#Lore24 – Entry #270 – Fantasy Month III #27 – Alliances Beyond Borders

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Eri’s not wrong, of course.  After that last attack, I have no doubt that our enemies are working together.  There’s been an alliance made somewhere behind the scenes, somewhere far beyond the borders of this land.  Well, yes, of course, I mean my homeland, who else?  We’ve proven resistant to their attempts so far, but that has only made them more intent at this point.  I honestly would have expected that they would have tried to mount an assault on this place by now, honestly.

Oh!  I see!  I didn’t know this jail was protected against scrying…hmmm, well, that explains that, then.  Surely, they know where we are now, though, even if they can’t spy upon us directly.  There must be another reason…perhaps they’ve had a disagreement after their failure and the alliance is in danger of breaking… Either way, I can’t say that I’m happy knowing that they’re still lurking somewhere out of sight, ready to strike.  I enjoy being watched by adoring crowds, not lurkers in shadows!

I can understand the motives of the dark elves; they’re just following the orders of the woman in charge, whichever one that is.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my own mother, perhaps an aunt, even a sister, in all honesty.  Still, I can’t blame them for their actions, really; they’re only doing what comes naturally to them, given their upbringing.  No, the ones I actually feel most strongly towards are the twin twats…the fact that they’re so callous in their attacks as to endanger others with such destructive magic is just infuriating!  And I suppose whoever is in charge of them condones their behaviors, too, because they are still showing no restraint at all!

Well, you can bet that if I could get my hands on them, I’d show them restraint, alright!  All kinds of them, in fact, the most restrictive I could get my hands on!  A little rigged escape challenge, if you will.  Oh, I’m not good enough to give the likes of them an honest chance…just the illusion of a chance, you see.  Give them a little hope of escape, urge them on with promises of freedom and punishments for failure, which would be quite inevitable, of course.  I would quite like to put them through some of the penance trials of the Dark Lady.  Perhaps I could convince you to assist in that regard, Confessor?”

#Lore24 – Entry #269 – Fantasy Month III #26 – The Fires of Folly

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“I’m not happy about what happened.  We never meant for it happen, that I swear upon Erisaya’s good name.  We only wanted to slip in, find the information required, and get out without anyone noticing.  It was a shame what happened to the guild house, and no doubt they blame us for our actions leading to its destruction.  They’re not entirely wrong, certainly, and perhaps we can make amends for it.  I’m only thankful that nobody was seriously hurt aside from some of the mercenaries and dark elves. 

I’m certain the two groups were working together at this point, though.  The timing of the attacks…it was just too convenient to be a coincidence.  It’s the kind of thing I saw several times a few decades ago when I was rooting out a demon cult, where two groups seemed to be on opposite sides, only for us to find a combined front whenever we tried to wipe one of them out.  It would have made more sense for the dark elves to go inside the guild house, but for whatever reason, they didn’t.  Maybe it was something of a test of their trust in one another, each group attempting to claim the other’s quarry as a sign of good faith. 

Whatever the case, we’re still bound to Lady Jade’s will at this point and need to finish the work we’ve started in her name.  I gave her my word and will not break it, however long it takes.  Then we must deal with these dark elves and the twins and root out exactly who it is that seeks us.  I can understand why they’re after Hatae, but I can’t figure why they’re after me unless maybe that cult didn’t get entirely wiped out.  But we banished the demon from this realm, I completed the ritual of exorcism myself, and felt its presence, felt its outrage as I purged it from the world.  Surely it could not have returned, and no other demon would take up a cause of revenge for it…would it?  There must be another reason, something I don’t know yet…”

#Lore24 – Entry #268 – Fantasy Month III #25 – The Twats Strike Again

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“The protections provided by the lady of the Greenspire were eventually going to fail, as we knew, and the gods seemed to think it funny to have them fail as we were skulking about on the job for that merchant.  This one did not find it so funny. 

The forces of the Twats appeared through magic, for they could not have been there when first we traversed the guild house.  This one is certain of it; this one’s nose does not deceive her.  Their mercenaries rushed us, tried to catch us by surprise, while the Twats used their magic to attempt to subdue us.  The red one was angry that Eri was not with us, and the blue one complained that she had not enough time during her divinations.  This got the red one angrier, and then she started flinging fire spells at us. 

This one doesn’t like those two at all.  She wouldn’t mind tearing them apart with her claws, but they are just as tricky as they are dangerous.  We had what was required of us, so we made our escape, through this one’s wood-warping magic and through the bard’s illusions.  By the time we reached the outside, we found half a dozen dark elves stirring around the place, already engaging Eri and Siduri.  This one knows not what magical means they use to track us, but this one is getting very tired of it.  The dark elves were not familiar to this one’s nose, so we had not encountered them before.  This one assumes there are several groups of them at work hunting Hatae. 

