#Lore24 – Entry #268 – Fantasy Month III #25 – The Twats Strike Again

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“The protections provided by the lady of the Greenspire were eventually going to fail, as we knew, and the gods seemed to think it funny to have them fail as we were skulking about on the job for that merchant.  This one did not find it so funny. 

The forces of the Twats appeared through magic, for they could not have been there when first we traversed the guild house.  This one is certain of it; this one’s nose does not deceive her.  Their mercenaries rushed us, tried to catch us by surprise, while the Twats used their magic to attempt to subdue us.  The red one was angry that Eri was not with us, and the blue one complained that she had not enough time during her divinations.  This got the red one angrier, and then she started flinging fire spells at us. 

This one doesn’t like those two at all.  She wouldn’t mind tearing them apart with her claws, but they are just as tricky as they are dangerous.  We had what was required of us, so we made our escape, through this one’s wood-warping magic and through the bard’s illusions.  By the time we reached the outside, we found half a dozen dark elves stirring around the place, already engaging Eri and Siduri.  This one knows not what magical means they use to track us, but this one is getting very tired of it.  The dark elves were not familiar to this one’s nose, so we had not encountered them before.  This one assumes there are several groups of them at work hunting Hatae. 

The Twats reappeared as we were finishing off the dark elves, but by then the city guard had finally been called, as had the guild’s enforcers, and they made themselves scarce.  This one was ready to make another escape, but Eri spoke against the idea, and so we are here now, having this conversation.  This one hopes you’ve enjoyed it, because this one is done talking now.  This one’s blood is stirring and this one is growing tired of these walls.”

#Lore24 – Entry #267 – Fantasy Month III #24 – A Fine Mess

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“Things happen for a reason, I reckon; the will of the gods, some random fate, a trick of luck, whatever you want to call it.  I’m by no means an investigator, I’m just here to bash heads and draw steel when needed, as long as the money keeps coming.  I could care less about some rich merchant, but the job was to help him with his trade war or whatever, so I had at least listened with half an ear, though I’d leave the clue-finding to the others.  

First couple of days we were just snooping around the city, looking into whatever clues this Albrecht guy had managed to get his hands on.  I was bored and restless, too much law and order in a place makes it pretty tedious for someone like me.  I stayed on watch, figured that one of the groups who were hunting us would make an appearance sooner or later, probably when we were good and vulnerable. 

And you know what?  I was right!  Hatae, Teelsa, and Kazumi were uh…looking more deeply into a particular chain of clues we’d found, which may or may not have led into a particular guild house.  I’m not admitting to anything, here!  I was outside, enjoying the night air and the pleasant weather, okay?  Eri was there with me, you can ask her; we were just chatting and watching the night liffe.  You ever try keeping an eye on a pair like Hatae and Teelsa, or someone who can turn into a housecat at will?  In a city like this?  Well, somehow, I don’t know how, mind you, there was some kind of disturbance inside that guild house, and the next thing we knew, the upper floor windows on one end blew out and there was fire everywhere. 

Well, being the good and responsible kind of person I am, I decided to go help out, you know, getting the residents out safely and all that.  Just so happened that was when the dark elves decided to show up again.  If you ask me, the whole situation had turned into a real fine mess!  And where was the city guard?  Who knows, cause I sure didn’t see them around!  At least, not until we’d already dealt with most of the trouble!  If you’re looking for someone to blame, I’d say it’s them!  They weren’t properly vigilant!  Maybe they were even in on it!  Have you tried questioning them?”

#Lore24 – Entry #257 – Fantasy Month III #14 – Leashes and Lashes

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“It’s drugged, isn’t it?  Some kind of sorcery to compel the truth from me, no doubt!  I know how you Confessors operate!  Anything to wring the truth out of someone!  Well, I can assure you that I’m absolutely in a dealing kind of mood, and really wouldn’t want you to have to resort to torture; I’ve heard you can make people scream for days and beg for more… So… with that in mind, I’ll play nice as a favor to you, one I expect to be repaid at some point, and tell you all about what went on in Lady Jade’s place.

