#Lore24 – Entry #289 – Sentinel City by Night #15 – I Want a New Drug

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“At least my time in Sentinel City hasn’t been boring.  Barely a week and a half gone since Dollface was whisked away by Conway’s team to wherever they took her and I’ve already got another “official” case.  Since the last one, I’d learned Conway was actually Sokolova’s childe, so it wasn’t really a surprise when I got the call from the Prince regarding SCPD needing a consult at a murder scene.  Walsh would be waiting for me.

Really hope I’ll get some cases that don’t involve grisly murders one of these nights.  Still, work’s work.

Old Taurus is running like a dream now; hasn’t driven this good in years.  Probably should keep it on a regular maintenance schedule…

Anyway, found the scene pretty easy, nightclub called Paragon on the north end of town, plenty of badges blocking off the scene.  Spotted Emmerson’s car a couple blocks away on my way in, but didn’t see her skulking around outside when I got there.  Could smell the blood in the air soon as I was shown inside by the uniforms on guard; it was thick.  Walsh met me outside the main dance floor where the killings happened, introduced me to the detective in charge on this one from the local precinct, one Grover Blumenthal.  He was on the young side, put me more in the mind of an accountant by the look of him, but at least he wasn’t outright hostile to me coming in on the case.  Guess he hadn’t had time to get jaded, cynical, and territorial yet.  He was also “in the know” as far as my reasons for being there.

The CSIs were hard at work on the dance floor and a few dozen witnesses were being interviewed in another room off to the side.  Dance floor was a bloody mess; doubt a bomb could’ve done it much better.  Just a quick look told me there were at least four victims here based on the number of left hands I counted.  Took a moment to steady myself as I took it all in; all that blood stirred the Beast, made me hungry.  Guess it had been a couple nights since I’d had a proper meal. 

Looked almost like an animal attack; shredded flesh, limbs ripped off, chewed on, blood splattered everywhere.  Several people had been taken to the hospital who had survived the assault.  Suspects escaped, bloody footprints headed toward the emergency exit, disappeared into the night once they hit the wet alley and the steady rain that had been falling since yesterday.  The absolute brutality was impressive; didn’t figure regular humans could pull off something like this without a weapon of some kind.  Ghouls could, perhaps, given enough time to season; a Fiend’s war ghouls could definitely do something like this, but they’d have spooked the crowd before they got too close.  Lupines could also make a scene like this, but they tended to avoid known vampire cities unless they were looking to stir up trouble.  As I asked about witness descriptions of the incident, Blumenthal read off some of his notes; these were young men, sounded like regulars on the club scene, known to spread around recreational drugs when they came out to party; then they freaked out and started tearing people apart.  Descriptions weren’t tracking with a lupine attack; I’m no expert in their ways, but I do know they have a way of fogging mortal memories when they change into their wolf forms.  Handy that.

Wasn’t about to touch these bodies with my second sight.  Level of violence and the horrific deaths they’d suffered meant several sleepless days for me if I did.  Did take some time to look over the scene with my aura perception, though, and it paid off.  Hidden in one of the meat piles was a very faint magical aura.  Went for a look, saw a little red vial mixed in with the gore.  Pulled the detectives over and let the humans catalog the evidence as they would before I had my closer look.  Stuff looked like blood, but it was too bright, too red, almost glowing.  Vial was the kind that slipped into some kind of injector device, which hadn’t been found yet. 

Given the aura on this stuff, I wasn’t sure what to make of it.  Assumed it was some kind of drug, maybe, but I wasn’t about to shoot up with it to find out.  Blumenthal seemed a little more intent on watching me than the scene, and when I asked him about it, he seemed a little embarrassed, said it was the first time he’d ever worked with one of my kind, quickly corrected and said he’d meant a PI.  Smooth cover.  Maybe the kid had potential. 

Speaking quietly so as not to be overhead by anyone who wasn’t clued in on me, I let them know that I’d sensed something supernatural about the vial, the kind of thing that really didn’t need to get out.  Knew somewhere I could get it analyzed, if they’d see me, and figured it was probably the best lead for me to take while they handled the cleanup detail.  Not getting any arguments, I tucked the vial in a Ziploc and then into my coat.  I’d have to go through the proper procedures, might take a couple nights, but it looked like I’d be visiting the Tremere chantry.  That was sure to be an experience.”

