#Lore24 – Entry #243 – Helica Month #31 – The Final Scroll Claimed, the Final Battle Begins

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

The Transgressor has come once again, this time it’s barely been thirty years.  If my calculations are correct, after its defeat this time, it will only take another twenty to twenty-five years to reappear.  Time grows dreadfully short for Helica, but I feel a certain amount of hope within my soul, a feeling I’ve not known in some many centuries, for Saghirah, along with the other Amaranths, have put their scheme into motion.  I have known of it for some time, given what I have learned and through the dreams provided me by the Amaranth, but have not written of it until now, for their enemies could not know of it should my texts fall into the wrong hands.

It was only now that I could possibly have claimed the final scroll from within Tyraguard, for a great tragedy has befallen the Church and a quiet chaos spread through their ranks.  My enemy for the last few centuries, the Summoner Most High, Lady Tephysea, has fallen.  The Church says that she passed from old age, but I know that was a lie.  Though I had sought to slay her myself for many centuries, it was not meant for me to do so.  Rather, she suffered betrayal all her own, and though I cannot confirm it, I have my suspicion that it may well have been her own son, Selanar of House Wynmaer, who was responsible, for he quickly ascended the ranks of the Church in the wake of her death, and the Sylvanae were quite fast to spread word of her passing quietly in her sleep, far too quick. 

I will know for certain soon enough, but at long last, I have claimed the final scroll of Saghirah, having gone into the Church’s most sacred places as a Knight Protector once more, this time with a summoner by the name of Baiharu and his Knight Protectors, his lifelong friend, known as Nyxon, and a man out of time known as Kenjiro, one brought here by none other than Saghirah herself.  Baiharu is remarkably open-minded, having been raised as a summoner only reluctantly before Tephysea’s death as he had come from a disgraced family that had been wiped out due to their heretical actions, but given the fewer numbers of those capable of summoning the Amaranths in this age (an entirely different topic for another time), the Church had little choice in the matter.  Perhaps they saw potential for a redemption story to sell to the people should Baiharu ultimately be successful.

I will certainly do everything in my power to see this through, for the coming of Kenjiro, plucked from ancient Grad Artanais by Saghirah herself, is the key to the ultimate victory for the Amaranths and the salvation of Helica.  More will I reveal soon, but for now, I will compile everything that was contained within the scrolls and await the right moment to reveal it all.  It is coming; at long last, it is coming, the end of this journey…one way or another it will end.  I continue to place my faith in the Amaranths, in my Empress Saghirah, for Helica has no other choice for its salvation. 

#Lore24 – Entry #242 – Helica Month #30 – The Final Scroll Revealed

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Another four Tranquilities have come and gone, and indeed, their duration is growing shorter each time.  The Church of Phyresis of course does not address this, rather, simply increases their rhetoric about remaining faithful and forsaking all that it has deemed to be anathema.  Now that they have secured their own malkikai defenses in Tyraguard, as well as soldiers trained in the use of firearms, my future task is going to be much more difficult.  For, you see, Saghirah has finally blessed me with knowledge of where her final scroll rests, and it is fully within the belly of the beast.

Indeed, it lies within the dark heart of Tyraguard itself.  I would have thought that the Church would have destroyed such a relic, but perhaps they have kept it intact just for me, hoping to draw out the one who has caused them no small amount of headache over the decades and centuries, for my truths have been a constant thorn in their side.  Though the buildup was slow, the fact that there have been a handful of minor uprisings against the Church is encouraging, even if they were quickly quashed.  It is pleasing that I have become such a bother for Tephysea and her machinations, and I gladly accept the title they have bestowed upon me of Heretic Most Foul. 

I must delve further into the nature of the Beasts soon as well, for I feel that a great many allies in the coming battle for the soul of Helica will be found amongst their ranks, once I learn the nature of what controls them, how their new flesh is formed.  The Tamers keep their secrets well, though, perhaps better than the Church itself.  Though I had thought their order had maintained its seat of power in Tyraguard all these years, I have managed to discern that this is not the case, that their true heart lies elsewhere.  One day, perhaps, I will find it, and discern the secret of the Beasts with it.