The Twats reappeared as we were finishing off the dark elves, but by then the city guard had finally been called, as had the guild’s enforcers, and they made themselves scarce.  This one was ready to make another escape, but Eri spoke against the idea, and so we are here now, having this conversation.  This one hopes you’ve enjoyed it, because this one is done talking now.  This one’s blood is stirring and this one is growing tired of these walls.”

#Lore24 – Entry #267 – Fantasy Month III #24 – A Fine Mess

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“Things happen for a reason, I reckon; the will of the gods, some random fate, a trick of luck, whatever you want to call it.  I’m by no means an investigator, I’m just here to bash heads and draw steel when needed, as long as the money keeps coming.  I could care less about some rich merchant, but the job was to help him with his trade war or whatever, so I had at least listened with half an ear, though I’d leave the clue-finding to the others.  

First couple of days we were just snooping around the city, looking into whatever clues this Albrecht guy had managed to get his hands on.  I was bored and restless, too much law and order in a place makes it pretty tedious for someone like me.  I stayed on watch, figured that one of the groups who were hunting us would make an appearance sooner or later, probably when we were good and vulnerable. 

And you know what?  I was right!  Hatae, Teelsa, and Kazumi were uh…looking more deeply into a particular chain of clues we’d found, which may or may not have led into a particular guild house.  I’m not admitting to anything, here!  I was outside, enjoying the night air and the pleasant weather, okay?  Eri was there with me, you can ask her; we were just chatting and watching the night liffe.  You ever try keeping an eye on a pair like Hatae and Teelsa, or someone who can turn into a housecat at will?  In a city like this?  Well, somehow, I don’t know how, mind you, there was some kind of disturbance inside that guild house, and the next thing we knew, the upper floor windows on one end blew out and there was fire everywhere. 

Well, being the good and responsible kind of person I am, I decided to go help out, you know, getting the residents out safely and all that.  Just so happened that was when the dark elves decided to show up again.  If you ask me, the whole situation had turned into a real fine mess!  And where was the city guard?  Who knows, cause I sure didn’t see them around!  At least, not until we’d already dealt with most of the trouble!  If you’re looking for someone to blame, I’d say it’s them!  They weren’t properly vigilant!  Maybe they were even in on it!  Have you tried questioning them?”

#Lore24 – Entry #266 – Fantasy Month III #23 – A Most Noble Patron

As Told by Teelsa “the Fleetfooted” Dawndancer

“Ah, yes, of course, I will most happily oblige of course, good Lady Confessor!  For you have been a most gracious host you see, and it wouldn’t be quite proper to deny you a tale so grand!  Why, once we departed the magnificent temple district…oh, and might I say, the temple of Erisaya was most inspiring, such fine construction!  Perhaps one day I shall work up the courage to visit the temple of your goddess, but I must say, I find her ways a bit too forceful for my liking! 

Where was I?  Ah, yes, our most noble patron with whom we were to shortly be introduced!  It is no secret, surely, that we met with the most honorable Lochlan Albrecht; even I had heard of his trade business in this region, and his investments in the arts of Arcavarlon.  I must say, it came as no surprise that the Lady Jade was associated with the good fellow given her reach.  And he was quite generous with the meal which he offered to us as well; I had not enjoyed such a fine spread in quite some time.  Though I adore traveling to new places, I really don’t care for the traveling, you know?  I’d much rather enjoy the comforts of the city and not the dirt and the grime and the weather.

Oh, yes, quite right, I do seem to be going off on a tangent, don’t I?  Well, anyway, as I was saying, following our most wonderful meal, we got down to business.  It seems that the Albrecht company had been beset by some unfortunate setbacks, not only from the bandits that have taken up in the regions outside of Arcavarlon, but within its gates, too, for several long-time customers had been driven away to other transporters and many shipments had gone missing before they even reached his warehouses!  To my keen mind, that sounds very much like something nefarious is afoot!  He had his suspicions, some little proof, though, so he needed some talented individuals to look into the matter with utmost discretion, some who were not of the city so that he could be sure of where our loyalties may or may not have lain.

Ah, the intrigue!  This is why I so enjoy the big cities!  One can find inspiration for song and tale wherever one looks!  I have already began composing a new song in fact, though it is in a far rougher state than that of my previous song, but nonetheless, I shall regale you-

Some people just don’t appreciate fine art… Very well, I shall endeavor to keep to the topic without the benefit of my verses, though it shall be a most unflattering telling.  What is it with the chill in the air?  Are you certain there are no arcanists working nearby?”

