LORE24 ENTRY #60 – Supers Month #29 – New Heroes in Sentinel City!


From the files of Cyber Seer…


New Heroes and Heroines

Okay, dudes, this one’s gonna be quick, cause things are heating up and changing in Sentinel City like, superfast!  Here’s some quick info on new faces in town that have come onto the scene over the last few weeks!  Reach out to these guys and gals if you can, get to know’em and maybe we can form up our own big superhero league or whatever!  


Wrench Witch and Squatch – Talk about your oddball pair, and no, it’s totally not because they’re from the South!  Wrench Witch drives a tricked out late-70s era Ford pickup and somehow makes it work as her primary weapon dealing with criminal types; hell, there’s even video of her driving over the river in that thing!  Daddy Cyber Seer would be envious!  She also packs what looks like a cobbled together battery-powered drill and nailgun combo, but that thing shoots lightning bolts and can pin people to the floor!  Like wow, low tech, but super advanced!  She knows how to shoot guns, too, and looks to be pretty mean with a shotgun!  She’s also got a mean right-hook and isn’t afraid to get in a scrap right beside her bro, either; total tomboy energy!

And Squatch, well, he’s…a sasquatch.  Like, literally, that’s what he is.  At least, that’s what Wrench Witch has said in interviews, though she is adamant he’s her little brother, and has been since her family found him in the woods and adopted him.  All he says is is his name, but she’s totally able to understand him on a completely different level, even translates for him.  He’s big, he’s strong, super-hairy, and he’s apparently a book nerd, and pretty dang smart to boot by all accounts.  

Also, the pair run moonshine into Sentinel City.  Like, not what I’d call a real crime, but the Feds say its illegal, so whatcha gonna do?  I’m not calling them out for it, though; gotta make a living somehow!


Kinbaku and Lovely Angel – OMG, now here’s a pair I could totally hook up with!   I mean, Kinbaku’s name would be enough, but these ladies are going to make it big in no time, I’m sure!  I mean, they’re totally hot, like wowza!  Kinbaku, the mysterious catgirl swordswoman with some super-tricked out rope bondage techniques, and Lovely Angel in that stripperiffic outfit, doing those sexy pole dances in the middle of fights?  Ohhh, I’m totally looking forward to seeing a lot more from these chicks!  They can tie me up and give me a lap dance any day of the week!  


Silverstreak – Oh, I think he might be on par with Clean Sweep in terms of sheer speed!  He’s hard to catch on camera because of it, but this silver wolfman can leave afterimages behind him, and he can run circles around the opposition, or probably anyone else for that matter.  I’d say reach out to him, but I don’t know if any of us can catch him!  He’s not one to stick around after he’s done wrapping up the bad guys, and certainly hasn’t sought out any kind of fame or recognition as of yet.


Rad Wolf – Well, if it’s one thing I can say about Rad Wolf, it’s that he’s totally got a latex fetish.  Like, full-body latex suit (complete with a VERY impressive bulge) and gas mask, and it’s definitely build around wolf-like features (pretty sure that’s a real tail and wolf-like muzzle behind that mask).  And I think he’s totally got radiation powers, though I get the feeling he’s keeping them in check, or is just starting to manifest them.  Like, he’s got those glowing green radiation symbols all over the suit for a reason, right?  I think he might be still refining his style, though; I mean, why use just a steel pipe for weapon?  So far he’s come off as a bit of a goofball in the few interviews he’s had, but he’s just getting started, so we’ll see what becomes of him, huh?


Lawdog – This guy just showed up during the last full moon, and I don’t even know what his name is, so I’m just calling him Lawdog, cause that’s like, the vibes he put out.  That was the night that outlaw biker gang was causing trouble all through the city and had us running ragged.  This guy just appears on a rooftop like some mysterious werewolf gunman out of an old western, howling at the moon and unloading his six shooters at the gang.  He even wears a duster and cowboy hat, hell, I think he even has a tin star on his costume!  So yeah, totally going with Lawdog here.  He’s shown up a time or two since, seems to have a thing for putting some fear into his targets before confronting them, so he’s got some style!  

(Side note:  Totally just an off-the-wall theory on my part, but I’m seeing a pattern here!  Female supers tend toward feline traits, and males toward lupine or canine traits!  How crazy is that?!)




Pink Pussy – Hey, chica, Kinbaku and Lovely Angel?  They’re guys.  Just thought you should know 😉

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  WHAT?  No, you’re pulling my leg here!  I’m a connoisseur of this kind of thing, an expert!  I have a finely tuned eye for traps!  There’s no way they’re dudes, dude!  Like, how do you even know that?

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  The nose knows 😉  And I may have just flirted with them a couple of times now and gotten Angel a little hot under the collar.  

—-Reply from Cyber Seer:  No way, I still don’t believe it!  Best traps ever!  You totally have to introduce me sometime!  


Gun Bunny – I’ve met Lawdog once.  He’s quite the gentleman, really, and is absolutely going for the classic western hero.  I daresay Sentinel City could use more men of that kind of character.  He’s also very much a cop, or at least, used to be one before putting on the duster and six guns; the way he carries himself, refers to the criminals, some of the observations he had, definitely has had training as a detective.  Early impressions, yeah, I’d trust him in a firefight.

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Neato!  You seem to know a lot about how cops act too, GB!  Bet you watch a lot of those shows on TV, huh?

–Reply from Gun Bunny:  Guilty as charged 😉


Mecha Musume – In spite of her more crude methods, I am confident in saying that Wrench Witch shares some of my own talents with mechanics.  I managed to catch the tail end of that fiasco on the freeway tonight, and thankfully she and Squatch were there to keep all those logs from causing serious harm to people.  She didn’t hesitate to use her truck as a shield, and he was easily able to grab them and toss them off the bridge into the river.  That truck is built more than “Ford tough”; it barely had any scratches to the paint let alone dents after slamming into those huge logs.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Black Cat called what y’all do being an artificer, btw.  But yeah, caught some drone footage of that mess, and did some sniffing around, pretty sure I’ve found the cause of that.  Looks like Rampage got out of Edgewater somehow and is loose again, so expect things to get nuts sooner rather later.  Funny how they’re keeping that quiet, huh?