I have walked among the lands of the Phyresians without my Ketzeryn garb for some time now, keeping my profile low, using false names, changing my garb and appearance constantly, even performing as a most reverent worshipper of the false god.  I do not keep up with my journals as I used to, certainly, for by now I would have filled a library with my ramblings (a pleasant enough thought, but impractical for now), but do offer the occasional update when I return to one of the safe havens I’ve secreted about the world.  Helica has changed much over the years since I was blessed by Saghirah, yet plenty of its history remains, enough that I’m able to offer my insights to passing travelers as I encounter them, pondering a certain ruin, a particular statue of a lost heroic summoner, or a gouge in the landscape caused by a past battle with the Transgressor.  History is so much more exciting to tell when you can offer personal insights and experiences in the stories you share, and people are so much more likely to listen and take your stories to heart.  This is especially important when my tales subtly reveal the truths I have learned thus far.

#Lore24 – Entry #241 – Helica Month #29 – To Share Forbidden Knowledge

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

If anything good could be said about the current leadership of the Church of Phyresis, it is that, with the Most High Summoner Tephysea in charge, some advances have been made, and with the aid of the Ketzeryn, no less.  The Church has actually adopted long-range communication technologies that were recovered many decades ago by the Ketzeryn, who had used them to keep their own fleets in touch since their recreation.  Of course, I’m certain that this will lead to nothing good, and likely will be used to further tighten the Church’s control within its established borders, if not encouraging them to expand their holdings even further.

A more disturbing rumor has begun to spread amongst the Ketzeryn during the latest Tranquility that the Church had begun adopting more stringent security within its capitol of Tyraguard, specifically reclaimed machines of war from before the coming of the Transgressor, the ancient malkikai that even they have been reluctant to study.  Not all Ketzeryn clans are in lockstep with one another, certainly, have never been, and the fact that some may have broken away and made deals with the Church to further their knowledge of the lost technologies is not unexpected, but is nonetheless worrying.  And of course, the average person accepts it faithfully, for the Church has simply declared these machines bonkikai, for use by those within the Church to protect the people from further actions by the Transgressor and other enemies.

Until I can confirm the nature of these machines for myself, perhaps joining a trading ship bound to Tyraguard’s ports to have a closer look, I’ll withhold further judgement, but securing more power, no matter the cost, seems to be perfectly in line with Tephysea’s ways.  Given that she’s undoubtedly allied with the Transgressor at this time, it’s honestly not that surprising.  As such, I’ve taken a few steps to help unsettle that new power structure she’s building up, tp weaken the foundations, so to speak.  Firstly, I’ve made sure that the Ketzeryn are developing countermeasures to any such malkikai that may be on the horizon, mainly in the form of more effective firearms and specific loads charged with electrical energy, which these creations are more susceptible to; more reluctantly, they are developing their own bonkikai to combat those of the Church, using what has been salvaged from across Helica.  Secondly, using the resources that I’ve accrued over the years, I’ve set up various methods of disseminating the truth of the Transgressor that I have learned from Saghirah’s scrolls to the people.  I am certain that my printed texts and burst transmissions through the communications system will be condemned as the work of heretics, but it will be enough to begin putting doubt into the minds of those who haven’t been totally brought under the sway of Phyresis.  Given the fact that several criminal groups have sprung up in the last few decades, all dealing to some extent in materials the Church has declared illegal, there is no insignificant number of those people who perhaps would be willing to listen to my message.  It will be slow and arduous, certainly, but with proper caution and my seeming timeless nature, it will be effective, I am certain.

#Lore24 – Entry #240 – Helica Month #28 – The Third Scroll

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

It took us several weeks in the demon-infested seas to make significant headway on our excavations, for the Transgressor had been spotted before our arrival and had stirred them up.  Still, one must work hard for their rewards upon Helica, and my goal was clear.  Once we had reached the ancient city and surveyed it properly, I identified another shrine complex.  This time I would not be alone when venturing into it, for the seas were still dangerous.  Fortunately, I had a group of Drakonae warriors with me, and they were of a breed that were able to breathe underwater, so they were able to assist me in staying down much longer than usual with my work by carrying extra air tanks for me and were quite adept at fending off the demons. 

This shrine complex was mostly intact, though partially buried in centuries of silt and debris, so took some time to excavate, requiring multiple trips down.  I think the presence of Saghirah was somewhat unnerving to my dive-mates, especially when the eyes of her statue began to glow once they were uncovered.  We would later go on to uncover other shrines, and for those of the Amaranths that were still in existence, I could feel their presence now as well, though not as strongly as that of Saghirah.  With their return to this underwater shrine, the demon activity in the area lessened significantly. 