#Lore24 – Entry #287 – Sentinel City by Night #13 – Rapid Response

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Thankfully whatever noise I might’ve made once I was inside the warehouse was covered by the girl’s screams.  For me, not for her.  I was moving fast, but as long as the screams and whimpers and pleading kept coming, that meant I didn’t have to worry about the killer noticing me.  Spotted the van we’d seen on the security footage, doors were still open; guess the killer had been too anxious to get to her work.  Took a minute to pop the hood, pulled the wires off the battery; if she tried to run, she’d have to work for it.

Started my way upstairs toward the torture room.  I tried to hurry without moving too fast; delicate thing.  Just to be sure, I double-checked that I’d silence my phone.  Would’ve been pretty embarrassing to be caught by something like that.  Didn’t take me long to get where I needed to go, smell of blood was getting thicker.  Door wasn’t locked, but I eased it open slow, after I’d hit the hinges with some spray lube I kept in my coat pocket for just these kinds of occasions. 

If this lady wasn’t a Malk, she could’ve definitely passed for one of our nuttier brethren.  First thing I saw when I peered in was the trophy rack; saw all the peeled faces of the previous victims staring at me from across the room.  Crazy bitch hadn’t just preserved their heads, but had gone full on Leatherface, made masks out of them.  Guess she’d used the additional flesh she’d taken as extra material.  She wore the Sidney Clark mask now as she paced slowly around Carly Greer, who was secured to a tilted surgical table, scalpel in each hand, making slow, deliberate cuts, seeming to pause to savor the sounds the poor girl made, then to lap at the blood that was coming out of her. 

The name “Dollface” popped into my brain at that moment.  Strange what comes to mind in situations like these.

Kinzie wasn’t far off, on his knees with his wrists and ankles chained behind a support beam, big gag ball in his mouth as he watched with a look of absolute horror on his face.  I would’ve thought him another young woman if I hadn’t known what he looked like before hand from his master’s description. 

Thought for a second there about playing hero, but I didn’t know what this vamp was capable of.  For all I knew, she was as dangerous as one of those Brujah you always hear about that can tear up a whole city block with one hand tied behind their backs.  I eased the door open a little wider, carefully, took a quick gander around the room.  Wasn’t huge, might’ve been the offices back when this place was open for business.  Some side rooms, couldn’t see much about those from here; pretty sure there was another set up stairs leading down on the other side somewhere, though, possible escape route.  Windows were blacked out or boarded up, aside from two that were raised to let in some air and what little moonlight there was, right behind Dollface’s torture rack.

Figured that SWAT team might stand a better chance than me if they could get the drop on her.  Dollface wasn’t going to kill the girl just yet anyway; sucks for her, but not a chance I could risk taking.  I skulked back and eased the door shut, then got off the upper level before I started hammering at my phone, sending what I’d seen to Walsh.  Time like this, maybe having a smart phone would have been better, or maybe if I knew how some Kindred moved so damn fast.  Still, managed to spit out what I had to tell him eventually.  SWAT was already inbound and he was talking to them.  Said one of my kind was with them, and to just stay out of their way.

By the time I got outside, I saw the SWAT van pulling up down the way, outside the fence where Walsh had parked.  Didn’t look like a standard SWAT unit to me, not enough of them, only seven of them, but I could tell they were dangerous.  Hit them with my aura sight as I approached.  One vampire, the one with the big rifle, and the rest were ghouls.  They covered the rest of the ground on foot after a quick word with Walsh, the sniper breaking off to the adjacent building, the others breaking up into two squads of three as they entered the warehouse. 

From the screams, Dollface hadn’t realized they were there yet.

Guessed these guys were military-trained by the way they handled themselves.  I asked Walsh about them while we waited, made him nearly jump out of his skin when I revealed myself.  Bad habit, I know.  Least I didn’t get shot for it.  Said he didn’t know much about them aside from all of them were veterans, though he wasn’t sure about the sniper.  Conway was her name, said she came in with Sokolova’s people, started hanging out with the SWAT team after the mayor and police chief worked out whatever “fucked up arrangement led to me working with you.”

Didn’t take long.  Couldn’t have been five minutes since I’d passed the SWAT team before that big rifle let loose.  One shot.  Some shouts from inside, then silence.  These guys were very good.  All clear came in over Walsh’s radio a minute later; they’d taken Dollface intact, victims secure.  EMTs were there in a flash, taking care of Carly and Kinzie, and were gone just as quick. 