So, she’s this excentric rich noble, right?  Well, she’s kinky as hell, too.  You probably guessed that much after your talk with Teelsa, but I’d bet that blustering bard didn’t even get around to scratching the surface before you started losing focus.  Well…maybe not.  The ‘songbirds’ thing?  It’s kind of literal, actually.  She likes to keep people in cages and make them sing for her while they wear ridiculous costumes.  And when I say sing, sometimes its actual songs, other times its pure pleasure, and other times its pain and pleasure.  Yeah, I can sort of understand that, sure, but she’s just a whole other level.  I’m not proud enough that I don’t recognize when I’m out of my league. 

Anyway, that performance?  Yeah, I got to play with Eri and Hatae quite a bit that night.  There…might’ve been some ah…substances involved that kept us going and got us a little looser than we’d been up till that point…but that was one hell of a party!  I made those two make all kinds of pretty sounds that I’m sure someone in your position could appreciate, and they were begging for more and more!  Absolutely couldn’t get enough of my lash as they squirmed on the ends of my leashes!  Don’t let Eri’s bluster fool you; she’s pure submissive once you get her collared and show her who’s in charge.  Hatae is naturally that way, doesn’t try to hide it, revels in it, really, might even really see it as a full on religious experience.  Guess it kind of was; I’d imagine the whole affair wasn’t too far removed from one of your Yurisayan celebrations.

Oh, the loud-mouth?  She was putting her mouth to good use that whole time.  Singing, mind you, not where she needed to put it.  The boss lady seemed happy enough with her performance, though her attention was mostly on the three of us.  No, there weren’t any guests that I could see; lighting was bad and I’m only human, but I only ever saw Lady Jade and her servants that night.  Got the impression this was all for her.  She’s got a strange power about her, you know?  Real commanding presence, nothing like anything I’d ever encountered before.  Hell, had me wanting to get on my knees and worship her a couple times, and I don’t bow and scrape to nobody! 

I uh…I’m sure you could…but I’m cooperating here, right?  No need to go that far… After that night, we got down to business proper.  She had need of some adventurers and we were needing her assistance, so yeah, we started working for her.  She had a job she needed done in Arcavarlon, and we had talked about heading there eventually anyway.  What kind of job?  Well…nothing that should’ve been that complicated, but you know how that kind of thing goes when you’re an adventurer, right?  One twist and turn after another, sometimes you get arrested, things just happen.  Will of the gods of fortune and misfortune, I guess.

Look…it’s not that I’m not wanting to cooperate, it’s just that I’ve got paid a lot more to keep my mouth shut than you’re offering in return, is all.  Sweeten the pot a little and I might be able to tell you something else.  Fine, fine, think on it a bit, I’m not going anywhere.

…What do you mean Teelsa’s wearing an illusion?”

#Lore24 – Entry #256 – Fantasy Month III #13 – A Royal Performance

As Told by Teelsa “the Spritely” Dawndancer

“Teelsa the Spritely at your service, lady Confessor!  Hmm?  Oh, no the captain has obviously gotten his information incorrect and recorded the wrong moniker.  I’ve always been known as ‘the Spritely’ for my amazing agility and fae-like beauty!  Is…is there a draft in here?  Seems like its getting colder all of a sudden… Anyway, you wished to know of our dealings with the most illustrious Lady Jade?  Well, far be it for me to kiss and tell about our private business dealings with such a highly regarded woman, but I suppose some details can be revealed that wouldn’t be considered improper.

Now, after we’d had our meager possessions moved into the most kind Lady Jade’s most opulent tower, well, aside from Kazumi, of course; she simply wouldn’t have it and apparently roamed about outside I suppose.  Anyway, a little performance was requested in return for our benefactor’s kindness in offering to assist us in our endeavor, and being the honorable bard I am, I most eagerly obliged!  Of course, the Lady has particular tastes, and I would be delving into certain areas that I was not at the time entirely familiar with, aside from tangentially due to my previous associations with Hatae and Eri upon the night of the unfortunate incident at the Bronze Unicorn.  I would discover that she is quite fond of “songbirds”, but not the kind one may expect upon first hearing the term.  Her preferences are most exotic and fitting to one of her station, I suppose, but a bit on the excentric side.

