#Lore24 – Entry #255 – Fantasy Month III #12 – An Audience with Lady Jade

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize to me, sister, but thank you nonetheless!  I don’t think your captain cared much for dark elves in general, if I’m being honest.  I’m no stranger to wearing things like that for long periods, so it was no trouble, honestly!  Yes, that’s right!  I’m so pleased that you’ve actually heard of me before now!  I might not be able to channel the Dark Lady’s power as a Confessor does, but I’m sure she guides me in her own way!  And thank you for the meal; I was starting to get a little famished with all the waiting.

Hmmm…I can’t really remember when I had first heard of Lady Jade.  Might have been when I first came into these lands, perhaps, when I was getting to know my way around and just starting up my show a few years ago.  I know her name kept coming up as a patron of the arts, especially those with particular flavors, if you know what I mean.  I suppose I’d gotten it in my mind to work my way to Greenspire and try to perform for her eventually, once I’d built up my reputation enough, that is.  I’d spoken with Teelsa and other performers about it, learned that she was somewhat of a recluse with particular tastes and all, but didn’t seem particularly dangerous.  At least not like certain groups that have been hounding us for weeks now, anyway!

Once we’d finally gotten to see Lady Jade, she was something else, alright!  You could just feel her presence as soon as you laid eyes on her tower, and it almost felt like her eyes were on you the moment you walked through the doors!  To actually meet her in person though, it was overwhelming…you just felt so insignificant around her while she sat upon that throne!  I’d never even felt like that back home for all the bluster about power and influence that goes on there.  But, she was never overbearing or condescending to us, seemed like she was genuinely interested in our plight, or played it off as such, anyway, though she was far more interested in seeing us perform!  Not just me, but all of us.  I don’t think Kazumi appreciated the idea at all, though, and Eri put up a bit of a fuss, and Siduri got hung up about getting paid for her work, but they came around soon enough after Lady Jade offered us her protection.

She revealed that someone had been attempting to scry upon us, you see, right then, while we were having our audience with her.  Her tower is protected against that kind of thing, we learned, and she didn’t appreciate someone being so bold.  She offered us sanctuary for the time being, in return for some entertainment and work done in return for her aid in determining which parties were hunting us.  Kazumi wouldn’t have it, though, couldn’t stand being cooped up in the city more than she had to be, and Lady Jade was considerate of her needs, allowing her to roam where she may outside of the tower as long as she promised to wear something that would block scrying attempts made against her.  Plus I don’t think Kazumi was too keen on the type of entertainment Lady Jade preferred, either.  She’s been tight-lipped about why, but I’ve got my suspicions!”

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