–Reply from Mecha Musume:  Absolutely suspicious, or perhaps Jennifer Tempest couldn’t handle the fact that someone broke out of her facility and doesn’t want to admit failure?  Either way, we need to get the word out to be on the lookout for this guy!

—-Reply from Pink Pussy:  Consider the word out!  I freakin’ hate this guy!  It’s like all those video games where you drive around and shoot up the city and cause chaos got embodied into one nutjob!  Madre de Dios, don’t let him get wound up too far, or we’ll have a city-wide mess on our hands!


LORE24 ENTRY #59 – Supers Month #28 – Solaria


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Heroine Name



Real Name



if it’s one thing Solaria has, it’s a sense of style, though, like, I’m not so sure about some of her fashion choices.  On the outside, that whole “priestess of the Light” thing is pretty hot, flowing white dress, revealing slits on the sides and on the skirts to show of her hips and legs, the golden accents, thigh boots and opera-style gloves, yeah, it totally works with the goodly healer bit.  I’m not so sure about the rest of that outfit though.  Like, the golden collar and cuffs on her wrists and ankles, those are totally awesome, sure, but the full set of chastity gear under the dress?  That’s a bit much, I think.  Like, no way I could handle something like that.  Not at all, I’d go like, totally crazy in no time flat.  Wonder if she’s like, focusing her mental energies somehow by doing that, or if maybe she’s like, a virgin and has to protect her virtue or like, lose her powers and stuff?

Oh, she also has this really cool looking sun-themed staff too, also gold, for like, channeling her energy, I think.  Really sets off the rest of her look!


Powers and Abilities

So like, Solaria is all about the heals, right?  She’s like, the only person I know who can do a proper RPG-style healing, and she does it super-awesome like.  She even does the prayers and stuff to the Light when she does it!  And she isn’t the least bit shy about sharing her gift, either, which is totally awesome!  She goes around the city to all the clinics and homeless shelters and stuff and heals those she can, from minor cuts and scrapes to broken bones and like, even some diseases!  

She’s even like, got some other powers relating to the light, too.  She can pull off a totally awesome flashbang attack, and she absolutely glows when she calls on her healing powers; total beacon of holiness!  She can do light shields and stuff too.  She’s probably got other powers relating to Light manipulation (HOLY LASERS!!!) if I were to make totally random guesses, but like, maybe she’s saving them for hard times?  Or something?  I’ll get into that more in a sec…

And honestly, guys, I’m like, 99% sure I could take Solaria in a fight, and I’m totally not a fighter, right?  She like, totally doesn’t get the combat thing, even worse than me!  You’ve seen the vids, right?  She can defend herself, like, in the general sense of the term, but like, your average street thugs tend to overpower her on the regular.  If this were like, an RPG, I’d say she totally min-maxed her offense and defense, and it’s like, totally out of balance.

And like, this is totally unconfirmed and stuff, but there’s like, this other chick that’s been spotted near Solaria a couple times now, just came on the scene.  Like, I don’t know if Solaria is summoning a literal angel (cause she totally looks like a kickass avenging angel), or if like, she’s aligned with Solaria spiritually or whatever (her armor sort of looks an awfully lot like Solaria’s chastity gear), but it looks like she packs a punch!  Maybe she’s min-maxed the opposite way Solaria is to act as a balance?  I’m still digging on this one; camera footage is totally whacked so far, just got tons of eye-witnesses and you know how they can be.  

Update from Black Cat:  Dudes!  Finally caught up with Black Cat again and like, she’s totally confirmed some things!  Solaria is definitely using full blown healing magic, and she’s definitely got like, an otherworldly patron of some kind guiding her!  So all that stuff she is always preaching about?  Like, totally true!  What Black Cat couldn’t say for sure was whether it’s actually something from beyond our mere mortal realm, or if Solaria actually willed it into being herself, or if it’s one of those familiar things with a super-bloated opinion of itself.  But like, she also said a bunch of other stuff that I had trouble following (magic is actually pretty hard to understand; give me some deep encryption algorithms any day!), so like, maybe you can ask her about it next time you see her?  But like, that new angel chick spotted with Solaria?  She’s definitely not a manifestation of Solaria’s power, she’s her own thing!  Need more info, like seriously!


What She Does

Okay dudes, I’mma lay this one out here and just, like, make of it what you will.  Solaria is like, this totally awesome healer, right?  Seems like someone Sentinel City could use more of, right?  I mean, she totally spends most of her time helping people and expecting nothing in return, right?  Well, like, maybe?  But like, she’s got this quirk about her, and I’m totally not against religion and stuff, but dudes, she’s totally developing a cult around her.  Like, seriously, the Light she is always praying to?  More and more people are praying to it now after she’s been preaching about it so much (like, she’s even been hauled off by the cops a few times when she got really fired up about it); she’s practically starting her own church.  It’s like, only a matter of time before she starts doing healing live on TV and getting donations and stuff from all over the country.  Like, those megachurches that are out there now?  They will have nothing on Solaria if the girl got serious about it.  Am I saying that’s a bad thing?  Not really, I mean, maybe it’s high time for a new religion to spring up?  Not my field, though; I’ll stay well out of the whole theology debate, yeah?

And like, there’s this other quirk about Solaria though, and I can totally get it!  And like, she’s worse than me in this regard!  She gets captured.  A lot.  Like, running the numbers, I’m seeing like, of her known fights that have been captured on video, like 85% of them end with her getting overpowered and captured, tied up in various humiliating ways and drug off somewhere by the baddies.  Like, I get it, totally, she’s got a damsel-in-distress fetish; I’ve been there (still might be there, in fact), but still, when I’m saying that it’s a bit much, you know its bad.  Like, damn, PP, you need to catch up with this girl and put her through some serious training!  I guess maybe that’s why she adopted the chastity gear?  Like, it makes sense in a hentai-kind of way.


Known Allies

Hooded Harlot

Her Mysterious Guardian Angel

The Solaria Cult


Known Enemies and Rivals

Anyone on the captor side of a kidnap fetish?

Shadow Lynx.  Maybe; I mean, like, their powers are like, totally opposites, right?  We all remember what happened to Shadow Lynx when the lights came on in the Dollface fight, right?  So like, I could see sparks between these two.  And Shadow Lynx is such a bitch (taking PP’s word on that one!), so like, it’d make sense, right?



