#Lore24 – Entry #208 – Supers Month II #27 – A Call for UNITY

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know, I don’t particularly care for politics; I have far too many politicians in my stable of souls than I care to admit.  Lawyers too.  BUT!  But they do still have a purpose; they’re so easy to manipulate, so very useful when playing with humanity.  They can get away with so many lies and terrible things, and the masses will simply smile and cheer and continue to vote for them, no matter what they do. 

Humanity truly is a stupid species.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that the politicians are calling for restrictions on those with “superpowers” now that they’ve started showing themselves openly, or sanctioned powers of their own they can use should any of those naughty superpowered individuals go out of control.  I say we give them exactly what they want.  Shall we share with them the secret you’ve uncovered, my pet?  Yes, let’s show them how they can create their own warriors.  Completely loyal to their masters, fighting for what is “good and honest and pure” and all that drivel.  I’m sure we can find the right-minded types to get the ball rolling easily enough, for what is a politician if not ambitious? 

We’ll create their “superheroes” for them, starting with the United States I think.  They’re supposedly big on liberty and freedom, and I can already think up several “patriotic” heroes for them to parade around and pander to the masses as examples of properly reigned in heroes.  Then we’ll expand out from there, one nation to another, gifting them with their own powerful heroes.  Why, I daresay this plan will be quite unifying for the humans of Earth.

And then, just when they need them most, we’ll reveal their true allegiances, their true owner and master…me.

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