#Lore 24 – Entry #94 – Sci-Fi Month II #3 – Aphelion Station


From the Personal Journal of Kiara Mizutani, Arcane Support Division, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana

Wow!  Just…wow!  I knew heading to the Demon Sector was like, the thing to do these days, but I didn’t think it was this popular.  There were hours-long lines waiting at Perihelion Station just to get registered to take one of those super-huge transports through the Barrier.  Thank Saressh I was already fast-tracked through on a Veylani company ship, or I’d still be there!

But if I thought the lines were bad outside the Barrier, was I ever in for a surprise!  Even though Aphelion Station is bigger than its sister, I think it’s even more crowded!  I guess it’s not called the “Gateway to the Demon Sector” for nothing!  Even the company docking module was packed, people coming and going.  Once I’d checked in, I found that the ship I’ve been assigned to, Maharani Morgiana, was headed to the Valefar system for some tests, so I had some time to explore, seeing as my supervising arcanist was along for the ride.  I wonder what she’s like?  I tried to look up some information on her during the trip here, but didn’t really find much; guess she’s not a very outgoing kind of person?  She did look a little grumpy in her employee ID photo, but everyone has a bad day, I guess! 

Anyway, the station…just…it’s so overwhelming!  There are so many people and races and cultures all mixed together here, like one big bazaar!  Well, I guess that could be a little confusing, considering that there is a module here actually called the “Big Bazaar”, where all the smaller merchants are housed.  I just wanted to take a little stroll through there, but I wound up spending almost the whole day there!  Even Arcavarlon during its new year festival season was nothing like this!  There was so much stuff for sale there, and most of it was found or made in the colonies that have already started up in the Demon Sector.  I got to try actual food from Valefar, real food from the Demon Sector!  It was some kind of big bird or something like that; I didn’t want to ask too many details, but it smelled so tasty!  It was pretty good, but it was really hot, like, spicy hot, but the rattenvolk vendor assured me that was all natural.  Something with the local wildlife, I think he said?  I’ll have to look into it later, maybe.

Other than that, I think I was pretty responsible!  I’m getting a good paycheck and all from the company, but no sense spending all my money just yet, right?  I only bought like a dozen or so little souvenirs, and half of those are jewelry, so memorable and functional!  Those earrings I got really set off my eyes, I think!

This morning I took a trip to the entertainment sector.  Just…wow!  I don’t think this station sleeps at all, especially not in those modules!  There are plenty of fancier restaurants and bars there, gambling and betting parlors, theaters, sports facilities, gosh, just everything!  There were a lot, like, a huge amount of sex clubs there too.  I got a lot of offers to stop in for some playtime and for some serious work, and the looks I kept getting from passersby…if this job with Veylani falls through, I’ve got options, I guess!

There are lots of places to shop, too, selling the kinds of things you can find across the Barrier, like name brands and the latest releases and stuff!  Guess that kinda makes sense, given all the corporate representation here, and the fact that the shops are right off the main passenger offloading areas.  Total tourist trap!  By the way, I just had to get this sexy little pair of pink booty shorts I found in one of the stores there, even if I might’ve spent a little too much on them.  I mean, next payday is just a couple days from now, so I should be fine… Gods, they are so cute! And they fit purrfectly!  Not even a bit pinchy, not even around my tail, and just a bit squeaky, but in a sexy way!  And that pocket for my man-bits has like the most comfortable snugness ever!  I just had to change into them right then and there, and I’ve been wearing them since!  Kind of wish I hadn’t worn a skirt today so I could show them off, actually…but my top wouldn’t match, and I’m trying to be responsible with my spending here!  I’d heard about these SexyTech clothes but hadn’t seen a lot of them around, and these were on sale (still super expensive, though!).  Guess maybe that’s that whole bad reputation thing at work since they’re from the same parent company that makes SealTech?  I mean, if this stuff is good enough for the head of Veylani to wear, then it can’t be that bad, right?  Hmmm…maybe I should look into getting a loan so I can get a full outfit?  The sales clerk did mention financing was available, for any financial bracket, after all… I mean, this stuff is self-cleaning, or it’s supposed to be, and the more expensive versions have color changing and shapeshifting properties, so maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea?  I mean, having a whole wardrobe in one outfit would be super handy!  We are going off into the unknown for a few years, and that means I’d have a lot less laundry to do… But maybe it’d be a bad idea, too?  I am feeling a little horny wearing these shorts, but maybe that’s just those delicious little oysters I had for lunch at work? 

Oh, so, after that, I just had to go visit the gardens.  As expected of a place managed by the Greenwhiskers, they were beautiful!  Like, so peaceful and calm, and located at the uppermost level, so mostly above the hundreds of ships and the bulk of the station.  Somehow the Barrier from this side seems a bit less threatening, maybe a little calmer, even.  Pretty neat!  And not very crowded, so that’s a good thing! 

Gosh, look at the time!  I have to get going; I’ve got a date tonight!  Did I mention I met this really cute human guy fresh out of the Barrier today?  Well, I did, and since we’re both new here and we kind of hit it off, I figured what the heck, why not give it a shot, even if it’s just a quick little hookup?  He’s outbound on a cargo transport in a couple days, I think he said, but I can’t remember where he said he was going.  He might not know I’m a guy, though…I don’t think I mentioned it?  Maybe I did?  I might’ve been thinking with my other head at the time; I’m still feeling pretty horny, and I’m really feeling the tightness of the bulge in these shorts right now… Oh well, it’s a chance at a free meal, so I’ll take it!


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