#Lore24 – Entry #266 – Fantasy Month III #23 – A Most Noble Patron

As Told by Teelsa “the Fleetfooted” Dawndancer

“Ah, yes, of course, I will most happily oblige of course, good Lady Confessor!  For you have been a most gracious host you see, and it wouldn’t be quite proper to deny you a tale so grand!  Why, once we departed the magnificent temple district…oh, and might I say, the temple of Erisaya was most inspiring, such fine construction!  Perhaps one day I shall work up the courage to visit the temple of your goddess, but I must say, I find her ways a bit too forceful for my liking! 

Where was I?  Ah, yes, our most noble patron with whom we were to shortly be introduced!  It is no secret, surely, that we met with the most honorable Lochlan Albrecht; even I had heard of his trade business in this region, and his investments in the arts of Arcavarlon.  I must say, it came as no surprise that the Lady Jade was associated with the good fellow given her reach.  And he was quite generous with the meal which he offered to us as well; I had not enjoyed such a fine spread in quite some time.  Though I adore traveling to new places, I really don’t care for the traveling, you know?  I’d much rather enjoy the comforts of the city and not the dirt and the grime and the weather.

Oh, yes, quite right, I do seem to be going off on a tangent, don’t I?  Well, anyway, as I was saying, following our most wonderful meal, we got down to business.  It seems that the Albrecht company had been beset by some unfortunate setbacks, not only from the bandits that have taken up in the regions outside of Arcavarlon, but within its gates, too, for several long-time customers had been driven away to other transporters and many shipments had gone missing before they even reached his warehouses!  To my keen mind, that sounds very much like something nefarious is afoot!  He had his suspicions, some little proof, though, so he needed some talented individuals to look into the matter with utmost discretion, some who were not of the city so that he could be sure of where our loyalties may or may not have lain.

Ah, the intrigue!  This is why I so enjoy the big cities!  One can find inspiration for song and tale wherever one looks!  I have already began composing a new song in fact, though it is in a far rougher state than that of my previous song, but nonetheless, I shall regale you-

Some people just don’t appreciate fine art… Very well, I shall endeavor to keep to the topic without the benefit of my verses, though it shall be a most unflattering telling.  What is it with the chill in the air?  Are you certain there are no arcanists working nearby?”