#Lore24 – Entry #271 – Fantasy Month III #28 – Deeper Conspiracies

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“I’ve thought about some of the implications of that attack in the time I’ve been in here, yeah.  The way I see it, we’ve got at least two groups in play against us, perhaps a third one.  No, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another person or group or another demon or whatever behind all these actions against us, not after what I’ve been through.  You’ve got the twats and whoever is in charge of them, you’ve got the dark elves, and, then you’ve got the one who is really behind all this.  Sure, it could be that there’s just the two parties, but my gut is telling me that’s not the case.  Well, my gut and Erisaya’s voice during my prayers.  She’s warned me of something deeper, something more sinister lurking just out of sight, so it makes sense.

Oh?  Have you now?  The Dark Lady is giving you the same impression?  Well, how about that?  A shame they can’t give us more information, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of our devotion and toils upon this land, wouldn’t it?  What’s life without its challenges, right?  I’m hardly equipped for a deep investigation into the nature of all this, though.  I’m something of a blunt instrument when you get right down to it; point me at an enemy and I’ll cut it down, but when it comes to rooting out conspiracies, that’s for brains that are more sly than mine.  Hatae and Teelsa would certainly be the ones to ask about that kind of thing, and likely Lady Jade has a lot more information about it by now, just waiting for us to finish up our task before she gives it over.

Ah, yes, that doesn’t really surprise me, honestly.  Hatae’s got a mean streak in her if you get her riled up.  It’s one of the things I really appreciate about her.  She’s really cute when she’s plotting revenge with her bondage games.  I think so, anyway, not that we’ve had that much time to really sit and ponder such things.  I can’t say I’d be opposed to the idea, though.  Erisaya does have her own brand of punishment for those who would wrong her, just take a look at my history clearing out that cult.  But perhaps a joint venture is indeed in order here, a little bonding between sisters, as it were.  I like the idea of punishing those responsible for all this trouble, ourselves included once the culprits are dealt with.

Oh, I can see through your façade, Confessor.  You’ve got the cold detachment and intimidating demeanor down well, but I can see your interest in seeing punishments properly dealt out.  There’s a glimmer in your eyes that only shows up when the subject comes up, that ever so slight shift in the way you sit that betrays your eagerness.  I wouldn’t have caught it were I not trained in the Erisayan arts, for our goddesses do share so much of their ways, after all.  What do you say, then, Confessor?  Would you be interested in seeing justice carried out?  And then presiding over some justice for our own wrongs, in the name of the Ladies?  Hatae and I can be a handful, I think; maybe we could use a firm hand to keep us in line throughout our little misadventure?”

#Lore24 – Entry #253 – Fantasy Month III #10 – A Guide Through the Canorath Wood

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“So, this one is finally deemed worthy of being spoken to, is she?  Ah…a Confessor…truly this one is honored to rate so highly.  Yes, this one recognizes your kind, mazoku; this one can smell the blood that lingers upon you.  Fair warning…this one is hungry, and her nature may very well take over if provoked.  Simply the nature of the beast within this one, you see.  Ask your questions, Confessor, and consider offering fresh meat in return, lest this one goes and finds it herself.

Initially, we were amused by the antics of the adventurers.  This one’s circle cares little for the spiders or the kobolds; we keep them in check so they do not cause harm to the Canorath.  Of course, we were aware of the adventurers soon after they entered the Wood.  We knew not their goals, but they seemed not to be there to cause harm, so we allowed them to continue.  We watched as they were captured and toyed with by the kobolds, yes.  This one was quite amused that it could happen at all, but if they were not strong enough to prevail over the pests, then what good were they, hmm?  Once they escaped and thinned the kobold population by some amount, we returned the favor by guiding them to the Circle within the heart of the Canorath, offered them respite and food for their services. 

Then we ushered them out of our wood quickly, for we did not wish them stumbling around more than they already had.  Of course, the paths had changed since the Erisayan had been there last; we do that from time to time; can’t have outsiders growing used to our ways, now can we?  This one was chosen as their guide outside the wood, and her involvement would have been finished there had it not been for the attack that came near the far side of the great Canorath, from those of your kind, the ones of fire and ice.  Your kind have a certain scent that is very distinct, mazoku, certainly not common in our wood, so this one knew of the ambush and provided warning, and we were able to drive them and their minions away, the ones that we did not kill.

