#Lore24 – Entry #275 – Sentinel City by Night #1 – A World of Darkness

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“I’ve arrived in Sentinel City later than intended; dawn will be here in less than an hour, and I’ve only just found a suitable place to bed down for the day.  Won’t go into the details of my delay here, they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.  Suffice to say, nothing has been normal since the events of twenty years ago, not that my life has been anything resembling normalcy since all that mess went down in San Diego.  Still can’t parse all that went on back then, not fully.  Who even knows what happened for sure?  Haven’t found a proper elder to ask, assuming they’d even know.  Some still exist, certainly; I still exist after all, and I’m fairly low as far as Kindred rankings go.  I was barely three years into my Embrace when it all started tumbling down, yet here I am, twenty years later, still kicking, still pushing forward.  To what?  Not even I know, honestly.

Anyway, will have to find a proper haven tomorrow night, somewhere more secure, a place I can set up my business.  Comes after the meeting with the Prince, though, lady named Sokolova, Ventrue I reckon.  Imagine that.  Grapevine says she’s different from most of the Blue Bloods, though, real visionary type.  You’d have to be if the rumors I’ve heard of the Sentinel City Kindred community are true.  Well, maybe not a visionary, maybe a madwoman.  Hard to tell the difference sometimes.  Reckon they don’t even have a full Primogen council formed yet, only recently even got a sheriff on board. 

Personally, speaking from my very limited experience, the Camarilla experiment was a failure in the end, so don’t know why they’re going back to the concept here, even if they’re doing something different with it.  I’m no historian though, was barely started into college when I left the world of humanity behind, so who am I to speak on such things?  The name has bad memories attached to it, plenty of failures.  Still, I’ll listen to what the Prince has to say, see if I can figure out if she’s legit or not.  Might be as nutty as your average Malk for all I know, or she might just be onto something.  Won’t lie…having some kind of a proper community again wouldn’t be unappreciated.  Gets real lonely out there when you’re on your own.  Who knows?  After the world got shook up twenty years ago, just maybe this idea they’ve got going here is just crazy enough to work.”