Well, yes, I’m getting there!  No, I’m not stalling for time!  Why would I be doing something like that?  It would be a mixed performative affair, with myself working with some of the musicians in her employ to handle the musical aspects of the performance, while Siduri would handle the ladies that had drawn Lady Jade’s attention the most.  She sees something in Eri and Hatae, something to do with their faith, but I’m not certain of the exact nature of what she intends there.  It’s rather curious that the Lady Jade is so enamored of the affairs of the Lustful Ladies and yet had little in the way of iconography relating to worship of them, but who am I to judge? 

But, as I was saying, the performance would be quite the affair.  I daresay none of us had worn such finely crafted or expensive costumes before; I know that I’d never worn anything so revealing, either!  One must make small sacrifices for their art, mustn’t they?  I would also hazard a guess that the eyes of both Erisaya and Yurisaya were watching that evening, for their most faithful among us certainly seemed to be giving it their all and received quite the reward when it was all said and done!  I do so love a budding love story, you know!  Let me compose myself for a moment and I shall recite the song which I composed for the event-

I’m sorry, what?  I don’t know what you’re talking about!  There’s no illusion magic upon me!  Whatever would give you that idea?”

#Lore24 – Entry #252 – Fantasy Month III #9 – The Confessor Arrives

As Told by Larissa no Synstralia de’Cordova, Confessor of Yurisaya

“The chill you feel in the air is my growing displeasure, captain.  Have we not discussed the fine art of interrogation many times previously?  Why is it that you have so little to offer in your report?  No, don’t bother to try to explain yourself.  I know exactly why you’ve failed to yield satisfactory results.  You’ve failed to gain their trust, failed to empathize with them in the slightest.  You’ve taken an adversarial tone immediately, trying to bully them into telling you what you wish to know.  I personally have trouble with empathy, for I have little in the way of emotion, but I have other methods that I may need to resort to now that you’ve put them in such a terrible disposition towards us.

It is the truth I seek, captain, nothing more, nothing less.  If I must result to torture I will, but I doubt it will come to that.  As unreasonable as you paint them, the fact that at least two of them are believers in the Dark Lady’s ways will smooth things, and the Erisayan champion will be easily enough dealt with, once she’s made to see reason.  For you see, finding common ground is key to getting the information one desires, and I’m certain I an do that, though you’ve undoubtedly made my work more difficult.

No, your presence won’t be required, captain.  I’ll salvage your interrogation, and you’ll simply owe my order a favor down the line.  See, I’m quite reasonable, aren’t I?  I trust you’ve at least made certain that the druid is contained in a cell that has no easy exits for small pests?  It would be most unfortunate for you, captain, should I step into their cell to find them missing before I’ve had a chance to question them.  Most unfortunate indeed.  You may go; the truth of this matter will be revealed, of this I am certain.  Is that doubt I see?  Or is that suspicion?  You think because I share faith with some of these prisoners that I will be merciful?  Might I suggest you improve your knowledge of Yurisaya’s ways?  I can offer you a first-hand experience if you so desire, one you certainly will not forget as you did with your interrogation techniques.”

#Lore24 – Entry #251 – Fantasy Month III #8 – A Wilderness Misadventure

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“You call this food?  It’s hog slop at best, and that’s being generous.  Thought you wanted details?  You’re not being very inviting.  I told you, you want the dirt, you’re going to have to offer something in return.  I don’t work for free unless I get to take it out of someone’s ass!  You heard me right, just like I was doing with Eri and Hatae and that box.  What, not into the hard kind of love?  Heh, whatever.

Fine, I’ll consider this worth a little more detail, but unless you start coughing up some real food, you’ll get nothing else from me.  You want to know about our little jaunt through the Canorath Wood?  It was a comedy of errors.  Oh, that first day went fine enough, aside from miss champion of Erisaya recounting her previous adventures along the way.  Problem with elves is that they talk too damn much about their too damn long lives!  That’s one reason I really enjoy it when I get to play rough with them, you see. 

