LORE24 ENTRY #12 – Chubbi Wubba

Category – Creature

A curious creature, the Chubbi Wubba (pronounced Chuh-bee Whuh-buh) appear to be normal cats of various breeds, living as cats typically do, whether it’s as a favored house pet or as a wanderer on the streets, sharing diets, behaviors, etc.  However, the Chubbi Wubba are quite intelligent, at least average compared to other races in known space, if not superior, not that they typically show it.  Not only are they intelligent, they are also psychic, though they typically don’t allow themselves to be discovered.  

The psychic nature of the Chubbi Wubba is quite subtle, with only talented psychics able to detect their presence at all.  They can communicate telepathically if they so choose, but their most common use of their psychic powers is to subtly influence the thoughts of individuals around them into petting or feeding them, often for many minutes or hours on end, or perhaps convincing someone to open their home for a night should they need a place to stay, or simply convincing someone to clean the litter box for them.  It is exceedingly rare that a Chubbi Wubba will do more than this, as they seem to be content in doing only what brings them pleasure at the time.  Their favorite targets seem to be those who don’t care much for cats, and it is rare that those they target even realize what they’re doing.  Notably, those with feline allergies seem to be unaffected by them around the Chubbi Wubba.

No one is entirely certain where the Chubbi Wubba originated, as they have been encountered on many worlds, and often travel onboard ships, some even making their homes on them.  Some theorize that these felines were once arcanist familiars who evolved beyond their original purposes, or were perhaps forced to evolve after their arcanists had died.  In the modern era, it would seem that conspiracy theories have emerged that would paint the Chubbi Wubba in a negative light, postulating that they are a malevolent force, secretly controlling the galaxy under the guise of harmless cats, or subtly influencing behavior on a galactic scale through cute cat videos on the ‘net.  

If anyone knows for sure, they aren’t saying, and neither are the Chubbi Wubba. 



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