#Lore 24 – Entry #105 – Sci-Fi Month II #14 – Encountering Frontier Colonists and Treasure Hunters

Memo for all crewmembers aboard UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana.


Please be aware as you traverse recently revealed territories within the Demon Sector that your duties will inevitably lead to contact with those who have ventured ahead of you.  Though the number of early explorers is small in the grand scheme of things, there are tracked vectors from hundreds of vessels that have ventured into uncharted space.  Though it is unlikely that most of these will ever be seen again, simply going by the odds of survival without a support network, there is little doubt that a small few at least will have survived.

You should be prepared to discover remnants of these early explorers, most likely in the form of ships that have run out of fuel and are either adrift or crashed, perhaps even broken up due to aetheric harsh currents and storms, or other astrological phenomena in the given region.  It is entirely possible that remains may be on board.  In such circumstances it is proper to offer prayers or a short ceremony of some kind, as your or their particular faith indicates, but do not linger overly long unless it is deemed relevant by your commanding officer.  Follow any funerary traditions as may be applicable if time and opportunity permits.

With that said, you are also likely to encounter living people who have ventured out to experience the frontier and all that it has to offer.  Several ships loaded with potential colonists have been recorded leaving Aphelion Station, so it is entirely possible you will come across these settlers, perhaps even those with successful, thriving colonies.  You should not be overbearing when dealing with these people; simply inform them that your mission is exploration and mapping, and that you are not there to challenge their claims.  Only resort to violence as a last resort, and only if they engage it first.  It is also likely that some of these colonists, if not a vast majority of them, will be struggling to survive in conditions they could not have prepared for, and may find themselves in dire straits.  If that is the case, then we will be obliged to offer what aid we can, whether it is resources (assuming we can spare them) or possibly taking them aboard our exploration vessels (again, if space and resources permit).  On the other hand, it may be beneficial to try and join with existing colonies as local bases of operations, as the locals should know much about the particular areas they have claimed.  Each case will have to be evaluated individually, and the ultimate decision lies with your commanding officers.

There are also those who ventured into the depths of the Demon Sector looking for profit, whether it is natural resources they can claim for resale, or, more likely, those thinking there are lost civilizations and their treasures to be claimed.  UEF-01 and 03 have encountered at least half a dozen of these groups, and each encounter has been hostile, half of them devolving into shooting matches due to the perception by the treasure seekers that our explorers are there to claim their wealth.  When encountering unknown groups, always exercise extreme caution, and do not stray far from your assigned protective detail.  Be sure to maintain proficiency with your defensive small arms as well while aboard your primary vessels; you likely won’t have time once you’re on a deployment.  Speak with your commanding officers if you require further training.  Remember:  it is ultimately YOUR responsibility to protect your own life; never rely wholly on another for this.

Thank you, and may your journey be safe!

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