#Lore24 – Entry #346 – Sci-Fi Month IV #11 –Pinnacles of Power, Destruction of a Demon Lord

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “What were your observations about the state of the world leading up to the destruction of Suzu’reitani, as you saw it from your position above and away from most of the major players in these events?”

RV:  “I saw potential for great things, or absolute destruction.  I would not sit idle during this period, for I was quite busy preparing myself for the worst outcome, either another Cataclysm or a renewed surge in the demonic forces upon Andyllion.  While they had been struggling to survive, Suzu’reitani had found a way through the planar rifts, just as I had, and was slowly bringing more of her kind onto Andyllion again, their very essences at least, if not their physical forms, which she implanted with the mazoku and certain others within the Imperium, notably the line of Emperors who ruled the land, and many of the kerryn slaves themselves.  She was actually hiding within one herself, the “favored slave” of the Emperor, in fact.  And the slave knights known as the Stellae Illustris?  Each and every one who attained full membership were possessed by a demon, completely loyal to the demon lord.  It wasn’t the emperor they were letting see through their eyes, rather Suzu’reitani herself.

In the area of Arcavarlon, and that side of the world, things were much less chaotic, which is why I was able to devote so much time to my research and preparations.  Though there was plenty of political strife, I would urge those below me to maintain a mostly neutral stance, keep things as stable as possible, while we waited for the situation to further develop within the Imperium.  I would also encourage the spread of propaganda against the Imperium on our side of the world, focusing as much discontent as I could there.”

AG:  “Would you say you wished to see the demonic hold upon the Imperium broken, the demons driven from Andyllion?”

RV:  “Absolutely, yes.  Their very presence would eventually lead to a corruption upon the entire world, as had started before the Great Cataclysm.  And of course, they were the final major blemish upon the history of the Elvish Dominion, and my own in particular, that I had not managed to erase.  It had become something of a personal wish to see them eradicated, mostly for my own satisfaction, though I would not become involved too obviously, of course, lest my involvement in their original summoning be revealed.  I suppose enough time has passed since then that I can say such a thing.  I’ve certainly built up many more things people would hate me for over the intervening years.”

AG:  “Did you witness the final battle between Shibaru Sukimono and Suzu’reitani?”

RV:  “Indirectly, yes.  By the time the final battle loomed, any plans that I had implemented were finalized, as were those of Marcon Shadowmist.  We actually watched the battle together from his manor house within his swamp, sipping on wine and sampling a rather modest assortment of foods, much as one would watch a video stream today, though through scrying instead.  I have every confidence that had he applied himself, he could have ended the situation on his own, but Marcon is bound by a non-interference pact with the gods, or something to that effect.  Nothing direct, mind you, and nothing too obvious, just a subtle nudge here and there, though that trick he pulled with Lila Darius and the divine essence of Saressh, that skirted the line, I’m sure.  Not the only time he’s done something like that, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

I have to say, for one so young, Sukimono handled herself magnificently in that battle.  I suppose that’s something of her past life as Shibari Sukimori coming through, for she was very nearly as instinctually aware of the nature of magic as I am, even without my advantages.  Maltizar fended off the demon lord’s top general in the body of the Emperor at the time, as well as any others who tried to interfere.  I could sense Suzu’reitani’s desperation growing, but then Sukimono made her fateful feint, taking the demon lord’s spear into herself to guarantee a killing blow.  For all of Suzu’reitani’s superior ability to read mortals, she didn’t see Sukimono’s final maneuver coming.  It was entirely an aerian trick, sacrificing yourself to take out your enemy.  They are such a fatalistic people…

Anyway, we were on the edge of our seats at this point, as Marcon’s vision shifted beyond the physical realm to the spiritual realm, where the battle continued in the very demi-plane that had served as Saresh’s prison. I couldn’t predict who was going to come out on top then.  But, we know the outcome now.  I can say proudly that I’m one of the handful of beings who witnessed the utter destruction of Suzu’reitani, her very essence seared from this reality.”

AG:  “What did you witness upon Suzu’reitani’s destruction?  What was the immediate aftermath?”

