LORE24 ENTRY #19 – Kerryn

Category – Cultural

The Kerryn are a race of humanoids who appear similar to humans, but with feline features, most notably feline ears atop their heads, extended canine teeth, cat-like eyes, tails, and in some cases, fingernails that can be used as claws.  They are generally of average height to shorter height, between five and six feet tall, and with agile builds.  Their reflexes and agility are greater than the average human, on par with elves.  They are possessed of more sensitive hearing, better night vision, and a keen sense of smell, and tend to live for several hundred years, making them the second-longest lived race in the known space after the elves (or perhaps the third if one counts the Shokushu-juu, though no one besides themselves are certain how long they actually live).  Generally they are considered friendly and personable, rather easy-going in nature, and are generally seen as quite attractive by most other races.  

In modern times, Kerryns are prevalent throughout the galaxy, most often living amongst the other races, though have claimed some nations and worlds as their own, though they don’t outright refuse other races (though they remain somewhat wary of elves, as do most races).  Kerryns are generally rather free-spirited and are known to wander from time to time in their long lives, sometimes spending a century or so exploring one particular area of interest before deciding to move on and try something new, somewhere new; it is not uncommon that married couples will embark on periods of wandering and exploration once the children are raised and out of the house.  Most Kerryn societies also tend to have a strong sense of independence and a love of freedom, given multiple historical examples of their kind being oppressed by other races, and as such often have a unified defense force on their worlds and within their borders, with all Kerryns spending some time training in basic self-defense and use of weapons while they are young before pursuing their preferred interests.

Unique amongst the races, Kerryns are known to be very close with their past lives, often experiencing flashes of them as they go about their daily lives.  Often, these flashes give them unique insights or knowledge that may not be readily available to others.  These flashes are stronger in some, and the “old souls” experience them with much more frequency and clarity than others.  The Kerryn mother goddess, Sarresh, sees to it that her children are reborn from time to time regardless of their sins in life, giving them another chance to improve themselves.  Perhaps related to their past-life experience, those Kerryns who have dedicated themselves to the service of the goddess are known to receive prophetic visions, though these are often difficult to decipher.

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