Mecha Musume – I cannot help but feel like we should be keeping a closer eye on Solaria; her healing abilities are very unique, and could be dangerous in the wrong hands.  As prone as she is to being captured, who is to say that some villain out there doesn’t already have their eyes on her, and is planning on kidnapping her and forcing her to keep them and their minions healed?  I also think that, if you’re willing to assist, Pink Pussy, that some self-defense training is certainly in order.  Perhaps Cyber Seer and Solaria can be enrolled in your program together?  Since someone here has thus far been avoiding said training.

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Oh, that’s not fair!  You know how busy I am all the time!  The internet totally never sleeps!

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  Si, I’m more than willing to put these two through their paces!  Strength training, combat training, long runs and hikes, the works!

—-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Uhhh…nope, totally not for me.  I’m super-delicate, you know?  All these late nights, stuck by my computer?  I’m totally not built for that kind of thing.  This is a nerd body, through and through!

——Reply from Mecha Musume:  Oh, I think that sounds wonderful!  You could use some proper sunlight from time to time, Cyber Seer.  And perhaps we should look into getting you some gear to match Solaria’s?  Maybe you would be more motivated to getting yourself in shape if certain pleasures were denied?  I can discuss the matter with Mecha Mistress and I’m sure she’d be in agreement.

——–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Totally not cool, dude!  Not cool at all!  Like, no!  NO!

———-Reply from Pink Pussy:  Have Mecha Mistress tag me in on that convo, ‘kay?  I think we can work something out!

Further comments on this thread have been blocked by the administrator.


Pink Pussy – Hey, chicas, I have some bad news here…I think Solaria has already been scooped up by someone!  Don’t ask me how I know, but I’m like 99% sure Solaria is moonlighting at the Edgewater Institute!  They’ve got a healer on staff that could absolutely be her, wears the same golden chastity gear, has the flashy light effects when healing, the works.  She wears some pretty heavy-duty latex nurse outfit, though, so her face is hidden.  I’m not sure she’s there of her own free will, but with the way she’s always getting captured, maybe?  Either way, I don’t trust someone like Jennifer Tempest with her.  That woman is scary in her own way.

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Heavy-duty latex nurse outfit?  Tell me more 😀 😀 <3 <3 <3

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  Nah, I’m not taking that bait, chica.  I’ve said too much already.

—-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Awww, come on!  Edgewater is like, totally locked down; I haven’t been able to take a peek inside at all, so tell me!  Inquiring minds want to know!

——Reply from Pink Pussy:  Fine, I’ll tell you, but you gotta do some serious training with me first.  

——–Reply from Cyber Seer:  You know what?  I’m totally not that interested suddenly 🙁 🙁

———-Reply from Mecha Musume:  Thank you for telling us about this, though.  We’ll have to keep it  on the radar for a future investigation.  Maybe Black Cat could perhaps use her magic to discern more information about the situation there?


Gun Bunny – if it weren’t for her healing abilities, Solaria would be in the crazy file at the SCPD.  When she gets rolling about the Light, she really gets rolling; records indicate that the PD have had to gag her a few times when she’s been hauled in, though I’m guessing that’s intentional on her part.  Still, I’d say she’s a net positive in the city, though if she’s got links to Edgewater and the Tempests, I’d definitely tread carefully around her, and be careful what you say, otherwise the Tempests may hear about it.

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Heh, she’s definitely worse off than me when it comes to the bondage thing.  Totally good advice as always, GB!  I’ve been digging into the Tempests myself, and there’s definitely something shady with that family!  If someone knows more about them, I’d say it’s that reporter for channel 9, Delia Emmerson.  She’s done several interviews with them lately, so maybe we reach out to her?  Seems to me like all of the Tempest’s operations are locked behind the same level of security as Edgewater, and thus far I’ve not had a reason to try to bust through their firewalls.  Might have to take a deeper dive soon…

–Reply from Gun Bunny:  Don’t do anything too dangerous, Cyber Seer.  The Tempest family isn’t to be underestimated; they’ve got their fingers in so much around the city, it’s scary.  They’ve got roots with the Italian mafia families, so expect harsh retaliation if you’re caught.

—-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Don’t worry, I’m the best at this kind of thing!  They’ll never even know I was there!

LORE24 ENTRY #58 – Supers Month #27 – Hooded Harlot


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Heroine Name

Hooded Harlot


Real Name



So like, she’s a whore, or a harlot, right?  And she wears a hood, hence the name.  Totally mind blowing, right?  Seriously, though, not gonna throw shade, just like, being snarky and stuff.  Chill!  Anyway, Hooded Harlot has a thing for purple, the darker the better.  It’s her primary color choice, next to black.  Her costume has that stylish hood and cape thing going on, though she wears a domino-type mask beneath the hood too to help with the secret identity thing.  She wears a two-tone black and purple one-piece on her upper body and thigh high heels over lighter purple tights, and sports a pair of opera-length gloves to top things off.  She’s got some pretty deep pockets in that outfit too, sporting your classic utility belt and some extra weapons hidden about herself.  Nothing too flashy for this chica, just down to business.  And might I say, she rocks the look, especially since she’s buffed up some lately, really cracked down and got herself in greater shape!  Seriously, dudes, have you seen those thighs?  Hawt!


Powers and Abilities

So like, from what everyone has observed (at least those who ain’t afraid to speak up and post footage online, anyway), she’s not sporting any flashy super powers, but DAMN if Harlot’s not a great fighter.  Like, ninja warrior shit here!  Some of the footage of her, as little as there is of it, tells me she’s got leet skillz!  There was that one vid of her dropping down on a bunch of drug dealers harassing some of the working girls and man, she had them all messed up in record time!  Left the lot of them strewn about the street, and how!  More on that later, though.  She packs a lot of tricks in her utility belt, too, like smoke bombs, gas grenades, bolas, stun guns, and dudes, she’s even got a grapple gun!  Like, where does she get all those wonderful toys?  Oh, she ain’t afraid to use weapons, either; she’s usually wielding a pair of batons that are totally not dildoes (okay, they probably are, but like, HARD ones), even has some versions of them that she can throw like a ninja star!  Imagine getting clunked in the head with something like that!


