#Lore24 – Entry #194 – Supers Month II #13 – Taking on an Apprentice

From the journal of Abigail “Sassy” Dawson, Mage of the Order of Hecate

As it was, it wouldn’t be too awful long before I got to experience that moment when you realize that the world is just movin’ right on by you.  I’d spend several years roamin’ all over the world with Assane and Richard; they’d been about everywhere already, and I was feelin’ like it was my duty to try an’ keep’em in line, but that was a job I just wasn’t equipped for.  We had more than a few misadventures durin’ that time, but the things we were huntin’ kept dwindlin’ more and more, and the world was movin’ fast.  When you’re a skilled mage, your agin’ slows down after a while, and trips into the Sanctum slow it down to almost nothin’. 

It was somewhere near the turn of the century when I pulled outta the world, when I started seein’ them “automobiles” start showin’ up everywhere.  Seemed like there weren’t much in the way of mystery left in the world, and I was becomin’ a relic of past times, getting’ gawked at by them “civilized” folk in this new world.  My friends could sense the change in me and knew what was comin’.  Bein’ immortal as they are, and havin’ lived more lives than I could have imagined then, and them bein’ not wholly human, they had a different outlook on things, and weren’t affected by what was affectin’ me, that sense of no longer belongin’.  So, after a while longer, we said our goodbyes, and I returned to the Sanctum.

I wouldn’t poke my nose outta there for nearly a century after that.  It was a quiet time in the world; all them supernatural problems we used to deal with had mostly vanished, magic was ebbin’ to almost nothin’ out there, and even travel into the world could only be done through the strongest leylines.  Even Chrona weren’t sure what the future would hold for us, though I don’t know if maybe she was just keepin’ it to herself since she’s real careful not to try to influence that future. 

Still, there would come a day when we’d spot a promising future mage comin’ into the material world, the first one since me in fact, and her awakenin’ would be not unlike my own in some ways.  We watched her for a time when our seers found her, pickin’ up on the mana she was usin’ when her powers started wakin’ up.  This was in the mid 1980s, right near a century since I’d last been out there, and the world was right alien to me now as I watched this girl, Elizabeth Powell, from afar.  Seein’ as I was the most experienced in the “modern” world, I was volunteered for the job of bringin’ her home to the Sanctum. 

Her powers were just startin’ to awaken, and she was havin’ all kinds of trouble with controllin’ them, and strangeness was followin’ her around, only there weren’t nobody who knew what was goin’ on besides us.  By now, there weren’t no sense of the magical in the world aside from fiction and some games they played; it was all ‘bout “computers” and big corporations and all kinds of stuff I don’t rightly care for these days.  Anyway, the poor girl would suddenly experience her dam burstin’ right dangerously, and Chrona caught it soon enough that I could rush down there and keep Liz from burnin’ down her house and hurtin’ her family. 

I musta’ looked right strange ridin’ in there on Asher, appearin’ out of that leyline in the middle of one of them highways and boundin’ through all them cars, rushin’ for Liz’s home, then bustin’ into their house as her powers ran wild.  Poor girl was in hysterics, and her family was cowerin’ in fear as them electronics were blowin’ up and fires were croppin’ up all over the place.  It’d been a while since I’d faced power like she had in her, and for this day and age, she was somethin’ else.  I worked some magic and got her outburst under control and walked her through the basics of control to get her calmed down and not an immediate danger to everyone ‘round us.  It was an odd conversation to have with her and her kinfolk that evenin’, cause they didn’t rightly know what to make of me dressed as I was and what I was sayin’ ‘bout magic, but they finally took to understandin’ sooner or later.

I stayed with Liz and her family for a few weeks, teachin’ her the basics, and explainin’ what it was the Order of Hecate did, and the history of magic as I knew it, at least, how it had been goin’ in the last couple centuries.  Were Liz and I not workin’ spells right in front of her kin, I figure they’d have thought me right looney.  It was a rough decision for a girl her age, but in the end, it were decided that she’d be headin’ back to the Sanctum with me.  She’d made her own decision ‘bout that, and made her family accept it; she’s nothin’ if not headstrong, always was, and still is.  I gave her space to spend some time with her family and the few friends she had before she made her exit, and with some help from the Order, we smoothed over the particulars of makin’ a kid disappear in this modern time; apparently it was a lot harder to vanish that it used to be.

And so it was that the Order welcomed in its newest member, perhaps even its last member for all I knew at the time.  Understandably, Liz was a little sad for a while, but once she got her head on straight and started to settle in, she took to learnin’ like a duck to water.  Well, mostly; she could be a little hard to reign in when that stubborn streak of hers kicked in, but usually she weren’t no major headaches.  Oh, I had to tan her hide a few times over the years, but we developed somethin’ of a mother-daughter kinda relationship because of how things worked out.  I’m right proud of the youngin’ in spite of her ways, but that’s just the nature of us growin’ up in completely different times.  I still don’t understand some of my fellow mages and their oddball ways of actin’ that they picked up back during the Dark Ages or the Renaissance times.

Things was quiet for a while there, but then somethin’ strange started happenin’ in the material world.  Magic started to creep back in all of a sudden, then it exploded back on the scene.  Chrona had warned us that some major changes were a comin’, but none of us imagined that was what she meant.  It sent shockwaves through the Order, and after Liz started sneakin’ out to see what was goin’ on and ran into that Kitsune, Dollface, and whoever else they was workin’ with, we knew we’d been caught with our pants around our ankles. 

Can’t say I was ready to go back into that world again, but Chrona set me the job of findin’ my old companions, Assane and Richard, and findin’ out what they might know about what was goin’ on, and so I packed up my gear, checked my guns, and got ready to head into that concrete and glass hellhole that was the modern American city.