Well, it turned to shit on the second day.  Now, Eri would swear the woods had changed after a certain point, old paths were missing, even some old church or something wasn’t where she thought it was, whatever, but my opinion is she was just lost and didn’t want to fess up for it.  You know how elves are, haughty bastards.  I’d make sure she paid up for that mistake later, but we stuck to our westward course as best we could and pushed through some rough terrain, making for the high ground so we could see where it was we were going.  Wound up going right through a damn giant spider’s nest, and after that fiasco, we wound up stumbling into a den of kobolds.  Less said about those little bastards the better.  Took us a couple tries, but we managed to escape and left them with a good bloody mess for the survivors.

Wound up stumbling into some more friendly territory a couple days later, some druid circle or whatever deep in the woods.  The fact that they didn’t attack us on sight was refreshing.  But, that’s all you’re getting out of me.  Come back with better food or offer up that ass of yours so I can work off my frustrations and we’ll talk more.  Fine, run off then, little man!  You aren’t worthy of me anyway!”

#Lore24 – Entry #250 – Fantasy Month III #7– A Crossroads in Hearthlight

As Told by Teelsa “the Nimble” Dawndancer

“No, no, no, you’re mistaken my good man!  I’m Teelsa the Nimble, you see; this ‘Swift’ character, I don’t know her.  It’s a very particular thing, I just want you to be certain that your notes are correct, you understand.  In the interests of helping your operation maintain law and order and all of that.  Seems dreadfully dull if you ask me, though. 

Now, you asked about the details of our little impromptu smuggling operation?  Well, it’s honestly not that exciting.  Really, it was us stripping Eri and Hatae down to the basics, gagging them with some of Hatae’s gear that she had managed to slip away with, and then strapping them down with a dozen or so leather straps each.  That crate we’d wrangled was just long enough to fit them without causing too much trouble.  Hmm?  No, no, my good man, you’ve not been paying attention!  I write ballads, not tawdry stories!  A romance perhaps, but certainly not simple lewd recounting!  That’s something of the level I’d expect from that Siduri!  It was her idea, after all it was her idea.  I thought it a bit much, but we heard not a peep from our two charges during the trip!

Really, the story of our time in Hearthlight is rather dull.  I fear I’ve not been able to make much of it.  We left the Wayrest unmolested and with no sign of our pursuers and reached the quaint little town the next evening with little trouble.  I said my goodbyes to my companions, for they wished to spend a few days earning some spare coin, and had a discussion about our next steps, once our lovely elves were out of their box, mind you.  I do think Eri was getting a bit angry over the travel accommodations by this point; she’s a hot-blooded one, you know?  Would very much like to stick that rapier of hers into someone instead of hiding away, but it was what it was.

I’m getting there!  Good gods above, man, you’re an impatient one!  So, as I was going to say, we were in the middle of our discussions about how to proceed, enjoying some of the fine cooking at the Sweet Dessert Inn; I must return there one day to proper express my gratitude to the proprietor, for there is nothing quite like a proper halfling cooked meal after a long day’s travel, and its name was most apt!

Ahem…so, as I was saying, no need to get all worked up, we discussed our options.  Which were rather slim, admittedly.  It was only a matter of time before they figured out which direction we’d gone, and we were but four maidens fair on the road, minding our own business and not at all wanting to get involved with kidnap-happy cultists and dark elves with overblown senses of their own importance!  Fortunately, we were all rather well-traveled, so we knew the lay of the land well enough, and had a few connections here and there.  Ultimately, we decided upon Greenspire, figuring that some of the uh…more ah…shady types of entrepreneurs would know something of our plight, and may be willing to offer some aid, or perhaps sell us out and draw our enemies in for a proper fight.  Either way, the real takeaway here is that Eri and Hatae were not willing to go back into their box for another moment.  Much to Siduri’s displeasure, I might add.  It was ultimately Eri’s decision for us to take the route we did, for she’d taken the same course in a previous adventure and knew that, while challenging, would serve us best in evading our hunters.  The only problem with that course of action was that the forest had changed quite a bit in the decades since she’d been through there, so there was a spot of trouble we ran into. 

Oh, my good man, I’m simply parched!  I never did receive that house wine I’d asked for earlier, could you see to that for me?  I simply cannot go on without proper drink!  Why, it would ruin my voice were I to but try!”

