#Lore24 – Entry #261 – Fantasy Month III #18 – An Illusive Deception

As Told by Teelsa “the Lively” Dawndancer

“It’s quite true, my fair Confessor, that I am something of an adept when it comes to the art of illusion, as any who have witnessed my performances can most easily verify!  For what is a spectacle that does not spark a sense of wonder, which lacks a grand flare to solidify it in the minds of those witnessing it, if not utterly and irredeemably forgettable?  Why, I have indeed used my talents with illusory magic to aid our escapes on several occasions as well, to draw attention away from us or make it appear that we have gone a different way, and for the most part, those knaves who pursue us have been fooled by them. 

Not so with the dark elves!  They have proven quite adept at peering beyond the illusory veil, and I daresay they’ve been granted an enchantment most magical to see through them, for in our brief encounter with them upon the road, my magic seemed quite ineffective.  Of course, that could have just been the fact I could barely speak or see for their foul poisonous mixture that they employed ruined my performance… But I ask you, good Confessor, what of the possibility?  Is it not possible?

I have given the matter which we had discussed previously some thought, and though I shall not reveal my true form to you just yet, I will admit that my usual appearance is drastically different than what you see before you now!  No, I shan’t reveal myself until the time is right, when my companions can witness it for themselves as well, for no doubt you’ve told them of my deception in an attempt to drive a wedge between us!  Only time will reveal the truth of the matter, I’m afraid, time and a most grand reveal!

Ah, it seems that chill has returned.  You um…aren’t going to try and torture the truth out of me by chance, are you?”

#Lore24 – Entry #260 – Fantasy Month III #17 – The Grand Game

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Being a Confessor, I suppose you’ve had plenty of experience navigating the ins and outs of high society.  Well, that kind of thing is on a whole other level when it comes to how it’s done in my homeland, we even call it the Grand Game.  Though the dark elves that managed to track us down and attacked us that night hid their house affiliations, I could still figure out some details about them that might be useful.  They’re from a very influential house, for one; their equipment was of the best quality, enchanted even, and they were highly trained for stealthy kinds of actions, the kind where you kidnap people and hold them for leverage.  Their use of that poison gas was a pretty clear indicator of that!

There were no women with them, at least not in that particular attack party, though the one in overall command would have to be female, probably a priestess, and in good standing with the Mantis Queen.  We were hidden from normal scrying at the time, so they still managed to find us somehow…that implies either stronger magic at work, possibly from the Mantis Queen herself, OR it means they’ve got a lot more resources at their disposal and have eyes everywhere, scouts spread throughout the whole region.  Could even mean both, really.  So, that narrows it down even further to only the highest-ranked houses, likely one of the Grand Convocation.  That could mean it’s either my family who is still upset that I’ve left, or one of their three main rivals, who wish to use me for leverage against them…or it could also be that one of the others has ideas for how they could use a rogue noble… Guess it’s good to be wanted so much?

That little attack also told us the two groups are likely not working together anymore.  I would have suspected some arcane assistance from those twins if they had been, but there was none of that, no signs of any mercenaries who were associated with them.  So…that meant we could potentially turn them against one another given the right situation, but it also meant that we couldn’t exactly predict when or if the other group would track us down.  It’s all the paranoia and plotting that really gets me about my homeland, you know?  I hate that my mind can still work like that after all these years, even though I’ve tried to forget all about it.  But they keep dragging me back in, I guess…

Well, we were on alert for any further attacks after that, and they knew it.  Even though we couldn’t spot them, I know they were following and watching; Kazumi knew it too, and she was getting pretty antsy about it the whole time.  Another thing about dark elves, and elves in general I suppose…we can be very patient.  They were waiting for a better opportunity to strike, one where they’d be assured success.  Eri’s a little on the brash side for an elf, though; I think that’s one of the things I really like about her!