Soon enough, I would find the sacred chamber hidden beneath Saghirah’s shrine, sealed away from the accumulation of silt.  Even though it remained underwater for so long, the third scroll case was unmarred and seemingly as out of place in time as I am, appearing pristine in the gloomy water.  I would nonetheless work carefully to secure it within my pack for the return to the surface and would fight through my fatigue of the dive to see its secrets revealed before I would rest.  I had retrieved some of my previously cached knowledge in the short visits I had made to the mainland in the intervening years, and quickly added the new revelations of this scroll to my previous notes.  The picture has become much clearer now, and I know with absolute certainty that Helica has only so much longer left to live before the Transgressor is ultimately successful in its desire to see it utterly destroyed. 

All will be revealed elsewhere, however, for I have but one more scroll to find, though I know not where as of yet.  My work in assisting the Ketzeryn will continue in the meantime, until I can discern the final scroll’s resting place.  We have found knowledge that, if we are able to bring it into being, would change the face of Helica and potentially deliver a major blow to the iron-fisted control of the Church, though for now it is but a dream.

#Lore24 – Entry #239 – Helica Month #27 – Tranquilities Come and Go, and Yet I Remain

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

I would spend many years amongst the Ketzeryn, traveling amongst the many islands they called their home, in the regions where the Phyresians dared not venture.  I would visit many ruins, both above the sea and below, for the Ketzeryn have managed to restore ancient diving equipment to a mostly working order that allowed us to descend to depths I could never have imagined before, to see ancient buildings and wonders that were long forgotten.  Though much of the ancient technology we found was irreparable, some of the knowledge remained in the form of physical archives, though it would consume many of my years translating the languages that had long been forgotten.

The world of Helica is so much larger than I had once imagined it.  The largest of the continents are held by the Phyresians, while so many more were sunk below the waves in the centuries since the arrival of the Transgressor, either through its immense destructive power or the rising of the sea following the melting of what were once massive polar regions, housing cities and peoples all their own, many of which are now extinct upon Helica. 

I would spend only so long with certain groups, no more than a decade or so with each, before I would drift to another, exploring another region of the world.  The elves amongst the Ketzeryn knew there was something unnatural about me, and many of the shorter-lived races suspected it.  At last, nearly seventy years after I had first joined them, time enough for another Tranquility to come and go upon Helica, I would formally speak to the Ketzeryn elders about my mission.  By now, the seeds I had long been planting of the true nature of the Transgressor had begun to take hold in them, and I did not fear reprisal of any sort.  So, over the course of several days, upon the Ketzeryn’s most secure island home, Gallanholm, in their city of Abu Masfurah, I would for the first time relate my tale to the elders. 

The stir my story and knowledge caused amongst the Ketzeryn elders was significant, but at least they were willing to listen, whereas the Phresians would certainly have closed off their ears to such heresy and have had me killed or once more enslaved.  I sought only to continue my search for the remaining scrolls of Saghirah, to find the absolute truth of the Transgressor and see its destructive cycle end once and for all.  Some thought me insane, and I suppose I can’t blame them for that; I’m certain my time with Tephysea had left me a little unstable, but my nightmares of my frequent tortures had faded through the years, and it had been some time since I had awoken screaming and thrashing about as if possessed.

Word would arrive as our discussions came to an end of a new ruin site discovered in the eastern seas that looked promising.  That night I would be granted the first vision from Saghirah I had experienced since the one that had taken me into the wildlands, though I heard they have since been renamed and civilized since I was there.  It was clear that I had to be part of the expedition to this new site, for there I would the third scroll.  The elders would continue to consider how the knowledge I had given them would be used, and I was granted permission to continue my work with their blessings and would set off the following day.

#Lore24 – Entry #238 – Helica Month #26 – Anonymous

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

I had long suspected that the reason the Ketzeryn language was difficult for the Phyresians to master was not simply their unwillingness to do so, but because it was composed of words and phrases from many separate languages that did not always mesh easily together.  This would prove to be correct, for once I was accepted by the Ketzeryn, I would finally see them without the masks they wore in front of strangers.  The Ketzeryn themselves were composed of several Helican races, most prominently humans of various ancestries, but with significant numbers of Orcs (of which Captain Rojen was a member), Sylvanae who had forsaken or been ejected from their own people, the rarer race of elves known as the Sabaknae (traditionally associated with desert regions), and the exceedingly rare Drakonae, a race whose lineage supposedly can be traced to the ancient and mythical dragons that supposedly formed Helica in times long forgotten.

