#Lore24 – Entry #316 – Fantasy Month IV #11 – The Heroes of Vindinium and the Journey to the Ruins

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

As it happened, I was back in Vindinium when the heroes returned, sampling some of the local cooking and chatting with one of the town’s hunters about the geography around the town when the call came from one of the watchtowers that the adventuring party had been spotted coming along the road.  I hastily finished my lunch and the conversation and headed toward the westward gate which connected to the road leading deeper into the Wildlands to await their arrival.  I hoped that I wasn’t fidgeting too much, for the cage, plug, piercings had been particularly active today, and my changed anatomy was particularly sensitive and engorged inside its tiny enclosure.  How Lady Armenia expected me to perform in my expected role in surveying these ruins with these distractions remained a mystery.

The party rode through the gates without much in the way of fanfare, rather a series of friendly greetings and waves from friendly villagers and the handful of soldiers on watch duty.  They made their way quickly toward the town’s tavern, the Drunken Hog, without even pausing to clear off the dust from the road.  They had the look of seasoned adventurers about them, their gear worn but well-cared for, sporting a handful of scrapes and bruises that hadn’t yet been healed by their healer, friendly banter between themselves, that sort of thing.  I decided to give them a little time to settled down from their trip before I introduced myself.

After about half an hour, I made my way into the tavern, drawing their eyes immediately as I came inside.  The drakonae with them leaned in, whispering something to the dusk elf arcanist, who nodded affirmatively and whispered something back, and made some quick movements with his fingers, to which the purple-haired dawn elf nodded, flashing a rather hungry grin by way.  As I would come to learn, the drakonae was their scout, going by the name Shassk Darkscale, certainly an apt name given his pitch black scales.  The arcanist was Ellisar Chaeynor, dressed in common explorer’s clothes, his stark white hair tied back in a short tail, bore several charms about his person, along with a pair of wands upon his belt, as well as his staff, which, to my chagrin, was a Staff of Many Bindings.  The dawn elf, a remarkably beautiful man, whom I very nearly assumed a woman at first, had long purple hair, a lascivious smirk, and wore pants so tight that could only marvel at how he fit into them at all given the roundness of his rear and wideness of his hips (a most remarkable feature of his, I must admit); I knew at once he could be trouble, for he was not shy about his attraction toward me.  This was Korvalis Nightrunner.

The two women amongst the party were no less remarkable.  The first had given me a start when I’d first witnessed her riding into town, for she was very nearly the exact opposite of Lady Armenia.  She was a mazoku, named Gresilda Nazaria and bearing the holy symbol of Erisaya, her skin a deep blue color, hair of gold, her horns curling around the sides of her head, her eyes bright amber shade, and upon seeing her out of her armor, she tended to wear white and other brighter colors, if not so fine as what Lady Armenia wore.  The other woman came in a moment later, nearly having to duck to enter from the rear entrance from the stables, for she was well over six-feet tall and possessed of a huge, muscular build and a wild mane of fiery red hair, her tattoos indicating that she was of the barbaric tribes that roamed the northern reaches on the edges of the Empire, though she bore herself as much more civilized than her initial appearance would indicate, her speech decidedly that of a lifelong citizen of the Empire.  This was Risai Morningstar.

I introduced myself and began telling them of my reason for approaching, and they bid me to sit at their table, and we spoke for some time while they enjoyed drink and food, though I did not press them too hard on the details of the ruins they had found.  That we would save for that evening, after they had had time to rest and recover, for they had been invited to dine with Commander Asselin and Lady Armenia to discuss the coming exploration.  They seemed a little suspicious of me, understandably so, for I was indeed an outside among them, but friendly enough, though Shassk and Risai weren’t the most conversational amongst us.

I would have plenty of time to get to know them better on our journey to the ruins.  Following our discussions at dinner that night, they would resupply the following day and set out in the early morning the day after, with myself traveling with them this time.  Thankfully the night before we set out, Lady Armenia removed the accursed plug from me, even if she didn’t remove the other pieces of my “protection”.  She did give me the dildo I had both practiced my oral abilities upon and had used upon me, though, “just in case food is scarce” she said.  I was no less frustrated than I had been, of course, and would be greatly more so once I had experienced riding on horseback with my new anatomy; how men manage to do this at all is beyond me.

With my gear and equipment ready, I joined the party and we set off; the journey to the ruins would take about four days, assuming we didn’t run into any trouble.  In spite of their work so far, there were still plenty of tribals out there looking for blood, as well as a multitude of bandit groups who were still out roaming out there, many disaffected former citizens of the Empire, some supposedly former soldiers who had once fought in the Res’Taringal rebellion and went into exile, others from the elvish-held lands beyond the Wildlands and beyond.  I would learn that there were signs of cult activity in the area as well, for they had encountered at least one instance of a ritual sacrifice in the wilderness, and several people had gone missing from Vindinium.  Worse, perhaps, there was at least one party of adventurers who had come into the region and turned bandit and may be interested in the ruins as well.  No shortage of dangers to be wary of, certainly.

We would encounter a perhaps two dozen orcs, an armed raiding party, during our travels, which, thanks to Shassk’s expertise, we were able to ambush, leaving only the three or four who ran off alive.  There were other dangers along the way as well, for we encountered a pack of rather ravenous wolves, came dangerously close to some giant spiders that had found their way out of a section of woods to hunt, and even a rare fire-breathing drake that had attacked us from the skies, looking for food.  I held my own during these encounters, and though I was hardly as attuned to the surroundings as the rest of the party, I would quickly learn their ways and work with them as we went. 

A severe thunderstorm struck late on the third day, delaying our travel by a day while we waited for it to pass, but soon enough we would arrive at the site of the ruins, and my work would begin.

