#Lore24 – Entry #81 – Fantasy Month #21 – The Kerryn Animal


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I’m beginning to sense a theme forming with Mother’s topics…

A fairly common tome found throughout the Empire and likely beyond, there are nonetheless several variations of “The Kerryn Animal” worth mentioning when discussing the text.  Written during the early years of the Empire, most modern scholars attribute authorship of the original text to arcanist, scholar, and slave-trainer Balishar Azarah Ninurta-apal-Ekur.  The original, and later “traditional” versions of the text basically serve as the basis for the Empire’s kerryn enslavement policies and practices.  Though filled with what I would consider highly questionable conclusions about the nature of kerryn anatomy and physiology, the text nonetheless has quite firmly established the idea in the minds of Imperial citizens that kerryns are dangerous if not properly bred into subservience and are naturally quite amorous and inherently sexual creatures.  Descriptions of proper methods of training kerryns for their roles as loyal servants of their “betters” consume most of the text’s pages, many of which are still performed to this day.  Later “traditional” versions of the text have been expanded with descriptions of the established standard training methods all kerryns must undertake within the Empire, focusing on subservience to Imperial citizens in all matters, proper behaviors socially and privately, proper breeding recommendations, and the “Hundred Affectations”, the ways Kerryns are trained to pose themselves so as to show their loyalty, submissiveness, and general attractiveness of body. 

Though your average citizen would hesitate to say such a thing, I have practiced some of the Hundred Affectations at Mother’s insistence and found them to be quite helpful in enhancing my flexibility and agility.  Some of these I practice regularly, in fact, for they are very similar to the dances I have likewise practiced during the development of my dervish-like sword style.

Back to the topic at hand, though.  Later versions of The Kerryn Animal would delve much more deeply into the eroticism of the Kerryn slave experience rather than the mundane and vaguely philosophical topics of the “traditional” versions.  Without giving it too much thought, I can think of no fewer than a dozen variations of the text by just as many authors throughout the centuries who have penned highly erotic tales surrounding the core teachings of the original.  In essence, these “erotic” versions of The Kerryn Animal are highly idealized and meant to not only titillate the reader, but also firmly reinforce the nature of Kerryn enslavement as a perfectly normal aspect of life within the Empire.  Some variations of these are told from the perspective of the slave owner as they train a particularly favored slave or slaves, while others are told from the perspective of the slaves themselves, focusing heavily upon descriptions of the slave training through a first-person viewpoint, most often with them learning to appreciate their masters and worship the very ground they walk upon.  It is rather obvious that some of the passages in these texts were written by slaves themselves, though no such credit was given, of course.

A handful of even more scandalous versions of The Kerryn Animal exist as well, though these are held as quite problematic within the Empire, as they portray situations that would serve to undermine the very foundations of Kerryn enslavement.  Or at least, that is what some particularly vocal and influential individuals have espoused throughout history; as it stands, these texts have yet to cause the collapse of the Empire.  These particular variations flip the roles, envisioning a world where the kerryns are still in control with the aid of their demonic allies, and have enslaved humanity and the other races and have them undergo the same methods of training.  The texts in which a kerryn slave takes on a dominant role and puts their masters through the training they have undergone as part of an erotic roleplay scenario are much less problematic and seem to be quite popular given the number of them in the archives.  Though it’s not something I tend to think about, I have little doubt that this kind of power exchange fantasy is quite common behind closed doors.  Being a mostly silent observer while I’m visiting town or when tending a human master and their kerryn slave who visit the Library, I’ve seen hints of such things from time to time, so if even I can pick up on it, then it can’t be that well-guarded a secret.


#Lore24 – Entry #73 – Fantasy Month #13 – Saressh, Fallen Goddess of the Kerryns


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Though hard for your average person to comprehend, the idea of something more powerful than a god is rather sobering and indeed frightening, but the example of the fallen Saressh is one that more people should be aware of, were it not for the standing decree by the first Emperor that her name shall not be spoken, lest another calamity be put in motion.  Can dead gods hear their names when spoken by mere mortals?  Do gods truly die when the faith of their followers is lost, or do they simply take on other forms and evolve into other deities?  Does the mere speaking of their name hold power, even if they no longer exist?  I’m hardly a theologian and certainly not a priestess of any sort, but I can still discuss the topic somewhat, from a historical perspective, at least.