SWAT bagged up Dollface to go, had her staked out, one gnarly head wound marring the Sidney mask.  Conway met up with them, finally got a look at her without her helmet and mask.  Pale, platinum hair cut short, had an intensity about her, the kind that comes with a lot of combat.  Shared a smoke with her men, figured they were her ghouls by how comfortable they were around her.  We didn’t speak much, but she said she’d be in contact with Sokolova shortly with a full report, and that she’d let Kyou know his ghoul was safe.  Said I did good for my first job, glad to see that I was a team player. 

I stuck around long enough to gather what other details I could for the sake of completing my case notes, but since I wasn’t there in any official capacity, I made myself scarce.  I let Walsh and his team handle cleaning up the scene and left any glory that might come from it to them.  I worked better in the shadows, after all.  For a wonder Emmerson didn’t show up on the scene till I was already on my way out, along with the rest of the media types.  Guess even her sources weren’t able to keep up with how quickly we’d moved tonight.  Would definitely be looking into that before long.”

#Lore24 – Entry #286 – Sentinel City by Night #12 – Rapid Escalation

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Things got real interesting real fast tonight. Was at the PD with Walsh, going over the security footage they’d gotten earlier that day.  Spotted a panel van, abductor’s vehicle of choice, leaving the scene, but couldn’t get a read on the plates.  His people were trying to track it but had lost it when it had passed through Chinatown heading east; seemed like the people there weren’t too fond of cooperation.  Better than nothing, though.  Could be hiding there; none of the bodies had been found too close to the district, but I suspected there were other reasons for that, though I hadn’t taken a drive through there myself just yet.

Before I could consider possible hiding places, I got a call from a number I didn’t recognize.  The lady on the other end was frantic when I answered.  Once I got her to slow down, she introduced herself as Kyou, one of the local Kindred.  Name rang a bell, think I’d heard it regarding one the Elysium locations in town.  Anyway, she was all in a huff because her prized ghoul, Kinzie, had gone missing earlier this evening.  The way she described him, he was the most beautiful thing walking, so I guess that qualified him for attention from our killer.  Hadn’t expected her to grab another one so soon; guess this Kinzie just hit all the right buttons and she couldn’t stop herself.  Might not be related, but my gut said otherwise.

Thankfully, we caught a break; Kyou had a nanny app installed on Kinzie’s phone and had an exact location of where he had been just before the phone had been turned off an hour or so ago.  Worked for me.  Took a ride with Walsh on this one, was a lot quicker getting through town when you’ve got the flashing lights and siren on your car.  Crap, forgot to call the mechanic again.  Maybe tomorrow night.  Noted.

Place was a high-end sex shop, dealt in real fancy gear for really rich kinksters.  Didn’t take long to track Kinzie’s movements; he was a regular, always picking up something or other for Kyou.  Kyou was an artsy type, dealt in fetish photography and living art.  Should’ve guessed she was a Toreador from the way she got all dreamy describing Kinzie to me, even in the midst of her panic.  Whatever.  We found Kinzie’s car in the garage next door, still locked up tight, keys laying on the ground next to the trunk. 

We hit the security office next, pulled the camera footage.  Same panel van came up behind Kinzie as he loaded up the night’s purchases.  Driver spoke to him, and he got right in the van without a fuss.  Classic vampire domination.  Makes it real easy to get your victims from one place to another.  Couldn’t get a good look at the driver, but we had the plates, and Walsh got on it immediately.  There were plenty of cameras in this part of town, traffic and otherwise, but that would take time to sort through them all. 

I made a call to Becky while Walsh was pulling info on the plates.  Won’t go into specifics, but I owe her a favor now; she seemed pretty pleased by this.  Bound to happen sooner or later; it’s just how her kind are.  By the time Walsh had determined the plates were stolen from a sports car that had turned up chopped a few weeks back, Becky was sending me texts with the direction the van had gone.  Walsh and I hit the trail hard and fast, headed eastward. 

Few miles later, we pulled into a dilapidated section of warehouses near the docks, the most likely place our target would have gone given the last hit Becky had sent us, an ATM camera at a liquor store a few blocks from the docks.  Could have been plenty other places for them to hide, but between the gang bangers, druggies, and other types the typically hung out in places like this, a serial killer would very likely go unnoticed.  Didn’t miss the fact that Walsh loosened the catch on his gun in its holster as we started into the area.  Decided to check my piece too.

