#Lore24 – Entry #265 – Fantasy Month III #22 – Visiting the Temple of Yurisaya

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, it was wonderful!  I’d always heard about the grand temple, had wanted to visit it for so long!  I’m so happy that I’ve finally gotten to do so!  I have to admit, I’m a little envious of you, Confessor, since you can go there whenever you like and all.  But yes, it’s something of a dream come true for me!  I wasn’t prepared for just how big it really is, nor how strongly the Dark Lady’s presence could be felt there.  Even though I’m not a priestess, I could feel her power within its halls, almost like she was caressing me!  It was almost as if I could touch her power if I but prayed a little harder…

But you know that, I’m sure!  My only disappointment was that I couldn’t spare the time then to partake in some of the rituals with the clergy, though I did take time to speak to several of them while I was there!  I was actually surprised to see that there were so many dark elves amongst their ranks here, and to learn that there was some mistrust of the church here because of that.  Personally, I feel that any of us who can willingly denounce the ways of the Mantis Queen in favor of Yurisaya will be better off for it!  I didn’t feel any of the pressure there amongst my kind like I did back home, none of the paranoia or mistrust!  It was wonderful!

If it weren’t for the business we had to deal with, I would’ve spent the night there at least, maybe a couple days, if I’m being honest.  Of course, I wouldn’t want to leave Eri and the others high and dry, of course.  There will be time enough later for that, I think, and maybe Eri and I can spend some time together in either temple once we settle matters with the Twin Twats and the dark elves.

Speaking of the dark elves…some of the clergy did clue me in on who may be responsible for hunting me.  They still keep in contact with their family back home, and to absolutely nobody’s surprise, there’s a new power struggle amongst the topmost houses, and mine is in the thick of it.  So, it seems, I’m to be a bargaining chip for someone, or insurance for my family in case my mother or sisters finally get brought down by that madness.  If they could only find their way to Yurisaya…”

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