Historically speaking, gods and goddesses come and go.  Historical records are replete with examples of such vanished deities, though usually not such recent examples as in the case of Saressh, mother of the Kerryns, goddess of protection, good health and procreation, pleasure, prophecy, and cats.  Most often, we’ve found remnants of lost civilizations and along with them, at best, scattered carvings alluding to the existence of the lost deity, vague hints of their nature, little in the way of daily practices or rituals.  This is especially true in the case of those lesser deities worshipped by the monstrous races, though some conjectures exist that lean toward the idea that the same deities simply take on different names through the ages, given the similar natures and domains shared by many deities we have recorded.

Such is not the case with Saressh, however.  Though mostly seen as a dark goddess who guided her people into demon worship, and was later consumed by said demons, records would, in my opinion, indicate something far more insidious at work behind the scenes.  As the Deep Archives are filled with preserved examples of Saressh’s teachings, priestly paraphernalia, and records of many of her followers, I have had some chance to study her ways, and without dedicating myself to diving deeper, Saressh absolutely does not seem the type to have her children turn to worshipping demonic forces.  Quite the opposite, really.

It is my opinion that Saressh was defamed during the period preceding the Great Cataclysm, when tensions between nations were high and wars were common, likely by agents of the Elvish Dominion, known for their extensive and masterful use of propaganda, lessons the current Empire still makes use of.  The Elvish Dominion was far more powerful than it is today, at least on this side of the world, and had great influence over many of the human-led nations, for humanity still saw them as mostly a benevolent force, wisest amongst the long-lived races of the world.  During this period of great unrest, it came to be that the Aerians were on the verge of extinction through the combined efforts of the Elvish Dominion and the growing human nations, and when things were at their darkest, the Kerryns stepped in as a neutral group, brokering a peace that would give the war-hungry Aerians a chance to recover and try to change their ways; kerryns of the day were certainly optimistic.  This alliance, born of compassion from the Kerryn people, would perhaps ultimately lead to their downfall and the destruction of the Aerians who had dedicated themselves to the defense of the Kerryn people for their act of kindness.

Circling back to the topic of Saressh, it is known that during the years preceding the Great Cataclysm, when the wars had somewhat settled and tensions were beginning to cool, something happened to her faithful clergy.  Madness began to spread throughout their ranks, and the power of their magic began to wane.  Some theorize that Saressh had been slain in the divine realm already, and it simply took time for her death to be felt within the realm of mortals, while other theories indicate that perhaps she was beset on all sides by her enemies, chiefly among them the demonic forces of the Demon Lord Suzu’Reitani, whose power served to corrupt the very flow of power from Saressh to her people, before she was ultimately slain.  Regardless, it was soon after the madness began to spread through her clergy and the faith of her people began to wane that war once again broke out when the Aerians led an offensive against the lost desert nation of Al Sisamanah when they had enslaved a kerryn princess that would eventually marry the Aerian prince who led the campaign (this is entirely a topic unto itself, and I shall not delve into it further here).

It was during this time that demons began to travel more freely between their realm and our own, and the records of other churches of prominence during the era, namely those of Lashanna, goddess of Justice, and the twin goddesses of desire, Erisaya and Yurisaya, and the god of death, Mausolus, confirm this with the sharp increase in reported cases of demonic possession and outright manifestation of them within our world.  Though, curiously enough, records on the subject from the Elvish Dominion are entirely lacking in detail, there is more than enough evidence from other sources during this time to at least create a plausible case that the elves were responsible for allowing demonkind into our world, and simply shifted the blame to the kerryns and the aerians, as they were their primary enemies at time (the might of the Aerians, reinforcing the more peaceful kerryns, with their formidable diplomatic talents, may well have led to a new age of peace, though with the Elvish Dominion in a much smaller and less influential role as nations were slowly but inevitably turned against them as their underhanded methods were repeatedly exposed).  Curiously enough, such conjectures are as forbidden to discuss aloud as that of the topic of Saressh herself; some may call this mere coincidence, but I am not among their ranks.

I could continue for some time further about Saressh and the many topics surrounding her mysterious death (is she even dead?  Perhaps she still exists in some form or another, her power dispersed amongst the demonic forces of Suzu’Reitani?), but my duties must take precedent.  I am to assist General Loukas Kormides with a study of historic battles in the northern regions on the morrow, and have much study and preparation to perform today.