What She Does

Hooded Harlot kicks ass; that’s like, what she does!  At least, those asses that come into the Red Light District and start trouble, anyway.  She’s like, totally territorial in that regard, rarely spotted outside that area of town, and if she is spotted elsewhere, it usually means she’s tracking down someone who hurt one of the pros, or did something else to really piss off those in the biz with some seriously shady shit.  Drug dealer types seem to be pretty high on her ass kicking list, based on the numbers.  Oh, but Harlot doesn’t just let’em off with a good beat down!  She’s got a style all her own, cause she has to humiliate the shit outta these douchebags, like, damn, I think she’s got some serious mental trauma or something.  Or maybe she’s just like, totally kinky; I’d buy that too.  Kinda hot, right?  Well, maybe not if you’re on her bad side.  Harlot’s got a mean streak, and she makes sure people know about it.  She’s got this habit of leaving those criminal types who cross her laying out in the open, usually beaten black and blue, but also usually arrayed in some really humiliating fashions.  Like, remember that time all those guys were tied to the railing, pants down, asses spanked, and stuffed with some of her toys?  Yeah, like, don’t get on her bad side!  Total X-rated stuff, but like, she could totally monetize it!  (She hasn’t, though; believe me when I say I’ve done the research!)

But I’m like, not really sure how to get on her good side, either.  She’s like, really dedicated to taking care of the Red Light District, and like, doesn’t play well with others.  I’ve tried leaving some messages here and there, and got nothing.  PP mentioned some run ins with her, but like, she didn’t sound too receptive to a co-op, more like she wanted everyone else outta her territory.  Still, she’s not outright come out and gotten hostile with any heroes as far as I know, just like, really cold and mysterious and anti-social and stuff.  Like, “don’t mess with me shit, and I won’t mess with yours” kinda vibes.


Known Allies

So like, Hooded Harlot is mostly a loner, right?  Like, she’ll tolerate other hero-types passing through, but as long as they finish up and clear off fast, she doesn’t seem to take offense to them.

There seems to be a particular exception, though.  Like, Solaria has been spotted in the RLD multiple times, and as far as I can determine, she’s like, not gotten her ass beaten yet.  Thinkin’ maybe it’s because she’s always out there healing people up, you know?  Like, has Solaria ever really pissed anyone off?  Or maybe she and Harlot have something else going on?  Like, how many times do you think Harlot’s had to save Solaria from getting kidnapped in her territory?  Anyway, if Harlot has an ally, it’s Solaria, though how close they really are is anyone’s guess.



Known Enemies and Rivals

Organized Crime Types

Drug Dealers

Corporate Douchebags

Bad Tippers?



Cyber Seer –  So like, I think I should probably like, try to do some on-the ground kinda investigatory actions here and get to know Hooded Harlot, for like, the team and stuff.  We’re all on the same side here, right?  Keep Sentinel City and its people safe, and that goes for the hookers and stuff too, right?  I can totally go in undercover.  I can almost guarantee she’s a dominatrix by day!  Or well, by night?  Well, she works crime-fighting at nights usually, so…maybe she doesn’t sleep much either?  But yeah, totally should investigate her more!

-Reply from Mecha Musume:  I will admit that I’m rather impressed that you kept most of the NSFW stuff to a minimum here given the subject’s nature, but I would think that our attention should be in other places for now?  There is that whole matter of stolen artifacts and Kitsune’s mysterious backer to research, yes?  Hooded Harlot is doing her own thing, doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone who doesn’t deserve it, and for now, hasn’t asked for help from us.  Don’t be getting involved where you’re not needed or wanted.

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  You should have seen the first draft; like totally X-rated and like, ten times longer 😉  Like yeah, you’re not wrong, but like, I’m just saying, she could totally be worth reaching out to!  Think of all the stuff that goes on in the RLD that she probably knows about!  Could be super-useful to have a contact on the inside!  

—-Reply from Mecha Musume:  (≖_≖ )  Are you hiding something?  You seem very restrained for such an X-rated heroine as Hooded Harlot.  You aren’t planning on disguising yourself and trying to draw her out to experience one of her humiliating beatings, are you?

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  NO!  Totally not planning anything like that!  Of course not!  Like…I’m just, you know…curious…like…what’s it like in that position, you know?  But no, I’m not planning anything.  Nope nope nope!  Good girl here!

——–Reply from Mecha Musume:  I’m pressing the doubt button…


Pink Pussy – Yeah, I’ve had a run-in or two with Hooded Harlot since I’ve been fighting crime; it was sort of like when two big cats cross paths and try to assert dominance, I guess.  She’s definitely doing her own thing.  You’re right about her being territorial; she’s very protective over the workers there, kinda like a guardian angel, yeah?  Chica’s definitely got issues, but I’d probably lean on the side of trusting her to jump in to help if you happened to get dragged into a fight there.  Just don’t expect her to welcome you afterward; likely she’d beat the bad guy and then threaten you with a beating too if you didn’t clear out rapido.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Think that maybe if someone were to like, willingly take the beating she’s offering that she’d like, open up to them?  I could like, test that theory!

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  I don’t even know what to say to that…like seriously, you need to calm the kink, chica.

—-Reply from Mecha Musume:  Oh, don’t worry about that; we’re going to have a long discussion over this one, and she’s not going to enjoy it.

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  You might be surprised ;p  


Gun Bunny – My sources in the SCPD don’t really have much to add about Hooded Harlot; she’s got a niche and she fills it well.  She plays about as well with the cops as she does anyone else, but only sticks around long enough to see that the bad guys are arrested.  She went quiet there or a few weeks though, before she came back in better shape than ever, so they’re assuming she went through some kind of intense training, maybe in response to the growing number of superpowered criminals out there.  The week following her return had the highest arrest rate to date for the RLD.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Ohhh, neat to know!  Still think you’ve got better legs, though 🙂

–Reply from Gun Bunny:  Noted, and appreciated 😉


LORE24 ENTRY #57 – Supers Month #26 – Claire Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Claire Tempest.

Claire.  Tempest.


There’s another Tempest sister?!  When?!  HOW?!  Where is she?  Who is she?  How is it possible I’m just now learning of her existence?!

Seriously, full stop.  I don’t know how I missed this one, or how none of the Tempests or any of their underlings ever mentioned Claire Tempest before.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, not even the best government spooks can exist with this level anonymity.  I found nothing, absolutely NOTHING about Claire Tempest ANYWHERE.  Even my law enforcement sources swear I have to be mistaken, because they’ve never heard of a Claire Tempest either.  

