LORE24 ENTRY #7 – Sentinel Prime

Category – Place

Sentinel Prime was once a massive space-defense fortification built during the war-filled waning decades of the Great Elvish Dominion.  Through the use of a combination of wondrous and long-lost magic and then cutting edge technology, the Dominion was able to make an entire planetary body into a moveable battle station, even allowing it to travel through hyperspace.  Meant as a final deterrent (for who could conceivably conquer a planet-sized weapon platform with full support facilities for the elvish fleets and troops that were carried aboard this behemoth?) against the growing number of systems who were fighting against elvish rule, the station, for a time, served as the Emperor’s personal stronghold.

Unable to foresee his own demise through an act of betrayal from within, the Emperor’s overthrow was likewise the beginning of the end for Sentinel Prime.  During the final battle of this period, the remaining defenders of the Great Elvish Dominion fled with the station to the furthest reaches of known space at the time, a small system on the edge of the great, mysterious region of space known as the Demon Sector.  Here they would mount their last stand, and much of Sentinel Prime would be devastated during the ensuing battles.

Over the centuries since, Sentinel Prime was scavenged by countless spacers, and was eventually rebuilt in some form and colonized, growing up from small spacer communities into a massive planet-spanning city which, in the modern era, serves as rather infamous port of call, known for the local government bucking the influence of the controlling megacorps, allowing its citizens to live a mostly free, if dangerous, existence.  As such, Sentinel is known as a place one goes to find illicit goods, perform shady dealings, and to disappear should one be on the wrong side of the law; just be sure to pack your rubber rain gear during the rainy season, though, because that acid rain is a real pain.

Since the Demon Barrier was pierced, and travel into the Demon Sector has become commonplace, Sentinel has seen a rise in population and headache, trying to remain as neutral as possible to the powers that be in the galaxy while reaping all the profits they can for those explorers diving into the unknown regions beyond the Barrier. 


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