#Lore24 – Entry #314 – Fantasy Month IV #9 – A Private Encounter with the Stellae Illustris

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

Lady Armenia had decided to rest for the rest of the day and bid me to explore about the fort and village if I wished; she wouldn’t have need of me until that night.  The constant stimulation and edging of the devices I’d been dealing with for days now had my focus severely impeded, so I decided that a walk would not be amiss, though that came with its own challenges thanks to the random nature of the vibrations that came from them. 

I took in the lay of the redoubt first, spoke with a few of the workers who were tasked with restoring the fort to proper form.  From what I’d learned, it was at least a couple centuries since it was last used, and had been remarkably well maintained all things considered, though I saw large sections of the walls that had been recently rebuilt, along with many sections of the inner structures.  New additions had been made, specifically an additional watch tower and the aforementioned gate leading up the road to the fort, with another two planned. 

Then I ventured down into Vindinium to see what facilities were available and learn what I could of the nature of the adventurers who I would be working with, and to get the lay of the town and a feel for its people.  For the most part, those I spoke to seemed rather favorable to the coming of the Imperial garrison, for the area had grown much less stable over the last few years, with raids from the tribal orcs, kobolds, and other non-human races becoming all too frequent.  For a time, trade caravans had come from the elvish lands further to the southwest, but those had mostly stopped now due to the banditry that plagued the road deeper into the Wildlands; there was a whole town, Duskgulch, a few days on that seemed overrun with thieves and criminals of all sorts, they told me, though for now I couldn’t tell if that was just the nature of villagers to be overly proud of their own town or not.

Regardless, there had been several groups of adventurers to have come through in the wake of the Imperial Legion’s reclaiming of the fort, for Commander Asselin had made the call specifically to lure them in with the promise of great wealth should they help them restore order to the area.  A shrewd decision, given the lack of manpower he’d originally been given.  All told, he had perhaps a hundred men, though perhaps only half of those were soldiers, the rest support staff and builders.  The Emperor certainly wasn’t making the task too easy for him.  Some adventurers hadn’t been seen since they had set off weeks ago, their fates unknown for the moment, while others, specifically the “Heroes of Vindinium” as they had been named, seemed well-liked.  They weren’t particularly disruptive, had brought in a few shipments of stolen goods back to the town, and additional wealth taken from a few bandit groups they’d encountered.  Plus they had cleared out some nearby tribals and monstrous creatures that had plagued the village, and had even helped construct the new palisade. 

I sampled some of the local liquor and some pastries while I was in town, not enough to spoil the coming dinner later that night and introduced myself to most of the merchants in town as I perused their wares.  Somehow, I managed to keep from embarrassing myself with a random, useless attempt to grope my breasts or adjust my “manhood”, which I might note, felt extremely confined and very uncomfortable in its unceasing attempts to remain erect, to say nothing of the plug that filled my rear.  I almost wished these devices were of a mundane, unmagical sort so that they would have to be removed regularly.

As evening approached, the shadows growing long, I returned to the fort and to my quarters, a small room near to Lady Armenia’s where my scant few possessions had been placed.  However, before I could enter, I saw Aishi approaching me with the most smug look upon her face, her eyes not glowing quite so brilliantly as they had upon our first meeting.  Though I briefly hoped she was headed elsewhere, she reached my door first and waited for me, bidding me to enter so that we could speak privately.

Already nervous around her, for even though she was a kerryn, she was also in direct service to the Emperor, this very nearly sent me into a panic right there.  Somehow, I maintained my composure, though, and invited her inside.  I let her move past me and closed the door, and the moment I turned to face her, she pushed me up against it, purring in a predatory way, her nose twitching as she took in my scent.  Her gauntleted hands went to my chest, her fingers tapping knowingly against the mythril that kept my anatomy shielded, while one knee came up between my legs and rested directly against my entrapped anatomy.  My piercings and anal plug began to vibrate at that moment, most powerfully, making me squirm even more vigorously in her grasp, hear keen ears no doubt hearing everything.

I won’t repeat everything she said to me here, for it was quite lewd and embarrassing, and hardly accurate to my true nature, though my constant state of arousal and inability to find relief had certainly done little to prove anything to the contrary.  She had known the moment she had first laid eyes upon me that I was quite well entrapped by Lady Armenia, had spotted the arcane signatures of not only my chastity gear, but of the transformation spell she had performed upon me, though she admitted it only took a keep enough nose to pick up on most of that.  I smelled “like a randy whore” she had said at one point. 

Aishi had pressed herself against me then, replacing her knee with a strong hand, while her tongue licked at my cheeks, her lips finding mine.  My brain told me to protest such treatment and resist her, but I did no such thing, and in fact did quite the opposite, leaning into her and eagerly engaging the intimate contact to the limit of my ability, driven so close to a climax by my gear that I felt near completely defeated when they stopped, leaving me on the edge of that precipice.  Aishi seemed to enjoy my desperation as she pulled away.  She told me that she could help with my predicament if I but begged her to do so.  I was too flustered to reply in the moment, but she excused herself, delivering a sharp slap to my ass before she left, telling me to remember her when I had reached the end of my endurance and just had to sate the fire inside me.

For once I found myself hoping that tonight would be the night that Lady Armenia would give me what I so desperately needed, simply so that I would not be driven to even consider Aishi’s offer. 

#Lore24 – Entry #313 – Fantasy Month IV #8 – A Village and a Fort, a Commander and a Shadow

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

I was expecting to be dressed once more into the hobbling dress the following morning, but instead I was allowed back into the riding dress; Lady Armenia said that we would be leaving the Imperial border once we were into the mountains, and even she wouldn’t take a chance on leaving me defenseless through potentially hostile terrain.  In fact, she even returned my scimitar and bookish bulwark, even had me make sure that my new “armor” wasn’t a hindrance after breakfast.  Aside from some rather unwelcome pressure and pinching between my legs for what must be quite obvious reasons now, I was quite capable of going through my practice routines.