Kept the windows cracked as we patrolled around.  I focused on what I could hear over the engine.  Got lucky after a little while, heard some screams that sure sounded to me like someone was getting tortured.  We headed in that direction, keeping the lights off as I guided us closer.  Came up to a particular warehouse that seemed a little nicer than the others around it, even had fresh padlocks on the fencing outside.  I stopped Walsh here, told him I’d go in alone to scout the place alone.  He didn’t like it, but then he figured I might be a lot quieter than him.  He said he’d get word back to the PD to get the SWAT team on standby just in case.  Seemed prudent.  I shot off a quick text to Sokolova to fill her in on what was going on. 

Then I stepped into the night, quickly picked the lock on the fence, and headed into the darkness, towards the screams.”

#Lore24 – Entry #277 – Sentinel City by Night #3 – On the Job

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Took me longer to reach the crime scene than I’d hoped; haven’t had time to learn the streets in Sentinel City yet, and the old Taurus didn’t weather the trip from the West Coast as well as I’d hoped.  Will have to get that looked at soon.

Found the scene easily enough once I’d reached the Red Light District, they still had the streets cordoned off, plenty of officers buzzing around, lots of onlookers in spite of the dropping temperatures and coming rains.  Remembered to grab my coat at least this time; wasn’t quite cold enough that I’d notice it, but the humans might have, especially the detectives.  I was expected, not exactly warmly, maybe, but quickly ushered to the body, where I met Walsh. 

I could tell he was skeptical; who wouldn’t be, after all?  I’d been in the city less than a day, after all, and I got the impression those who knew of my nature, like him, didn’t trust the Kindred.  How could they?  I wouldn’t trust someone who fed on my kind either.  Probably didn’t even know about us till Sokolova started her grand vision a couple years back, though.  Still, work to do, killers to find. 

Got the impression Walsh had seen some dark shit already, and I figured he wasn’t even out of his thirties yet.  Looked stressed, especially around his eyes, maybe graying a little prematurely, didn’t look in the mood for small talk.  Introduced myself quickly, he nodded, we didn’t shake hands.  Body looked like a quick dump job, tossed in between some dumpsters.  Walsh didn’t volunteer any information, so I took in the scene for myself.  Walsh and his buddies got a laugh out of my cassette recorder as I took my audio notes.  Old habits die hard; need to get a digital recorder at least, tapes are getting harder to find.  Still don’t’ like those smartphones; hard to use when you don’t have blood pumping through your veins and can’t leave a fingerprint to access them; old Nokia still works well enough, though, gets the job done, anyway.

Victim was male, likely mid to late twenties, upper body disrobed and showing obvious signs of extreme torture, flesh missing in several spots along torso.  Unidentifiable as his face and scalp had been removed, peeled, possibly intact, no ID on the body. Ligature marks on wrists, ankles, and waist.  Old scarring in other places, likely a whip or severe flogging, fetish-related, piercings in his nipples still in place in spite of multiple fresh lacerations to torso; lower body covered by leather pants and wearing combat boots, some blood stains, but no signs of having been removed and redressed.  Little blood at dump site.  No obvious bite marks, but definitely drained, likely through the wounds, since there was little in the way of blood to pool in the body.  Figure it had been there at least a day. 

Noticed an ink stamp on his right hand, looked like some kind of spider superimposed over a web that looked like some kind of circuitry pattern, still clearly visible.  When I asked, Walsh said it was from a club not too far from the site, called the Cyber Spider, raver hangout with some heavy kink on the side for good measure.  He pretty much spit it at me; it’s a hangout for Kindred, ran by one as I’d soon discover.  Wasn’t much else of use at the scene as far as I was concerned, other minor details are in my case notes, at any rate.

As I was about to ask Walsh about prior victims, we got some unexpected camera flashes.  Local media had shown up asking about the killing.  From the heated conversation between her and Walsh, they were well-acquainted.  Delia Emmerson was her name, worked for one of the tabloids; figure she was too far on the edge to be a legit corpo reporter.  I figured I would undoubtedly cross paths with her again, because she asked specifically if this was another “blood sucker” killing.  Will deal with her later on, though, after I had a chance to learn what she knew about us vampires; had other leads to look into for now.  As I slipped away, heard her asking Walsh about his new partner, but nobody had noticed that I’d gone till they turned their attention back to where I had just been. 