I would learn that they valued their anonymity, hence them always covering their bodies and faces almost totally, with only the humans tending to reveal any flesh for they were the most accepted by the Church, and hence why they would handle the trade and any interactions, while the others would remain hidden, though the Drakonae rarely ventured away from their many ports and bases, given their smaller numbers.  I would also confirm that they have little care for the One True God, for its policies would see them exterminated without a second thought, though they could not deny its power and sway over the faithful.

Though it would take more time, something of which I had plenty, I would tell them of my history as I grew into their society, and eventually tell them of my need to explore ancient sites.  Once I had become fully a member of their society, I would be allowed to travel to these places, of which they knew many, so that I may search for knowledge long forgotten and forbidden.  It was during this time that I began to drop hints of Saghirah’s truths to them, even finding them receptive to them.  Thus, I began to plant seeds amongst my new people, and thus I would continue my search for the scrolls. 

I would even have the opportunity to visit the partially sunken temple of Saghirah during my shipboard travels, though we did not linger long there.  The Ketzeryn, while not fully understanding the nature of the Amaranths as they are now, know of their power, and give wide berth to their temples.  In the case of Saghirah’s, they have only ever used a single room of her temple for storage of emergency supplies and as a dead drop for relaying information in uncertain times and have never ventured inside.  Though I was deathly curious to visit the Empress’s domain, I resisted my urge to delve deeper, for she had not called upon me, and had yet to provide any clues as to the whereabouts of the next scroll.  I suspect she was giving me the time I needed to build new relationships and learn more of the world now that the chains of Phyresis had been shattered fully, for I was still possessed of her blessing, and still had not aged since I had attained it.

The anonymity of the Ketzeryn would certainly prove a boon in hiding that blessing in the coming years.

#Lore24 – Entry #237 – Helica Month #25 – Among the Ketzeryn

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Though the Tranquility had ended again, and I was something of a mental wreck, my spirits rose upon our arrival in San Granalle, which had recovered in a remarkable fashion, having been rebuilt and seemingly grown even larger, if perhaps not as grand as it had once been.  The addition of several barrier walls in the waters surrounding the city were rather obvious, and I had my doubts they would provide any real protection, but perhaps their presence was enough. 

Though I had perhaps been expected to help with the Church ‘s work in return for their treatment of my injuries, I wasted no time in doing what work I must to gain replacement equipment for what I had lost, though it still seemed runic blades were in short supply, so I would be relegated to a conventional sword, though I did find a suitable staff I could use for my spellcraft.  I would spend some time gathering information about the state of the world while I was in San Granalle, learned what I had missed.  Many reforms were enacted while I was away, the lists of allowed and forbidden machines updated, a new order of knights created that would serve the people, keeping the demons at bay during the Tranquilities and to fight the Transgressor once the time came.  For a wonder not all of the elf bitch’s work had been bad, at least on the surface, but I trusted nothing of the Church now.

Another of the reforms would serve me well, however.  In the last two decades, an agreement of peace was made with the factions of the Ketzeryn, officially in the hopes of spreading the good word of Phyresis to them and getting them to repent their heathen ways, thus allowing them to visit Phyresian ports for trade, as long as they did not deal in anything forbidden.  I knew at once something else was going on but couldn’t immediately understand what that might have been.

So, I was easily able to find a Ketzeryn ship, and with some discussion with their masked representatives, was able to convince them to take me on as a new recruit, though my access would be limited until I had earned their trust.  Though they made use of the old technologies they found and managed to repair, the presence of a trained black mage and trained swordswoman was not unappreciated. 

I would tread lightly at first, learning the ways of tending to the shipboard duties as was required, and getting to know the crew as I could.  This was difficult given their language, most of them only speaking a broken common tongue if that, but I picked up on their speech quickly enough and eagerly conversed with them given any opportunity to do so.  The masks they all wore when outside of their private cabins made this task more difficult, certainly, but I persevered, and within a few weeks, had picked up a conversational understanding of the language.