This one may have been overzealous, for she slew several of the mercenaries with the mazoku before they could be questioned.  A great tempest of rage broke through when they hurled fire and damaged the trees, you see, and this one let it run wild, as it desired.  They were not prepared; they retreated with their magic, but for their actions, this one would see them punished, so this one was then attached to the adventurers.

Hmmm…yes, the mazoku of fire and ice were wearing spiked cuffs and collars, set with crystals.  The items were not hindering their spellcasting that this one could tell.  At that time, no, there was no known reason for their interest in the Erisayan, and it was then that this one learned of the others hunting the Yurisayan performer.  This one listened to the voice of the wood that night, and sensed that she would be needed, and should pursue this threat.  A strange journey this one has been on since.

You hear that, yes?  This one’s inner beast grows hungrier.  This one is starting to think that your flesh looks awfully good.  Perhaps you should consider getting this one some fresh meat?  For now, this one is content to remain, but if this one’s beast breaks free due to hunger, then this one cannot be held responsible for what will happen.  Send the cowardly man who did not wish to speak to this one if you wish; you may like the sounds this one will produce with him.”

#Lore24 – Entry #225 – Helica Month #13 – Those Who Would Defy Phyresis

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

On our journey to Vallalava, we would encounter a small group of malkikai ships, the plumes of black smoke billowing from their exhausts visible before the ships themselves.  With our vessel now on alert, we prepared ourselves for trouble, for there was only one group who would dare use such forbidden technology, the Ketzeryn, those who would dare to defy the Church of Phyresis.  I had not had an opportunity to speak to any of their members myself, and know only that they inhabit several islands and have holdings of their own upon them, outside of the influence of the Church. 

Though most often they stay to the seas, for that is where they find their forbidden weapons and technology, their members have been known to travel into the lands of Phyresis on occasion, plundering some ruin or another in hopes of finding more of the malkikai.  It is not uncommon belief amongst those faithful to Phyresis that the Ketzeryn are responsible for ending the Tranquilities and reawakening the Transgressor and bringing further sorrow unto the world.  And yet, that belief, in my opinion, is flawed, for they suffer the wrath of the Transgressor just as often as anyone else, and yet if their sins are so great in the eyes of Phyresis, then why have they not been wiped from Helica already?  Surely it would not be difficult for the Wicked One to perform such a feat?

The Ketzeryn ships turned generally toward us, but as they neared, only one ship approached closer, the others holding a good distance away.  As it neared, this vessel raised a white flag, indicating they wished to parlay.  This sent a ripple of discussion amongst the many faithful of Phyresis, some chomping at the bit to destroy the heathens, quite confident in the powers with their Amaranths.  Others, the crew of the ship, myself, and a few other travelers and merchants, advised caution, however, as they numbered nearly a dozen vessels to our one, and theirs were armed with forbidden weaponry.  It could turn disastrous for us quite quickly.

Luckly, cooler heads prevailed, and there was a peaceful meeting with the Ketzeryn.  As we would learn, they were fleeing a recent attack from the Transgressor, who had destroyed one of their island bases when it had suddenly surfaced nearby, and that they were only a day’s journey from their last sighting of the Wicked One; it was simply a warning that we should be careful, and that they bore us no hostile intentions.  I would say the Ketzeryn acted quite reasonably during this meeting, and though they were just as alert as we were for an attack, they made no hostile moves.

I will note that I was rather disgusted by the response from many of the Phyresians to this news, for they were practically cheering such destruction of their enemies.  Were these not human lives too? Was there not enough suffering in the world without conflicting ideology stoking the fires of hatred? 

Our vessel moved on without incident, their fleet hanging back and continuing to the east as we continued roughly northwest.  Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity to travel amongst the Ketzeryn and learn more of their ways, but that would not be this day.  My own training would continue, and the island of Vallalava and the Amaranth Cinza awaited us.