#Lore24 – Entry #265 – Fantasy Month III #22 – Visiting the Temple of Yurisaya

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, it was wonderful!  I’d always heard about the grand temple, had wanted to visit it for so long!  I’m so happy that I’ve finally gotten to do so!  I have to admit, I’m a little envious of you, Confessor, since you can go there whenever you like and all.  But yes, it’s something of a dream come true for me!  I wasn’t prepared for just how big it really is, nor how strongly the Dark Lady’s presence could be felt there.  Even though I’m not a priestess, I could feel her power within its halls, almost like she was caressing me!  It was almost as if I could touch her power if I but prayed a little harder…

But you know that, I’m sure!  My only disappointment was that I couldn’t spare the time then to partake in some of the rituals with the clergy, though I did take time to speak to several of them while I was there!  I was actually surprised to see that there were so many dark elves amongst their ranks here, and to learn that there was some mistrust of the church here because of that.  Personally, I feel that any of us who can willingly denounce the ways of the Mantis Queen in favor of Yurisaya will be better off for it!  I didn’t feel any of the pressure there amongst my kind like I did back home, none of the paranoia or mistrust!  It was wonderful!

If it weren’t for the business we had to deal with, I would’ve spent the night there at least, maybe a couple days, if I’m being honest.  Of course, I wouldn’t want to leave Eri and the others high and dry, of course.  There will be time enough later for that, I think, and maybe Eri and I can spend some time together in either temple once we settle matters with the Twin Twats and the dark elves.

Speaking of the dark elves…some of the clergy did clue me in on who may be responsible for hunting me.  They still keep in contact with their family back home, and to absolutely nobody’s surprise, there’s a new power struggle amongst the topmost houses, and mine is in the thick of it.  So, it seems, I’m to be a bargaining chip for someone, or insurance for my family in case my mother or sisters finally get brought down by that madness.  If they could only find their way to Yurisaya…”

#Lore24 – Entry #264 – Fantasy Month III #21 – Visiting the Temple of Erisaya

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Of course we wasted no time in visiting the temples since we had to wait before we met with Lady Jade’s associate.  Neither Hatae nor myself have been to Arcavarlon before, and we’ve wanted to visit their grand temples for quite some time now.  There’s no official doctrine or anything that says one of the faithful has to make a pilgrimage, but that’s kind of what it felt like in a way.  It probably wasn’t the best idea for us to split up, but we felt little danger in the temple district, could feel the reassurance from our goddesses as we neared that all would be well.  Teelsa came with me, Siduri went with Hatae, and Kazumi went wherever she pleased.  I lost sight of her when she changed into a cat, but she’d assured us we’d know if she spotted any of our hunters nearing.

I’m certain the Ladies wanted us to see them too; I’ve never felt closer to Erisaya than I did when I entered her temple here, much more intensely than any other I’d visited before.  It was…almost like coming home, I guess you could say, especially with how I was greeted by several of the priests and priestesses.  They knew I would be coming, and made me feel so welcome… It had been some time since I’d last spent time in prayer and given that I am one of the Rose’s Thorns, that seemed like an oversight I’d better correct.

You can relate, I’m sure.  The ways of Yurisaya are different, but not entirely unalike.  Confessors aren’t entirely unlike a Thorn; we both seek truth in our own ways, defend the faith and the faithful with our power, though our methods are quite different…  I can only imagine what it’s like to be able to visit the temples as often as you, living here and all.  I thought they’d be closer to one another, though.  Anyway…

Thank you for understanding; I appreciate that you’re not pressing me to know more of my time within the temple.  Nothing that went on there is relevant to what you’re wanting to know, I promise.

It was evening by the time we met back up and headed toward our meeting.  Sure enough, Kazumi found us on the way out of the temple district, just suddenly appeared walking alongside us, munching on some roast mutton.  I swear she can be as stealthy as Hatae when she wants to be.  She hadn’t spotted anyone she could recognize as having attacked us before, but admittedly she wasn’t accustomed to just how many people there were around the city, so she admitted she could have simply missed them in the crowd.  We remained vigilant but were unmolested on our way.  The real trouble wouldn’t start until the following day.”

#Lore24 – Entry #263 – Fantasy Month III #20 – Another Horrible City

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“This one doesn’t like cities, never has, and Arcavarlon is no different.  Too many people, too little reverence for nature, too much distraction… Even the air coming in from the Great Canoma Bay does little to ease this one’s nerves in a place like that.  It was all this one could do to make herself go within its walls…so little in the ways of trees around, only a few small parks, nothing for miles around!  Terrible!

This one did not care what the others had been tasked to do; she was there to hunt those responsible for harming her forest first and foremost.  She knows not the details of the deal, only that we were to aid one of the influential persons in Arcavarlon with some task that could only come from the corruption born of the cities.  Has this one mentioned she doesn’t like cities?  You are aware of how sensitive a kerryn’s sense of smell is, yes?  This one’s is much stronger than that, you see, and this one struggles to ignore everything she doesn’t need to in large places like Arcavarlon.  Think of it like when a sudden flash blinds you, of when your senses are vastly overwhelmed and overpowered.  Yes, this one could learn to deal with it, but that means spending time in cities, and that is something this one never wished to do.