So how did I find out about Claire Tempest at all?  It wasn’t easy, and maybe a little stupid, if not outright dangerous, but something stirred the family up a few weeks back.  It started with Misha Kyle of all people; apparently she’s got some kind of grudge against Sei-Sei’s friend Honey.  Whatever she had planned, Maria and Jennifer stepped in to intervene before Misha did something she’d regret; still trying to work out the details on that one.  I happened to be tailing Julia at the time, and happened to be masquerading as one of the waitresses at her favorite restaurants when she got a call from Grace.  I couldn’t overhear all the details, but I saw Julia of all people go pale.  She recovered quickly, but I heard her mention “our dear sister Claire” and making sure that the entire family would be there for her arrival.  She left almost immediately thereafter, so I hightailed it too, and followed her all the way to the Tempest estate.  I hung back in my favorite hiding spot in the woods outside the property, and sure enough, within a matter of hours, every one of the Tempest family had shown up.

I never saw Claire Tempest arrive, though (perhaps she was already there, waiting for Julia?), and as much as I wanted to, I wasn’t about to try to slip into the Tempest Estate.  I just had some seriously bad vibes about the place that night.  I can’t really explain it, but there was this overwhelming feeling that I didn’t want to be anywhere near the place, something…intangible in the air, like that static feeling you sometimes get when a thunderstorm is coming in.  

I’m digging with renewed vigor on this one; I will find out who Claire Tempest is, eventually.  Whatever she’s scheming, it’s got the rest of the family working extra hard on…something.  All of them seem to be redoubling their efforts at their various activities, almost like they’re trying to impress Claire, maybe, or more like they’re preparing for something big?  I may try to approach Honey and try to get what she knows about it; I overhead some of a conversation she had with Sei-Sei after the family meeting.  She’s been in a foul mood ever since, apparently, and had nothing good to say about any of the Tempests following that event, though Sei-Sei seemed to be entertained by whatever happened, teasing Honey about it before the two went off for their private escapades.  

This Tempest rabbit hole is going deeper than I ever could have imagined.  Though I will see it through to the end, I can only hope that I won’t be buried in it.


LORE24 ENTRY #56 – Supers Month #25 – Julia Tempest-Redhall


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Julia Tempest-Redhall may well be the head of the Tempest crime family.  She doesn’t share the spotlight like some of the younger girls in the family, and by most accounts is a rather private individual, but her name is known throughout Sentinel City, and she is frequently spotted at every major public function, and most private ones, the city’s elite hold.  She’s the very image of a graceful, elite socialite, but I’ve yet to uncover what she’s actually done to become so famous amongst the wealthy elite.  Maybe it has something with her ties to old European royalty and her marriage into the Redhall family, maybe she inherited some significant wealth there; I’m still waiting on more details on that front, but information is surprisingly hard to find regarding the links here.

I’ve yet to find the exact dates here, but from what I can piece together, Julia has to be in her sixties, if not her seventies, but I daresay she barely looks forty, and the younger women of the family have reportedly taken to calling her ‘Granny’, a moniker that she despises, apparently.  I just can’t get over how well these women age.  Maybe the Fountain of Youth is just one of their many secrets?  

But what is it that Julia actually does in Sentinel City?  Besides being a socialite…I can’t really find anything else, officially.  She apparently doesn’t have any official income, even though she lives within the walls of the Tempest family mansion, and has perhaps the largest estate in the wealthy areas on the outskirts of the city.  I haven’t found any criminal records indicating tax evasion or other schemes one might expect to find, and I’ve barley found any public records of her at all, not even a drivers’ license.  I suppose that’s why she is always spotted with her driver, chauffer, butler, whatever, Sei-Sei (he may look all hot and plays sweet, but what little I’ve seen of him, his eyes scream career criminal, real mafioso-type muscle) in tow, though he’s also been known to work with the other members of the family.  I’ve followed him a couple times when Julia’s sent him out on errands, and have discovered that he sometimes hooks up with a prostitute, known as Honey, though I’ve not gone deeper than that; maybe she’s another angle I can investigate when I have the chance.

Back to Julia, though.  I’m absolutely certain she’s got her hands on Sentinel City’s strings, controlling a good chunk of the politicians and influential wealthy elite in the city.  She’s just too common a sight not to wield some kind of incredible power.  I’ve seen it myself, have photos of how these people look at her, and they practically worship her, always fawning over her.  It’s that  damn Tempest force of personality at work again.  But what does she actually tell them to do?  I’ve only gotten close enough to overhear a few conversations, and haven’t managed to get clear long-range recordings, but the conversations seem innocent enough.  Yet, there are plenty of private meetings I’ve not managed to slip close enough to eavesdrop on yet, and those are where the big business gets done, I’m certain.  Julia and the rest of the family has a grand plan in the works, probably dozens of criminal operations that all seem unrelated, but no doubt tie together at the head of the family.  

I may be going out on a limb here, but I am convinced I’ll find proof of it sooner or later, but I daresay that the Tempest family runs the single largest criminal enterprise in the country, maybe the world!  These women simply have too much power and influence to be using it entirely for the benefit of the city.  I just need that one detail, the one scrap of information that’ll bust this case wide open, and I’m sure I’ll find it!  Once I’ve taken care of a few more things swirling around Julia, I’m going to ambush her after one of her clandestine meetings, and I’m going to wring the truth out of the woman!  Anything for a scoop!


LORE24 ENTRY #55 – Supers Month #24 – Grace Tempest-Redhall


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Grace Tempest-Redhall, daughter of Julia Tempest-Redhall.  Why the additional name attached to this pair, though?  Well, that’s subject’s a bit murky, but it seems that Julia once married into another influential family from somewhere in Europe, though I can’t find information as to whether Grace was born from that family or simply adopted into it after the marriage.  I’ve reached out to some people who know how to trace these family lines better than I do, but they’ve not gotten back to me yet.  I’m not sure how long ago any of this took place, either; Julia is supposed to be the family elder from all accounts, the one in charge, but she barely looks forty, and Grace still looks like she’s in her twenties.  How blessed can one family be in the looks department, anyway?  Personal opinion here:  not fair, at all.