#Lore24 – Entry #70 – Fantasy Month #10 – Dragon-blown Glass and Metal


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


Ah, a lovely topic today, for I rarely have cause to delve into the arts, for certainly the dragon-blown crafts of the kobolds are certainly art.  I say of the kobolds, but the nature of dragon-blown glasses and metals are, as the name suggests, originally the domain of the ancient dragons themselves, preserved through the ages by their dedicated servants who remained after they vanished from the world.

Though many would proclaim the dwarven smiths to be the best craftsmen around, a strong case exists for the kobold master artisans to be considered equals in such praises.  Though far rarer than dwarven craftsmen, the kobolds’ draconic heritage grants them quite a unique advantage when working with certain materials, namely metal and glass.  I can only surmise as to the truth of the matter, but the general enmity that exists between dwarves and kobolds, at least those within and around the Empire, may have its origins in the ongoing argument over who can craft better weapons and armor; the kobold master glassmakers have a decided lead in that area, while the dwarves remain the best stonemasons upon the face of Andyllion. 

Kobolds, by their very nature, are capable of a very limited form of draconic breath, the nature of which is determined by their particular draconic heritage, and they have adapted the draconic method of crafting using that breath in their work.  The masters of the art have trained themselves to such a degree as to have a much greater and more potent form of breath than the average kobold and exhibit a much more finely-tuned control of that breath, using it to alter the very makeup of the material which they are crafting.  Though one would assume a fiery breath is used, any form of kobold breath can be adapted using their secret techniques, from icy cold, to acid, to lightning and even the rarer variations, each having a unique effect upon the items crafted, which will inherit some of the elemental nature of the breath that forged them.

As to the nature of dragon-blown glass, it is exceptionally more resilient than standard glassware, able to survive drops of several feet without chipping or breaking, lasting for many centuries and having been known to survive even shipwrecks and collapsing buildings in some cases.  Further, depending on the nature of the breath that forged the item, it will maintain an essence of that breath, and display unique properties.  A dragon-blown teapot crafted using a fiery breath, for example, will keep its contents piping hot for hours, whereas a carafe blown by a cold breath will keep its contents cool for hours, even in the heat of a desert environment.  Many of the most rare and delicate arcane ingredients are stored in dragon-blown bottles and jars, and the best arcanists use dragon-blown alchemical equipment.

When it comes to dragon-blown metals, standard iron and steel weapons tend to retain elemental properties of the breath that forged them, meaning that they will either resist that particular element in the case of armor or a shield, or produce an elemental effect upon a strike from the weapon (a wound caused by a weapon blown by an acidic breath would cause an acidic burn upon the flesh, for example), making these weapons highly sought after when dealing with the likes of trolls and other rapidly healing creatures, or those that have an elemental aspect to their nature, or in areas where magic is unreliable or nullified.  When used upon other metals, such as mythril, the effects are heightened, or may be entirely different depending on the nature of the forge, and the metal is generally made more resistant to damage and erosion.  It is not unheard of for multiple kobold master smiths to combine their efforts into single items of great power, blending or altering the effects of their breaths in astounding ways.  Supposedly one of the armors favored by the Emperor himself was forged by kobold smiths centuries ago.

I should also note that some examples of true dragon-blown glasses and metals still exist, but are exceptionally rare and worth kingdoms, basically priceless.  Though likely never to see the light of day again, the Emperor is known to have at least three examples of these crafts within his personal collection, handed down from the very start of the Empire.  Rumors abound that one can still find such treasures hidden within the Dragontail Isles, but the ancient magics still keep explorers away from the archipelago, aside from the Tip of the Tail, a small island commonly called Cypress Isle due to the abundance of such trees growing there.  If I’m not mistaken, there are also examples of such ancient crafts found across the seas, held within the city of Arcavarlon.




#Lore24 – Entry #69 – Fantasy Month #9 – Mazoku


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


Another general topic today, it seems.  Well, so be it. 