I had a club to visit, even if I wasn’t dressed for the crowd.”

#Lore24 – Entry #271 – Fantasy Month III #28 – Deeper Conspiracies

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“I’ve thought about some of the implications of that attack in the time I’ve been in here, yeah.  The way I see it, we’ve got at least two groups in play against us, perhaps a third one.  No, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another person or group or another demon or whatever behind all these actions against us, not after what I’ve been through.  You’ve got the twats and whoever is in charge of them, you’ve got the dark elves, and, then you’ve got the one who is really behind all this.  Sure, it could be that there’s just the two parties, but my gut is telling me that’s not the case.  Well, my gut and Erisaya’s voice during my prayers.  She’s warned me of something deeper, something more sinister lurking just out of sight, so it makes sense.

Oh?  Have you now?  The Dark Lady is giving you the same impression?  Well, how about that?  A shame they can’t give us more information, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of our devotion and toils upon this land, wouldn’t it?  What’s life without its challenges, right?  I’m hardly equipped for a deep investigation into the nature of all this, though.  I’m something of a blunt instrument when you get right down to it; point me at an enemy and I’ll cut it down, but when it comes to rooting out conspiracies, that’s for brains that are more sly than mine.  Hatae and Teelsa would certainly be the ones to ask about that kind of thing, and likely Lady Jade has a lot more information about it by now, just waiting for us to finish up our task before she gives it over.

Ah, yes, that doesn’t really surprise me, honestly.  Hatae’s got a mean streak in her if you get her riled up.  It’s one of the things I really appreciate about her.  She’s really cute when she’s plotting revenge with her bondage games.  I think so, anyway, not that we’ve had that much time to really sit and ponder such things.  I can’t say I’d be opposed to the idea, though.  Erisaya does have her own brand of punishment for those who would wrong her, just take a look at my history clearing out that cult.  But perhaps a joint venture is indeed in order here, a little bonding between sisters, as it were.  I like the idea of punishing those responsible for all this trouble, ourselves included once the culprits are dealt with.

Oh, I can see through your façade, Confessor.  You’ve got the cold detachment and intimidating demeanor down well, but I can see your interest in seeing punishments properly dealt out.  There’s a glimmer in your eyes that only shows up when the subject comes up, that ever so slight shift in the way you sit that betrays your eagerness.  I wouldn’t have caught it were I not trained in the Erisayan arts, for our goddesses do share so much of their ways, after all.  What do you say, then, Confessor?  Would you be interested in seeing justice carried out?  And then presiding over some justice for our own wrongs, in the name of the Ladies?  Hatae and I can be a handful, I think; maybe we could use a firm hand to keep us in line throughout our little misadventure?”

#Lore24 – Entry #270 – Fantasy Month III #27 – Alliances Beyond Borders

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Eri’s not wrong, of course.  After that last attack, I have no doubt that our enemies are working together.  There’s been an alliance made somewhere behind the scenes, somewhere far beyond the borders of this land.  Well, yes, of course, I mean my homeland, who else?  We’ve proven resistant to their attempts so far, but that has only made them more intent at this point.  I honestly would have expected that they would have tried to mount an assault on this place by now, honestly.

Oh!  I see!  I didn’t know this jail was protected against scrying…hmmm, well, that explains that, then.  Surely, they know where we are now, though, even if they can’t spy upon us directly.  There must be another reason…perhaps they’ve had a disagreement after their failure and the alliance is in danger of breaking… Either way, I can’t say that I’m happy knowing that they’re still lurking somewhere out of sight, ready to strike.  I enjoy being watched by adoring crowds, not lurkers in shadows!

I can understand the motives of the dark elves; they’re just following the orders of the woman in charge, whichever one that is.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my own mother, perhaps an aunt, even a sister, in all honesty.  Still, I can’t blame them for their actions, really; they’re only doing what comes naturally to them, given their upbringing.  No, the ones I actually feel most strongly towards are the twin twats…the fact that they’re so callous in their attacks as to endanger others with such destructive magic is just infuriating!  And I suppose whoever is in charge of them condones their behaviors, too, because they are still showing no restraint at all!