By this time, they had finally started to trust me, admitting that they assumed I was a spy for the Church, as had been known to happen on several occasions.  They had been watching me, of course, and I knew it, but they were not unfamiliar with the ways of true Phyresians and had observed that my dedication to their practices and the faith in general had been lacking.  So, it came a couple months after I had joined the crew that, when we arrived at port upon one of the Ketzeryn’s island homes, I was invited by the ship’s captain, a man named Rojen, to go ashore and learn more of their people and ways, in return for sharing my reasons for wishing to join them.

It would prove to be an enlightening visit, and I would learn much.

#Lore24 – Entry #236 – Helica Month #24 – The Lost Years

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

One cannot appreciate the simple things in life, such as feeling the sun upon your skin, or the act of writing in one’s journal, until one has been forced to live as a Beast under the control of the Church of Phyresis.  I thought certainly that I was to be sentenced to death when I was captured along the banks of the Rusting River, but I was granted a “merciful” punishment by Tephysea and enslaved with the others who have displeased the Church, even with the truths I knew.

I did learn something of the process of creating a Beast when the sentence was carried out, and that the Order of the Tamers has a completely different meaning than the one that is commonly known, for it is they who are responsible for developing the process, and it is a special sect within their ranks that oversee its application.  I was placed within the lowest ranks of Beasts, the Servant Breed, my magical arts sealed away, and my leash extremely short. 

As a Beast, I would be made to serve my accuser, Tephysea, exclusively.  I would learn that she possessed a nature even more sadistic than what I had only guessed at before, and every little infraction was punished with pain that often times left me unable to move for several hours.  Though the rubbery flesh of a Beast is resilient to the elements and in the case of the hardier breeds, physical damage, it seemed that mine only amplified the agony I experienced.  Even more insidiously, all the while I was trapped within the new flesh, I was subjected to a constant psychic nudging to obey, serve, and worship the One True God, almost as if its very voice were in my head.  I do not yet know if this was a special punishment for me, or if all Beasts must suffer like this until they willingly accept the commands and do as they are told.  I am not sure if my mental fortitude was a blessing or a curse in all honesty.

I won’t further detail my time as a Beast, for I wish to forget as much of it as I can.  As Tephysea’s slave, I would learn disappointingly little, for I was hardly more than a pet for her to amuse herself with and was kept far away from her machinations.  The outside world may well not have existed for me, for my world revolved around her and her alone, and when I was not caged, I was being tortured behind closed doors. 

It is indeed a sad state that one finds themselves in when the awakening of the Transgressor is seen as a blessing, though this has led to another somewhat unsettling train of thought regarding the Beasts’ existence.  I am curious as to whether the Beasts are somehow magically preserved by their enforced state, for none who knew of my fate seemed surprised by the fact that I lived as long as I did without seemingly succumbing to old age or frailty. 

For, you see, it had been just over sixty years since I was made a Beast, and only the timely arrival of the Transgressor would see me freed of my sentence.  This time, when it came, the Wicked One came to Tyraguard itself and announced its presence by attacking the most holy of cities on Helica.  Tephysea was, conveniently enough, away from the city on one of my few reprieves from her cruelty.  Thinking back on the timing of her absences, I have come to realize what it was she was doing but will not discuss it here.

I am not certain how I survived the blast which destroyed the residences I had been secured within, but suffice to say I awoke sometime later, naked and bleeding on the newly expanded waterfront Tyraguard had gained, the Beast’s magical bond to me apparently broken by the Transgressor’s attack.  With the Sylvanae presence at a minimum given the timing of Tephysea’s absence, I was not recognized by the human priests who found me and took me to one of the treatment stations to tend my wounds, and no signs of my Beast flesh remained to clue them in, its magical anchors, the collar and shackles, melted away.

I wasted no time when I could finally move and hastily fled the city, blending in amongst the refugees bound south for San Granalle.  Though my mind and spirit were unsettled at the time, I would nonetheless plan to resume my journey once I had sufficiently recovered my senses, and I would pick up where I left off in this strange yet familiar world.  I feel it will be some time before my mind is at any kind of ease on my task.  I can still hear the voice of the One True God echoing in my head even though the influence of the Beast’s shell is gone, and I still suffer a keen paranoia and sensitivity to sensations that could only have come from my torture at the hands of the wood elf.  I was never one for vengeance, but it seems I may be developing a taste for it.