#Lore24 – Entry #249 – Fantasy Month III #6 – The Road to Hearthlight

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, so you’re deeming me worthy of speaking to you again?  Aren’t you pleased that I left the muzzle on this whole time?  I’ve worn it longer.  It’s part of my performance, you understand.  What’s a little discomfort in the name of doing something you love?  Yurisaya understands; maybe you should take some time and read up on the Dark Lady’s tenets? 

Alright, so what’s on the menu this time?  I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to keep things a little more concise this time.  Just because I’m being nice, mind you! 

How did we get out of Caerlon?  Well, it was actually rather easy!  Since those guys didn’t know that Siduri and Teelsa were helping us, they were able to smuggle us out pretty quickly, in all honesty.  We just hitched a ride with the bards that were moving on to the next town after the business with the Bronze Unicorn happened, with me and Eri hiding in their supplies.  Hmm?  Or, so Siduri said that?  Well…yeah, there is a little more to the tale, but you wanted the short and sweet version, right?  So that’s what I’m giving you.  I’m not usually one to tell stories, that’s Teelsa’s bread and butter, after all, so maybe you should check with her?

Anyway, we stayed in the wagon till nightfall, when we were a good way down the road from Caerlon, heading toward Hearthlight.  They had to push the horses pretty hard that day, and it was a rough ride sometimes, especially with me and Eri crammed into that box like we were.; side note, the cage I lost at the Unicorn would have been a lot more comfortable for two people!  Anyway, we eventually made it to the Wayrest sometime after nightfall, and once they’d made the bargain for our stay and confirmed there weren’t any undesirables on our tails at the moment, we were let out of the crate to recover and come up with some plans! 

We couldn’t stay with the bards forever, but Teelsa had decided to stick with us.  She’s really excited to make some kind of epic out of this whole affair; guess you can’t really know when inspiration is going to strike!  We eventually decided we’d continue to Hearthlight, try to uncover more details about who was after us. 

Yeah…well…okay, so I kinda knew who it was chasing me, but Eri didn’t have a clue why she was being chased by those mercenaries.  She had dealt with a demon cult or something like that before, so thought maybe they were related to that group, but something didn’t feel right about that.  Oh, who was chasing me?  Well…that’s kind of a long story and is really only interesting if you’re wanting to delve into the politics of Shey’Inasrith and the machinations of the Mantis Queen.  Did you know that we don’t know her name, by the way?  And yet they still worship her.  Kinda crazy, don’t you think?  And that they get so worked up when one of their family just decides that life isn’t for them and leaves it behind?  I’d call it madness, really, the lengths they go to in order to keep their machinations going.  I don’t even want to be involved!  And I had exactly zero plans to do anything against them; I just wanted to leave it all behind.  But no!  They just had to send their men after me and try to ruin MY life, to draw me back into that horrible situation!  I don’t even know which house they’re from!  They’ve intentionally left anything that would identify them behind, just to make things more difficult!  I’d almost believe it was my mother, hmmm, or maybe one of my sisters, or perhaps one of my aunts?  I suppose it could be one of my cousins, too…there was that one that I kind of rubbed the wrong way a few decades back over how her hairstyle didn’t really fit with her face, or something like that.  I mean, I wasn’t being particularly mean or anything, I was only observing that-MMMPH!”

#Lore24 – Entry #248 – Fantasy Month III #5 – The Flight from Caerlon

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Back for more?  Just couldn’t get enough of my charms, hmm?  I take it you’ve spoken with my companions then.  What now?  Going to accuse us of slaughtering innocents or something?  Look, I feel bad about what happened, and it wasn’t like I wanted it to happen, but there’s really nothing myself or any of the others can do about it now. 

How did we escape?  Well, there were a lot more of those two groups than we figured on, and for whatever reason they weren’t killing each other, so we assumed they’d joined forces.  We just kept seeing them in the streets, looking for signs of where we’d gone, kinda got the impression that the town guard had been paid off to be extra scarce until they found us, since we didn’t see but a handful of them, and they were purposefully looking the other way.  Sometime after the Unicorn caught fire, after we’d met up with Siduri, we ran into Teelsa, who had managed to lead some of them off on a false trail and knew some places we could hide; she and Hatae were friends, so we were thankful that she’d decided to help us out.

