#Lore24 – Entry #193 – Supers Month II #12 – The Order of Hecate

From the journal of Abigail “Sassy” Dawson, Mage of the Order of Hecate

And so it was I got inducted into the Order of Hecate that day.  I was right surprised at seein’ just how many mages there were.  Less than a hundred in all, and many of them a couple hundred years old, many not lookin’ more than thirty, but knowin’ there were that many was just a shock.  Then the Sanctum itself was somethin’ else.  I weren’t exactly well versed on the “interdimensionality” stuff, and still don’t rightly think I’m where I should be on understandin’ all that, so I was gawkin’ like a child as we traversed the halls and libraries and alchemy labs and all the other places in the Sanctum before I was showed what would become my room. 

They’re a right friendly lot, and apparently, I was the first new member to join up in over fifty years, so it was somethin’ of a special occasion.  I kinda felt bad leavin’ Assane and Richard behind back at the Tower, but I didn’t know how the Sanctum behaved then, wouldn’t know it till later on when I finally returned to the “real” world, in fact.  After I’d got settled in and had some vague idea of where I was goin’ in the Sanctum, I started learnin’ more about what the Order did and how they did it.  More or less, they were doin’ the kinda thing I’d already been doin’ all on my own, protectin’ the world from them supernatural and magical things that wanted to see people hurt, killed, or somethin’ worse. 

They used to be more of a widespread group back in the ancient times, were spread all over the world back then, little chapter houses here and there, but over time, as magic began to fade and be replaced with technology, the Order shrank and began to recede from the material world.  Now they mostly exist to handle the worst of the threats to our world from the realms beyond, though our world don’t usually rank too high in terms of bein’ targeted by outer-planar threats these days. 

Chrona is the head of the Order, has been for longer than anyone can rightly remember, and is the only one who has mastered the intricacies of chronomancy.  I still ain’t got much of a knack for it myself, and probably never will; takes a special kind of talent, I reckon, and it’s just not somethin’ I got the head for.

I spent what felt like a few weeks learnin’ more about my own magic and gettin’ to know the place and the people, but my soul weren’t quite ready to settle down just yet.  I still had more places to see back home, and more work to do.  I’d learnt a few more tricks and methods to enhance my own abilities while I was there, though, and had worked on fine-tunin’ my gun magic in whole new ways that I’m not ashamed to admit I’m right proud of.  I daresay I can put any spell into a bullet and get it on target, even healin’ magic, though that one always gets me some weird looks and nasty stares when they ain’t expectin’ it.  Not that I blame’em; getting’ shot is a right startlin’ thing.

Anyway, once I was ready to pick back up and head out, Chrona showed me how the portal chamber worked, and taught me how to return once I was ready to come back home, and told me how time flowed differently in the Sanctum.  I went right back to the Tower, and by the time I’d come back to Assane and Richard, found that only a few hours had passed for them.  They knew right then what I’d been up to, sensin’ how my magic had grown.  We camped out there that night, then set off on more monster huntin’ and adventurin’ for the next few years.  I’d upgrade my gear, finally getting’ my hands on some proper revolvers (I’m particular to the Schofield designs myself) and repeaters, even a Sharps.

I could go on for hours ‘bout all the shenanigans we got into, but that’d take too long.  I can jaw about them stories for hours if’n you want to know more.  Suffice to say, I’d come back to the Sanctum sooner or later, havin’ experienced more than my fair share, and learnin’ why it is that most mages eventually decide to pack it in and depart from the material realm.

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