#Lore24 – Entry #366 – Sci-Fi Month IV #31 – A God Walks Amongst Us

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “What are you trying to say about me, Ms. Volcari?”

RV:  “It seems you insist upon fighting me to the very last… Very well.  Ms. Ganim, you share a distinct honor with several others whom I have encountered at various times throughout my life following the Age of Legends.  I figured out your secret some time ago, for I doubt there are many out there like me, aside from perhaps Marcon Shadowmist, who have traveled upon so many worlds and through so many planes of existence, even into other realities beyond our own.

What I am saying, Ms. Ganim, is that you are an avatar of Angel Goldeneyes, one of her personal chroniclers.  Unlike most gods, however, the Librarian Most High, when she visits the realm of mere mortals, does so in a most subtle manner.  No flashy avatars, no holy wars to be fought…no, she visits simply as an observer, a recorder of history, experiencing the very stories she wishes to chronicle within that infinite book of hers firsthand.  It is a most curious behavior, wouldn’t you agree?  It is often said that one cannot observe something without impacting it in some way, so that does indeed prove that the gods are allowed to interfere with mortal affairs, it’s only a question of how much is proper.

Ah, have I finally been granted an audience at last?  Your eyes have taken on a most brilliant shade of gold, my dear.  I do indeed thank you, Goldeneyes, for this chance to speak with you directly; it has been a long time coming, has it not?”

AG:  “I’ve always had to tread carefully around you, Rivalle Volcari.  Of all the beings in this realm who aren’t related to Marcon, you alone possess the knowledge and skills to discern my little deceptions.  I was aware of what you were trying to do throughout the interview, of course, but I couldn’t simply let the game end without a satisfying match, could I?  When did you become aware of my way of interacting with the realm of mortals?”

RV:  “Oh, I do believe it was during the period between the Age of Legends and the Imperium War that I first became aware of the game you play.  Though not a world particularly important in the grand scheme of galactic affairs, Helica stood out as the moment that confirmed my suspicions.  What was it you went by there?  Azita Gaji, I believe?  The Eternal Historian or something to that effect.  Curious state of magic on that world, to be sure.  But I went there originally following the trail of a minor demon lord that was expelled from Andyllion following Suzu’reitani’s destruction, observed how it was able to affect time and space and try to survive.  I would peek in from time to time, observing as it would recreate its destructor form and would in turn rebuild itself after the previous form was destroyed, and a certain historian just kept showing up during these rampages, and would prove quite instrumental in the demon lord’s destruction. 

I suppose your ability to interfere on Helica was enhanced because none of the other gods were worshiped there?”

AG:  “Astute as ever, Rivalle.  I never intended my avatar upon Helica to remain as long as it did, but the Amaranth known as Saghirah had other plans.  She was aware of my true nature, though did not seek my direct intervention, and instead made certain that I would learn of the entirety of Helica’s history should the worst outcome occur, and the world fall to the demon lord.  That story ended on a happy note, though, and all that Azita did was of her own volition.  I was simply along for the ride.”

RV:  “I had encountered a handful of your avatars before that, as I would realize following my revelation as to your identity upon Helica.  I notice you tend to keep your name of Angel Goldeneyes in realms outside of our own.  I assume the gods of those realms either grant you special permission to observe, or you do so without their knowledge?”

AG:  “Both are accurate.  Why should a little thing like permission keep me from experiencing a story that interests me?”

RV:  “Spoken like a true friend of Marcon.  How is the old bastard, anyway?”

AG:  “Just as well as ever, keeping himself busy pulling one string or another as is his way.”

RV:  “You no doubt know, in your own way, what is coming, what our breach into the Demon Sector means.  I know that you cannot tell me what we shall face, what dangers await hidden within its depths, so I will simply ask…is it an interesting story?”

AG:  “I find all stories interesting, Rivalle Volcari, but this one is quite intriguing, though which paths you will choose in this reality…that is up to you.  Fortune or ruin, life or death, a continuance or an ending…who can say?”

RV:  “You, obviously, but of course, you can’t.  Will Miss Ganim continue her observations of me?”

AG:  “That is up to her, though the manner in which she does so, should she continue alongside you, will be between the two of you.  The fact that I am observing through her has no bearing upon what happens to her.  But I would ask that you at least treat her better than your assistant, perhaps?  The poor girl fainted right away just before you announced me.”

RV:  “Asking for mercy?  From me?  Curious.”

AG:  “Though I try to remain neutral, I do have a heart; I was once human, after all.  I understand your nature, however, so do what you ultimately think is best for you, as you’ve always done.  It’s never too late to change your ways, though.  One can overcome the very nature that drives them, and you certainly have the willpower to see it through.  One with your power could do much good for the galaxy.  Might have even done so in another reality, could even be best of friends with Lila Darius.  Imagine that.”

RV:  “I would prefer not to; the very idea is repulsive to me.”

AG:  “Of course.  But food for thought, if nothing else.  I must depart, though; Andra’s body cannot withstand my presence indefinitely, and its perhaps best the other gods don’t get too curious as to why I’ve decided to stop by.”

RV:  “Very well.  I do appreciate the time you’ve given me; it is enough to be recognized from time to time.  Until we meet again, then, Goldeneyes.  May the Codex forever be filled.”

AG:  “You’ve certainly filled more pages than most have.  Until our next meeting, then, Rivalle Volcari.”

RV:  “Why Ms. Ganim, are you feeling okay?  You look a little pale suddenly.  Perhaps it is best if we end this interview a bit early.  Take a few minutes to recover yourself, have something to drink; I have things I wish to discuss with you regarding your future plans.”

AG:  “Oh, yes, of course…sorry, I don’t know what came over me…the last  few minutes are fuzzy.  Um, is your assistant okay?”

RV:  “Just taking a catnap is all.  Don’t mind her; I’ll deal with her.  The bathroom is through that door if you need a few moments.  When you’re ready, let us discuss some new beginnings, shall we?  I think you’ll find my offer quite irresistible.”

Note:  I feel quite strange; I’m not certain if Rivalle has done something to me or not.  I’m suddenly exhausted, my head swimming.  I don’t know what this business Rivalle whishes to discuss could be, but I feel like it has something to do with what I’m missing.  Perhaps I will find the answer when I review my recordings.

[Interview recording ends.  Transcription ends.  Files saved successfully.]