RV:  “Most immediately was the release of Saressh from her bonds and the destruction of that prison, which freed the entirety of her power and ended the blood curse upon the kerryns.  All of those who were possessed by demons at the time were immediately freed from their influence as the goddess’s Soulfire burned through them and seared their very essence from Andyllion.  Sukimono’s spirit was returned to her body then, which was healed by the goddess, and I suppose you could say it was a happy ending, however bloody an affair it was.  Oh, there would be decades of fallout and tumult as the kerryns learned to reassert themselves as a people on that part of the world, the aerians starting breeding programs to see to it that their race was restored to its former glory, that kind of thing. 

Another momentous occasion had come and gone upon Andyllion and I remained quite well off, free to continue my research into my own nature and that of dragonkind.  It was a rather…boring time if I’m being honest.  The power of the Elvish Dominion would wax and wane, as would all great empires, but the influence of the demons had ended.  The mazoku themselves would remain, for they had become a race unto themselves well before this time, though a lingering suspicion would always remain about their nature and intentions. 

With the end of the demon lord, Andyllion could finally move onward.  I suppose I could have stopped the world from advancing for a while longer yet, to maintain the Dominion’s control in a more tightfisted manner, but my eyes were far beyond Andyllion in the centuries following Suzu’reitani’s demise.  My research had reached a dead end, you see, all that I could learn of the dragons upon Andyllion had been learned, and that meant that I must travel to other worlds.  I would do so myself, of course, using the methods I had used for ages by this point, but I could not hope to find all that I needed on my own.  For that I would need help, and for that, Andyllion as a whole had to seek the stars and the countless worlds that lay amongst them.”

#Lore24 – Entry #345 – Sci-Fi Month IV #10 – The Age of Legends

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “Was there anything specific that you sought within those ruined draconic cities?  And how exactly did these events jumpstart the Age of Legends from your perspective?”

RV:  “Knowledge of course was my primary interest, though of course, along with that came further power.  I wanted to know all that could be gleaned about the mysterious race that had so shaped the world and then mysteriously vanished.  You could say that I felt a certain affinity with the dragons, something I realized even then, given my vastly superior understanding of magic compared to others in the world.  I daresay that without my studies following the Great Cataclysm, magic would have stagnated for a thousand years or more as people tried to relearn it.

I say that these expeditions were so very important because of one of the most prominent of the legends to emerge, the one you serve now.  Were it not for the human then known as Angeliqua Cartacustos and her meticulous study and research into these sites, she would never have found the path that led to her ascension to godhood.  She was but the first such legend to attain that mysterious spark that allowed her to reach such a lofty position during that time, and the first to do so.  Though this too was the will of Marcon Shadowmist, for he was somehow aware of the danger that lay before Andyllion and had nudged Cartacustos on a path that would see the world saved.”

AG:  “Could you explain that more?  I have never heard of this.”

RV:  “Oh, you wouldn’t have, my dear.  For as good a job as your order does at recording history, you can’t exactly record it if it never happened, though I suspect that if you dig deeply enough, you may in fact find some recollection of the event.  It was a bit of a paradox, you see, and once Cartacustos had figured it out and remedied the situation, time itself was altered into the timeline we currently exist upon.  I don’t have all the details, mind you, but I do know that our world, at the very least, would have been doomed, the very source of magic, even that which the gods grant to their followers, sucked dry.  It’s…almost like a dream, you see, how I remember it.  I know that it never happened, yet I also know that it did, for I lived through it to the bitter end and witnessed her actions for myself.  I suppose my…unique nature…has kept me aware of these events, when all others who may have experienced them have forgotten them.  Don’t trouble yourself too much over it; if you wish, I can discuss it more later.”

AG:  “Yes, I would very much like to delve deeper into that subject.  Back to my original questions…you seem to have been curiously quiet during the Age of Legends, for your name doesn’t appear in many accounts of the era.  Was this intentional on your part?  What were you doing during this time?”

