#Lore24 – Entry #211 – Supers Month II #30 – Broken Dolls, and Those Who Need Punishment

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

Well…yes, that whole affair could have certainly gone better.  I may enjoy my work, and I certainly take great joy from messing with my enemies, but…but that last little bit of the recovery operation on those relics was quite messy. 

Was I particularly enamored with the princess of dolls?  No, not really.  It’s an amusing idea, mind-control masks and whatnot, but if you want true loyalty, you need to instill it through more long-term means, like breaking the spirit and enslaving the soul.  I’ve done this for ages, and it works so very well.  And it’s much more therapeutic!  As a way to mess with humanity, it was amusing, but unfortunately, very shortly lived. 

And that, my pet, is where my concern truly lies.  These heroes have proven themselves worthy of my attention.  I daresay they would’ve been wonderful additions to the minion pool but for that sniper…although I have my suspicions that not all is as it seems about that.  We’ll have to do a little divination later, discern what exactly happened there at the end that allowed the entire control system to be destroyed.

I see that we must deal quickly and harshly with our heroines, for we cannot allow them to continue growing in power.  Most concerning is the one calling herself Black Cat.  I very much would have enjoyed a new kitty for my lap, but the fact that she’s managed to slip free of the trap Kitsune set, and with a set of items that can be modified into magical amplifiers…yes, this is quite troublesome indeed.  The one called Cyber Seer…I think I see potential there for controlling that one; her soul is positively filled to the brim with perversion, and that is absolutely something I can leverage.  The loss of the Pink Pussy is but a minor inconvenience, really; she was ultimately going to become another plaything in the end anyway, so this will be a delay only; she too is a beast born of sexual desires, and that I will use against her.  This armored knight, Mecha Musume?  Her technology is impressive, but she’s perhaps the most fragile of them all, and I already know of at least one who may be useful in bringing her to heel, if properly motivated.  The sniper, Gun Bunny, she must be studied more closely, though given her ties to Pink Pussy, I imagine she’ll be no trouble; in fact, I think another of my loyal servants may have already found a suitable foil!

Oh, Shadow Lynx?  No, she’ll be no trouble at all.  She doesn’t realize it, but she’s already working for me.  Her manager gets her marching orders from DOMME, after all.

We have work to do, pet; let us begin final preparations for the resurrection ritual and set up our next play as we plot our vengeance!