No, no, I never got the impression that Siduri or Teelsa were working against us.  An illusion, you say?  Hmm, well, that’s unexpected, but I traveled with her a while before that night in the Bronze Unicorn, and I never got the impression that she was plotting anything.  Maybe she’s just not happy with her normal appearance?  No, I wouldn’t think she’s spying on us, I’d trust her with my life.  Siduri…well, I can’t say I know her that good, obviously, but I think she’s rather honest with her desires.  Although…she does have a very mercenary attitude at times, so if there was enough coin involved…maybe she would turn against us…”

#Lore24 – Entry #259 – Fantasy Month III #16 – The Dark Elves Strike

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Everyone has their secrets; that should be no big surprise to you.  I don’t know much about Kazumi, and I don’t go digging into people’s past.  They tell me what they will, and that’s fine for now.  Until I’ve got some kind of evidence of a betrayal, so what?  Teelsa’s a bard, illusions are a thing they do.  Ask about something else if you have to know, or let me out of here.  I’m getting real tired of this waiting.

That’s not changed; if I had any clue why a bunch of mercs were hunting me down, I’d gladly tell you.  I’ve asked Erisaya many times for guidance, but she kept urging me to Arcavarlon and staying light on the details.  I guess she wants me to discover my past for myself.  That’s fine too.  Everything happens as it does, even though I’m usually fighting against it somehow…

Yeah, we made it clear of Greenspire without trouble, even enjoyed almost a week of travel without sighting any followers.  Those dark elf hunters, though, they’re something else.  Hatae said it was something to do with training they’d kept from their days living in the really deep caverns, how going unnoticed was an absolute requirement or something; she’d know more.  They had picked one hell of a night for their ambush, I’ll give them that.  A new moon and a storm coming in.  Even Kazumi didn’t pick up on their presence till the last moment when she shouted out a warning to us while we were taking our turns sleeping. 

Bastards had planned it well, though.  First thing they did was toss some kind of concoction of theirs into the campfire that covered the area in a smoke filled with some kind of poison that slowed us down, making us very sleepy, and choked Teelsa out from casting her spells, to say nothing of clouding our vision.  Had Kazumi not been on the outskirts of the camp, I’d say they would’ve had us; she whipped up a good strong whirlwind to blow the poison cloud away and at least gave us a fighting chance; had they simply wanted us dead, it would’ve been a lot easier for them, but since they were trying to capture us alive, we had enough of a chance that things evened out once the air had cleared, even if we were moving slow.  The Sisters were watching out for us that night, I’d say.

Yeah, we drove them back, killed a few of them, and we weren’t too badly injured, and we knew they wouldn’t make the mistake of attacking with Kazumi on watch again; I’d say she put a big target on herself that night.  Still not rightly sure how they tracked us, though; I’m figuring the twin twats that are hunting me were the ones using the scrying magic Lady Jade told us about, and the dark elves were doing something different.  Pick Hatae’s brain on that one; she knows her people far better than I do.”

#Lore24 – Entry #258 – Fantasy Month III #15 – Catching Rats

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“This one is sated for now, Confessor, though this one was disappointed the captain did not deliver her meal.  Perhaps this one is more agreeable now that the beast within is sated…what answers do you seek now?

This one knows little of the events that took place inside the Greenspire, for she spent most of her time outside of it and on the outskirts of the city.  This one was hunting for those who had sought this one’s companions.  Though this one does not trust the lady of the tower, this one accepted a trinket that would shield her from the scrying that we had been warned of, for it would make hunting easier.  Yes, this one was successful in finding some of those who had burned the wood, though not those twin mazoku, only lesser, spies sent to root us out.  This one thinks they knew little about hunting large cats, you see; most kept forgetting to look up.

This one learned little that was useful, though.  They knew who they hunted, that they were meant to be returned alive, but not why they hunted, only that the coin in their sacks was worth the risk.  This one has little use for coin, but this one kept what she found for the others to ease traveling.  They take so much that is not needed with them…

Yes, this one did encounter some of the dark elves as well, though they were much more subtle, more keen to avoid this one’s hunting.  They are sly, these dark elves, very much wary of being spotted, and capable of adapting and setting traps for large cats.  This one observed from afar, did not engage more with them, not without the others.

This one would venture to the Greenspire a few times to check in, and after a few days, this one was restless to be on our way.  Finally, we set out through a hidden tunnel to hide our departure from the tower, coming out in familiar woods to begin the journey to Arcavarlon.  No pursuers were waiting at the time, though the dark elves would be the first to find us on the road, using methods this one is not certain of.  Perhaps there is more to the power of their Mantis Queen than even Hatae knows? 

