LORE24 ENTRY #9 – The Greenwhiskers

Category – Organization

The Greenwhiskers are a group of druidic mystics originally founded by the nomadic rattenvolk clans during the pre-galactic expansion times.  The group has long been dedicated to preserving and defending nature from overzealous expansion efforts by the larger races, but have traditionally made efforts to come to diplomatic solutions as opposed to combative ones.  To encourage peaceful interactions, they also offer aid to travelers and others in need if they are able to.

During the early days of space exploration, the Greenwhiskers proved instrumental in promoting long-distance space travel.  While most rattenvolk looking to the stars were talented technicians, able to get into small spaces most couldn’t, the druidic Greenwhiskers were responsible for maintaining the ship-based gardens in early exploration vessels, providing not only fresh air, but extra food and vital knowledge on newly discovered flora and fauna.  They were likewise instrumental during colonization efforts of various worlds, working to ensure stability while minimizing dangers to the local environment.

In modern times, the role of the Greenwhiskers has diminished in terms of space travel and exploration with the widespread use of and perfected designs of the TK Drives, but they are still found across most systems, maintaining station-bound gardens, nature preserves, and even being responsible for the upkeep of natural elements scattered across many cities.  With the opening of the Demon Sector, they have seen a resurgence in demand as thousands of explorers dive into the unknown and seek to expand to the many worlds within.

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