“Mazoku” is the name given to those of humanoid or near-humanoid ancestry who have visible signs of a demonic taint in their bloodline.  The term likely originates from the early days of the Demonic Incursion, when the first demons were coming through the dimensional barriers and sewing their seeds throughout the world, simply to distinguish between a true demon and those who were merely spawned from demons.  Records from the period are somewhat unclear on exactly what differentiated a Mazoku from a half-demon spawn, but there are distinct differences between the two that may be somewhat generational; the first creatures born of demon-kind upon the world were distinctly much more demonic and stronger in nature, whereas the Mazoku only share some of the same general features and only a fraction of the supernatural power of a true or even half demon.  Though the bloodlines have thinned, and there are reports of attempts to cleanse the taint from certain families, it still remains quite strong, with no indication of being cleared any time soon.

Mazoku are decidedly chaotic in their physical makeup and tend toward having a more free-spirited and chaotic nature about them, owing to their heritage.  An astonishingly high number of them are female, some estimates putting the number at well over ninety-five percent being born as such.  This is undoubtedly due to the heritage of the Demon Lord Suzu’Reitani and her Daughters (some theories indicate that every demon that came through during the Incursion were her children), the power of the demonic blood overriding normal reproduction.  Female Mazoku are commonly called ‘succubus’, whereas the ever-rare male examples are called “incubus”.  All, regardless of their original heritage (be it human, elf, dwarf, kobld, kerryn, orc, etc.) share similar physical traits in addition to those of the race which birthed them, namely unnatural skin colors, most commonly in shades of red, blue, white, purple, and black, as well as some form of horns growing from their heads, usually from the forehead or upon the sides of the head, and most usually have tails of some form.  They also tend to have sharper teeth, goat-like eyes, and claw-like fingernails.  Other demonic features seem to be rarer, including actual claws, cloven hooves, thicker scaled flesh, wings (some of which being actually capable of flight), and unnaturally strong resistances to certain elements, such as fire or ice or even acid and electricity.

Owing to their heritage as descendants of the Succubus Queen, Mazoku tend to be of exceptional, perhaps even supernatural, beauty, and are commonly described as being remarkably charismatic and persuasive.  Further, many have some limited inborn magical talents, tending most commonly toward emotional manipulation and charm-based effects, but in some cases presenting as elemental manipulation or the creation of illusions.  Many of them are natural sorcerers, and excel in the magical arts.

Socially, at least within the Empire, Mazoku remain a minority within the population, but prejudices here are much less severe (perhaps due to the kerryns generally being the lowest of the races, or perhaps due to their higher numbers here?) than other nations, and often they are just as capable of gaining powerful leadership positions through their own merits as anyone else (take the High Inquisitor Elvoix Vaktra Flamescale, a kobold-born Mazoku, for example).  Feelings on the Mazoku vary in other parts of the world, from ambivalence to outright fear and persecution depending on where you are.  Though I haven’t traveled and studied in the lands beyond the great oceans, enough accounts exist to safely assume that Mazoku are generally not as well tolerated beyond the Empire in most other places, but I would quite enjoy the chance to make determinations on the subject myself one day.



LORE24 ENTRY #29 – The Badaxe Clan

Category – Cultural / Organization

Historically, the Badaxe clan originated upon the world of Andyllion, forged through many generations to be the strongest and most prosperous of orcish clans, eventually earning the honor of serving the High Emperor himself as his most loyal and trusted soldiers and bodyguards.  This was further bolstered through strong leadership within the clan and their embrace of ancient Aerian combat training methods.  Even after they cut ties with the Empire, the clan remained strong, and became a unifying force for the orcish people of Andyllion, especially during the Age of Legends when their clan chief, Mantok Badaxe, ascended to godhood.

In modern times, the Badaxe Clan has evolved into something much different.  Though the descendants of the original clan still exist and control their own nation on Andyllion, they have continued evolving with the times.  Today, many know the Badaxe Clan as an elite private military company, now open to any of orcish blood from any world, and still holding its members to strict training based upon the old ways, adapted to modern weapons, technology, and tactics.  The Badaxe Clan mercenaries pride themselves on their ferocity, endurance, and adaptability, and are often seen as rivals to even the aerians, and while both are fiercely competitive, the rivalry between orc and aerian is mostly friendly…as much as a rivalry based upon combat can be.