#Lore24 – Entry #221 – Helica Month #9 – Taming the Five Elements

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

During the long days in which we traversed the sea from the mainland toward Ukejama, I would have several conversations with the Tamer known as Zubayr.  His kind are known as masters of black magic, the destructive and debilitating side of magic, opposing the restorative and enhancing side that is white magic.  I knew something of his order before, of course, the Order of the Tamers of the Five Elements, but now that we had joined together in a common goal, I was able to glean more information about them and magic in general, however difficult it was.  Zubayr isn’t especially talkative, preferring to remain in his cabin for the most part, pondering the mysteries of the cosmos as it were.

Though the common practice of using black magic involves the casting of “spells” that are well known amongst its practitioners, such as hurling balls of fire or creating fissures in the earth to crush enemies, the art is actually much more involved and considerably more difficult because of the mental focus.  They are called “Tamers” for a reason:  they are literally willing the raw magical essence and the very elemental makeup of the world to bend to their will, and it is the words of power that are spoken with these spells that help to maintain that focus.  It is conceivable that other “spells” could be performed, or certain effects combined, but this is exceedingly difficult for even masters of the order, and thus why the common spells have become thus. 

It is similar for those who practice white magic, in that intense focus is required and their focus involves “prayer” instead of the arcane spell words, though instead of taming elements, they are calling forth the power of the One True God.  Though I could not get him to tell me more, Zubayr hinted that there may be other sources for such powers.  I wonder if perhaps he means the Amaranths?  Were they not worshipped as divine beings in the times before the Transgressor and Phyresis? 

It is possible to use elemental magic to some extent without using power words, usually during the early training of a Tamer, when they are just learning to sense the elements and to manipulate them.  However, to be effective tools against the demons and the spawn of the Transgressor, the additional focus from using the words, and through channeling that power through a stave, turn these effects into truly devastating weapons. 

I would also learn from Zubayr that I possessed some potential for learning to tame the elements.  It was on the second leg of our journey, on the way to the volcanic island of Vallalava, after we had to assist in repelling some of the Transgressor’s spawn from the ship that he first sensed it within me.  It is barely enough to be classified as a potential student, he said, but it is there, and curiously, he didn’t recognize it when we first met.  He told me that it is not unheard of for such a thing to happen, either someone’s potential awakens later in life, or perhaps being around demons and the spawn of the Wicked One as much as I have, has changed me in some way. 

Or perhaps it is a side effect of the blessing bestowed upon me by Saghirah?  If it is true that the Amaranths can grant the same powers of white magic as that of the One True God, then perhaps she has awakened this growing potential within me?  I will have to ponder this more as we travel.  I feel that I must submit myself to Zubayr’s instruction and don his collar as his apprentice now that he has made the offer.  We will need all the help we can get on this crusade, and I can only imagine such knowledge will benefit me in the future.

#Lore24 – Entry #210 – Supers Month II #29 – An Immaculate Obsession

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know what I absolutely LOVE to mess with more than culture and governments?  Religions!  Twisting the minds of the faithful is so very delightful, pet!  Why, do you know how many mortal souls I’ve converted to my cause through religion?  I’ve literally lost count.  Oh, it’s much fun corrupting them!

Now, take this soul that my minions have discovered.  She’s feeling rather desperate to find purpose in her life, praying to a god that may or may not exist, but one that isn’t answering any prayers from her regardless.  Now, that makes an absolutely perfect entryway for someone, say, myself, to take on the role of the god in question and guide this hapless sheep to the purpose she seeks.  Oh, yes, I’ve done this so many times, it’s practically like facing a newborn human child in battle.

I do have an advantage that others don’t when it comes to this kind of thing.  I can see every “sin” that a soul has committed, every bit of guilt, every little morsel of depravity it contains.  So, with a little nudge here, a bit of divine inspiration there, and a trickle of power to seal the bargain, just like that, I have a most loyal and blind follower. 

Just to spice things up a little, I’ve decided that this new church will be a most chaste one, a place for all the wayward souls to flock to where they’ll fine purpose in divine chastity, always completely and utterly sealed away from sexual pleasures, but always craving them, and always willing to do anything I could ask of them in the hopes of reaching that wondrous denied climax.  You humans really are that simple; you’re barely above animals where your sexual behaviors are concerned. 