Of course, that didn’t stop her from continuing my “training” along the way.  She was assured we would have ample warning in case of an attack, for her drakonae scouts were unrivaled guardians, so she told me.  Travel was slow once we had entered the mountains, the road recently shored up to some extent, but still rough and windy.  So, it was practicing some things that did not involve improving my ability to take large phallic objects into my throat, including more worship of her feet and more endless edging in my case, while practicing various new positions in which I found myself restrained.  I was rather impressed by the number of anchor points hidden away behind the panel work of the carriage, and the variety of restraints Lady Armenia had packed for the journey.

Further oral practice with the dildo would wait until we made camp that evening, in the privacy of her tent.  I was quite a horny mess by then, and would remain so for the foreseeable future, as she seemed to have no intention of allowing me to remove my chastity gear, nor the plug in my rear, the enchantments upon the items seeing to it that my bodily functions were taken care of.  She had promised a surprise if I performed my oral exercise satisfactorily the first night, and indeed, after some time with my lips and tongue working the dildo as she held it between her legs, I experienced a most intense ejaculation of salty, white fluid from the device, nearly choking me and then spraying upon my face.  The flavor was most familiar, being the same mixture that was produced by the feeder gag, though never before had I experienced it in such volume nor in such an embarrassing manner.

I daresay the journey through the mountains was rather mundane compared to the first couple of nights, but with good reason.  We were indeed attacked in the mountains no less than three times, once by a rather large group of bandits who appeared quite desperate, and then again by two separate orc tribes.  In each case, our injuries were relatively minor, and I did not become engaged in the combat, as I was officially on guard duty for the Lady Armenia.  Though having seen the soldiers and drakonae in action, I daresay I would have made a poor final line of defense, not that a priestess such as herself couldn’t defend herself. 

After the long journey through the mountains, we descended into something of a large valley basin, and I could see the fort that was our destination from some distance away, standing high upon a rocky plateau, overlooking a village.  These were the Dawnsummit Redoubt and Vindinium, respectively, the Baydwell River running along out of the mountains near the village.  As we came to the village, I could see that it had recently been enhanced with a stout wooden palisade, complete with a quartet of small, recently built watch towers.  We followed the road through the village, the people there seeming to look upon us favorably as we passed.

Beyond the village, it was a short trip to the road leading up to the overlooking ridge and the redoubt, a series of spiked wooden barricades having been constructed to slow any advancing force, with an additional stone gatehouse currently under construction closer to the top of the plateau.  The roadway led right to the fort’s walls and gatehouse, both of which having been recently repaired to Imperial Legion standards and were even now being further reinforced by a mix of dwarven and drakonae craftsmen.  I counted what seemed a rather small amount of soldiers on patrol and guard about the fort and village, though, a curious detail.  I thought perhaps they had gathered inside the walls of the fort for some reason, but as the carriage passed through into the courtyard and grounds, I saw only a fraction of what I had expected. 

In short order, our large group had come to a stop and Lady Armenia and I left the carriage.  The commander of the soldiers sent to guard her was already barking orders to some of his men to see about reinforcing the current garrison troops, and a notable pair approached us from the direction of the commander’s quarters.  The garrison commander seemed familiar to me, walking with a pronounced limp and making use of a crutch, his left leg obviously having received a wound that had not properly healed.  He was an older human, dark hair graying from his temples, wearing a neatly trimmed beard with his hair cut short, still seeming to be in rather good shape overall aside from the leg.  He wore one of the Legion’s broadswords at his side, garbed in the tunic of a general.  He introduced himself as Lexaundre Asselin, and I certainly remembered the name then, for that name held only slightly less infamy than that of Res’Taringal for which the notable rebellion had been named.  He and his house had spoken in support of the Res’Taringals but had notably not committed any significant resources to the ill-fated operation, which is likely why he was alive now, and almost certainly why he had been sent into the Wildlands with such a small force with orders to tame it.

The second person to join us kept her distance, remaining back about ten feet from us, seemingly not interested in our discussions, though I doubted she was ignoring us.  It was a kerryn, golden hair loose about her shoulders, with red-tinged fur upon her ears and tail, brilliant blue-green eyes that faintly glowed, marking her clearly as a Stellae Illustris, even if the armor and cloak, bearing the red, black, and gold colors of the Emperor, and her collar stamped with the insignia of the order, had not marked her as such.  She was armed with a longer, narrower bladed sword than that of Asselin, which she kept one hand upon, ready to draw at a moment’s notice.  This was Aishi, as Asselin told us, his second shadow.  She offered us a smile then, playful, no, predatory, though she refused to bow as would other kerryn.  I had heard the Stella Illustris were quite proud of their positions, and would only bow to the Emperor himself, perhaps a handful of others, and seeing this behavior, perhaps that was indeed true.  She certainly came off as quite smug, the more I regarded her. 

Once our introductions were complete, Commander Asselin gave us the tour of Dawnsummit Redoubt, highlighting the impressive work they’d managed to complete so far in restoring the fort to its long-lost glory days, some centuries ago, and with such a small force.  Aishi remained behind us, but within a few strides should danger come, though I suspected her reason for being there was rather obvious, to ensure that Asselin did nothing to step out of line, to make sure that his support of the Emperor was genuine.  As I watched her out of the corner of my eye, I got the sense that she was quite dangerous, very much a great hunting cat stalking fresh pray as she tried to get a sense of what Lady Armenia and I were about.

