#Lore24 – Entry #232 – Helica Month #20 – No Use for a Failed Knight

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Though months have passed since I last passed through the Kinarrora Highlands, I found that some of the people along the way recognized me and were none too pleased by the revelation.  They were under the impression that I had died defending High Lord Summoner Esekia during his final battle.  I attempted to deny who I was, to convince them I was someone else, but they were not to be fooled (I’ve never been that great with people, admittedly), and began to call me a coward, accused me of fleeing and leaving my summoner to die.  What other choice did I have but to bear their sudden hatred, conduct my business, and be on my way as fast as possible?

I had expected such a reaction from the Church, certainly, which is why I avoided anywhere they were known to be, but I had not considered this possibility when I had set out.  The story woven by Tephysea had spread quickly, as one would expect, and I was an affront to that story, even in the eyes of the people who had once treated me with respect as I had guarded Esekia.  It seems that I would need to be much more cautious going forward, less the word of my survival reach the Church.

Thankfully I have received another vision from Saghirah now that things have settled down.  I had dreamt of the Highlands several times since my return from Grad Artanais, and now that I had returned to them, had dreamt of the Wildlands, of the lands beyond those which we had conquered when we slew the leader of the raiders.  Though it was certainly enemy territory, I had the distinct impression that everywhere save perhaps the lands held by the Ketzeryn could be against me now.  At least, I was not aware of anything I could have done to offend them, other than being a former Phyresian, of course.  Perhaps that would be enough?  I had little doubt I would need to seek their aid in searching their lands for another scroll eventually.

For now, though, I would venture again into the Wildlands and face what dangers may come.  Though I am hardly invulnerable, my time has a Knight Protector and my education in the art of black magic has made me more capable of dealing with most threats, especially now that the fire has diminished within many demons following the destruction of the Transgressor.

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