What do you think, pet?  I’m thinking…yes, I like this aesthetic here, the look of these nuns, and…yes, heavy metal beneath their regalia, sealing away their naughty bits.  With the divine inspiration I’ve just given my newest devotee, she’ll be creating all kinds of devious devices in the name of her new lord.  We’ll call it the Sisterhood of the Immaculate Chastity…yes, that sounds quite delightful, doesn’t it?  Oh, we won’t discriminate, we’ll allow the boys in to, but they’ll have to conform to the standards of the church, mind you, and that could mean a bit of alteration, but I have people that can handle those details.

I really do enjoy my work too much sometimes, I think.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I’m a demon lord; excessive indulgence is part of the job.

#Lore24 – Entry #209 – Supers Month II #28 – A DOMME-inating Presence

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know, I think we’re going to mess with the humans a bit more.  They seem to be going all in on this idea of “superheroes”, so why not join the fun, hmm? 

All these little upstarts playing the role of the villains…they need some order in their lives.  Yes, I’m quite aware of the irony of a demon lord such as myself suggesting that order be imposed.  I have learned from ages of experience that a bit of order in the chaos I dwell within goes a long way.  Not too much mind you, and if it’s in service of the greater chaos, then all the better.  But never contrary to the chaos, mind you.

Now, as I was saying, pet, let us begin working a little order into things, get all of my chaotic little schemes working toward the ultimate goal.  What’s needed here, to play into the game, is a villainous organization to oppose our budding heroes!  We’ll call it…DOMME!  What does it mean?  Oh, don’t worry about the details, that’s not what’s important here! 

What’s important is what they do, you see.  We’ve already found hundreds of souls who will make excellent minions down the line, so let’s start them into their work right away.  Use this media machine the humans have developed in this world to our advantage.  Cause more chaos, divide and conquer!  Slander the upstart heroes for what they do, frame their actions in the most harmful ways possible, make it look like what they do goes against the very grain of modern society.  Control all these “online” spaces, silence any voices that dare speak against us!  Utterly dominate the narrative!

What do you mean there’s already groups doing this?  Really?  Hmm…very well, bring them into the fold.  They sound just as evil and vile and despicable as me, so I’m sure they’ll fit just fine into my new regime.  We’ll DOMME-inate the media, then the world!

Why thank you, pet; I do try to absorb myself in the culture I wish to foster, after all.  Do you think my evil, villainous laugh sounded okay, or do I need to put a bit more into it?

#Lore24 – Entry #208 – Supers Month II #27 – A Call for UNITY

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

You know, I don’t particularly care for politics; I have far too many politicians in my stable of souls than I care to admit.  Lawyers too.  BUT!  But they do still have a purpose; they’re so easy to manipulate, so very useful when playing with humanity.  They can get away with so many lies and terrible things, and the masses will simply smile and cheer and continue to vote for them, no matter what they do. 

Humanity truly is a stupid species.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that the politicians are calling for restrictions on those with “superpowers” now that they’ve started showing themselves openly, or sanctioned powers of their own they can use should any of those naughty superpowered individuals go out of control.  I say we give them exactly what they want.  Shall we share with them the secret you’ve uncovered, my pet?  Yes, let’s show them how they can create their own warriors.  Completely loyal to their masters, fighting for what is “good and honest and pure” and all that drivel.  I’m sure we can find the right-minded types to get the ball rolling easily enough, for what is a politician if not ambitious? 

We’ll create their “superheroes” for them, starting with the United States I think.  They’re supposedly big on liberty and freedom, and I can already think up several “patriotic” heroes for them to parade around and pander to the masses as examples of properly reigned in heroes.  Then we’ll expand out from there, one nation to another, gifting them with their own powerful heroes.  Why, I daresay this plan will be quite unifying for the humans of Earth.

And then, just when they need them most, we’ll reveal their true allegiances, their true owner and master…me.

