#Lore24 – Entry #199 – Supers Month II #18 – A Vast Power

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

How did I find out about your tiny little mudball, you ask?  Quite simple, really.  Some of your kind, those with an eye for progress and the willingness to use their power, sought me out, dealt with me and those beneath me in, swearing their souls to me in return for more power.  It’s a tale as old as time, one repeated far too often, but what is a demon lord to do when a soul is freely offered, hmm?  I simply couldn’t refuse such requests.

Mind you, this was hundreds of years ago; after that period you call the Dark Ages, I’ve heard hardly anything from your little world, at least, no calls for power that were of any serious nature.  Stupid children calling for forces they didn’t understand in poorly conceived rituals in the local graveyards, usually.  Oh, I allowed my minions to handle the requests, as I said, how can I pass up a soul, after all, but the results were so minor as to be nothing.  I think what’s truly plagued your world is a lack of imagination, now that I think about it.  It’s just so very dull.

Where was I?  Oh, yes, that question of how I became aware of your world.  Well, my pet, there was a particular arcanist of some power during the height of your Dark Ages that actually managed to impress me with their abilities.  Well, as much as one from your dullard of a world could, anyway.  What was their name?  Hmmm…must have not been particularly memorable in the grand scheme of things…oh, yes!  Shadowmere, Raeshima Shadowmere, that’s it!  But Shadowmere?  Sounds kind of like something you’d name a horse, doesn’t it?  I suppose given your kind’s lack of creativity, it was the best he could do at the time. 

Hmmm, that does remind me, though.  The deal I worked up with him hasn’t been completed yet.  There is an entirely separate clause that hasn’t even been invoked.  Suppose I should probably look into completing that someday…perhaps sooner rather than later.  Yes…yes…why, I do believe that I’ve just had a wonderfully fun idea!  This will get very interesting, I think!  Oh, your world simply won’t be able to handle this surprise!  And I think I’ll be having a little more fun at the expense of that lovely arcanist whom I contracted with, too!  Oh, this will be so much fun!