Then we retired to the commander’s offices, where he showed us a map of the large region he had been tasked with civilizing, spread over the top of a table, the map itself a copy of one much older judging by the style of the drawings and relative newness of the parchment, lacking much in the way of details about the region besides major landmarks.  There were new additions however, drawn directly upon the map, showing several significant discoveries made by the adventurers who had come into the area seeking wealth and glory, including a few ruins and ancient ritual sites, lairs and territories of various hostile tribes of orcs, kobolds, gnolls, and even lizardmen in the area, and of course, the ruins that had recently been discovered marking what was thought to be an ancient temple of some sort, bearing draconic iconography.  With permission, I began making notes and copying the map for myself.

The adventurers had been gone for several days now but were expected to return within the week to resupply from their further attempts to secure the area around the ruins, and upon their return, we would have proper introductions, for I would be working closely with them going forward.  In the meantime, Dawnsummit and Vindinium were open to us.  There would be a feast later that night in honor of Lady Armenia, and she would retire to the quarters that had been prepared for her (and I, for now).  I would remain here, making my notes and studying the notes left by the adventurers, as well as the handful of artifacts they had recovered from the site.  I felt the eyes of Aishi lingering upon me for a few moments more as the others left, and I sensed that I would be having my own encounter with her before long.  There was something about her that made me nervous.

#Lore24 – Entry #312 – Fantasy Month IV #7 – Night at the Wayrest

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

Though I felt great embarrassment at my bound, magically altered, and partially revealed state, none of the soldiers nor the drakonae seemed to think it odd in the slightest, which formed many questions in my mind that unfortunately I could not immediately ask thanks to the very filling penile gag.  I felt the distinct shift in the air the moment we crossed onto the land surrounding the Wayrest that evening, the sun already beginning to form long shadows on the land.  Once we had come to a stop before the inn, Lady Armenia was quick to make her exit, seemingly possessed of a great deal of pent-up energy.  This of course left me alone in the carriage, but it was not long before her drakonae came inside and unbound me from the bench, then packed me carefully to the ground outside.  One of them snatched the dangling leash and guided me toward the inn’s entrance, turning to glance at me with annoyance several times at the slowness of my pace, even tugged the leash more forcefully as if that would spur me to move quicker. 

I offer no apologies; I had been sitting for most of the day and was quite stiff, even without the ridiculously restrictive attire I had been forced to wear for Lady Armenia’s amusement.  I suppose only the enchantments upon the outfit had kept my limbs from going at all numb and from being terribly sore.  The gawking of the farmhands, likely the children of the inn’s owner, sent a fresh flush of embarrassment through me, no doubt having never seen something like me in their lives. 

At least the atmosphere on my awkward walk toward the inn was mostly pleasant otherwise, the inn and associated farm nestled amongst rolling hills and lightly packed forest, with a rocky stream coming in from the higher mountains further to the southwest that would prove our biggest challenge on the next leg of our journey.  The evening air was cool but pleasant on my exposed flesh, which made my mercilessly teased nipples remain quite erect.  My enjoyment of the scene was short lived, however, for I was brought inside as quickly as I could manage with my tiptoed steps.

Though the banter I heard between lady Armenia and the proprietor was rather jovial, when I came in, the plump human woman, streaks of gray in her hair, turned a disapproving scowl at me, her eyes immediately dropping to my newly formed and caged genitalia.  She shook her head, shooting a look at Lady Armenia, asking if I’d be attending dinner in such an indecent state.  With assurances that I would be properly presentable, Lady Armenia motioned the drakonae toward the stairs, much to my displeasure.  I overhead more consternation from the witch about what damage my appearance could possibly have done to the “young and innocent minds” of her sons, but lost track of the rest of that conversation when it came time to navigate the stairs.  I had hardly mastered this most awkward technique, and the drakonae holding my leash was not as forgiving as Lady Armenia, tugging at it insistently while moving behind me to swat my behind with his bare hand when I failed to move fast enough.

I had earned nearly a dozen such swats by the time we topped the stairs, the flesh of my exposed behind reddened and stinging, for his strikes had grown more forceful the higher we went, and perhaps most annoyingly, my caged and restricted erection was straining against its prison most painfully now, my excitement having been rekindled by my treatment.  I hesitate to mention it, but I seem to be developing a fetish for being humiliated, yet I cannot deny what I have experienced, as much as I may wish to.

Topping the stairs, it was immediately apparent which room was Lady Armenia’s, for two of the drakonae stood guard on the door at the end of the hall, and it was this door I was ushered toward.  Once inside, though the room was undoubtedly the largest of the ones inside the inn, it seemed much smaller and less fine than befitting of someone of Lady Armenia’s stature.  I was taken to the bed and told to sit, which I did most gratefully, and waited with my leash tied to the bedpost, flexing my feet and listening to the sounds of the fine leather creaking over my body as I shifted about in the quiet.  I noted that Lady Armenia’s chests had already been brought up.

It was perhaps another thirty minutes before Lady Armenia came to the room, bringing with her the scent of cooking meat and fresh bread.  She sat beside me and fondled my breasts for a time, teasing my tormented cock with her tail, not saying a word at first.  Then, once she had had her fill, she stood and brought me to my feet, announcing that it was time to make me presentable for dinner with Melanis, the Witch of the Ways who owned the inn.  My accusatory look at the one responsible for my poor impression only garnered a smile and a look that could have passed for pure innocence had I not known better of Lady Armenia’s nature.  Perhaps it was for that reason she left my gag for last when my restrictive attire was finally removed, the cool air upon my sweaty skin quite refreshing.  I was allowed to wash up and fix my hair, though Lady Armenia insisted that I wear it up in a pair of tails instead of my usual braid, much to my annoyance.