#Lore24 – Entry #164 – Wild West Month #12 – Followers of the Sister Goddess Lashana

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

It is told that during the Great Uproar, when the spirits of the world were still angry after they freed themselves and us from the Devil-Wardens, that chaos was everywhere.  Our ancestors who survived this chaos say that during the early days, when the land was still not settled, there were those who sought ways to bring order to the chaos who were not of the Kerra-Kerra.  These were the followers of the Sister Goddess Lashana, so called because she is as a sister to the Great Mother Saressh.

Great Sister Lashana called her people to the far eastern shores, beyond the Great Walls that would stand through the Uproar, and it is there they would gather the survivors who were agreeable to their faith to work together to survive.  To Great Sister Lashana, there must be order, and to have order, there must be laws, and so it is that those who are most faithful to her, the Justicars, try to spread law to the lawless and hunt down those who would break it. 

We rarely see the Justicars in our lands, though as more moons pass, their numbers have grown more common.  With the coming of the Howling Steel Chariots, those who the Justicars seek have spread to our lands, and so too have the Justicars who hunt them.  The Kerra-Kerra people handle those who wrong us in our own ways, though some tribes have taken to capturing the chaos-bringers and turning them over to the Justicars.

For now, we see the Justicars and those who follow the Great Sister Lashana as allies, though in recent times, some have disagreed with the ways of our people, and some no longer recognize that our goddesses are as sisters.  Siblings do squabble at times, so perhaps it is to be that our peoples too will squabble, though we hold no special hatred for them.  In the Lands Beyond the Great Walls, their laws are supreme, and here, we live free.  Freedom is as chaos to some, and so there will always be disagreement.

#Lore 24 – Entry #101 – Sci-Fi Month II #10 – Incarcerated Workforce (Aboard Ship)


From Personal Logs of Gravius Scharaiden, Chief Security Officer, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana, decryption algorithm successful, translated from original Aerian script.


Whoever approved this idea is an idiot.  Complete moron.  Must have come from that dark elf in charge at RestranTech who stopped by with the Veylani girl the other day. 

Or is this some terrible decision from the ASC?  Some corpo with a bleeding heart?

Doesn’t matter who is responsible in the end.  I’m the one who will have to deal with the problems it’ll cause down the line.  Having prisoners working the loading docks at Aphelion Station is one thing but incorporating them into the Morgiana’s crew long-term is something else entirely.  I don’t care if they’re wearing that SealTech shit 24/7; all it takes is one fuck up and all hell is going to break loose.  If there’s an uprising against the command structure, I’d put money on these lifers being involved with it. 

Oddly, the RestrainTech rep in charge is a female dark elf, Vyrmeth Rashryth.  Thought they only let their men be in charge?  Maybe she’s a problem case and they wanted to get rid of her?  Former security guard at one of their max-sec prisons, now granted the title of “Expeditionary Over-Warden” upon getting the assignment, mostly clean record, no major infractions, just a few write-ups for cruel treatment of prisoners.  Cruel treatment?  The hell does that mean?  Thought those rubber suits were bad enough, not to mention the personal prison cubes they use, or their porno work-release bullshit.  What constitutes cruel treatment in a dark elf prison?  Can respect the need for order and discipline, sure, but she’s an elf, and tied to a very shady corp; will have to dig deeper, find out more about this operation they’re running.  She’s got a dozen Under-Wardens with her, plus a support team for the SealTech systems; whole damn thing is already integrated into the ship’s security systems, so anyone with access can track the prisoners at any time. 

Handy that, screams backdoor access, though; need to look long and hard at that.  Will assign Burnout to it; he’s good at the computer thing, worked with him long enough to trust him as much as I can a non-Aerian.  Will make it sound spicy, get that gnomish mind of his turning; he’ll root out any security issues.  Have a meeting with Rashryth scheduled for tomorrow; going to push for full access to the SealTech control systems and a full demonstration of their security procedures.  Big ask, see what she’s willing to give up.  Going to be friction between us, I’m sure. 

Have some concerns with the prisoners themselves, too.  No psycho killers or rapists or others that should’ve been executed, but some have violent incidents on their records, armed robbery or assault and the like, a minority, but still red flags to me.  Few ex-soldiers turned mercs who took up the wrong job and wound up on the losing side.  Most are white collar types, a lot of those are cybercriminals and technician types, but some records seem off to me.  Assuming these are a lot of political prisoners, or corpo types who got the shitty retirement package.  People who the system wants disappeared.  Supposedly they’re all volunteers, but if your only other choice is a four-by-four cube and being a cog in the porno industry, who wouldn’t take the chance for something else?

