#Lore24 – Entry #67 – Fantasy Month #7 – The Res’Taringal Rebellion


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


A broad topic, conspiracy, but I suppose I should give my thoughts on the most recent, most prominent example of such a thing.  I’m hardly an investigator, and I’m certainly not one for gossip, but there have been dozens passing through town and the library who have spoken of this, and when the Emperor’s officials are putting out decrees about the official version of events that run counter to what has come through whispered tales, then it certainly seems that a conspiracy is afoot.  Or perhaps, was, in this case.

Though the Emperor has decreed that none shall utter the name, for the entirety of the offending house has been…dissolved…and the matter settled, never to be spoken of again, the Library has already recorded many statements on what could be called the “Res’Taringal Rebellion”, several by my own hand.  All is not well within the Empire, it seems, and the fact that a powerful house was able to garner enough support to actually launch a serious rebellion speaks volumes unto itself. 

Though the truest nature of the Res’Taringal Rebellion has already become distorted through Imperial propaganda and faulty memories of those who heard the story second hand (at best), some details can be safely assumed to be true, based on historical precedent:

  • Located within the province of Hadria Augustus (which, due to its geography and available resources, made an excellent place to launch such a rebellion), House Res’Taringal had the clout to offer some opposition to the Emperor.  Well respected within the Senate, established through centuries of dedication to the Empire, trained in both military operations and political intrigues, and keenly aware of the rumblings of discontent, Victor and Vanessa Res’Taringal were perhaps the most suited to such a task.
  • In spite of the various groups supporting them, the Rebellion as a whole remained mostly an underground movement, as none would dare to oppose the Emperor openly, at least not in a way such as this. Disagreements over policy and debate on various topics are expected, but nothing on this scale.  One could rather safely assume that this Rebellion, though well planned, struck before the proper foundations had settled.  Were the Res’Taringals too ambitious, or did other factors force them to move too soon?
  • Fought in the name of Kerryn independence, and with great ambitions for a renewed and stronger, more compassionate Empire, the Rebellion, in my opinion, was doomed to fail from the start. The Emperor and his line have not maintained their grip on power for so long without good reason.  His resources are basically impossible tot match, and he has a firm grip on not only the general populace, but also several outlying powers, most prominently the orcs of the Badaxe clan.  Furthermore, the Res’Taringals failed to stir up the kerryns themselves; though they may have perhaps meant well, the kerryns must want to be free, and until that desire is sparked within them, it simply will not happen.  What would the point be, and how would the kerryns possibly understand how to even live with freedom when they have not done so for over two millennia now?  It will take a unifying figure, I think, from within the kerryn population itself, strong of will and personality, with great power, to break the chains binding their spirits. 

I imagine that it will be some time before another rebellion of this scale is tried, perhaps centuries.  The Res’Taringal name has been stricken from all records, their holdings dissolved amongst the loyal followers of the Emperor, and their line removed from existence, the leaders executed within the capital prisons.  Perhaps Felaria will live to see it, but I suspect I’ll have long been gone by then, the gods willing I live to see a ripe old age.



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