As I would soon learn, my annoyance was only just beginning; this would become a common theme with Lady Armenia.  While I had cleaned up, she had already picked out my eveningwear, and when I turned from the mirror to see it laid out upon the bed, I gulped and shrank away.  She looked every bit the grinning devil her heritage would indicate as she watched my reaction.  “A warrior mage such as yourself needs armor, yes?  If I am not mistaken, you favor a highly mobile style, dancing about your enemies?  Don’t worry, this is quite light weight, I assure you; it’s made of the same mythril as your cage, after all, and enchanted to ensure that you are protected.  I promise it won’t stay on…forever.  This should ensure our hostess that you have no intentions whatsoever on her sons.  Don’t dawdle, my dear, Melanis won’t be pleased if we are late for dinner.”

A finely crafted set of full chastity gear lay before me upon the bed, my arcane sight revealing that it was indeed strongly enchanted, but with more than simple protection.  I had witnessed several Yurisayan priests and priestesses wearing such things, not uncommon in their order, but never thought I’d be wearing one.  All of the pieces were lined in leather and inscribed with intricate patterns of thorny vines, mixed with arcane runes, and the belt was curiously crafted with male anatomy in mind; how long had she been planning this, or did her order have such things ready and waiting? 

“Oh, there is another item before we get you dressed, a little preparation for what comes later on, and something to keep you entertained.”  She beckoned me toward her with one clawed finger.  Sighing, I approached and followed her lead when she bent me over before the bed.  She caressed my backside for a moment, told me to spread my legs and relax.  I had my suspicions of what she had in mind, recalling some of my more debaucherous nights during my tenure as Alekos’s tutor, and breathed out slowly.  Sure enough, I felt the rounded head of the butt plug pressing against my anus, felt the cool lubricant spread from the enchanted device, and allowed her to push it inside me, wincing momentarily as the widened base, feeling quite huge, pushed inside me.  She tapped the base of the plug, and I felt it grow ever-so-slightly larger, grunting as it did.  Worse, I felt it vibrate, slowly, then strongly, for only a few seconds, then stop. 

My “armor” went on next, beginning with the chastity belt portion first of course.  The enchanted mythril resized to a perfect, snug fit, the larger, bulging cover for my cock reshaping itself perfectly around the cage as it was latched and magically sealed around my waist.  The chest piece came next, the formed cups fitting tightly around my breasts, seeming to grab hold of my nipple piercings in some way on the inside that ensured I would feel them with every move I made, a pair of delicate but strong mythril chains going over my shoulders, crossing behind my back for additional support.  Pairs of cuffs went around my biceps and wrists next, followed by thicker bands around my thighs, which were joined to the waist belt via more chains, magically connecting together once they were in place to ensure I couldn’t spread my legs very wide at all.  The final pieces, a pair of ankle cuffs, were soon in place as well, leaving my whole body glowing with shame, my mind already furiously coming up with ways in which the attire could be used to torment me.

I could already feel my discomfort and arousal growing as I shifted and tested my movement; though the weight of the gear was barely noticeable, the way the items hugged my body and applied pressure in the worst places most certainly was.  Somehow, the cage around my cock felt even more constricted now, and I was already dripping.  My nipples were aching, constantly rubbing against the inside of the mythril cups in an unrelenting tease.  Lady Armenia watched my squirming about with great amusement for a time, but brought us back to the moment, handing me a pair of thigh-length leggings and leather riding boots, which were more easily donned than I had suspected given the helpful nature of the enchantments upon my new “armor”, which more or less magically applied the garments once I had started putting them on, nestling them beneath the cuffs.  Atop all of my gear went a more sensible riding dress in shades of brown and green, its long sleeves covering my arms completely, the skirt hanging to my ankles, leaving only my collar visible.  Indeed, it should more than adequately satisfy the apparent “decency” requirement from the mistress of the house.

Properly attired now, my face no doubt revealing my embarrassment, though thankfully the mythril was light enough that I could barely hear the chains and chastity gear clinking beneath the dress, we ventured downstairs.  It only took a few moments before the new plug in my rear began to vibrate, setting off both my nipple rings and cock cage, making my steps falter, and I would come to learn that this would be a constant, unrelenting force, activating randomly, and with random levels of intensity, throughout dinner and beyond. 

Melanis still seemed to wear a look of disapproval when she looked at me, but at least she wasn’t particularly cold to me otherwise.  The common room was filled with Lady Armenia’s entourage and a mix of the soldiers, some having remained on guard duty for now in spite of the safety offered by the inn, as well as the drakonae as well as the owner’s family, those who had saw me earlier seeming quite disappointed that I had covered myself so thoroughly.  Had it not been for all the awkward squirming and frequent distractions from the vibrating devices upon me that caused me to stutter or lose my train of thought, no doubt painting me as something of a dullard, dinner was mostly pleasant and, dare I say, normal. 

Lady Armenia would see to it that came to an end once we had retired for the evening, though.  I was stripped to my “armor” soon after we had returned to the room, leaving only my stockings in place beneath my mythril gear, and she somehow commanded the piercings, cock cage, and butt plug to activate at a most intense setting.  She announced it was time for additional training, and soon produced a sizeable dildo, shaped to appear as a most convincing, larger than average penis.  She spread her robes as she sat upon the bed, revealing her admittedly impressive thighs, holding the phallus between her legs, and then commanded me to show her what I knew about pleasing men. 

I was somewhat ashamed to admit that I knew more having learned some things from Ryona using similar methods.  I did as instructed, though, using my mouth and tongue upon the device as my various vibrating devices kept me squirming and on edge.  Her hand soon went to the back of my head, forcing the dildo deeper.  This I hadn’t practiced much, so she made sure to move slowly from here, just a fraction deeper each thrust, stopping when I gagged or she sensed me tensing, promising all the while that I would be quite proficient at such things before I left her service.