A spy amongst us?  Hmm…no, this one is certain that is not the case.  This one is observant, this one senses no deceptions.  The bard?  No, you are mistaken.  That one is simply acting as her nature dictates.  She is not human, and her kind are rare in these lands; it is easier for her to travel in her human guise.  When did this one find out?  From the first meeting of the party, of course; her scent was quite distinct, even beneath the kobold smell that clung to them, and this one’s nose is trained to know its prey.  No, this one is not from these lands, and this one is not speaking more of it.  This one wishes to forget the past.”

#Lore24 – Entry #257 – Fantasy Month III #14 – Leashes and Lashes

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“It’s drugged, isn’t it?  Some kind of sorcery to compel the truth from me, no doubt!  I know how you Confessors operate!  Anything to wring the truth out of someone!  Well, I can assure you that I’m absolutely in a dealing kind of mood, and really wouldn’t want you to have to resort to torture; I’ve heard you can make people scream for days and beg for more… So… with that in mind, I’ll play nice as a favor to you, one I expect to be repaid at some point, and tell you all about what went on in Lady Jade’s place.

So, she’s this excentric rich noble, right?  Well, she’s kinky as hell, too.  You probably guessed that much after your talk with Teelsa, but I’d bet that blustering bard didn’t even get around to scratching the surface before you started losing focus.  Well…maybe not.  The ‘songbirds’ thing?  It’s kind of literal, actually.  She likes to keep people in cages and make them sing for her while they wear ridiculous costumes.  And when I say sing, sometimes its actual songs, other times its pure pleasure, and other times its pain and pleasure.  Yeah, I can sort of understand that, sure, but she’s just a whole other level.  I’m not proud enough that I don’t recognize when I’m out of my league. 

Anyway, that performance?  Yeah, I got to play with Eri and Hatae quite a bit that night.  There…might’ve been some ah…substances involved that kept us going and got us a little looser than we’d been up till that point…but that was one hell of a party!  I made those two make all kinds of pretty sounds that I’m sure someone in your position could appreciate, and they were begging for more and more!  Absolutely couldn’t get enough of my lash as they squirmed on the ends of my leashes!  Don’t let Eri’s bluster fool you; she’s pure submissive once you get her collared and show her who’s in charge.  Hatae is naturally that way, doesn’t try to hide it, revels in it, really, might even really see it as a full on religious experience.  Guess it kind of was; I’d imagine the whole affair wasn’t too far removed from one of your Yurisayan celebrations.

Oh, the loud-mouth?  She was putting her mouth to good use that whole time.  Singing, mind you, not where she needed to put it.  The boss lady seemed happy enough with her performance, though her attention was mostly on the three of us.  No, there weren’t any guests that I could see; lighting was bad and I’m only human, but I only ever saw Lady Jade and her servants that night.  Got the impression this was all for her.  She’s got a strange power about her, you know?  Real commanding presence, nothing like anything I’d ever encountered before.  Hell, had me wanting to get on my knees and worship her a couple times, and I don’t bow and scrape to nobody! 

I uh…I’m sure you could…but I’m cooperating here, right?  No need to go that far… After that night, we got down to business proper.  She had need of some adventurers and we were needing her assistance, so yeah, we started working for her.  She had a job she needed done in Arcavarlon, and we had talked about heading there eventually anyway.  What kind of job?  Well…nothing that should’ve been that complicated, but you know how that kind of thing goes when you’re an adventurer, right?  One twist and turn after another, sometimes you get arrested, things just happen.  Will of the gods of fortune and misfortune, I guess.

Look…it’s not that I’m not wanting to cooperate, it’s just that I’ve got paid a lot more to keep my mouth shut than you’re offering in return, is all.  Sweeten the pot a little and I might be able to tell you something else.  Fine, fine, think on it a bit, I’m not going anywhere.

…What do you mean Teelsa’s wearing an illusion?”

