#Lore24 – Entry #210 – Supers Month II #29 – An Immaculate Obsession

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know what I absolutely LOVE to mess with more than culture and governments?  Religions!  Twisting the minds of the faithful is so very delightful, pet!  Why, do you know how many mortal souls I’ve converted to my cause through religion?  I’ve literally lost count.  Oh, it’s much fun corrupting them!

Now, take this soul that my minions have discovered.  She’s feeling rather desperate to find purpose in her life, praying to a god that may or may not exist, but one that isn’t answering any prayers from her regardless.  Now, that makes an absolutely perfect entryway for someone, say, myself, to take on the role of the god in question and guide this hapless sheep to the purpose she seeks.  Oh, yes, I’ve done this so many times, it’s practically like facing a newborn human child in battle.

I do have an advantage that others don’t when it comes to this kind of thing.  I can see every “sin” that a soul has committed, every bit of guilt, every little morsel of depravity it contains.  So, with a little nudge here, a bit of divine inspiration there, and a trickle of power to seal the bargain, just like that, I have a most loyal and blind follower. 

Just to spice things up a little, I’ve decided that this new church will be a most chaste one, a place for all the wayward souls to flock to where they’ll fine purpose in divine chastity, always completely and utterly sealed away from sexual pleasures, but always craving them, and always willing to do anything I could ask of them in the hopes of reaching that wondrous denied climax.  You humans really are that simple; you’re barely above animals where your sexual behaviors are concerned. 

What do you think, pet?  I’m thinking…yes, I like this aesthetic here, the look of these nuns, and…yes, heavy metal beneath their regalia, sealing away their naughty bits.  With the divine inspiration I’ve just given my newest devotee, she’ll be creating all kinds of devious devices in the name of her new lord.  We’ll call it the Sisterhood of the Immaculate Chastity…yes, that sounds quite delightful, doesn’t it?  Oh, we won’t discriminate, we’ll allow the boys in to, but they’ll have to conform to the standards of the church, mind you, and that could mean a bit of alteration, but I have people that can handle those details.

I really do enjoy my work too much sometimes, I think.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I’m a demon lord; excessive indulgence is part of the job.

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