Organizations across known space employ Badaxe Clan mercenaries for the most dangerous operations or to protect their high value targets, assuming they can afford the premium rates the clan demands for their expertise.  Even DSM is known to employ several units of Badaxe Clan members, with some working directly for Rivalle Volcari herself, even though the company has long been elf-dominated and the enmity between elf and orc is still not entirely extinguished.  Though members of the Badaxe Clan are trained to always put the job first and foremost, the strong sense of honor that is imparted to them have resulted in a few incidents over the years in which the work they were brought on to perform was deemed far too distasteful for even them, and they turned against those who hired them, echoing what happened when the great Mantok Badaxe himself led the clan against the High Emperor on Andyllion.


LORE24 ENTRY #19 – Kerryn

Category – Cultural

The Kerryn are a race of humanoids who appear similar to humans, but with feline features, most notably feline ears atop their heads, extended canine teeth, cat-like eyes, tails, and in some cases, fingernails that can be used as claws.  They are generally of average height to shorter height, between five and six feet tall, and with agile builds.  Their reflexes and agility are greater than the average human, on par with elves.  They are possessed of more sensitive hearing, better night vision, and a keen sense of smell, and tend to live for several hundred years, making them the second-longest lived race in the known space after the elves (or perhaps the third if one counts the Shokushu-juu, though no one besides themselves are certain how long they actually live).  Generally they are considered friendly and personable, rather easy-going in nature, and are generally seen as quite attractive by most other races.  

In modern times, Kerryns are prevalent throughout the galaxy, most often living amongst the other races, though have claimed some nations and worlds as their own, though they don’t outright refuse other races (though they remain somewhat wary of elves, as do most races).  Kerryns are generally rather free-spirited and are known to wander from time to time in their long lives, sometimes spending a century or so exploring one particular area of interest before deciding to move on and try something new, somewhere new; it is not uncommon that married couples will embark on periods of wandering and exploration once the children are raised and out of the house.  Most Kerryn societies also tend to have a strong sense of independence and a love of freedom, given multiple historical examples of their kind being oppressed by other races, and as such often have a unified defense force on their worlds and within their borders, with all Kerryns spending some time training in basic self-defense and use of weapons while they are young before pursuing their preferred interests.

Unique amongst the races, Kerryns are known to be very close with their past lives, often experiencing flashes of them as they go about their daily lives.  Often, these flashes give them unique insights or knowledge that may not be readily available to others.  These flashes are stronger in some, and the “old souls” experience them with much more frequency and clarity than others.  The Kerryn mother goddess, Sarresh, sees to it that her children are reborn from time to time regardless of their sins in life, giving them another chance to improve themselves.  Perhaps related to their past-life experience, those Kerryns who have dedicated themselves to the service of the goddess are known to receive prophetic visions, though these are often difficult to decipher.

LORE24 ENTRY #16 – Shokushu-juu

Category – Cultural

A rather mysterious race that was only widely known fairly commonly in the galaxy after space exploration had advanced to some degree.  Some records may indicate their presence in ancient times, though these are inconclusive.  The Shokushu-juu are large fleshy beings with no particularly defined features other than the many tentacles that sprout from their bodies, their flesh often shades of purple, green, or brown, sometimes with stripes or discolored patches, typically covered in a glistening slime.  In general, most races consider the Shokushu-juu to be quite unpleasant to be around.  To make matters worse, all members of the race are unable to communicate vocally, relying on telepathic communication through touch, though their touch is reputed to be quite pleasant, if not a bit unsettling until one becomes used to it, especially if the Shokushu-juu decides to take control of it’s speaker to speak directly to another person.  The common belief regarding the Shokushu-juu is that for every century they have lived, a new tentacle will sprout from their bodies; this has yet to be proven.

The unpleasant reputation further stems from the fact that the Shokushu-juu are involved with much of the criminal activity in the galaxy, though they don’t consider their actions to be in any way wrong.  Those who are not closely tied to individual Shokushu-juu, or who are not familiar with the inner workings of their very strange society, cannot understand the alien mindset of these beings.  There have been rumors for centuries of various Shokushu-juu influences on galactic society and the cultures of individual worlds, and nobody can seem to agree on just how deep these influences go.