#Lore24 – Entry #256 – Fantasy Month III #13 – A Royal Performance

As Told by Teelsa “the Spritely” Dawndancer

“Teelsa the Spritely at your service, lady Confessor!  Hmm?  Oh, no the captain has obviously gotten his information incorrect and recorded the wrong moniker.  I’ve always been known as ‘the Spritely’ for my amazing agility and fae-like beauty!  Is…is there a draft in here?  Seems like its getting colder all of a sudden… Anyway, you wished to know of our dealings with the most illustrious Lady Jade?  Well, far be it for me to kiss and tell about our private business dealings with such a highly regarded woman, but I suppose some details can be revealed that wouldn’t be considered improper.

Now, after we’d had our meager possessions moved into the most kind Lady Jade’s most opulent tower, well, aside from Kazumi, of course; she simply wouldn’t have it and apparently roamed about outside I suppose.  Anyway, a little performance was requested in return for our benefactor’s kindness in offering to assist us in our endeavor, and being the honorable bard I am, I most eagerly obliged!  Of course, the Lady has particular tastes, and I would be delving into certain areas that I was not at the time entirely familiar with, aside from tangentially due to my previous associations with Hatae and Eri upon the night of the unfortunate incident at the Bronze Unicorn.  I would discover that she is quite fond of “songbirds”, but not the kind one may expect upon first hearing the term.  Her preferences are most exotic and fitting to one of her station, I suppose, but a bit on the excentric side.

Well, yes, I’m getting there!  No, I’m not stalling for time!  Why would I be doing something like that?  It would be a mixed performative affair, with myself working with some of the musicians in her employ to handle the musical aspects of the performance, while Siduri would handle the ladies that had drawn Lady Jade’s attention the most.  She sees something in Eri and Hatae, something to do with their faith, but I’m not certain of the exact nature of what she intends there.  It’s rather curious that the Lady Jade is so enamored of the affairs of the Lustful Ladies and yet had little in the way of iconography relating to worship of them, but who am I to judge? 

But, as I was saying, the performance would be quite the affair.  I daresay none of us had worn such finely crafted or expensive costumes before; I know that I’d never worn anything so revealing, either!  One must make small sacrifices for their art, mustn’t they?  I would also hazard a guess that the eyes of both Erisaya and Yurisaya were watching that evening, for their most faithful among us certainly seemed to be giving it their all and received quite the reward when it was all said and done!  I do so love a budding love story, you know!  Let me compose myself for a moment and I shall recite the song which I composed for the event-

I’m sorry, what?  I don’t know what you’re talking about!  There’s no illusion magic upon me!  Whatever would give you that idea?”

#Lore24 – Entry #255 – Fantasy Month III #12 – An Audience with Lady Jade

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize to me, sister, but thank you nonetheless!  I don’t think your captain cared much for dark elves in general, if I’m being honest.  I’m no stranger to wearing things like that for long periods, so it was no trouble, honestly!  Yes, that’s right!  I’m so pleased that you’ve actually heard of me before now!  I might not be able to channel the Dark Lady’s power as a Confessor does, but I’m sure she guides me in her own way!  And thank you for the meal; I was starting to get a little famished with all the waiting.

Hmmm…I can’t really remember when I had first heard of Lady Jade.  Might have been when I first came into these lands, perhaps, when I was getting to know my way around and just starting up my show a few years ago.  I know her name kept coming up as a patron of the arts, especially those with particular flavors, if you know what I mean.  I suppose I’d gotten it in my mind to work my way to Greenspire and try to perform for her eventually, once I’d built up my reputation enough, that is.  I’d spoken with Teelsa and other performers about it, learned that she was somewhat of a recluse with particular tastes and all, but didn’t seem particularly dangerous.  At least not like certain groups that have been hounding us for weeks now, anyway!

Once we’d finally gotten to see Lady Jade, she was something else, alright!  You could just feel her presence as soon as you laid eyes on her tower, and it almost felt like her eyes were on you the moment you walked through the doors!  To actually meet her in person though, it was overwhelming…you just felt so insignificant around her while she sat upon that throne!  I’d never even felt like that back home for all the bluster about power and influence that goes on there.  But, she was never overbearing or condescending to us, seemed like she was genuinely interested in our plight, or played it off as such, anyway, though she was far more interested in seeing us perform!  Not just me, but all of us.  I don’t think Kazumi appreciated the idea at all, though, and Eri put up a bit of a fuss, and Siduri got hung up about getting paid for her work, but they came around soon enough after Lady Jade offered us her protection.

