A New Start for 2024:  #Lore24

Well, after some setbacks on the later half of 2023, mostly due to ongoing issues with my eyes, I had to step away from writing and limit my screen time to a couple hours or so a day for a while there.  Though I’m still experiencing some issues, I think the worst of it has passed now that I’ve figured out what was causing the problems the last couple months.  I’ve still been making handwritten notes and such using good old #2 pencils, so there’s been something rather pleasing about that experience in and of itself, but with the new year officially underway, I’ve decided to begin a new TTRPG year-long challenge, namely Lore24.


You can find the details of this challenge here.


I’ve had all kinds of lore entries floating around in my head for years that I’ve never written down, and plenty of others that I’ve never fleshed out in detail.  I figure since I’m not getting any younger, I should probably start getting these recorded somewhere before they’re gone, and this seems like a much more enjoyable kind of challenge for me personally.  I’ve always enjoyed writing, and this will just help build up my world even more.


Now, unlike the suggested focus on building up one world, I’m probably going to be recording various details about the entirety of my “UrbanVerse” overarching setting, which is something of an entire galaxy and its history through different time periods, which would encompass both fantasy and science fiction gaming, along with more niche settings found on other planets, like post-apocalyptic and western areas.  So, my entries should be rather varied through the course of this project.


And, should I find myself at a loss for a particular entry on a given day, I’m going to have this handy random chart to get me started:


Random Lore Entry Chart

Roll 1d8

1 – Place
2 – Person
3 – Creature
4 – Organization
5 – Spell / Magic
6 – Event
7 – Technology
8 – Custom (culturally speaking)


Stay tuned for the first entry, coming later today!

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