RV:  “Study and research, mostly.  I poured over all the details gleaned from Cartacustos and her order, and several others I had working on the project.  I kept my interference to a minimum and had mostly divested myself from the Elvish Dominion’s leadership by this time.  My intentions were carried out as I had wished them to be through my lesser that I left in charge, and they handled their duties satisfactorily.  I had far greater ambitions than mere political power then, for I would come to understand my truest nature, and something of what had happened to the dragons themselves through my experiences.  In this, Marcon Shadowmist and I were alike, quietly guiding events while we performed whatever machinations we would behind the scenes.  I can tell that you’re itching to know what I’m alluding to, but you’ll have to be patient  a while longer yet.”

AG:  “You certainly have a way of teasing things, Ms. Volcari.  During your, I suppose I’ll call it a sequestration during this time, did you encounter any of the others who would be considered Legends of the Age?”

RV:  “I would, yes, however briefly our interactions may have been.  I met Korvalis Nightrunner before he became the Right Hand of Mausolus, and for a wonder, this legendary assassin was never sent after me.  I daresay he would have been the one person who would have been able to slay me during that time.  I would regularly convene with the likes of Marcon Shadowmist and Azalina Fang during this period. Yes, that Azalina Fang, the very one that the academy was named after, though her growing instability meant that it was only a matter of time before she was dealt with for a final time. 

I may have…nudged Shibaru Sukimono in her direction when I refused to teach her the arcane arts after she had escaped her bondage, before she began her true task of freeing the kerryns from their bondage within the Imperium Draconis, knowing that their personalities would clash to the point of violence, and that Azalina would seek to rip that special power Sukimono had been granted from the goddess she would eventually free.  I could sense Sukimono’s power then, knew that she was destined for greatness.  I’ll admit to being rather surprised that she had managed to find the single remaining aerian upon Andyllion as well, Maltizar Skyrider, and was even more surprised when he didn’t try to kill me upon our first meeting.  He’s a hard one to put down, and one of the few beings in this galaxy that rivals me for age; thankfully for me, his memory is terrible”

Note:  A peculiar frown, a look of distaste, passed over Rivalle’s face then.

“Then there was Lila Darius…that would be my first encounter with the woman who I still absolutely cannot stand to this very day…the bumbling fool somehow managed to tap into a remnant of Saressh’s power that remained from before the goddess was captured by Suzu’reitani and resurrected over a thousand aerian warriors before the final battle with the demon lord.  I suspect Marcon had something to do with that little feat, though I have no proof of it.  How she has vexed me ever since she awakened her true blood back then…”

AG:  “Her true blood?”

Note:  I was beginning to form an idea of why Rivalle’s assistant looked like Lila, and why the poor girl looked worried when Rivalle’s mood darkened.  I’m not sure if there’s someone I can alert to her situation who would actually be able to do anything about it, no matter how much I want to.  Rivalle has resumed her more pleasant demeanor with my latest question.

RV:  “Ah, yes…well, we’ll be getting to that later, for it is something we have in common.  We can’t all have the blood of gods within us, but close enough.

Continuing on, I did have occasion to meet Mantok Badaxe before he ascended to godhood for his people as well.  He was quite brilliant for an orc during that time, though no less a great warrior, and even I will credit him with evolving his people through shear force of will.  This was before his clan would turn against the Draconis Emperor and fight alongside the kerryns during their uprising, again due in so small part to the interference of Lila Darius.  I daresay she did more for the kerryns than Shibaru Sukimono did, though it was ultimately Sukimono who slew the demon lord and broke the blood curse and the power that bound their goddess.  Had Darius kept to that, I might not hate her so…

I would have a brief encounter with the mysterious Yasraena Onimatsuri during this time as well, though it was more random chance than anything when she happened to emerge, cut her way through a battlefield and two armies, just to keep walking as if it were nothing for her.  Her family, her mother specifically, had been one of my apprentices during the time before the Cataclysm, and had taken to her own unique studies of the arts, seeking power to perhaps rival my own.  Yasraena was, and still is, I suppose, wherever she may be now, a unique case to say the least.  Even though I was vaguely aware of her comings and goings throughout the centuries and millennia, she always kept to herself.  It’s almost like she never grew out of her “brooding teenager” period, honestly. 

