#Lore 24 – Entry #111 – Sci-Fi Month II #20 – Repeated Security Issues at VV’s Pink Pussy Lounge

From Personal Logs of Gravius Scharaiden, Chief Security Officer, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana, decryption algorithm successful, translated from original Aerian script.

Allowing this place aboard the ship was a damn mistake.  Security threat from Hell, and a public nuisance. Barely even two weeks into this trip and I’ve had to send security three times.  Going to talk to the captain about this; should be closed down immediately.  Operator was already on my watch list, didn’t take her long to prove us right.  If I have my way, we’ll drop her off at the first mud-hut colony we come across and be done with it.


Captain Silvercask didn’t share my appraisal of the situation.  Civilians should be held to higher standards onboard this ship, should be made to follow the same regulations and face the discipline as the military crew.  Would make things a lot more tolerable.

This is why you shouldn’t mix the two.  All military or none I say.  This is going to end badly.

Captain’s letting the lounge stay open for now.  Called it an “adjustment period”, as everyone gets used to everyone else, as territory is established, things will calm down, supposedly.  I don’t think so.  This place will be a problem unless the issue is dealt with directly.  All alcohol should be banned anyway, on the entire ship. 

I’ve placed a security team in the corridor outside the lounge indefinitely during business hours.  May extend that to full-day surveillance if I don’t change my mind.  Spoke to Verlucia myself after the last incident; she’s all charm and innocence, said passions just got stirred up when she sang, that people were just not used to long hyperspace trips like this.  She’s persuasive, likely could make most people do about anything for a chance to please her.  Didn’t work on me, though.  Saw right through it.  Told her to straighten up or I’d see her arrested and booted off the ship.  She didn’t seem too pleased, but that’s not my concern. 

Will look into monitoring activities in the vicinity of the lounge as well.  Sure it’s more than drinks and entertainment that goes on there.  Could smell the sex in the air from outside the place.  Probably some drugs being pushed through there too.  Going to cause issues all over the damn ship.  May make a point to show up there myself as soon as possible, see what’s going down for myself.  Let Verlucia know that I’m not going to let her escape my attention for long.  She’ll correct herself or I’ll correct her, with security pressure or by kicking her off the ship.  Simple as that.


That kerryn reporter, Kajira, is starting to nose around VV’s more often now.  Can’t trust her, didn’t agree with her getting added to the crew last minute.  Seems the type to cause trouble, probably already has.  Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s responsible for that last fight; my team said they saw her talking to both parties previously.  Going to have to watch her more closely.  May be another one we’ll have to offload somewhere.  Will have to monitor her communications, see what she’s telling and to who.  Will get Burnout to set it up in the morning.

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