Well, you can bet that if I could get my hands on them, I’d show them restraint, alright!  All kinds of them, in fact, the most restrictive I could get my hands on!  A little rigged escape challenge, if you will.  Oh, I’m not good enough to give the likes of them an honest chance…just the illusion of a chance, you see.  Give them a little hope of escape, urge them on with promises of freedom and punishments for failure, which would be quite inevitable, of course.  I would quite like to put them through some of the penance trials of the Dark Lady.  Perhaps I could convince you to assist in that regard, Confessor?”

#Lore24 – Entry #269 – Fantasy Month III #26 – The Fires of Folly

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“I’m not happy about what happened.  We never meant for it happen, that I swear upon Erisaya’s good name.  We only wanted to slip in, find the information required, and get out without anyone noticing.  It was a shame what happened to the guild house, and no doubt they blame us for our actions leading to its destruction.  They’re not entirely wrong, certainly, and perhaps we can make amends for it.  I’m only thankful that nobody was seriously hurt aside from some of the mercenaries and dark elves. 

I’m certain the two groups were working together at this point, though.  The timing of the attacks…it was just too convenient to be a coincidence.  It’s the kind of thing I saw several times a few decades ago when I was rooting out a demon cult, where two groups seemed to be on opposite sides, only for us to find a combined front whenever we tried to wipe one of them out.  It would have made more sense for the dark elves to go inside the guild house, but for whatever reason, they didn’t.  Maybe it was something of a test of their trust in one another, each group attempting to claim the other’s quarry as a sign of good faith. 

Whatever the case, we’re still bound to Lady Jade’s will at this point and need to finish the work we’ve started in her name.  I gave her my word and will not break it, however long it takes.  Then we must deal with these dark elves and the twins and root out exactly who it is that seeks us.  I can understand why they’re after Hatae, but I can’t figure why they’re after me unless maybe that cult didn’t get entirely wiped out.  But we banished the demon from this realm, I completed the ritual of exorcism myself, and felt its presence, felt its outrage as I purged it from the world.  Surely it could not have returned, and no other demon would take up a cause of revenge for it…would it?  There must be another reason, something I don’t know yet…”

#Lore24 – Entry #268 – Fantasy Month III #25 – The Twats Strike Again

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“The protections provided by the lady of the Greenspire were eventually going to fail, as we knew, and the gods seemed to think it funny to have them fail as we were skulking about on the job for that merchant.  This one did not find it so funny. 

The forces of the Twats appeared through magic, for they could not have been there when first we traversed the guild house.  This one is certain of it; this one’s nose does not deceive her.  Their mercenaries rushed us, tried to catch us by surprise, while the Twats used their magic to attempt to subdue us.  The red one was angry that Eri was not with us, and the blue one complained that she had not enough time during her divinations.  This got the red one angrier, and then she started flinging fire spells at us. 

This one doesn’t like those two at all.  She wouldn’t mind tearing them apart with her claws, but they are just as tricky as they are dangerous.  We had what was required of us, so we made our escape, through this one’s wood-warping magic and through the bard’s illusions.  By the time we reached the outside, we found half a dozen dark elves stirring around the place, already engaging Eri and Siduri.  This one knows not what magical means they use to track us, but this one is getting very tired of it.  The dark elves were not familiar to this one’s nose, so we had not encountered them before.  This one assumes there are several groups of them at work hunting Hatae. 

The Twats reappeared as we were finishing off the dark elves, but by then the city guard had finally been called, as had the guild’s enforcers, and they made themselves scarce.  This one was ready to make another escape, but Eri spoke against the idea, and so we are here now, having this conversation.  This one hopes you’ve enjoyed it, because this one is done talking now.  This one’s blood is stirring and this one is growing tired of these walls.”

#Lore24 – Entry #267 – Fantasy Month III #24 – A Fine Mess

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“Things happen for a reason, I reckon; the will of the gods, some random fate, a trick of luck, whatever you want to call it.  I’m by no means an investigator, I’m just here to bash heads and draw steel when needed, as long as the money keeps coming.  I could care less about some rich merchant, but the job was to help him with his trade war or whatever, so I had at least listened with half an ear, though I’d leave the clue-finding to the others.  

First couple of days we were just snooping around the city, looking into whatever clues this Albrecht guy had managed to get his hands on.  I was bored and restless, too much law and order in a place makes it pretty tedious for someone like me.  I stayed on watch, figured that one of the groups who were hunting us would make an appearance sooner or later, probably when we were good and vulnerable. 