I do believe that was the last notable encounter with those who would be considered Legends, though I did briefly meet a handful of others…let’s see…Naiya and Shank Serana come to mind.  Did you know that Shank’s adoptive father also adopted Lila Darius?  It’s how that family name came to be a kerryn name, in fact.  Curious that link…  Then there was Shibaru Sukimono’s vampiric clone who came to me seeking a remedy for her condition at one point; you’ll have to track down her reincarnation if you want the details of that story, for I couldn’t be bothered to delve into it myself.  There was the legendary gnomish craftsman Fitzgerald; I commissioned some work from him and would use his superior artifice in my creation of several golems.”

#Lore24 – Entry #344 – Sci-Fi Month IV #9 – A Growing Discontent

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “Ah, yes, of course I understand what you’re getting at.  Our passion gives us purpose.  So you would focus most of your time on your studies of the ancient dragons and their ruins once some stability had come.  Were there any particular challenges you faced, aside from just finding the sites and relics you studied?”

RV:  “Plenty of them.  Competition, of course, was always an issue.  Treasure hunters were always looking for a profit, and while I was certainly willing to pay exorbitant amounts, they would not always seek me first, and sometimes relics would go to what I will generously call my rivals.  Eventually I would get what was due to me, though, through whatever means I may have had to take.  I believe it was during this period that I first recall having assassins sent after me, too.  The earliest ones very nearly succeeded, though I was quite flattered that I rated so highly as to have them called in to attempt to slay me.  Though the price on my head went ever upward, tales of what I did to those who survived my retaliation spread, and eventually only the best of the best would dare face me.  That much hasn’t changed to this day, in fact; you should see the collection of would-be assassins I’ve collected over the centuries.”

AG:  “Your…collection of would-be assassins?  You mean in prisons?”

RV:  “Something like that, yes.  We’ll call them private prisons for the sake of brevity.  I recall, as the Age of Legends approached, I had even taken to holding competitions with them, sometimes under the guise of simple thievery from one of my strongholds, others with specific instructions to slay me.  The ones I was most impressed with I…recruited…to serve as deterrence for any others who would seek to harm me.  One of my most fond kerryn pets came from their ranks, in fact.  I do miss Sei-Sei quite a bit sometimes when I’m feeling nostalgic.”

AG:  “I see… Can you tell me something of how the world had come to be following the Reforging, and in the period leading up to the Age of Legends?”

RV:  “I could tell you quite a bit, and would ask you to be more specific, but I’m certain I can tell you what you wish to know.  Though stability had once again come, and had been for roughly a thousand years, perhaps, discontent was looming once more.  Though remarkably stable up until then, the Imperium Draconis was showing signs of decline and coming collapse, even with the guiding hands of the demons and the mazoku.  They had perhaps overextended themselves, or had grown discontent with simply existing, and sought to expand their power.  Rebellions against the empire were starting to grow more frequent, even amongst the kerryn slaves.  The Emperor’s loyal orc clan, the Badaxe, who had taken up the study of the aerian tactics and kept their traditions alive, were even growing restless, being used for little more than bodyguards and as a special police force. 

On my side of the world, things were not quite so unified, but there was plenty of restlessness to be seen.  Refugees and escaped slaves from the Imperium had been coming to our land more and more, spreading word of the atrocities committed by the Emperor.  Much of it was blown out of proportion, certainly; I visited the land regularly and saw little of what they described.  I even spent quite a few months in their Great Library during the course of my studies, and aside from the cracks that had formed, the Empire itself remained remarkably stable for its age.  Still, seeds had been planted.  Though we had refined our methods at the time, the Elvish Dominion was beginning to be looked upon most unfavorably by the other races, so the few elders who remained began to see the possibility of another war breaking out. 

I remained mostly disconnected from it all, though, intent upon my studies.  It was during this period that I would make my most significant discovery relating to my own nature, a nature shared by a select few known individuals throughout history, and many more who would remain undiscovered.  I’ll save discussion of that until later, though.”

AG:  “Very well.  What would you say is the starting point for the Age of Legends?  Historians can’t seem to agree exactly upon what marks the start of this period.”

