#Lore24 – Entry #205 – Supers Month II #24 – A Seer in Darkness

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know one of my favorite things to do before I invade a world?  I mean, of course, there’s the preparations and gathering of information, but that’s work that must be done.  What I love to do even more is mess with its inhabitants.  Just to target a random morsel here and there and gift them with a little speck of my power so that they may see and know what comes without fully understanding what it is they witness. 

Well, yes, I suppose my gift does drive them mad, for the minds of mortals, especially humans, are especially fragile.  Even a mind as resilient yours has been broken while you’ve been in my care, has it not?  But you see, the chaos of madness, that is something to savor all on its own!  The only commandment I give forth to my chosen playthings is to not kill themselves as the visions of the future continue.  The rest I leave to them.  What will they do with their knowledge, with the sliver of power I’ve granted them?  Yes, things may become a bit more complicated now that this world has been so infused with raw magical power, but truly, it is a wonderful chaotic mess that’s developing!

Take this one, this little, insignificant fellow in, what was this city called again?  Ah yes, Sentinel City.  Yes, this little nobody who had a meaningless existence before, now has a purpose!  He’s fully embraced the power of chaos, as you can see.  I don’t bother myself with the specifics of what he’s seen in the future, but he seems to have taken on a bit of a dramatic and whimsical air about himself, hasn’t he?  A clown, bathed in blood, and preaching of the End Times to a growing flock of believers he’s cultivated in his image.  Can you see it, that little detail that binds them all together?  No?  Well, let me enlighten you, my pet.  He’s tapped into the very strings of fate, you see, and can see when death comes for them, and he’s intervening to stop it.  In his own twisted way, of course.  His entire gang of heathens now exists to find more to try and bring into the fold for the sake of saving lives that would otherwise be snuffed out.

Oh, this must be causing an absolute fit with the powers of fate in your world.  And to think, he’s but one of many across the face of the mudball! 

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