#Lore 24 – Entry #99 – Sci-Fi Month II #8 – First Contact


From the Personal Journal of Primula Tallfoot, Arcane Support Division Head, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana

On the one hand, I can’t stand Mizutani; he picked up all the worst qualities of the little rich twats at that fancy Academy he went to on Andyllion and is just shy of being a complete airhead; maybe he should’ve gone through the reversion process to regain his manhood, or at least a little of it?  He’s been late every day so far, can’t seem to get himself familiar with the ship at all, and apparently hasn’t figured out he could just create a homing ward in his office to follow.  On the other hand, though…at least he’s easy on the eyes, and he is so much fun to bully; I’m starting to think he does things on purpose to hear me dress him down.  Might have to see just how far I can push him; wonder if he’d do better wearing another cock-cage to improve his focus? Maybe he’d like to go back to playing the maid?  I like the idea of a personal assistant, actually, especially one that gets off on me treating him like dirt.  These boots of mine could use some spit-shine, after all.  Oh yeah, he’s totally into it, no question.  Well, I can work with that.

Anyway, at least he’s not a complete idiot, and actually started a halfway interesting conversation today when the Knowledge Seekers of Goldeneyes showed up to introduce themselves.  We’ll be working with them quite a bit during this expedition, especially when we discover any sort of ruins or relics to study.  “First Contact” isn’t something I’ve cared to think about much on this trip.  I can count on one hand and have fingers left over how many “alien” species we’ve encountered thus far, and it comes back slimy; never could stomach those shokushu-juu.  It’s not going to be aliens we come across, it’s going to be other societies that have either advanced on par with our own, have advanced beyond ours, or are lagging behind, maybe only to a pre-industrial level, maybe even a primitive level. 

It’s no question that multiple worlds we’ve discovered thus far have followed this pattern, indicating that societal transference between worlds happened long ago.  Architectural styles, cultural behaviors, magical processes, deities, pretty much everything has spread in one way or another, and can be traced back to other worlds.  Andyllion would seem to be one of the major hubs of this expansion, likely stemming from the Great Cataclysm that occurred there several thousand years ago; the societies weren’t consumed by the upheaval, they just got the hell out of there.  Planar travel was a lot more common in those days, when magic was vastly more powerful, and a few historical records still exist indicating that certain peoples came from other worlds, through the interconnecting planes.

Then there’s the Draconic Migration theory.  All those ancient ruins, from those on the Dragon Isles of Andyllion to the ones discovered in the Valefar system last year, may as well have been created by the exact same society.  Hundreds of examples across explored space support this.  Maybe the big lizards were hiding out in the Demon Sector all along?  There are some indications from extreme long-range scans that a greatly advanced society still exists in the central area of the region, in the sectors in and around the system that has been named Bael, but as unreliable as sensor data is on this side of the Barrier, I’ll believe it when I see it.  Given the distance, I’ll probably never see it unless we find a portal or teleportation circle that still functions and links into that region, but stranger things have happened.

But what if we encounter an actual alien race, the conversation persisted.  I don’t see why there was even a debate; it’s going one of two ways.  Either they’re peaceful and strike up a conversation with us and join our little excursion, or they’re hostile, see us as a threat, and attack, in which case we attack right back with overwhelming force.  Now, sure, maybe they’re just so advanced that our tech and magic won’t have any effect at all, in which case we’re probably fucked, but it won’t be for lack of trying.  They wouldn’t have sent us out packing this much firepower if they weren’t expecting trouble, would they?

I called a halt to the conversation when it got ridiculous and started drifting off into the existence of elder beings and creatures too alien for our puny little minds to comprehend.  Mizutani was getting all worked up and imagining nameless horrors from beyond the stars, and I can’t have that kind of silliness in my department.  Definitely going to have to have another discussion with him in the morning; maybe I’ll make a quick visit to the Yurisayans about that dick cage after all, add a little magical enhancements for my own amusement…



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