter, however, for she witnessed the downfall of Saressh, and this great injustice is what she seeks to avenge, and why she cannot be worshipped within the Empire.

So many things had just been told to me, so many contradictions to the truths I had been taught from birth, the facts of life that I knew to be just that.  I had never conceived that there could be another point of view, that I may have been lied to by the very Emperor I served with my utmost devotion.

It took some time before I realized that he had told me the name of the kerryn mother goddess, and that this was the first time I had ever heard her name. 


I was completely overwhelmed by this point, feeling as if my entire world had suddenly collapsed.  I could detect no deception in Justicar Grayforge’s words, no signs that he was trying to deceive me for some other purpose.  I had tears in my eyes, running down my face to fall upon my hands.  He laid a hand upon my shoulder, offered a prayer to Lashana to give me strength, to light my way in this time of vulnerability. 

I’m not sure how long it took for me to recover from my initial shock, but once I had regained control of my faculties, I excused myself, for I did not want to worry Satella.  I had far too much weighing in my mind now that I had to sort through, and it would take a long time for me to do so.  He understood, wished me the best on my journey, and said that I would be in his prayers, that I would be welcome within Lashana’s temple should I need a place to go.  Before he saw me to the door, though, he offered me a parting gift, a small book that explained Lashana’s faith, the nature of her justice, and of the Great Injustice she sought to remedy. 

I thanked him, holding the book to my chest once I departed.  I found Satella sitting nearby, and she immediately came to me, embracing me, for she could tell I was unsettled.  After enjoying the comfort of her embrace for some moments, I thanked her, and we made our way back toward the inn; it was already dark beneath the trees, though the sky above showed the sun was just now setting. 

As we approached the inn, my thoughts churning with uncertainty and many questions I had never before thought to ask, my heart nearly leapt from chest as we came upon the square near the inn.  My ears rose, and I froze in place, daring not even to breathe, for I heard voices speaking in a language I had not heard since I set out on my ill-fated voyage to the Dragon Isles.

It was the secret language of the Stellae Illustris.