LORE24 ENTRY #54 – Supers Month #23 – Amelia Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


By all accounts, Amelia Tempest is a business genius, having all the right degrees and training to see her to the top floor of that high rise, the head of Venus Financial Corp, making the right decisions, and yet she’s barely out of her twenties, though you wouldn’t guess that from how she looks.  I’d swear she’s barely twenty, but that must be those amazing Tempest genes at work; she’s every bit the stunning beauty as her sisters.  Believe it or not, apparently Gloria Tempest helped to raise her, remains somewhat of a motherly figure to her, even.  More of those good genes, I guess.

I’d like to say I believe that she’s accomplished all of her success above the table, but I can’t.  No, I’m convinced she’s just s crooked as the rest of the family.  A major financial company like hers is perfect for laundering funds and making openings for other illicit deals, and I have no doubt that’s exactly what Amelia does for the rest of the family.  Can I prove it?  Well…no, not in so many simple words.  Most of what I’ve found that could be called ‘questionable’ to the average observer would be considered normal in the cutthroat corporate world.  Venus Corp has even gone through great lengths to keep its taxes properly paid from what I can find.  

it’s all just too clean, though, too perfect.  My investigative instincts tell me that she’s dirty, and I’m convinced someone out there knows all about it, someone whose last name doesn’t start with Tempest.  Bobbi, the head of the IT department at Edgewater, visits Amelia’s office fairly often, likely has something to do with Venus Corp’s secret secure documents, if I had to make an educated guess.  Then there’s Julia Tempest’s driver, Sei-Sei; he’s visited a few times without Julia in tow, and I’ve gotten at least two confirmed visits from Misha Kyle.  These people know something, and I will find out sooner or later!

I had an interview with Amelia, haven’t published the results just yet, but she’s just as slippery as her sisters.  She’s pleasant to speak to, draws you in with her presence alone, fills the room with it, even.  Perfect for the head of a major international corporation, certainly.  She didn’t speak much about herself, more about her accomplishments, though, like Gloria, did reveal that she has a thing for collecting dolls on her off time.  Like I couldn’t tell that from the displays she had in her private office; the woman even has a few human-sized dolls on display in her office, dressed up like something you’d see out of a Victorian masquerade ball, safe behind thick, spotless glass.  I didn’t care for them though; they creeped me out, if I’m being quite honest, kept feeling like they were looking at me, could almost swear I saw one move…just a twitch, but still.  I’d say Amelia needs to talk with Dollface, but she’s still in a coma back at Edgewater, and if it’s one thing the Tempests don’t need, its mind-control masks.

The investigation into Amelia Tempest is ongoing, as it is with the rest of the family.  I’ll catch them making a mistake that’ll open the way to a major breakthrough sooner or later, I have no doubts about it.  Patience is a virtue, and I’m nothing if not patient, though I am starting to feel the frustration with this case building up.  I’ve had trouble sleeping since starting this operation, even had a dream where I was one of those dolls in Amelia’s office, stuck inside that display case, struggling to breath, unable to move, watching her go about her day as if I wasn’t there.  Just like I had a dream after talking with Rachel about being buried alive after getting mummified.  Or that dream I had about being a pet at Maria’s school.  Maybe I need to visit Jennifer for another therapy session, get my head straight…

Anyway, the Amelia Tempest interview will be a puff piece; the Tempest seem to like people praising their greatness, so maybe it’ll lead to bigger and better chances to learn about their illicit dealings.  Time will tell…



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