#Lore24 – Entry #206 – Supers Month II #25 – A Tempest Brewing

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know, for all your talk of keeping supernatural threats out of your world over the centuries, you’ve done a rather terrible job of it.  Did you know that there’s an entire family of succubi living on your world?  And all of them clustered around Sentinel City?  They’re not of any relationship to me and my line, but I can sense them just as easily as I can any other of demonic blood.

Oh?  So, you were aware of them!  How very curious.  Why, then, my pet, have they been allowed to remain upon your world?  Hmmm… you’re telling me that this Order of Hecate has made arrangements with them, or at least the head of their clan, this Claire Tempest, and that they have been allowed to stay there?  That is quite an interesting agreement!  One would think that the chaos swirling around them would have led to their destruction or expulsion long ago; were not demon hunters a thing in your world at some point? 

Most curious indeed…perhaps these succubi are of a different breed altogether, then?  Or perhaps demonkind from this realm, or whatever realm they were spawned from, are simply an inferior breed to my own, for their powers are insignificant when compared to my own.  Their ambitions are certainly nothing compared to the demons I’m familiar with; they seem to be thinking entirely too small.  This Claire Tempest seems the only real threat, honestly; from what I’ve observed, the others barely register any dangers given their rather miniscule desires and ambitions in the grand scheme of things.  Although the facility ran by Jennifer Tempest is of some interest;  could be some wonderful recruits waiting for me there…yes, indeed, there are a pair of souls absolutely craving power right there…

Still, I think I’ll be keeping an eye on them.  Something tells me they could be trouble for me down the line… Oh, yes, you’re quite right, I should just eliminate them now, but where’s the fun in that?  I’m curious to see just how they react when I start my invasion in earnest.  Will they stand up and defend their world, or will they move on, or perhaps join me? 

It’s not knowing that keeps me coming back for more, my pet.  I’m a demon; I thrive on chaos, after all.

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