#Lore24 – Entry #209 – Supers Month II #28 – A DOMME-inating Presence

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know, I think we’re going to mess with the humans a bit more.  They seem to be going all in on this idea of “superheroes”, so why not join the fun, hmm? 

All these little upstarts playing the role of the villains…they need some order in their lives.  Yes, I’m quite aware of the irony of a demon lord such as myself suggesting that order be imposed.  I have learned from ages of experience that a bit of order in the chaos I dwell within goes a long way.  Not too much mind you, and if it’s in service of the greater chaos, then all the better.  But never contrary to the chaos, mind you.

Now, as I was saying, pet, let us begin working a little order into things, get all of my chaotic little schemes working toward the ultimate goal.  What’s needed here, to play into the game, is a villainous organization to oppose our budding heroes!  We’ll call it…DOMME!  What does it mean?  Oh, don’t worry about the details, that’s not what’s important here! 

What’s important is what they do, you see.  We’ve already found hundreds of souls who will make excellent minions down the line, so let’s start them into their work right away.  Use this media machine the humans have developed in this world to our advantage.  Cause more chaos, divide and conquer!  Slander the upstart heroes for what they do, frame their actions in the most harmful ways possible, make it look like what they do goes against the very grain of modern society.  Control all these “online” spaces, silence any voices that dare speak against us!  Utterly dominate the narrative!

What do you mean there’s already groups doing this?  Really?  Hmm…very well, bring them into the fold.  They sound just as evil and vile and despicable as me, so I’m sure they’ll fit just fine into my new regime.  We’ll DOMME-inate the media, then the world!

Why thank you, pet; I do try to absorb myself in the culture I wish to foster, after all.  Do you think my evil, villainous laugh sounded okay, or do I need to put a bit more into it?

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