#Lore24 – Entry #264 – Fantasy Month III #21 – Visiting the Temple of Erisaya

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Of course we wasted no time in visiting the temples since we had to wait before we met with Lady Jade’s associate.  Neither Hatae nor myself have been to Arcavarlon before, and we’ve wanted to visit their grand temples for quite some time now.  There’s no official doctrine or anything that says one of the faithful has to make a pilgrimage, but that’s kind of what it felt like in a way.  It probably wasn’t the best idea for us to split up, but we felt little danger in the temple district, could feel the reassurance from our goddesses as we neared that all would be well.  Teelsa came with me, Siduri went with Hatae, and Kazumi went wherever she pleased.  I lost sight of her when she changed into a cat, but she’d assured us we’d know if she spotted any of our hunters nearing.

I’m certain the Ladies wanted us to see them too; I’ve never felt closer to Erisaya than I did when I entered her temple here, much more intensely than any other I’d visited before.  It was…almost like coming home, I guess you could say, especially with how I was greeted by several of the priests and priestesses.  They knew I would be coming, and made me feel so welcome… It had been some time since I’d last spent time in prayer and given that I am one of the Rose’s Thorns, that seemed like an oversight I’d better correct.

You can relate, I’m sure.  The ways of Yurisaya are different, but not entirely unalike.  Confessors aren’t entirely unlike a Thorn; we both seek truth in our own ways, defend the faith and the faithful with our power, though our methods are quite different…  I can only imagine what it’s like to be able to visit the temples as often as you, living here and all.  I thought they’d be closer to one another, though.  Anyway…

Thank you for understanding; I appreciate that you’re not pressing me to know more of my time within the temple.  Nothing that went on there is relevant to what you’re wanting to know, I promise.

It was evening by the time we met back up and headed toward our meeting.  Sure enough, Kazumi found us on the way out of the temple district, just suddenly appeared walking alongside us, munching on some roast mutton.  I swear she can be as stealthy as Hatae when she wants to be.  She hadn’t spotted anyone she could recognize as having attacked us before, but admittedly she wasn’t accustomed to just how many people there were around the city, so she admitted she could have simply missed them in the crowd.  We remained vigilant but were unmolested on our way.  The real trouble wouldn’t start until the following day.”

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