And you know what?  I was right!  Hatae, Teelsa, and Kazumi were uh…looking more deeply into a particular chain of clues we’d found, which may or may not have led into a particular guild house.  I’m not admitting to anything, here!  I was outside, enjoying the night air and the pleasant weather, okay?  Eri was there with me, you can ask her; we were just chatting and watching the night liffe.  You ever try keeping an eye on a pair like Hatae and Teelsa, or someone who can turn into a housecat at will?  In a city like this?  Well, somehow, I don’t know how, mind you, there was some kind of disturbance inside that guild house, and the next thing we knew, the upper floor windows on one end blew out and there was fire everywhere. 

Well, being the good and responsible kind of person I am, I decided to go help out, you know, getting the residents out safely and all that.  Just so happened that was when the dark elves decided to show up again.  If you ask me, the whole situation had turned into a real fine mess!  And where was the city guard?  Who knows, cause I sure didn’t see them around!  At least, not until we’d already dealt with most of the trouble!  If you’re looking for someone to blame, I’d say it’s them!  They weren’t properly vigilant!  Maybe they were even in on it!  Have you tried questioning them?”

#Lore24 – Entry #257 – Fantasy Month III #14 – Leashes and Lashes

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“It’s drugged, isn’t it?  Some kind of sorcery to compel the truth from me, no doubt!  I know how you Confessors operate!  Anything to wring the truth out of someone!  Well, I can assure you that I’m absolutely in a dealing kind of mood, and really wouldn’t want you to have to resort to torture; I’ve heard you can make people scream for days and beg for more… So… with that in mind, I’ll play nice as a favor to you, one I expect to be repaid at some point, and tell you all about what went on in Lady Jade’s place.

So, she’s this excentric rich noble, right?  Well, she’s kinky as hell, too.  You probably guessed that much after your talk with Teelsa, but I’d bet that blustering bard didn’t even get around to scratching the surface before you started losing focus.  Well…maybe not.  The ‘songbirds’ thing?  It’s kind of literal, actually.  She likes to keep people in cages and make them sing for her while they wear ridiculous costumes.  And when I say sing, sometimes its actual songs, other times its pure pleasure, and other times its pain and pleasure.  Yeah, I can sort of understand that, sure, but she’s just a whole other level.  I’m not proud enough that I don’t recognize when I’m out of my league. 

Anyway, that performance?  Yeah, I got to play with Eri and Hatae quite a bit that night.  There…might’ve been some ah…substances involved that kept us going and got us a little looser than we’d been up till that point…but that was one hell of a party!  I made those two make all kinds of pretty sounds that I’m sure someone in your position could appreciate, and they were begging for more and more!  Absolutely couldn’t get enough of my lash as they squirmed on the ends of my leashes!  Don’t let Eri’s bluster fool you; she’s pure submissive once you get her collared and show her who’s in charge.  Hatae is naturally that way, doesn’t try to hide it, revels in it, really, might even really see it as a full on religious experience.  Guess it kind of was; I’d imagine the whole affair wasn’t too far removed from one of your Yurisayan celebrations.

Oh, the loud-mouth?  She was putting her mouth to good use that whole time.  Singing, mind you, not where she needed to put it.  The boss lady seemed happy enough with her performance, though her attention was mostly on the three of us.  No, there weren’t any guests that I could see; lighting was bad and I’m only human, but I only ever saw Lady Jade and her servants that night.  Got the impression this was all for her.  She’s got a strange power about her, you know?  Real commanding presence, nothing like anything I’d ever encountered before.  Hell, had me wanting to get on my knees and worship her a couple times, and I don’t bow and scrape to nobody! 

I uh…I’m sure you could…but I’m cooperating here, right?  No need to go that far… After that night, we got down to business proper.  She had need of some adventurers and we were needing her assistance, so yeah, we started working for her.  She had a job she needed done in Arcavarlon, and we had talked about heading there eventually anyway.  What kind of job?  Well…nothing that should’ve been that complicated, but you know how that kind of thing goes when you’re an adventurer, right?  One twist and turn after another, sometimes you get arrested, things just happen.  Will of the gods of fortune and misfortune, I guess.

Look…it’s not that I’m not wanting to cooperate, it’s just that I’ve got paid a lot more to keep my mouth shut than you’re offering in return, is all.  Sweeten the pot a little and I might be able to tell you something else.  Fine, fine, think on it a bit, I’m not going anywhere.

…What do you mean Teelsa’s wearing an illusion?”