Once we had settled in at one of the inns, word was sent to arrange to meet the person in question, but that wouldn’t be until later.  This one had time to explore, try to make some sense of the chaos that is Arcavarlon.  She would spend much time in the shape of a regular cat, listening, watching, learning paths and routes through the mess, finding the pockets of nature she could in the parks, pondering why nature hadn’t reclaimed the abominable city by scouring it from the land through great storms or ice from the northern reaches of the sea.  This one saw many things while she watched, some good, some bad, many people just trying to survive.  This one may speak of dire matters and affronts to nature, but not all are capable of surviving as this one does amongst the druids.  There have been many debates in this one’s time about such matters in the circles, but this one wishes not to bring them up now.

This one would watch and wait while the others visited the temples to their gods in the time we had before we would meet with the one Lady Jade had sent us to assist.  This one reveres the spirits of the land above all, though this one admits to being curious of the nature of the lost kerryn mother goddess.  This one has had opportunity to speak with some of the nomadic kerryn clans that roam the land of their searching for the goddess, and until she came here, this one had no idea that such hopes still existed, for this one was raised to think that the kerryn were forsaken by the gods for past evils.  Nature is much simpler to understand than the gods.”

#Lore24 – Entry #262 – Fantasy Month III #19 – Cutting a Swath All the Way to Arcavarlon

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“You know, I’ve thought about what you said about Teelsa.  Does her keeping things from me bother me?  Yeah, no question about that.  I don’t like being jerked around and lied to, but she is a bard, and you can’t really trust them not to try something like that.  They’re almost as bad as thieves in that regard, only difference is you can usually hear them coming because they can’t shut their mouths, right?  Well, anyway, let her keep her secret a while longer; I’ll get it out of her eventually.  Sounds like she’s earned some time with my whip after this mess…

Well, after that dark elf ambush, we weren’t taking no shit from anyone on the way to Arcavarlon, I can tell you that.  You can thank us later for clearing up some of your bandit problem on the road between there and Greenspire, by the way.  Some coin would be fitting enough.  I’ll not hold my breath.  We must have killed nearly two dozen of them, kept thinking a bunch of women were easy pickings, I guess, but they weren’t prepared for us.  Would’ve taken time to clear out their dens, but we had more lucrative things on the menu. 

Cleared out one of them, though; got held up in Orzyn after it got raided and the ferry was burned, along with several other buildings in town.  Guess you’ve heard all about that situation already, though, you’re looking bored.  Guess you don’t really enjoy a good interrogation without a bit of torture, huh?  Not volunteering, just saying.  So yeah, that took us a few days, tracked them down, recovered what we could, brought in a mess of ears, that kind of thing, while we waited for the ferry to be rebuilt.  Doing a good deed, you know.

Anyway, we finally made it to Arcavarlon so we could get this business for Lady Jade settled, and that turned into another mess.  Guess that’s why I’m sitting here, huh?  Don’t know why, really.  I mean, it was legitimate business, a favor for a favor and all that.  Oh, that fire?  No, that wasn’t us, lady, and the fact that you’d try to pin that on us pisses me off!  Do I really need to spell it out?  It was the Twats again!”

#Lore24 – Entry #261 – Fantasy Month III #18 – An Illusive Deception

As Told by Teelsa “the Lively” Dawndancer

“It’s quite true, my fair Confessor, that I am something of an adept when it comes to the art of illusion, as any who have witnessed my performances can most easily verify!  For what is a spectacle that does not spark a sense of wonder, which lacks a grand flare to solidify it in the minds of those witnessing it, if not utterly and irredeemably forgettable?  Why, I have indeed used my talents with illusory magic to aid our escapes on several occasions as well, to draw attention away from us or make it appear that we have gone a different way, and for the most part, those knaves who pursue us have been fooled by them. 

Not so with the dark elves!  They have proven quite adept at peering beyond the illusory veil, and I daresay they’ve been granted an enchantment most magical to see through them, for in our brief encounter with them upon the road, my magic seemed quite ineffective.  Of course, that could have just been the fact I could barely speak or see for their foul poisonous mixture that they employed ruined my performance… But I ask you, good Confessor, what of the possibility?  Is it not possible?

I have given the matter which we had discussed previously some thought, and though I shall not reveal my true form to you just yet, I will admit that my usual appearance is drastically different than what you see before you now!  No, I shan’t reveal myself until the time is right, when my companions can witness it for themselves as well, for no doubt you’ve told them of my deception in an attempt to drive a wedge between us!  Only time will reveal the truth of the matter, I’m afraid, time and a most grand reveal!

Ah, it seems that chill has returned.  You um…aren’t going to try and torture the truth out of me by chance, are you?”