#Lore24 – Entry #68 – Fantasy Month #8 – Hoe of Destruction


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


I’m not certain how Felaria decided upon this topic, for it was certainly an obscure one that I barely recalled, but then again, she has memories spanning multiple centuries whereas I’m barely into my twentieth year; she was likely there at the time it was created, perhaps even had firsthand knowledge of it for all I know.

Despite what the vulgar argot may imply upon hearing the name “Hoe of Destruction”, this is not actually a prostitute with destructive tendencies, nor is it something with demonic origins, or so the legends say.  As odd as the name sounds, the original Hoe of Destruction was a powerful magic tool, literally a modified gardening tool, which was fitted with a much wider and heavier blade than normal, reinforced and somehow balanced to be used as a weapon, not unlike a halberd.  It is unclear as to whether the weapon was forged by someone in particular, or if it was simply shaped through raw magical manipulation, but credit to its creation goes to Odegast the Defoliator, known thusly due to his rather vocal disdain for the elves and fae creatures of the wildlands beyond the southern borders of the elvish stronghold of Nymphanos.

Some seven centuries ago, Odegast, a powerful arcanist of the age, developed a strong enmity to the afore mentioned elves of Nymphanos, though the nature of the dispute is unclear, and may have been entirely one-sided, though I cannot recall specifically if I’ve ever heard any tales or read any specific texts on the subject.  Regardless, the accepted fact of the matter is that Odegast began harassing the elves and their sylvan allies in the region, using his not-insignificant magical talents to destroy many of their food-producing settlements.  When he was nearly killed by the elvish arcanists in retaliation, he went silent for a time, plotting revenge and vowing to right the wrong that was done to him (whatever that may have been; it is entirely possible, and perhaps very likely, that Odegast was in fact insane). 

So, he devised a most insidious method of revenge, and created the Hoe of Destruction.  A single tool or weapon alone would not be enough, however, so he refined the design and created many weaker versions of the defoliating tool, the magics within them cleverly concealed and difficult to detect, and had them distributed amongst the lands around Nymphanos.  For a time, the population could not understand why they suffered such a blight that led to famine in the region, but once it was discovered what Odegast had done, vengeance was swift and brutal.  Odegast’s lair was stormed and despite his significant defenses, he was eventually slain.  The original Hoe of Destruction was supposedly clutched in his hands until his dying breath, and then thrown into the sea and lost to the waves. 

The weapon itself, along with its lesser versions, had the ability to kill plant life when used as a gardening tool, poisoning the soil and the plants themselves, causing them to rot and die.  The magic of the original weapon/tool was also supposedly effective against plant creatures as well, dealing more severe wounds that supposedly caused infection and rot quickly upon being struck.  Since the weapon has been lost, and the records from that era are lacking, it is uncertain as to whether this is entirely accurate.



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