#Lore24 – Entry #235 – Helica Month #23 – An Unfortunate Meeting

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

In the weeks I had spent within the Wildlands, word of my survival had reached the ears of those whom I had hoped would ignore such a rumor, and upon my return to the Highlands, I found that the presence of the Church ‘s soldiers was greatly increased, and they possessed orders to apprehend me on sight.  There was no doubt about this, certainly, for I saw posters plastered in every village I came across with my likeness, decrying me as a heretic and a threat to common decency.  It took little imagination who it was that was responsible for such a decree.

I would not make it easy for them, however.  Though the Church’s gaze was practically everywhere, I had long ago learned many ways to travel unnoticed and was no stranger to living in the inhospitable wilderness that most would fear to tread without a proper armed escort.  So it was that I updated my cached documents in their many hiding places in the following days and weeks, avoiding people when I could, and disguising myself when I had no choice but to venture into civilization. 

I have yet to receive further visions from Saghirah, so I must busy myself with finding ways to funnel this information to those willing to listen and who may learn from it, to begin cracking the foundations of the Church, if you will.  A printing press would have worked wonders for this task, but alas, I cannot carry such a thing with me easily, and certainly could not risk remaining in one place too long.  Thus, I have decided that I will attempt to reach the first of those who may be willing to listen to me, the Ketzeryn.

[The following paragraphs have been scrawled hastily.]

Curse my luck!  I’ve been recognized by some of the fishermen that arrived at the docks as I attempted to secure passage down the Rusting River in the hopes of reaching the coast in a matter of days instead of weeks, and now the Sylvanae soldiers are on my trail!  I remember these men, for we had spent an evening with them as our Crusade traveled toward the Frozen-Tree Timberland.  I don’t blame them for the lies they’ve little choice but to believe, but I fear I may be captured unless I can find somewhere to hide, though I know of no such places along the river, and I am dangerously close to Sylvanae territory. 

I will hide this journal away in the ruins I’ve come across, part of those jutting from the ruined city that lies beneath the Rusting River.  May the Amaranths preserve me, for I fear that my time on Helica has come to an end.  The Sylvanae are literally coming out of the woodwork like a furious swarm; Tephysea cannot have me remain as a threat to her growing power.  Forgive me, Empress Saghirah, for I have failed you.

[No further entries have been made.]

#Lore24 – Entry #234 – Helica Month #22 – The Second Scroll

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

My travels would eventually lead me into the extreme northwest territory, a broken and shattered wasteland that once was perhaps a great city amongst the mountains, littered with ruins of the past.  There were even some rusted hulks of ancient forbidden machines laying amongst the rocky spires, some kinds of ships that were able to traverse the skies themselves.  It was this area that I had dreamed of, almost exactly as I found it now, right down to the tribal markings that indicated ownership by some monstrous race or another.  After some further exploration of the surrounding remnants, I approached the broken remains of another shrine complex, similar in layout to the one I had found in Grad Artanais, though in a much worse state, fully three-quarters of it broken off and vanished beneath the churning sea far below, ending at a crumbling, shear drop.  And yet, as I ventured inside, I saw that the shrine of Saghirah yet remained, and sensed her presence once again, though her statue was long ago shattered and defaced. 

With some effort, I found the hidden chamber I knew would be there, though I had to spend quite some time digging my way through the collapsed rubble.  The inner chamber was in a sad state as well, all but one of the additional visages of the Amaranth broken, most of the circular space filled with rubble from the collapse, but the altar remained, and upon it rested another scroll case.  Perhaps I was simply more jaded now, for the revelations contained within the ancient text were not as jarring to me as had been contained within the first scroll, but the information within was nonetheless enlightening. 

Given what I had witnessed in Grad Artanais and the betrayal that I had suffered, much of the true nature of Phyresis and the Church that worshipped it was brought to light, in glaring contradiction to the accepted truths they have spread across civilized Helica.  No more will I say here for now, for the time is not right, nor is this the right place.  I have brought a sufficient supply of materials that I may properly copy and retell all that I have thusly learned, and I will cache these copies safely away for the future, should I be unsuccessful in my efforts. 

Saghirah has entrusted this task to me, however, so I cannot allow myself to fail, for the sake of Helica and its people.