#Lore24 – Entry #254 – Fantasy Month III #11 – Looking for Answers in Greenspire

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Kazumi’s something else alright.  Kind of like a stray cat that won’t go away after you’ve fed them.  I don’t really know why she’s decided to throw in with us other than being really set on making sure those twins pay for harming the forest, I guess.  Maybe that’s reason enough.  I don’t think she’s from around here, if you get my meaning, so who knows besides her, though?  Didn’t figure we’d rate a full-blown Confessor of Yurisaya, though. 

Are you apologizing to me?  Really?  It’s something I suppose but letting us go free and clear would be even better.  Ugh, I understand of course, you have a job to do, and that involves us and what we’ve gotten into.  Look, I’m still not entirely sure why Hatae and I are being hunted, and that’s the main reason I got involved with certain elements in Greenspire.  I’m looking for answers just like Hatae; granted, we’re pretty sure it’s some convoluted family plot in her case, given that all of those hunting her have been dark elves, but we don’t know who yet; they’ve been VERY careful not to reveal house affiliations. 

Me?  Only the gods know, and they’re not telling.  I was adopted by one of Erisaya’s houses when I was abandoned by my parents.  You know that, though, you’ve spoken with the jackass that was in here before.  I could just go into hiding, I guess, outlive whoever’s pursuing me in seclusion, but that’s not me.  I prefer more direct methods.  I can tell you those two mazoku sorceresses are dangerous, though.  They don’t give a damn about collateral damage, and they’re the ones responsible for all the damage that’s followed us on this trip.  They’re the ones you should be looking for!

…Tempest Tor, eh?  Well, that’s not surprising.  Heard that’s a rough place, guess it makes sense those two twats are from there.  And someone recently paid their way out of prison, huh?  Don’t happen to know who has their leashes, by chance, do you?  Someone’s got some special Bands of Grounding locked on them both.  Well, had to ask, didn’t figure it’d be that easy…

Well, in Greenspire we didn’t really have any contacts, but Hatae knew of someone there that would probably know something, had heard of them, anyway.  Can’t say I was really familiar with them at the time; Teelsa seemed to know all about them, though, even Siduri had heard of them.  I’ve been out of the loop for a few decades, if you’ll recall.  Hunting that demon death cult and all.  Yeah, that’s right.  It was Lady Jade we went to first.  Had to jump through a few hoops before we could see her, though, but after another group of dark elves attacked us one night following a job we’d done for one of her subordinates, we seemed to rate high enough to finally earn an audience with her.  Still not sure if that was the best or worst decision we could’ve made…”