Certainly not something to be particularly proud of, but I didn’t exactly protest her instructions, did I? 

Once Lady Armenia was satisfied that I had learned enough for the evening, she had me rise before she magically cleaned the dildo with a quick spell of cleaning, then replaced it amongst her things.  She blindfolded me then, and replaced the feeder gag harness atop it, the penis inside feeling larger than before as she tightened the straps.  I was guided to one side of the large bed, my ankle and wrist cuffs lashed to the footboard and headboard respectively, leaving me stretched out in only mild discomfort.  Bidding me to rest while I could, saying that she must pray and perform her nightly rituals, she tugged the deprivation hood over my head again, leaving me oblivious to the world beyond.  Only when she finally slipped into the bed beside me, cuddling up to me and wrapping her tail around my thigh did the vibrations cease, finally allowing me to sleep, though it would be some time yet before I settled down enough to do so.

#Lore24 – Entry #300 – Sentinel City by Night #26 – The Threat from the South

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“I’d been on the case for another couple of weeks when I finally caught a break; Sentinel City had its first big snowfall of the season as the year wound down.  In that time, I’d seen the rollout of the Vamp-Out drug in full, but so far there had been no further incidents like the first one.  Think maybe that was a case of an overdose, or a batch that was way too potent.  Still, what was the bigger play here?  Why spread this stuff around the city if it wasn’t going to spark up like it had that first time? 

I’d asked that very question to the Tremere, but so far hadn’t gotten a response.  The apprentice, Elizabeth Powell, had been made my official contact, but so far she and her clan had been of little value in my investigation.  Figure they needed to get out more, but who am I to try and convince the Warlocks of anything?  Even after all the shit that had happened over the last twenty years, you still couldn’t trust them.  Some things never change.

Anyway, I’d not sensed my Lasombra shadow for some time now.  Wondering if they thought I was dead, or if they thought I’d just gotten the warning to stay away.  I had been more careful in my stalking since my beatdown.  Think that’s what allowed me to finally get close to the old brewery tonight, see their operation up close.  Could smell the meth cooking from a block away.  Took plenty of pictures on the way.

Once I got inside, saw the two war ghouls acting like forklifts, spotted the other Johnson clan members directing the workers.  Finally spotted the mysterious Pillbilly, grabbed some photos of him, too.  Couldn’t tell he’d been modified, but my aura sight picked up some hints that he wasn’t entirely stock anymore.  He came in with a fervor, though.  Snapped everyone to attention.  Not sure what he told them, guess Cajun is another language I need to brush up on.

Didn’t have to wait too long to find out, though.  Heard a big V8 rumble up outside a few minutes later.  An old late 70s model Ford pickup pulled in once the garage door was opened up, had a big camper in the bed; no, not a camper, more like a modified refrigeration setup, patched together with extra sheets of metal.  First thought was that it was loaded with more gear or supplies for the drug operation, given how the back end squatted down.  That thought didn’t last long, though.  I was about to get my first look at some full-blooded Tzimisce.”

#Lore24 – Entry #299 – Sentinel City by Night #25 – A Growing Conspiracy

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Blumenthal’s people came through on some IDs on the mysterious Johnson family, even if it took a little help from the FBI; reckon they’re big-time drug smugglers down south, known for their use of the Louisiana bayous in their distribution operations.  Five brothers, with some rather…thematic…names:  Harry, Richard, Willy, John Thomas, and Peter.  The “Pillbilly” remained anonymous, though the alias was a known element.  Which meant the FBI probably knew who it was but wasn’t saying.  Still, apparently, they’d gone quiet over the last few months, assumed to have been laying low, though now it seems they were shifting operations a few states north.

Not sure if they were part of the Tzimisce’s operations before now or not, though.  I’d only seen three of the brothers so far, and those two war ghouls that had torn me up looked awfully similar once you peeled back the layers of thickened bone and exoskeleton.  They had a Lasombra with them lurking in the shadows too, apparently with ghouls of their own if Ramos was to be believed. 

Then there was the eastern connection, the Kuei-jin and the triads or yakuza or whatever is running out of that district.  They seemed to have quite a bit of information on the Sabbat, and were working with them to some extent, though how far that would go, who could say?  Despite her appearance, my gut told me this Koike girl was dangerous, and whatever plans the Kuei-jin had for Sentinel City couldn’t be good.  They’d apparently kept to themselves for a good long while though, and I don’t think Sokolova is ready to try and push them out of town on my suspicions, especially with them having that massive underground operation going.

My corkboard was filled with names, photos, and a web of red string, and I couldn’t make it all make sense, not yet.  Too many question marks, too many unknowns, too many uncertainties, a big one being that “Sabbat leader” hinted at by the Kuei-jin.  Who was it?  One of the big names that had been involved in the taking of the east coast back in ’99?  Had they survived whatever it was that happened twenty years ago, or were they just as scattered and disorganized as the Camarilla had been after the reckoning?  Gehenna?  Whatever it was we were calling it; had we even come to a decision on that?  Had anyone even cared?

Only thing I could say for sure was that this stank of a Sabbat destabilization operation.  They usually tended toward as much violence as possible, just overwhelming brute force and surprise attacks.  Here though…maybe whoever it was in charge now was using a different kind of cunning, was being subtle, elusive, careful.  Didn’t seem in character for them, but maybe even the Sabbat could evolve.  The Camarilla had evolved, or whatever it was that Sokolova was calling her experiment, at least here in Sentinel City. 

I could only be sure of one thing with any certainty:  I was in for some very long nights as I worked on this puzzle.”

