LORE24 ENTRY #60 – Supers Month #29 – New Heroes in Sentinel City!


From the files of Cyber Seer…


New Heroes and Heroines

Okay, dudes, this one’s gonna be quick, cause things are heating up and changing in Sentinel City like, superfast!  Here’s some quick info on new faces in town that have come onto the scene over the last few weeks!  Reach out to these guys and gals if you can, get to know’em and maybe we can form up our own big superhero league or whatever!  


Wrench Witch and Squatch – Talk about your oddball pair, and no, it’s totally not because they’re from the South!  Wrench Witch drives a tricked out late-70s era Ford pickup and somehow makes it work as her primary weapon dealing with criminal types; hell, there’s even video of her driving over the river in that thing!  Daddy Cyber Seer would be envious!  She also packs what looks like a cobbled together battery-powered drill and nailgun combo, but that thing shoots lightning bolts and can pin people to the floor!  Like wow, low tech, but super advanced!  She knows how to shoot guns, too, and looks to be pretty mean with a shotgun!  She’s also got a mean right-hook and isn’t afraid to get in a scrap right beside her bro, either; total tomboy energy!

And Squatch, well, he’s…a sasquatch.  Like, literally, that’s what he is.  At least, that’s what Wrench Witch has said in interviews, though she is adamant he’s her little brother, and has been since her family found him in the woods and adopted him.  All he says is is his name, but she’s totally able to understand him on a completely different level, even translates for him.  He’s big, he’s strong, super-hairy, and he’s apparently a book nerd, and pretty dang smart to boot by all accounts.  

Also, the pair run moonshine into Sentinel City.  Like, not what I’d call a real crime, but the Feds say its illegal, so whatcha gonna do?  I’m not calling them out for it, though; gotta make a living somehow!


Kinbaku and Lovely Angel – OMG, now here’s a pair I could totally hook up with!   I mean, Kinbaku’s name would be enough, but these ladies are going to make it big in no time, I’m sure!  I mean, they’re totally hot, like wowza!  Kinbaku, the mysterious catgirl swordswoman with some super-tricked out rope bondage techniques, and Lovely Angel in that stripperiffic outfit, doing those sexy pole dances in the middle of fights?  Ohhh, I’m totally looking forward to seeing a lot more from these chicks!  They can tie me up and give me a lap dance any day of the week!  


Silverstreak – Oh, I think he might be on par with Clean Sweep in terms of sheer speed!  He’s hard to catch on camera because of it, but this silver wolfman can leave afterimages behind him, and he can run circles around the opposition, or probably anyone else for that matter.  I’d say reach out to him, but I don’t know if any of us can catch him!  He’s not one to stick around after he’s done wrapping up the bad guys, and certainly hasn’t sought out any kind of fame or recognition as of yet.


Rad Wolf – Well, if it’s one thing I can say about Rad Wolf, it’s that he’s totally got a latex fetish.  Like, full-body latex suit (complete with a VERY impressive bulge) and gas mask, and it’s definitely build around wolf-like features (pretty sure that’s a real tail and wolf-like muzzle behind that mask).  And I think he’s totally got radiation powers, though I get the feeling he’s keeping them in check, or is just starting to manifest them.  Like, he’s got those glowing green radiation symbols all over the suit for a reason, right?  I think he might be still refining his style, though; I mean, why use just a steel pipe for weapon?  So far he’s come off as a bit of a goofball in the few interviews he’s had, but he’s just getting started, so we’ll see what becomes of him, huh?


Lawdog – This guy just showed up during the last full moon, and I don’t even know what his name is, so I’m just calling him Lawdog, cause that’s like, the vibes he put out.  That was the night that outlaw biker gang was causing trouble all through the city and had us running ragged.  This guy just appears on a rooftop like some mysterious werewolf gunman out of an old western, howling at the moon and unloading his six shooters at the gang.  He even wears a duster and cowboy hat, hell, I think he even has a tin star on his costume!  So yeah, totally going with Lawdog here.  He’s shown up a time or two since, seems to have a thing for putting some fear into his targets before confronting them, so he’s got some style!  

(Side note:  Totally just an off-the-wall theory on my part, but I’m seeing a pattern here!  Female supers tend toward feline traits, and males toward lupine or canine traits!  How crazy is that?!)




Pink Pussy – Hey, chica, Kinbaku and Lovely Angel?  They’re guys.  Just thought you should know 😉

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  WHAT?  No, you’re pulling my leg here!  I’m a connoisseur of this kind of thing, an expert!  I have a finely tuned eye for traps!  There’s no way they’re dudes, dude!  Like, how do you even know that?

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  The nose knows 😉  And I may have just flirted with them a couple of times now and gotten Angel a little hot under the collar.  

—-Reply from Cyber Seer:  No way, I still don’t believe it!  Best traps ever!  You totally have to introduce me sometime!  


Gun Bunny – I’ve met Lawdog once.  He’s quite the gentleman, really, and is absolutely going for the classic western hero.  I daresay Sentinel City could use more men of that kind of character.  He’s also very much a cop, or at least, used to be one before putting on the duster and six guns; the way he carries himself, refers to the criminals, some of the observations he had, definitely has had training as a detective.  Early impressions, yeah, I’d trust him in a firefight.

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Neato!  You seem to know a lot about how cops act too, GB!  Bet you watch a lot of those shows on TV, huh?

–Reply from Gun Bunny:  Guilty as charged 😉


Mecha Musume – In spite of her more crude methods, I am confident in saying that Wrench Witch shares some of my own talents with mechanics.  I managed to catch the tail end of that fiasco on the freeway tonight, and thankfully she and Squatch were there to keep all those logs from causing serious harm to people.  She didn’t hesitate to use her truck as a shield, and he was easily able to grab them and toss them off the bridge into the river.  That truck is built more than “Ford tough”; it barely had any scratches to the paint let alone dents after slamming into those huge logs.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Black Cat called what y’all do being an artificer, btw.  But yeah, caught some drone footage of that mess, and did some sniffing around, pretty sure I’ve found the cause of that.  Looks like Rampage got out of Edgewater somehow and is loose again, so expect things to get nuts sooner rather later.  Funny how they’re keeping that quiet, huh?

–Reply from Mecha Musume:  Absolutely suspicious, or perhaps Jennifer Tempest couldn’t handle the fact that someone broke out of her facility and doesn’t want to admit failure?  Either way, we need to get the word out to be on the lookout for this guy!

—-Reply from Pink Pussy:  Consider the word out!  I freakin’ hate this guy!  It’s like all those video games where you drive around and shoot up the city and cause chaos got embodied into one nutjob!  Madre de Dios, don’t let him get wound up too far, or we’ll have a city-wide mess on our hands!


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