Anyway, as to Grace’s activities in Sentinel City, she’s only recently come to make a name for herself, joining in on the majority of the family’s attempts to enrichen and improve the city, and she’s taken a different (but somewhat parallel?) course as Maria has in her efforts.  She runs a special reform school for misguided, troublesome boys called the Littlewood Academy that just opened last year.  You’d think there would be more of an uproar over the facility being exclusive to only half of the population, but she’s promised that, when her methods prove successful, there will be a matching school for girls.  Still, I have my doubts that this is a legitimate business; there’s way too much public funding going into it (and who knows how much private funding; I intend to find out!), and the ‘boys’ that are shipped into the place are actually adults; all the records I’ve uncovered show the youngest allowed in are eighteen, with most trending older.

Thus far I’ve not managed to get a look at the facility itself, as it’s again under a strict no-fly zone for drones, and has high walls.  From what I have seen from outside, though, it’s just as fancy looking as Maria’s academy on the inside, and by every testimonial I’ve read, the first round of graduates have come out positively sparkling, their violent tendencies and lackluster personalities completely reversed, with many going on to take positions with well-respected, wealthy citizens as personal assistants and understudies in their businesses.  The re-education program here does tout a strong focus on giving the students real-life job skills.  Given the state of Sentinel City, and the world at large for that matter, I daresay that mind control of some kind is involved.  I’d expect this kind of thing from Jennifer at Edgewater, if I’m being honest.

Also, a curious note:  I did manage to get my hands on some of the expense reports from inside Littlewood.  On the surface, they looked completely normal, food purchases, staff payroll, promotional material, that kind of thing, but there was an oddly high amount spent on cosmetics and student uniforms.  I’m no mathematician, but compared to the size of the facilities, Grace has spent more on this particular area than what Maria has at her much larger school.  I smell a money laundering scheme!

Given Julia’s tendency to ingratiate herself amongst the elite of Sentinel City, there’s got to be a link to Grace’s activities at this school that I’ve yet to uncover; some of the names where these reformed young men have started new careers are amongst the ones Julia frequently visits, after all, and in my profession, there are no coincidences.

I’m still working the angles on this one, but have managed to secure an interview with Grace, and may even manage a proper tour of the facility if I play my cards right.  I’ll get to the bottom of this, whatever it takes, and I’ll see to it that the Tempests’ criminal plans are busted wide open, or my name’s not Delia Emmerson!



LORE24 ENTRY #54 – Supers Month #23 – Amelia Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


By all accounts, Amelia Tempest is a business genius, having all the right degrees and training to see her to the top floor of that high rise, the head of Venus Financial Corp, making the right decisions, and yet she’s barely out of her twenties, though you wouldn’t guess that from how she looks.  I’d swear she’s barely twenty, but that must be those amazing Tempest genes at work; she’s every bit the stunning beauty as her sisters.  Believe it or not, apparently Gloria Tempest helped to raise her, remains somewhat of a motherly figure to her, even.  More of those good genes, I guess.

I’d like to say I believe that she’s accomplished all of her success above the table, but I can’t.  No, I’m convinced she’s just s crooked as the rest of the family.  A major financial company like hers is perfect for laundering funds and making openings for other illicit deals, and I have no doubt that’s exactly what Amelia does for the rest of the family.  Can I prove it?  Well…no, not in so many simple words.  Most of what I’ve found that could be called ‘questionable’ to the average observer would be considered normal in the cutthroat corporate world.  Venus Corp has even gone through great lengths to keep its taxes properly paid from what I can find.  

it’s all just too clean, though, too perfect.  My investigative instincts tell me that she’s dirty, and I’m convinced someone out there knows all about it, someone whose last name doesn’t start with Tempest.  Bobbi, the head of the IT department at Edgewater, visits Amelia’s office fairly often, likely has something to do with Venus Corp’s secret secure documents, if I had to make an educated guess.  Then there’s Julia Tempest’s driver, Sei-Sei; he’s visited a few times without Julia in tow, and I’ve gotten at least two confirmed visits from Misha Kyle.  These people know something, and I will find out sooner or later!

I had an interview with Amelia, haven’t published the results just yet, but she’s just as slippery as her sisters.  She’s pleasant to speak to, draws you in with her presence alone, fills the room with it, even.  Perfect for the head of a major international corporation, certainly.  She didn’t speak much about herself, more about her accomplishments, though, like Gloria, did reveal that she has a thing for collecting dolls on her off time.  Like I couldn’t tell that from the displays she had in her private office; the woman even has a few human-sized dolls on display in her office, dressed up like something you’d see out of a Victorian masquerade ball, safe behind thick, spotless glass.  I didn’t care for them though; they creeped me out, if I’m being quite honest, kept feeling like they were looking at me, could almost swear I saw one move…just a twitch, but still.  I’d say Amelia needs to talk with Dollface, but she’s still in a coma back at Edgewater, and if it’s one thing the Tempests don’t need, its mind-control masks.

The investigation into Amelia Tempest is ongoing, as it is with the rest of the family.  I’ll catch them making a mistake that’ll open the way to a major breakthrough sooner or later, I have no doubts about it.  Patience is a virtue, and I’m nothing if not patient, though I am starting to feel the frustration with this case building up.  I’ve had trouble sleeping since starting this operation, even had a dream where I was one of those dolls in Amelia’s office, stuck inside that display case, struggling to breath, unable to move, watching her go about her day as if I wasn’t there.  Just like I had a dream after talking with Rachel about being buried alive after getting mummified.  Or that dream I had about being a pet at Maria’s school.  Maybe I need to visit Jennifer for another therapy session, get my head straight…

Anyway, the Amelia Tempest interview will be a puff piece; the Tempest seem to like people praising their greatness, so maybe it’ll lead to bigger and better chances to learn about their illicit dealings.  Time will tell…



LORE24 ENTRY #53 – Supers Month #22 – Gloria Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


I would say that Gloria doesn’t really fit the Tempest template, but I’m not even sure I can pin down a template for them; each of them are unique, and each of them have secrets I intend to uncover.  For a while, she was perhaps the most famous of the Tempest family, soaking up the limelight as one of those ‘famous because they’re sexy and rich’ types, though she did have a successful career as a model during that phase.  The last few months, though, she’s stepped out of the spotlight and become a much more private individual, stepped away from most of the attention she’d been getting.  Could it be that she’s tired of it all?  Is it because of her new boyfriend?  Or something more sinister, perhaps?