She revealed that someone had been attempting to scry upon us, you see, right then, while we were having our audience with her.  Her tower is protected against that kind of thing, we learned, and she didn’t appreciate someone being so bold.  She offered us sanctuary for the time being, in return for some entertainment and work done in return for her aid in determining which parties were hunting us.  Kazumi wouldn’t have it, though, couldn’t stand being cooped up in the city more than she had to be, and Lady Jade was considerate of her needs, allowing her to roam where she may outside of the tower as long as she promised to wear something that would block scrying attempts made against her.  Plus I don’t think Kazumi was too keen on the type of entertainment Lady Jade preferred, either.  She’s been tight-lipped about why, but I’ve got my suspicions!”

#Lore24 – Entry #254 – Fantasy Month III #11 – Looking for Answers in Greenspire

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Kazumi’s something else alright.  Kind of like a stray cat that won’t go away after you’ve fed them.  I don’t really know why she’s decided to throw in with us other than being really set on making sure those twins pay for harming the forest, I guess.  Maybe that’s reason enough.  I don’t think she’s from around here, if you get my meaning, so who knows besides her, though?  Didn’t figure we’d rate a full-blown Confessor of Yurisaya, though. 

Are you apologizing to me?  Really?  It’s something I suppose but letting us go free and clear would be even better.  Ugh, I understand of course, you have a job to do, and that involves us and what we’ve gotten into.  Look, I’m still not entirely sure why Hatae and I are being hunted, and that’s the main reason I got involved with certain elements in Greenspire.  I’m looking for answers just like Hatae; granted, we’re pretty sure it’s some convoluted family plot in her case, given that all of those hunting her have been dark elves, but we don’t know who yet; they’ve been VERY careful not to reveal house affiliations. 

Me?  Only the gods know, and they’re not telling.  I was adopted by one of Erisaya’s houses when I was abandoned by my parents.  You know that, though, you’ve spoken with the jackass that was in here before.  I could just go into hiding, I guess, outlive whoever’s pursuing me in seclusion, but that’s not me.  I prefer more direct methods.  I can tell you those two mazoku sorceresses are dangerous, though.  They don’t give a damn about collateral damage, and they’re the ones responsible for all the damage that’s followed us on this trip.  They’re the ones you should be looking for!

…Tempest Tor, eh?  Well, that’s not surprising.  Heard that’s a rough place, guess it makes sense those two twats are from there.  And someone recently paid their way out of prison, huh?  Don’t happen to know who has their leashes, by chance, do you?  Someone’s got some special Bands of Grounding locked on them both.  Well, had to ask, didn’t figure it’d be that easy…

Well, in Greenspire we didn’t really have any contacts, but Hatae knew of someone there that would probably know something, had heard of them, anyway.  Can’t say I was really familiar with them at the time; Teelsa seemed to know all about them, though, even Siduri had heard of them.  I’ve been out of the loop for a few decades, if you’ll recall.  Hunting that demon death cult and all.  Yeah, that’s right.  It was Lady Jade we went to first.  Had to jump through a few hoops before we could see her, though, but after another group of dark elves attacked us one night following a job we’d done for one of her subordinates, we seemed to rate high enough to finally earn an audience with her.  Still not sure if that was the best or worst decision we could’ve made…”

#Lore24 – Entry #253 – Fantasy Month III #10 – A Guide Through the Canorath Wood

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“So, this one is finally deemed worthy of being spoken to, is she?  Ah…a Confessor…truly this one is honored to rate so highly.  Yes, this one recognizes your kind, mazoku; this one can smell the blood that lingers upon you.  Fair warning…this one is hungry, and her nature may very well take over if provoked.  Simply the nature of the beast within this one, you see.  Ask your questions, Confessor, and consider offering fresh meat in return, lest this one goes and finds it herself.

