LORE24 ENTRY #17 – Kanna the Crusher

Category – Person

Kanna “The Crusher” is a famous pit-fighter known across multiple systems for being the most skilled fighter around.  Based on the planet Ruvale, she runs “The Crush”, a spacer’s bar and fighting arena where she is the reigning champion with an ongoing challenge to anyone willing to accept it:  beat her in a fight, win the big prize, which is currently over 200,000 credits.  Though many have tried, none have managed to defeat her in a fight.

Kanna is a massive female orc, standing over seven feet tall and is built like an equinarian (meaning she’s loaded with muscle and appears to be amongst the strongest humanoids walking), her green skin covered in intricate tribal tattoos in red and white inks, and below those dozens of scars from her many fights, her shoulder-length hair also white, unkempt and wild, her eyes a distinct reddish tint.  Kanna’s muscular form is rarely covered in more than a furry bikini with matching furry bands around her wrists and ankles.  She is not known to have ever been spotted wearing shoes, either.  Outside the ring, she is friendly and outgoing, often mingling with her customers and getting to know them as they enjoy some food and drink and the other entertainment her establishment offers.

In a fight, however, she is all business.  Kanna can certainly be vicious, but unlike many orcs, seems to control her bloodlust, never letting herself get flustered or out of control.  Her movements are always intentional, no movements wasted, as are her strikes.  To date, there hasn’t been a challenger who has managed to best her in battle, her knowledge of unarmed fighting styles seemingly unmatched.  Depending on the attitude of the challenger, she may not hesitate in simply putting them down for the count, or she may play with them, trading maneuvers and wearing them down, drawing them in to see if they have predicted her feints.  Though Kanna is a master of many styles, as her moniker implies, she has a preference for grappling.  A vast majority of her fights end with her opponents being crushed in her arms or between her legs, or even underfoot, with her twisting their limbs in a painful submission hold.  Rumors persist that she gets quite excited having smaller beings under her feet, but thus far, nobody has been brave enough to confirm the rumors.

Unbeknownst to nearly everyone, Kanna is not only amongst the deadliest unarmed fighters in the known galaxy, but she is also a skilled arcanist, casting spells of moderate power, though her true talents are in tattoo magic; many of her tattoos were created through her own efforts, and provide various benefits to her.  Those who are aware of her arcane talents assume that she has enhanced her body with her magics, and it is her magical tattoos which are responsible for her impressive combat abilities.  The truth of the matter is known to only Kanna herself and Shi Sukimori, the kerryn arcane gunslinger whom mentored Kanna in the mystic arts, though there are rivals who, having found out about Kanna’s magical tattoos, are plotting to find out the truth for themselves, whatever it may take. 


LORE24 ENTRY #6 – Soletta Valkyr

Category – Person

The current CEO of Enduritelligence Microsystems, Soletta Valkyr is known to be somewhat eccentric, perhaps more so following the tragic and mysterious death of her husband amidst a battle for the soul of her company against the monolithic megacorporation of DSM.  Though initially she had strong support from the board, her support has steadily been dwindling after a series of accidents befell her most strident allies; everyone knows DSM is responsible, but nobody can prove a thing.

Perhaps due to the stress of the situation, Soletta and her trusted halfling assistant and voice of reason, Tizzy, set out without warning aboard her personal luxury ship, the Rosen Opal, disappearing beyond Sentinel Prime into the recently opened Demon Sector, their last known location being Aphelion station on the far side of the Demon Barrier.  Several parties are interested in locating her in order to allow a vote to go through that will determine the future of the company, and whether it becomes just another DSM subsidiary.

Soletta is a human, in her mid forties, of average height, still considered quite attractive, with long platinum-blond hair and a shapely figure.  She is known to be something of a gambler outside of her work, though whether she is actually good at it or not is up to interpretation.  She can be somewhat scatterbrained, and relies heavily on Tizzy to keep her on course and (mostly) out of trouble.  Deep down, she likes the idea of relinquishing control of the company, but for the memory of her husband, she stubbornly maintains holds on, in defiance of DSM’s looming presence.  

With time running out and the situation quickly becoming more and more dangerous thanks to DSM’s agents, Soletta has found new allies within the Demon Sector, and has gone through steps to ensure that she won’t easily be found, and will endeavor to do anything she can to make sure the future of Enduritelligence Microsystems is secured and outside of DSM’s reach.