#Lore24 – Entry #231 – Helica Month #19 – The World Moves On

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Many weeks have passed since the terrible betrayal I witnessed in Grad Artanais, and I have made full account of the incident, stowed safely away with the knowledge of the first scroll in no less than three places along my path that I will not name.  Though casual observation will not reveal the documents, in time, they will be revealed should something befall me.

Even though I know the truth of the bargain which was made, I cannot bring myself to fully hate the coming of another Tranquility, for even in the outlying towns, the joy is clear upon the faces of my fellow Helicans.  The demons which roam the land have diminished already, their aggressiveness much lessened too.  I wish that the cost had not to be so terrible, and that it would be everlasting, but that is sadly not to be.  If anything, it will allow me some greater freedom to search for the next forbidden scroll.  I feel it best that I avoid the larger cities and towns for the time being anyway, for I have already heard the narrative which Tephysea, now the High Lady Summoner and Grand Mistress of the Church of Phyresis, has woven regarding her miraculous survival and the noble sacrifice made by her most precious lover, Esekia. 

To hear the people tell the tale, with such joyous looks upon their faces when I knew the truth of the matter, made me sick to the very core of my being, but I could do nothing about it for now.  The only way I could avenge Esekia, Zubayr, and the nameless Stalker that had protected us on the way was by planting the seeds of truth well out of the wrathful gaze of the Church and nurturing them until they were ripe. 

I am the chosen of Saghirah for this task, and I will not let her down no matter what it takes.  Though I have yet to learn all there is to know of the great amaranth, I am certain that she has a greater plan that I would only jeopardize should I be aware of it.  I have faith in her that all will be revealed in time, for I have no remaining faith in Phyresis, the false savior of Helica.  My faith is returned rightfully to the Amaranths where it belongs.