Prisoners should be isolated as much as possible and are isolated to “prison” blocks on their downtime, but they aren’t otherwise restricted from interacting with other crewmembers while on duty.  Multiple reports of casual conversations going on already, some getting too close to the prisoners for my liking.  They won’t try anything before we set out, but how long until something sparks up?  Going to have to discuss this with the Captain directly. 

#Lore 24 – Entry #100 – Sci-Fi Month II #9 – Trailblazer One


From the Personal Logs of Captain Durgen Silvercask, decryption algorithm successful, translated from original Dwarven Script:

I certainly didn’t expect to see the CEOs of Veylani Transport AND RestrainTech when I awoke this morning, especially not aboard the Morgiana, but apparently Ms. Veylani was in the mood for a surprise inspection this morning.  Having finally met her, I can say that my earlier impressions were somewhat in error, though I still think she’s far too lacking in experience for the position.  Perhaps that’s one reason why she’s latched onto that Varmyrl fellow?  They seemed happy together, hells, I could almost swear they were talking to each other with just a look between them at times, so maybe they were made for one another.  Not really my place to consider such personal matters, though.

The meat of the conversation came after the inspection, when we retired to my cabin and Ms. Veylani discussed our initial flight plan and objectives for this expedition.  She was quite adamant that we attempt to follow a particular course on our way to Marchosias, even if it may conflict with our proposed course that has been submitted by the ASC.  Though not significantly different, there are several diversions indicated, all of which she promised would hold significant supplies of useful resources, but also sites of significant interest to the research teams aboard.

I had multiple concerns about this, not the least of which was how she had gotten this information, and why she had come to me directly with it instead of following the standard procedure of dissemination through the Council.  Though somewhat reluctantly, when pressed she finally revealed that her source was one of the Trailblazer teams and would only give me the designation Trailblazer One.  Apparently, this source, whoever they are, has been sending information directly to Ms. Veylani, through methods she did not elaborate upon.  When questioned as to how trustworthy the source was, she was even more adamant that she counted them among her most trusted allies but gave no further details.

What information she did share with me indicated that most of the significant sites of interest were ancient ruins of some form or another, with structures that resembled, if not outright mirrored, those of the ancient draconic structures found throughout known space on the other side of the Barrier.  Though Trailblazer One had already given a cursory examination of the sites, Ms. Veylani wants them given proper study, and even provided some of the notes and scans that have already been conducted.  I must admit, the similarities in the forms are startling, and, it seems, that there may be some kind of trail that her explorer has uncovered, given the fact that so many of these places have been found in such a short amount of time. 

This information has placed me in an awkward position.  There will be questions if I divert from the expected course, the least of which being how I knew to go to these systems.  I continued to press for more information, but all I could get out of either of my guests was that Trailblazer One’s identity was known to them, they were trusted, and there were opposing interests involved who would see harm done to Trailblazer One if they knew more.  As much as I didn’t want to be, I find myself mired in corporate intrigues.  Am I to suspect corporate assassins or sabotage on this expedition?  Perhaps my security chief’s concerns were not entirely unfounded, and not nearly as paranoid as they seem.  Though reluctant to do so, I have agreed to Ms. Veylani’s proposed plan of action, and will henceforth be receiving additional information as she receives it from Trailblazer One. 

At least I have some time to consider how exactly I will explain our diversions that lead to discoveries.  Perhaps I will begin opening conversations with some of our arcanists and the clergy aboard to see if any are feeling particularly drawn to any areas nearby the points of interest, or see if we can increase our long-range scanner efficiency the further we get away from the Barrier; some reports indicate this may be the case, but time will tell.  Perhaps I’ll simply have to explain them as hunches?  Supposedly we dwarves can sense treasure, after all, so some would believe it, though I am certain many more would not.  Give me harsh aetheric seas any day over this corporate conspiracy any day.