#Lore24 – Entry #338 – Sci-Fi Month IV #3 – Magical Arts, Magical Blood

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

 AG:  “How would you describe your time at the academy upon the Isle of Fang?”

RV:  “Tedious.  It was far from the silly little social clubs obsessed with their legwear that it is these days, teaching little more than what could be considered the basics of arcane theory.  The ancient arcanists were still quite full of themselves, though, convinced of their own superiority in many cases, or trying to hide their contempt of those not gifted with a mind for the arcane through their good works that would earn them praise.  The humans were the worst of course; other elves were at least tolerable because I knew what to expect.  But, having never been around the short-lived beings much at all previously, it was quite the learning experience.  I seem to recall having thoughts that I was actively watching them die at some points, growing older before my eyes. 

Honestly, I can recall feeling underwhelmed once I had settled in and began my studies there, almost as if I already knew all of what they sought to teach me, on a deeper…instinctive level.”

AG:  “Instinctive level?  Could you elaborate more upon that, please?”

RV:  “Magic is in the blood of elves, my dear Ms. Ganim, and most of us, at least in those days, could instinctively perform rudimentary spells that were of a primal nature, affecting flora or fauna.  Grasping the deeper arcane methods was a rudimentary task for those elves who were possessed of even a middling intellect.  When I say that my understanding came from a deeper level, I mean that my very blood, my very soul even, was attuned to the flow of magic in ways normal elves could only dream of.  For all the tedium I suffered at the academy, it did at least make me aware of my unique nature, that there was something quite special about me that others simply couldn’t possess or understand.”

AG:  “Fascinating.  Could you elaborate more upon what this is?”

RV:  “In time.  I believe you have already alluded to this in the research you’ve already shared with me, so perhaps we’ll continue with your timeline beyond my school days?”

Note:  Her tone of voice was quite steady and calm here, yet I cannot deny the force with which Rivalle Volcari spoke.  She may have phrased it as a suggestion, but I have no doubts it was a command.

AG:  “Yes, of course.  As the records I uncovered indicated, now that you’ve confirmed your full name, you completed your studies there in only five years.  The grading scales are certainly different now, but by what records still exist, you received top marks and nothing but praise for your talents.  I imagine there was no shortage of parties interested in attaining your considerable talents?”

RV:  “Quite right.  I was offered a place within the Praxium of Arcavarlon, but at the time tensions were rising between the nations, and I had no interest in serving upon a council of my lessers.  The kerryns were insisting upon being the negotiators of peace, while the elves, dawn and dusk, and the aerians were already engaged in multiple conflicts necessitating said peacekeepers, while the humans sought, in their infantile ways, to profit from all sides.  To their credit, the dwarves and drakonae had the good sense to keep to themselves, for the most part, though they too would seek to profit from their exceptional weapon and armor craftsmanship.  The other races would barely leave a mark during this time.”

AG:  “Where did you go during this time?”

RV:  “To war.  I was quite ready to test myself against veteran battle-mages that had been dealing with the aerian nuisance for some time.  I was young then, my blood running hot, what you humans would understand as a rebellious teenager phase, and I was quite ready to test my destructive magic in a practical setting.  And that would lead to my work to build up House Volcari and see the establishment of the Elvish Dominion.”

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