#Lore24 – Entry #298 – Sentinel City by Night #24 – The Kuei-jin Element

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Knew the three that got out of the limo were Kuei-jin the moment I saw them.  Was hard to hear what was being said from my hiding spot over the din of activity in the place but picked up a few words here and there.  Even though the trio looked young, the old man referred to them as something like “most esteemed elders” or something like that.  I ain’t so good at the language, especially this far away.

The first one looked like a teenager; could easily see her in a school uniform instead of that business suit she wore.  Thinking she was Japanese, shorter than the others, dark hair cut straight and neat to her shoulders, the glasses she wore giving her a scholarly look.  Couldn’t quite get what the old man was saying to her, but think her name was Koike.  The other two were twins, man and a woman, not quite identical, but close enough that they might pass for one another had she not been a fair bit curvier than him.  Think they were Chinese, got the name Teng, but that was about all I got, damn truck drove by loaded with scrap metal.

I thought awfully hard about getting closer, but the way the guy kept looking around as if he were on high alert told me to stay put.  I had no clue what kind of extra-sensory abilities these three might’ve possessed, and I didn’t want to find out if I could help it.  The old man, Mr. Wong I gathered, began relating details of the operation I think, escorting the three atop a catwalk, swept his arm over all that could be seen.  Might consider getting a parabolic microphone after this, not that it would be easy to sneak in when I pulled these stunts. 

Still, managed to get some more bits of the conversation here and there, heard some very familiar words being spoken by the Japanese girl:  Cainite, Tzimisce, Sabbat.  Heard her say something about continuing the shipments, about letting them have their fun while it lasted I think, that whatever was going on wouldn’t affect their goals.  Think she might’ve mentioned something else about a Sabbat leader, but I couldn’t get any more cause they’d moved out of range.  The fact that the male twin’s gaze lingered in my direction a few seconds longer before he followed the others gave me plenty of reasons to not try and get closer.

Waited until they were out of sight before I made my exit.  Wasn’t real sure exactly where I needed to go, but going up seemed the best choice.  Wound up coming into the basement of a fancy Korean restaurant.  No Kuei-jin in sight, I slipped out unnoticed by the staff; saw a couple of familiar faces, two of the guys Mr. Wong had spoken to before the elders had showed up, yelling out orders in their native language. Figured this must have been his place. 

Got my bearings once I was outside, got on the first bus I found, left a trail as hard to follow as I could manage.  Don’t think I was followed but couldn’t be too sure.  Was nearly dawn by the time I got back to my apartment, so I’d have to leave my analysis of what I might’ve learned till tomorrow night.”

#Lore24 – Entry #297 – Sentinel City by Night #23 – Down, Down to Chinatown

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“I admittedly had little in the way of knowledge about the Kuei-jin, having only met a handful very briefly and under peaceful, if tense, circumstances back in San Diego.  No doubt they schemed just as much as the Kindred tended to, though I could not begin to fathom their machinations in Sentinel City.  Hell, I didn’t even know what they were up to out west.  Playing a long game, maybe, or operating on some completely different kind of level completely.  Whatever the case, I wasn’t sure if the people they had running the chemicals through the city were ghouls or not, or if they even had ghouls.  Their auras didn’t read like ghouls, just regular humans, but I wasn’t entirely sure if my perceptions would even pick them up.

I was a little nervous going into Chinatown, especially when it was stowed away in the back of one of their delivery trucks.  Still, fortune favors the bold, so they say.  The guys in the truck chatted back and forth in Korean; since I’d started my surveillance, I’d picked up on that, Japanese, and several dialects of Chinese, and a few other languages I didn’t recognize.  Not that I’m particularly fluent in any of the others.  Probably something I should remedy one of these nights.

The truck came to a warehouse in short order now that it was empty, and I slipped out once it had come to a stop.  Didn’t see anything special at first, just a whole lot of stuff sitting around to be moved but didn’t take me long to discover a much bigger operation underground.  Saw several forklifts moving product out of a tunnel, so I decided to make my way down it.  Hadn’t spotted any cameras yet but kept my aura perception active in case I came across something supernatural. 

I had to admit, I was impressed with the operation they had going.  They had their own manufacturing operations going, must have been hundreds of people in this facility, making not only the chemicals, but their own drugs.  Looked like some smuggling operations too, given the huge shipping containers down there.  Spotted some larger tunnels with some rails going through them, maybe old subway tunnels that had been rebuilt and repurposed, likely leading all the way to the docks.  Had to hand it to them, they had one impressive setup going.  How it all operated with the number of languages and cultures I could pick out was probably the biggest mystery I’d ever encountered.  Did the Nosferatu know about all this?  If so, had they mentioned it to Sokolova?  How couldn’t they know?  More layers to the onion I needed to peel; would the core be rotten?

I slipped through the shadows on the edges of the operation for a good while, not exactly sure what I was looking for, but finally spotted something that seemed important.  Saw an old man, hunched with age, the classic wizened elder look about it, one eye in a permanent squint, yelling orders to a half dozen young men, who quickly scurried off to see them carried out.  Next thing I knew, a limo drove through one of the larger tunnels, coming to a stop near the old man.  He bowed low as the doors opened, and I got my first look at the Kuei-jin of Sentinel City.”

#Lore24 – Entry #296 – Sentinel City by Night #22 – A Disturbing Trail

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“The direct approach hadn’t worked, so I had to resort to the not-so-direct approach.  Course, that was after I got myself back in proper working order.  Had to go dark for a few days.  The following night, once I’d dragged myself out of the sewers, only marginally improved, I found my car, remarkably still intact and undisturbed.  Guess the fact that it’s nearing thirty years old helps, and the “old rust bucket” camo is working as intended. 