RV:  “I would say that it was my drive to study the ancient dragons and their remaining relics and sites that ultimately kickstarted the Age of Legends, specifically with the funding I provided, however indirectly, of several major expeditions at once.  Most significant of these were two, namely at the ruins of the ancient draconic city upon the Dragontail Isles, and the discovery of another draconic city far to the west of the Imperium Draconis, which would ultimately be handled by the researchers and archeologists of the Great Library.  That one was led by a most important individual, one of your ancestors, perhaps…what was her name back then… ah yes, Angeliqua Cartacustos, the humble librarian who would ascend to become the Goddess of Knowledge and Storytelling, the Goldeneyed Librarian, Guardian of the Codex Infinitum herself.  She was quite astute for a human, a credit to your kind, especially during those days.  I can’t take sole credit for her ascension, certainly, but I would like to think I played some small part in it by starting her down that path with my expedition into what was known as the Wildlands during that time. 

Once these draconic cities were uncovered and their secrets plundered for study, the Age of Legends would start in earnest, with some of the most recognizable heroes and villains in history emerging to once again reshape the world, though, thankfully, nowhere near as drastically as had been seen during the Great Cataclysm, even though Marcon Shadowmist would again show himself and guide events to favor his own machinations.”

#Lore24 – Entry #343 – Sci-Fi Month IV #8 – Empires Come and Go

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “Did you return to the forefront of the Elvish Dominion once you had again mastered the arcane?”

RV:  “In a very limited capacity.  The political machinations of my people were a secondary concern.  They would ask my opinion on certain things and I would give it, or I would learn of something that needed to be addressed and would nudge them in the correct direction, usually relating to matters of dealing with the other races.”

AG:  “Historical records during the earlier period of the Reforging are very scattered, much like the people and lands themselves.  Were there any particularly notable events of the period that you would say impacted what was to come?”

RV:  “Well, outside of my own people, it seemed a new country would rise and fall almost daily, though I’m sure it took them somewhat longer, likely a few decades, to go through that cycle.  It was mostly the humans of course, short-lived and short-sighted as they are, who drove these changes.  They’ve made some improvements since, but back then they were still rather primitive in their ways, dividing themselves into one faction or another over the most asinine of reasons and generally being a nuisance to the other races, which, indeed, had become more insular, seeking to rebuild themselves first, and worry about forging alliances later. 

I suppose the greatest change came across the newly formed ocean, back on the side of the world where the planar detonation had occurred.  I had suspected that the entirety of the land was a burnt-out wasteland and couldn’t exactly prove otherwise due to the unreliability of divination magic then, and the more limited range at which it functioned.  But we would learn, oh, maybe five hundred years or so after the Cataclysm, that a new empire had been founded, and was actually flourishing under the joint rulership of humanity and the mazoku, which were much more numerous on that side of the world.  I believe you’re somewhat familiar with it… the Imperium Draconis, and their impressively large capital, Draconis Magna? 

I will admit to being somewhat impressed that humanity could create such a stable government after what I had witnessed on the other side of the world, though that I think was more the influence of the mazoku and their demon masters who still lingered and hungered for control than any sudden human enlightenment.”

Note:  When Rivalle addressed me regarding knowledge of the Imperium Draconis, she showed a rather odd look upon her face, which till then, had been mostly locked in that pleasant, no-nonsense corporate mask that she is always seen to wear.  It was almost to say that she knows something that I don’t, perhaps.  Or at least, that is the impression it gave me.

AG:  “I am curious about the relationship between the elves of the new world and the kerryns.  We know quite well that the Imperium Draconis enslaved them from their inception, for, they believed, the good of the world, though as you alluded, that was mostly the influence of the demons that remained.  How were they viewed by the Elvish Dominion which had previously been at war with them?”

RV:  “Time heals all wounds, as they say.  We only saw them as enemies then due to their steadfast alliance with the Aerians, our mortal enemies.  Had we been able to break that alliance otherwise, likely we never would have resorted to calling the demons at all.  But, with the aerians extinct upon Andyllion for the time being, we let the kerryns do as they wished, and they saw mostly to t themselves, though their goodly nature tended to mean they would continue being friendly and offering aid to others in need during the Reforging period.