My money’s on something more sinister, no question about it.  

Gloria still frequently visits with other family members, most often Amelia Tempest, who is the youngest of the family, and perhaps the most successful in terms of business, given her position as the head of a major global financial management firm.  Gloria has been to countless parties and functions in Sentinel City, rubbing elbows with the wealthy and influential of all layers.  She could have anyone wrapped around her finger in moments by all accounts, and has a devoted following of admirers across the country and the world.  She apparently likes dolls, too, and has one of the largest collections in the city, some extremely rare, life-size, even.  I suppose everyone needs a hobby.

(As a side note…what is it with these Tempest women’s genes?  They’re all stunningly beautiful; I find myself getting lost in admiring even photos of them from time to time, and of those I’ve met, their personalities are absolutely overwhelming to be around, in the most exhilarating way.  Even Julia, the family elder, doesn’t look a day over thirty, at the most.  Must be some old-world Italian royalty in their blood, perhaps.  It should be a crime to be that damn hot…No, I’m not envious!  Why would I be?!)

But what evidence do I have of her shady nature?  Admittedly, not a lot.  I think she’s more of a go-between, maybe a messenger between various parties, delivering orders from the Tempest family, weaving their web of crime.  No paper trails here, just words whispered in an ear here and there in a public setting, masked by the buzz of the crowd.  I’d bet money that she learned it from Julia, and may have even taken over the role from her now that Julia has moved up the ladder in the family hierarchy.

There’s got to be an angle with her boyfriend, too.  Kyou Usunagi, one of the top-tier photographers in Sentinel City, known worldwide for his work, especially in the fetish community.  He’s done shoots with Gloria many times before they started dating, and before she went low-visibility.  What wrongdoing can I prove with Kyou?  Maybe a parking ticket, if that.  But, there’s a link there that I can’t deny that just screams suspicious.  Apparently one of Kyou’s clients, one Misha Kyle, was introduced to Gloria after he’d done a few fetish photo shoots for her company, Latex Leopard Limited.  Guess who has as special contract with the Edgewater Institute and one Jennifer Tempest, to provide uniforms and consulting services?  Misha Kyle.  Kyou knows something about what goes on in that family, I’m sure of it.  He’s recently taken on a new partner in his business, an out-of-towner named Kinzie O’Connor, fresh out of college, just learning the biz.  Gloria has been spotted several times with the two of them fawning over her, so maybe I can get something out of him even if Kyou’s too sharp to say anything about his girlfriend; based on his online presence, Kinzie is a bit of a ditz.

Again, frustration is the order of the day here.  There’s so much that could be chalked up to coincidence when it comes to Gloria Tempest, a lot of potential for criminal activity that I just can’t dismiss it.  I’ve tried to get an interview with her, but so far I’ve been ignored; I may have to be a little more bold, try to catch her somewhere in public, or at her home, try to get her off balance in those sexy heels she’s always wearing.

There has to be evidence out there, somewhere.  I will find it, and I will expose the Tempest family for what they are!



LORE24 ENTRY #52 – Supers Month #21 – Rachel Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Rachel Tempest knows where the bodies are!  I’m absolutely certain of it!  

My frustration continues to mount in this investigation, but I have a solid lead here, I just know it.  

Okay, okay, backup just a minute.  Who is Rachel Tempest?  As of a few weeks ago, she’s the newest curator of the Sentinel City Museum system.  A rather convenient development, I’d say.  Suspiciously so, in fact.  She swooped in practically out of nowhere after the previous curator lost some valuable artifacts during that operation that finally captured Pink Pussy; I’d personally call that operation a failure since the supposed heroines let those artifacts be stolen, but that’s for another article.  Rachel wasn’t on anyone’s radar as far as I could determine, and until some honeyed words got put in several influential ears around town, likely thanks to Julia Tempest-Redhall, nobody was looking to oust the previous curator, either.  Rachel wasn’t even in the country at the time; I’ve traced her to an archeological dig in Egypt before she was suddenly back in SC, giving that acceptance speech, still with desert dust fresh on her clothes from the dig site.

I’ll begrudgingly admit that Rachel Tempest is qualified for the position, however.  Her academic credentials are solid as far as I’ve been able to determine, having completed multiple programs in ancient history with a specialty in ancient Egyptian history, and has spent years completing field work at dozens of dig sites around the world, under the watchful eyes of the best archeologists of the day.  A real modern-day tomb raider.  She’s always been rather distant from the other Tempests (though perhaps not as distant as the mysterious Claire Tempest), so I find it highly suspicious that she suddenly came back for a cushy museum job.  

Turns out there was plenty more to dig up when it comes to Rachel Tempest.  According to my FBI sources, who have been working with several international organizations given Rachel’s globetrotting, there’s plenty of indicators that she’s just as crooked as the rest of the family.  She’s been linked to multiple groups dealing in black market relics (albeit very tangentially), and there are many disturbing rumors regarding her true purpose within the family.  I can’t prove it just yet, but there have been multiple instances of rather wealthy or influential people having gone missing over the years that have coincided with her returns to Sentinel City.  I could find no prior links to any of these people to Rachel personally, but I can confirm they’ve had dealings with other members of the family.

Yeah, that could just be coincidence, but my instincts, and a healthy understanding of mafia methods, say otherwise.  You see, the previous museum curator?  He’s gone missing too, right after Rachel Tempest showed back up in Sentinel City to take his position.  What would Rachel Tempest have to say about that?  Well, when I asked her about it during the course of an official interview, she first made a joke about it, saying that he was still in the museum, wrapped up in one of the sarcophagi inside the Egypt exhibit.  Then she said he was on vacation somewhere, and that she didn’t have time to worry about what they were doing with their time since she had a series of new exhibits to plan.  She’s…very passionate about history, given that our interview lasted over an hour after that.