Initially, we were amused by the antics of the adventurers.  This one’s circle cares little for the spiders or the kobolds; we keep them in check so they do not cause harm to the Canorath.  Of course, we were aware of the adventurers soon after they entered the Wood.  We knew not their goals, but they seemed not to be there to cause harm, so we allowed them to continue.  We watched as they were captured and toyed with by the kobolds, yes.  This one was quite amused that it could happen at all, but if they were not strong enough to prevail over the pests, then what good were they, hmm?  Once they escaped and thinned the kobold population by some amount, we returned the favor by guiding them to the Circle within the heart of the Canorath, offered them respite and food for their services. 

Then we ushered them out of our wood quickly, for we did not wish them stumbling around more than they already had.  Of course, the paths had changed since the Erisayan had been there last; we do that from time to time; can’t have outsiders growing used to our ways, now can we?  This one was chosen as their guide outside the wood, and her involvement would have been finished there had it not been for the attack that came near the far side of the great Canorath, from those of your kind, the ones of fire and ice.  Your kind have a certain scent that is very distinct, mazoku, certainly not common in our wood, so this one knew of the ambush and provided warning, and we were able to drive them and their minions away, the ones that we did not kill.

This one may have been overzealous, for she slew several of the mercenaries with the mazoku before they could be questioned.  A great tempest of rage broke through when they hurled fire and damaged the trees, you see, and this one let it run wild, as it desired.  They were not prepared; they retreated with their magic, but for their actions, this one would see them punished, so this one was then attached to the adventurers.

Hmmm…yes, the mazoku of fire and ice were wearing spiked cuffs and collars, set with crystals.  The items were not hindering their spellcasting that this one could tell.  At that time, no, there was no known reason for their interest in the Erisayan, and it was then that this one learned of the others hunting the Yurisayan performer.  This one listened to the voice of the wood that night, and sensed that she would be needed, and should pursue this threat.  A strange journey this one has been on since.

You hear that, yes?  This one’s inner beast grows hungrier.  This one is starting to think that your flesh looks awfully good.  Perhaps you should consider getting this one some fresh meat?  For now, this one is content to remain, but if this one’s beast breaks free due to hunger, then this one cannot be held responsible for what will happen.  Send the cowardly man who did not wish to speak to this one if you wish; you may like the sounds this one will produce with him.”

#Lore24 – Entry #252 – Fantasy Month III #9 – The Confessor Arrives

As Told by Larissa no Synstralia de’Cordova, Confessor of Yurisaya

“The chill you feel in the air is my growing displeasure, captain.  Have we not discussed the fine art of interrogation many times previously?  Why is it that you have so little to offer in your report?  No, don’t bother to try to explain yourself.  I know exactly why you’ve failed to yield satisfactory results.  You’ve failed to gain their trust, failed to empathize with them in the slightest.  You’ve taken an adversarial tone immediately, trying to bully them into telling you what you wish to know.  I personally have trouble with empathy, for I have little in the way of emotion, but I have other methods that I may need to resort to now that you’ve put them in such a terrible disposition towards us.

It is the truth I seek, captain, nothing more, nothing less.  If I must result to torture I will, but I doubt it will come to that.  As unreasonable as you paint them, the fact that at least two of them are believers in the Dark Lady’s ways will smooth things, and the Erisayan champion will be easily enough dealt with, once she’s made to see reason.  For you see, finding common ground is key to getting the information one desires, and I’m certain I an do that, though you’ve undoubtedly made my work more difficult.

No, your presence won’t be required, captain.  I’ll salvage your interrogation, and you’ll simply owe my order a favor down the line.  See, I’m quite reasonable, aren’t I?  I trust you’ve at least made certain that the druid is contained in a cell that has no easy exits for small pests?  It would be most unfortunate for you, captain, should I step into their cell to find them missing before I’ve had a chance to question them.  Most unfortunate indeed.  You may go; the truth of this matter will be revealed, of this I am certain.  Is that doubt I see?  Or is that suspicion?  You think because I share faith with some of these prisoners that I will be merciful?  Might I suggest you improve your knowledge of Yurisaya’s ways?  I can offer you a first-hand experience if you so desire, one you certainly will not forget as you did with your interrogation techniques.”