The Shokushu-juu keep mostly to themselves, and strictly regulate travel within their home star system, the Zenalux Expanse, requiring most to remain at dedicated locations along the outer edges.  If they are to travel, they will do so aboard their own vessels, often piloted by loyal crew members of various races.  Though they are capable of moving on their own, they are rarely, if ever, not seen riding some kind of hover-sled.  Amongst their most important traveling companions is the Shokushu-juu’s “Voice”, an individual who has taken the job of being the vessel through which the Shokushu-juu communicates.  This may seem unpleasant to some, as many Shokushu-juu seem to prefer wrapping a tentacle around the neck of their “Voice” and projecting their own thoughts through their mouths, with distinct differences in voice and mannerisms.  By all accounts this is an intense and often pleasing experience, with some having described it as “orgasmic”; to that end, there are reports of some beings becoming addicted to this type of psychic/tactile contact with Shokushu-juu.  There are also just as many rumors floating around that the Shokushu-juu engage in more erotic displays with their “Voice”, and others, using many of their tentacles, though this may simply be exaggeration and the over-active imaginations of many artists throughout the galaxy.  Such concerns and displays are generally deemed as being below the Shokushu-juu.


LORE24 ENTRY #14 – Succubi

Category – Cultural

Though one unfamiliar with them may think the Succubi were a recent find what with the opening of the Demon Sector, they have actually been around since the Demonic Invasion thousands of years ago.  If nothing else, the blood of demons is strong, as their influence still shows quite clearly upon the Succubi to this day with their “demonic” appearance:  skin and eyes hat are often shades of red or orange or other “unnatural” hues, horns on their heads, tails, claws, and goat-like eyes being very common.  Unlike their progenitors from long ago, however, they are not inherently evil, though many within the galaxy may not believe that to be the case, as they are, on many worlds, treated as second-class citizens.  Regardless of this stigma, Succubi are considered to be extremely beautiful and charismatic, and can, given the chance, become amazingly successful.

They are known as ‘Succubi’ for a few reasons.  Firstly, beyond their obvious beauty, due to a unique quirk in their genetics, they can generally interbreed with any of the known races, though there is an extremely high chance (perhaps over 90%) of the child being female, sharing appearance and traits of both parents; the rare male child is still considered a ‘Succubus’, though some of these may call themselves an ‘Incubus’.  Second, their natural (or unnatural) charisma and innate ability to read others’ emotions gives them a significant advantage in interpersonal dealings.  Third, some Succubi still retain a small measure of power from their demonic heritage, and can manifest it in ways that may unsettle some, such as manifesting flames, causing their voices to boom like thunder, changing ambient temperature around them, etc, though arcanists in the know consider these abilities to be simple arcane manifestations no different from what they can do.

More uncommon amongst the Succubi are those who can pass for the race of their birth parents.  In some cases, these rare individuals do not manifest the unusual skin, eye colors and other demonic features of their brethren at birth, and appear much as their non-Succubi parent lineage.  In some, this lasts their entire lives, and these individuals generally have an easier time integrating on worlds where Succubi are looked upon with suspicion.  In others, it seems that over-indulging in the vices classically associated with demons and evil (the “Seven Deadly Sins”) tends to draw their out their inner demonic nature, causing their bodies to change to match their natures by taking on the typical Succubi appearances.  Though there currently isn’t an official name for these types of Succubi, the term ‘changeling’ has been used in some cases.


LORE24 ENTRY #5 – Ferians

Category – Cultural

Discovered only after the age of galactic expansion had begun (though ancient records would seem to indicate encounters with the Ferians long before this, by arcanists traveling amongst other worlds), the Ferians are a rather unique species, actually two species, with some opposing traits that some have theorized could only have been created artificially, though there is currently no evidence to prove this theory.

“Ferian” is the official term for a member of two species found upon the planet Feria, though they are more often called by their more distinctive names:  feradogian and ferakatian.  

Feradogians are the canine or lupine members of the species, their males being much larger than their females.  Conversely, the Ferkatians are feline in appearance, and their females are much larger than their males.  The two species are known for their aggressive behavior, compared to what is typically seen amongst other known races, with the larger of their species historically being the warriors amongst their societies.  “Fight like cats and dogs” can be considered a fact when it comes to Ferian history.

Since their discovery and subsequent expansion into space, the hostilities between the feradogians and ferakatians have subsided to some degree, with their larger members becoming highly sought after mercenaries and soldiers.  The smaller of the species, being less aggressive in nature, tend toward more mundane vocations.