Thought about visiting Ausar’s church but decided against it.  If I got antsy just being around her, don’t think I was quite ready to see her work a healing miracle on me, as much as I might’ve wanted it.  Instead, I got myself cleaned up, went out for a proper meal, then holed up in my apartment for a few nights, no outside contact, just me, myself, and I and a lot of pushing things back into place.

Got word to Sokolova about what happened, that I was still kicking, about what I’ve been hunting down.  Said she’d get Jacobs and his hounds in on the action, try to track down the ghouls, and whoever the Lasombra was that had pulled the trick with the shadows.  Told her to ask Ramos; had a sneaking suspicion she knew exactly who it was.

Still, I wasn’t put off the case, just had to switch tactics.  Was a little pissed off, maybe, and of course I wanted payback, however that came about.  So, I started digging into sources for the various drugs and chemicals that were used in making the Vamp-Out, started putting feelers out for where the local brewers got their supplies, if they knew about any new big shipments, that kind of thing.

Took a few more nights of work but started to piece together some supply chains.  Need to ask Sokolova for some extra expense money; paying off all these informants is getting expensive.  Still, looks like there are four groups handling deliveries of the various products used to create the drugs, running the shipping through local intercity carriers, delivering them to several locations outside the area where they’ve setup their manufacturing, where I’d ran into those ghouls, before they’re picked up by some good ol’ boys from down south to be delivered to the brewery.  Notably, all the deliveries were handled by companies based in Chinatown.

Got word to Blumenthal about trying to get some IDs using the photos I’d snapped at a good distance.  The name “Johnson” had come up a few times thus far, figured it was their family name given the resemblance between them. 

While he worked on that, though, I decided that it was time to track these chemical deliveries to the source, and that meant a trip to Chinatown.  Reckon I could be stepping on a whole other set of toes here if I’m not real careful.  Rumors abound that the Triads and Yakuza groups are operating out of that part of town, to say nothing of our eastern counterparts, the Kuei-jin.  Been a few Kindred who have gone missing in that part of town, and SCPD aren’t known to be too welcome there either. 

Should be an interesting trip.”

#Lore24 – Entry #294 – Sentinel City by Night #20 – Matters of Faith

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Been to several strange places all over Sentinel City, but Light’s Hope Chapel was the strangest one yet.  Hadn’t planned on stopping in, no reason to really, just happened to be in the neighborhood.  I’d continued my work, had a couple more instances where I picked up on someone following me, but never could pin them down.  Think they know that I know for sure now, so they’re being a lot more subtle about it.  Got word to Grim Jacobs via Sokolova but hadn’t heard from him or his Hounds yet.

Was on my way back from trolling for a source on the drug when I happened upon the church.  Parking lot had to have been half full, odd for this time of night, so I figured what the hell, I’d bite the bullet and stop in and see what this preacher was all about. 

Can’t say I was prepared for what I experienced when I walked into the chapel.  Heard her preaching about the works of the “Great One”, of the power found within its “pure and holy light” and the like.  The crowd was enthralled by her, don’t know if she was using one of our vampiric tricks or if she was just that damn good at preaching.  Still, noticed she wasn’t referencing God or Jesus during that sermon.

Tried to get a good look at Ausar.  Could tell she was dressed like a nun but had trouble keeping my eyes on her.  Hadn’t felt this kind of sensation…ever.  My skin tingled as I hit the rear pews, not painfully so, but I couldn’t keep from squirming, kinda like that feeling I got that time back in San Diego when I was nearly caught outdoors on a late night and felt the dawn creeping up on me.  Had to avert my eyes when she picked up her cross and brandished it over the crowd, the candlelight glinting off the gold just too intense for me.  I wasn’t even using my heightened senses.  Then I got the bright idea to read her aura.

Was damn near blinded by the light radiating off her, pure, golden…holy.  I’d never seen that before, had to quickly shut that off and rub my eyes, but still couldn’t get the after images to clear for a good while.  I’d never come across this before, but I knew instinctively what it was.  True faith. It might not have been in the god that cursed us Kindred, but whatever it was, Ausar had the utmost unshakeable belief in it, and I’d wager her flock believed in it just as much as she did. 

And here I thought I got hyper-obsessed with my work sometimes…

That was probably the most uncomfortable twenty minutes of my unlife; just kept waiting for my skin to burst into flames under the power of ‘the Light’, and though I’d thought to leave, I couldn’t make myself get up.  Fact that I’m writing this means I made it out, of course, and not even a sunburn to show for it.

Ausar’s intensity faded once she’d wrapped up her sermon, thankfully.  I kept my distance while she mingled with her flock, but eventually, once they had started to file out, she came up to me.  She seemed every bit the true believer she presented herself as, a fervor in her that I’d almost call a mania, barely contained.  Still had trouble keeping eye contact with her, kept feeling like I was transgressing or something.  Damn strange sensation.  She apologized for it, though, said those like me with increased senses often struggled around her at first.  Won’t go into too much detail about what we discussed; I’ve never been the type to be especially religious, but a little food for thought never hurt anyone. 

Wasted damn near the whole night chatting with her, though; tried to wiggle out of it, but something about her kept drawing me back in.  Definitely counting this one amongst the strangest nights in my life…so far, anyway.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring?  By the end of it, she’d extended an invitation for me to share her haven if I didn’t wish to go home, an offer I respectfully declined, but likewise advised me to keep her in mind should I require guidance in spiritual matters and even if I should find myself in need of healing.  Not so sure I wanted to be touched by those hands of hers or not given that her presence alone was enough to make my skin crawl. 

Ankara Ausar is something else.  That’s all I can really say.  Don’t know if that’s holy fervor and her faith guiding her or some kind of madness.  Maybe both.  She is a fellow Malkavian, after all.  We’re all known to have our moments of lunacy, just have to wonder if she’s living in hers all the damn time or if I caught her on a lucid night.”