#Lore24 – Entry #261 – Fantasy Month III #18 – An Illusive Deception

As Told by Teelsa “the Lively” Dawndancer

“It’s quite true, my fair Confessor, that I am something of an adept when it comes to the art of illusion, as any who have witnessed my performances can most easily verify!  For what is a spectacle that does not spark a sense of wonder, which lacks a grand flare to solidify it in the minds of those witnessing it, if not utterly and irredeemably forgettable?  Why, I have indeed used my talents with illusory magic to aid our escapes on several occasions as well, to draw attention away from us or make it appear that we have gone a different way, and for the most part, those knaves who pursue us have been fooled by them. 

Not so with the dark elves!  They have proven quite adept at peering beyond the illusory veil, and I daresay they’ve been granted an enchantment most magical to see through them, for in our brief encounter with them upon the road, my magic seemed quite ineffective.  Of course, that could have just been the fact I could barely speak or see for their foul poisonous mixture that they employed ruined my performance… But I ask you, good Confessor, what of the possibility?  Is it not possible?

I have given the matter which we had discussed previously some thought, and though I shall not reveal my true form to you just yet, I will admit that my usual appearance is drastically different than what you see before you now!  No, I shan’t reveal myself until the time is right, when my companions can witness it for themselves as well, for no doubt you’ve told them of my deception in an attempt to drive a wedge between us!  Only time will reveal the truth of the matter, I’m afraid, time and a most grand reveal!

Ah, it seems that chill has returned.  You um…aren’t going to try and torture the truth out of me by chance, are you?”