What do you want from me?!  I’m getting there!  For the love of Erisaya, you humans are impatient!  Fine…it took us a day or so, but once we confirmed they weren’t looking for either Siduri or Teelsa, it gave us a few more options.  Teelsa and the other performers she’d taken up with for the time would be moving on to the next town, and they had a wagon we could make use of for carrying their supplies.  Hatae and I would just have to hide out inside those supplies until we were good and clear from Caerlon.  Simple enough.

…Siduri said that, did she?  I’d rather not say.  It’s not important!  Look, she’s got her quirks, okay, and I don’t hold that against her.  What’s important is that we got out of the city without those crazies knowing about it, at least for a while longer.  Are you serious?  You need the details for your report…right.  Ugh…

I’d won Hatae’s challenge that night, so we weren’t exactly short on funds at the time, but given the situation, we figured we’d better hold on to as much as we could for the road ahead, and Siduri wanted something for the work she’d done so far, a down payment if you like, but agreed to take it in another way.  She got this brilliant idea that Hatae and me would have to really play up the ‘hiding as cargo’ angle, and so we’d have to be secured like cargo.  I thought it was ludicrous, I mean, what if those cultists stopped the wagon and found us like that?  We’d be helpless.  But…not only could she be very persuasive in a very bullying kind of way, when I prayed for guidance from Erisaya…I got the impression the idea would work.  So, we did it.  And it worked.  End of story.

No, I’m not giving you the details!  Ask Hatae if you really have to know!  Unless you’re letting me out of here, I’m done talking right now!  Either formally charge us or let us go!  Fine, go on, then!  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

#Lore24 – Entry #247 – Fantasy Month III #4 – Cults and Captors

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“About damned time!  What in the hell is taking so long?  You want the facts or what? 

Don’t know about that inn, don’t care about that inn.  I was looking for work in Caerlon and happened to be in that district when it all started up.  I’d heard about that dark elf escape artist stirring up the town, yeah, was a little curious, but I was looking to hire myself out. In case this body didn’t clue you in, I’m a sword for hire, idiot.  What I do in my free time is my business, so you can just wipe that look of your smug little face before I wipe it off for you.

I wasn’t there when the place lit up.  I had seen some shady sorts moving around the streets, though.  Thought there might’ve been some kind of cult or something going to a meeting, but then I saw that they were dark elves, and that just wasn’t normal in this area.  Then I saw the other mercs moving in on the place and those two mazoku sorcerers leading them.  Don’t think they had a clue about the other group, though.  I hung back, decided to see what was going on, figured I might make some coin that night.  Sometimes you can find the best opportunities in the middle of the night.

Somehow these two groups slipped in without the other noticing, don’t know how they managed that, but they did.  Wasn’t long before all hell broke loose and the smoke started rolling.  Lots of screaming, lots of people running for their lives.  Hell, probably the most excitement Caerlon had seen in ages; glad I got to get in on it, really.  So, I saw a couple break out of the inn and make a run for it, some of each of the two groups hot on their sweet asses, so I figured now was that opportunity I’d been waiting for.  I chased after, made myself known, and got the better offer from Eri and Hatae, so I threw in with them and laid out the trash.  They still owe me, by the way, and until our contract’s done, I’m not going against it.  They’re not bad ladies, mind you, just need a good, strong hand to keep’em in line is all, cause they can have trouble raining down around you in no time at all if you let’em off their leashes. 

Once we had some time to breathe, I learned more about what was going on.  Somehow, each one of them had parties interested in hauling them in for whatever reason.  Eri seemed clueless as to why she was getting chased by the mercs, Hatae had some suspicions about the dark elves after her, but didn’t give me the details; I figure she stepped out of line back home and now had some noble house chasing her.  Didn’t matter to me; their downpayment for my help was good, so I’m in it till I get the rest of my money. 

Anyway, we hooked up with that screeching bard the next day and came up with a brilliant plan to get out of Caerlon.  I enjoyed that one personally.  Really enjoyed it.  Went off real smooth, too.  Anyone who had seen me with them the night before was laying dead in the streets, so any none of the shady types we saw knew me from any other merc on the streets.  You want the details?  Start coughing up some grub, then.  Or ask Eri or Hatae.  I’m done talking for now.  Any more’s going to cost you something in return.”