BUT…there’s much more.  That joke…I don’t think it was a joke.  She was dead serious about it, I know it!  I tried slipping inside the museum after hours, just to see what I could find in that exhibit, but since she’s taken over, security has been increased to ridiculous levels (thanks to an anonymous donation, of course); it’s got to be as secure as Edgewater now.  So, I went digging elsewhere, doing some off the record interviews with a few of the other museum staff, some of the lesser Tempest “minions” that dealt with the rest of the family here and there, drivers, errand boys, that kind of thing.  A couple of them had a very interesting story to say the least.  Can you say…body farm?!  Not the kind they do forensics research at, but a place where all the Tempest family’s enemies are buried?!  Is that too good to be true?

Well, this reporter has an address and plenty of gas in the tank.  It’s outside Sentinel City, an old farm to the south.  There are lots of farms down there, but there are red flags about this one.  One, online satellite maps have it blurred out, and two, it’s a drone no-fly zone, when nothing else around it shares that same honor.  Coincidence?  Nah, I don’t think so!  What dirty secrets does Rachel Tempest keep buried there?  I intend to find out.  This could be the biggest scoop of my career!

Further updates are pending.



LORE24 ENTRY #51 – Supers Month #20 – Maria Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Is it possible for a place to be more shady than the Edgewater Institute?  I’m not sure, but I’d wager that the Tempest Grand Academy is a strong contender for it.

And what about Maria Tempest, the owner and administrator of the TGA?  She’s just as beautiful as her sister Jennifer, and has just as forceful a personality, perhaps even more so.  She is not as icy as Jennifer in terms of temperament as I’ve determined, but she can be just as strict and unaccepting of nonsense.  I can absolutely attest to the fact that I get the same sense of awe that I felt with Jennifer during our official interview and tour of the TGA facilities.  That’s the second puff piece I’ve written about the Tempests this year…I’d better be careful, or someone’s going to accuse me of going soft on them.

I suppose I’ll start with Maria herself.  Publicly, she is a reputable businesswoman, well regarded in Sentinel City and beyond, who prefers a quieter and less intense occupation than, say, Jennifer or another of the sisters, Amelia.  She seems more playful than Jennifer, more willing to joke or openly tease, but has a no-nonsense attitude underlying it all.  I get the impression that she can be an absolutely strict disciplinarian when the situation calls for it, and that she’s no stranger to such matters.  She attends many of the same meetings as Jennifer regarding the Edgewater Institute’s business, and is listed as being on its board, though she tends not to be involved overmuch.  There does seem to be some amount of overlap regarding the clients of Edgewater and the TGA, so there is much more to the story that I’ve yet to uncover.  I feel like there may be a deeper bond between these two than the rest of their sisters, I just haven’t been able to confirm the nature of this bond.  Twins, perhaps, though available records aren’t conclusive.

In her personal life, Maria has recently started dating Misha Kyle, the owner and chief designer at Latex Leopard Limited, whom she met during a meeting at Edgewater.  The two seem happy, spending a lot of time together outside of work, though much of it is behind the closed doors and high fences at the administrator’s residence on the grounds of the TGA facility outside of Sentinel City proper.  Prior to her involvement with the Tempest family, Kyle’s record looks clean and innocent enough, though there was one blip a few weeks before she met the Tempest sisters involving a very poorly documented account of an assault, maybe even a kidnapping?  There were no legal records beyond this, and whoever the detectives were who handled the situation completely botched it…or were intentionally hiding something?  Perhaps a lead for another time.

Misha just happens to supply the uniforms for the Edgewater staff as well as some of the more intense restraints for the superpowered patients.  Is there more to this relationship than it seems?  I have no doubts in my mind about it.  Following the contract with Edgewater, 3L’s sales skyrocketed, and they immediately purchased and implemented expanded production facilities.  I would not be surprised if the Tempests were using 3L as a way to launder some of their secret funds; no proof yet, but that’s one of the many angles I’m looking at.  

But what of the TGA?  What exactly goes on there?  Officially, the Tempest Grand Academy is a private education facility catering to the wealthy, like a fancy finishing school from the old days, teaching people how to be proper lords and ladies and the like.  It would seem to be a bit of an anachronism in that regard, but as its public earnings reports indicate, in the five years since the facility opened, its profits have steadily risen.  As I suspected, that simply wasn’t the whole story.  Who would believe that many people would be interested in learning proper social graces these days, after all?

Speaking to known staff members led to little in the way of useful information; they had nothing negative to say about anything that went on there, and seemed well schooled in keeping secrets.  I discovered that the facility’s chief physician had previously came from Edgewater, but little else on that front.  I attempted my own information gathering at the facility, but the nature of the grounds make it very private.  Though it’s in the hills outside of Sentinel City, the woods have been cleared away a good distance from the high walls and even higher foliage inside them, and the whole area has been designated a no-fly zone for drones, so I couldn’t manage to get an aerial view.  I managed to get some long-range photos of some of the students, but couldn’t find anything substantial about them or their relations with the Tempest family.

Compelled to find the truth of the mater, I reached out to Maria Tempest directly.  I was honestly a little surprised that she accepted my request for an interview and a tour of the facility so readily; she even picked me up herself so that we could get to know one another on the drive to the school.  Again, like with Jennifer, Maria’s very presence is incredible to experience.  I could not help but be enthralled by the passion she showed for the school, of her dedication to the students to make them the best they could be.  But what was she making them into?  In spite of what I reported in my official piece, I’m not entirely sure myself.  The whole weekend I spent there went by in a blur, only my interview is really clear in my memory, as was the tour of the main school building.  I know there are other buildings there, dormitories, a riding stable, even kennels for keeping pets, some quite exotic, but the details are vague (though Maria’s cat, Sheba, stands out as most well-behaved and beautiful pet in my mind).  Of the students I encountered there, all seemed to be very well mannered and confident in themselves, each displaying at least the demeanor of a dominant, and in some cases, aggressive, business executive.  

So is the TGA just an elite business school then, training the next generation of elite, corporate executives?  Perhaps…and perhaps not.  It’s frustrating me to no end that I can’t seem to recall a lot of the details during my visit there, but every time I try to think over what happened, I get a sense of fond longing, almost a pleasant, peaceful nostalgia, like a dog curling up by a fireplace at the feet of its master, that kind of cozy feeling.  The more time I spend in the presence of the Tempests the more overwhelmed I seem to be by them.  It’s dangerous business; I should probably just stop trying to dig into their affairs, and yet, I’m compelled by my own need to find the truth, whatever the cost.  Anything for a scoop, after all!