#Lore24 – Entry #262 – Fantasy Month III #19 – Cutting a Swath All the Way to Arcavarlon

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“You know, I’ve thought about what you said about Teelsa.  Does her keeping things from me bother me?  Yeah, no question about that.  I don’t like being jerked around and lied to, but she is a bard, and you can’t really trust them not to try something like that.  They’re almost as bad as thieves in that regard, only difference is you can usually hear them coming because they can’t shut their mouths, right?  Well, anyway, let her keep her secret a while longer; I’ll get it out of her eventually.  Sounds like she’s earned some time with my whip after this mess…

Well, after that dark elf ambush, we weren’t taking no shit from anyone on the way to Arcavarlon, I can tell you that.  You can thank us later for clearing up some of your bandit problem on the road between there and Greenspire, by the way.  Some coin would be fitting enough.  I’ll not hold my breath.  We must have killed nearly two dozen of them, kept thinking a bunch of women were easy pickings, I guess, but they weren’t prepared for us.  Would’ve taken time to clear out their dens, but we had more lucrative things on the menu. 

Cleared out one of them, though; got held up in Orzyn after it got raided and the ferry was burned, along with several other buildings in town.  Guess you’ve heard all about that situation already, though, you’re looking bored.  Guess you don’t really enjoy a good interrogation without a bit of torture, huh?  Not volunteering, just saying.  So yeah, that took us a few days, tracked them down, recovered what we could, brought in a mess of ears, that kind of thing, while we waited for the ferry to be rebuilt.  Doing a good deed, you know.

Anyway, we finally made it to Arcavarlon so we could get this business for Lady Jade settled, and that turned into another mess.  Guess that’s why I’m sitting here, huh?  Don’t know why, really.  I mean, it was legitimate business, a favor for a favor and all that.  Oh, that fire?  No, that wasn’t us, lady, and the fact that you’d try to pin that on us pisses me off!  Do I really need to spell it out?  It was the Twats again!”

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