LORE24 ENTRY #52 – Supers Month #21 – Rachel Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


Rachel Tempest knows where the bodies are!  I’m absolutely certain of it!  

My frustration continues to mount in this investigation, but I have a solid lead here, I just know it.  

Okay, okay, backup just a minute.  Who is Rachel Tempest?  As of a few weeks ago, she’s the newest curator of the Sentinel City Museum system.  A rather convenient development, I’d say.  Suspiciously so, in fact.  She swooped in practically out of nowhere after the previous curator lost some valuable artifacts during that operation that finally captured Pink Pussy; I’d personally call that operation a failure since the supposed heroines let those artifacts be stolen, but that’s for another article.  Rachel wasn’t on anyone’s radar as far as I could determine, and until some honeyed words got put in several influential ears around town, likely thanks to Julia Tempest-Redhall, nobody was looking to oust the previous curator, either.  Rachel wasn’t even in the country at the time; I’ve traced her to an archeological dig in Egypt before she was suddenly back in SC, giving that acceptance speech, still with desert dust fresh on her clothes from the dig site.

I’ll begrudgingly admit that Rachel Tempest is qualified for the position, however.  Her academic credentials are solid as far as I’ve been able to determine, having completed multiple programs in ancient history with a specialty in ancient Egyptian history, and has spent years completing field work at dozens of dig sites around the world, under the watchful eyes of the best archeologists of the day.  A real modern-day tomb raider.  She’s always been rather distant from the other Tempests (though perhaps not as distant as the mysterious Claire Tempest), so I find it highly suspicious that she suddenly came back for a cushy museum job.  

Turns out there was plenty more to dig up when it comes to Rachel Tempest.  According to my FBI sources, who have been working with several international organizations given Rachel’s globetrotting, there’s plenty of indicators that she’s just as crooked as the rest of the family.  She’s been linked to multiple groups dealing in black market relics (albeit very tangentially), and there are many disturbing rumors regarding her true purpose within the family.  I can’t prove it just yet, but there have been multiple instances of rather wealthy or influential people having gone missing over the years that have coincided with her returns to Sentinel City.  I could find no prior links to any of these people to Rachel personally, but I can confirm they’ve had dealings with other members of the family.

Yeah, that could just be coincidence, but my instincts, and a healthy understanding of mafia methods, say otherwise.  You see, the previous museum curator?  He’s gone missing too, right after Rachel Tempest showed back up in Sentinel City to take his position.  What would Rachel Tempest have to say about that?  Well, when I asked her about it during the course of an official interview, she first made a joke about it, saying that he was still in the museum, wrapped up in one of the sarcophagi inside the Egypt exhibit.  Then she said he was on vacation somewhere, and that she didn’t have time to worry about what they were doing with their time since she had a series of new exhibits to plan.  She’s…very passionate about history, given that our interview lasted over an hour after that.

BUT…there’s much more.  That joke…I don’t think it was a joke.  She was dead serious about it, I know it!  I tried slipping inside the museum after hours, just to see what I could find in that exhibit, but since she’s taken over, security has been increased to ridiculous levels (thanks to an anonymous donation, of course); it’s got to be as secure as Edgewater now.  So, I went digging elsewhere, doing some off the record interviews with a few of the other museum staff, some of the lesser Tempest “minions” that dealt with the rest of the family here and there, drivers, errand boys, that kind of thing.  A couple of them had a very interesting story to say the least.  Can you say…body farm?!  Not the kind they do forensics research at, but a place where all the Tempest family’s enemies are buried?!  Is that too good to be true?

Well, this reporter has an address and plenty of gas in the tank.  It’s outside Sentinel City, an old farm to the south.  There are lots of farms down there, but there are red flags about this one.  One, online satellite maps have it blurred out, and two, it’s a drone no-fly zone, when nothing else around it shares that same honor.  Coincidence?  Nah, I don’t think so!  What dirty secrets does Rachel Tempest keep buried there?  I intend to find out.  This could be the biggest scoop of my career!

Further updates are pending.



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