I myself actually became quite fond of them during this time and kept several around in various capacities.  Some were research assistants, others playthings.  I liken them to pets, really, for being the second longest-lived race in the known galaxy means I can actually grow attached to them before they grow too old.  These days I tend to keep at least one nearby, as my dear Lila here can attest, as a stress-relief measure.  She’s quite talented, you see, and I have taught her much to improve her since she became my personal assistant, some of which would make an Erisayan blush and a Yurisayan envious.  Would you care to see for yourself, Ms. Ganim?  Lila has served my guests many times.”

AG:  “Perhaps later, Ms. Volcari…I would, um, prefer to keep the interview on track.”

Note:  I am certain this kerryn is not Lila Darius, though she looks exactly like her.  She seems eager to please, but I can’t help but observe a timidness about her as she remains ever ready to jump when Rivalle gives the command, though with a certain air of unease, perhaps that she may displease Rivalle, and is fearful of what may come of it.  I daresay that her behavior very much reminds me of accounts of how kerryn slaves would act to please their masters.

AG:  “Did you have a particular area of study during the Reforging period that you focused upon?”

RV:  “Oh yes, I became quite fascinated with history during this period, for much of it had been lost, as you know.  Ostensibly, I did it in the name of preservation and to maintain the power of the Elvish Dominion, for if we controlled the past, we could easily manipulate the future, and having powerful relics from before the Great Cataclysm would ensure that control.  But, my focus fell upon an even older period, when the great dragons ruled the world.  In some instances, the reshaping of the world had served to uncover long lost draconic ruins, while others that had been known were again lost.  I made it my goal t o uncover as much of their lore as I could, to attain as much of their remaining power as I could. 

I learned that I shared many characteristics with the ancient dragons, at least, some of them.  Ambition, instinctive mastery of the arcane arts, a drive for power, a tendency to hoard vast wealth and attain more.  I suppose it was only natural that I would eventually come to found and reign over the single largest corporate entity in the galaxy.  I could say, it was almost as if I was, and still am, driven by a power beyond even myself.  You can relate, I’m sure, being as devoted as you are to the Goldeneyed Librarian and filling the Tome Which Cannot be Filled.”

#Lore24 – Entry #338 – Sci-Fi Month IV #3 – Magical Arts, Magical Blood

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

 AG:  “How would you describe your time at the academy upon the Isle of Fang?”

RV:  “Tedious.  It was far from the silly little social clubs obsessed with their legwear that it is these days, teaching little more than what could be considered the basics of arcane theory.  The ancient arcanists were still quite full of themselves, though, convinced of their own superiority in many cases, or trying to hide their contempt of those not gifted with a mind for the arcane through their good works that would earn them praise.  The humans were the worst of course; other elves were at least tolerable because I knew what to expect.  But, having never been around the short-lived beings much at all previously, it was quite the learning experience.  I seem to recall having thoughts that I was actively watching them die at some points, growing older before my eyes. 

Honestly, I can recall feeling underwhelmed once I had settled in and began my studies there, almost as if I already knew all of what they sought to teach me, on a deeper…instinctive level.”

AG:  “Instinctive level?  Could you elaborate more upon that, please?”

RV:  “Magic is in the blood of elves, my dear Ms. Ganim, and most of us, at least in those days, could instinctively perform rudimentary spells that were of a primal nature, affecting flora or fauna.  Grasping the deeper arcane methods was a rudimentary task for those elves who were possessed of even a middling intellect.  When I say that my understanding came from a deeper level, I mean that my very blood, my very soul even, was attuned to the flow of magic in ways normal elves could only dream of.  For all the tedium I suffered at the academy, it did at least make me aware of my unique nature, that there was something quite special about me that others simply couldn’t possess or understand.”

AG:  “Fascinating.  Could you elaborate more upon what this is?”

RV:  “In time.  I believe you have already alluded to this in the research you’ve already shared with me, so perhaps we’ll continue with your timeline beyond my school days?”

Note:  Her tone of voice was quite steady and calm here, yet I cannot deny the force with which Rivalle Volcari spoke.  She may have phrased it as a suggestion, but I have no doubts it was a command.

AG:  “Yes, of course.  As the records I uncovered indicated, now that you’ve confirmed your full name, you completed your studies there in only five years.  The grading scales are certainly different now, but by what records still exist, you received top marks and nothing but praise for your talents.  I imagine there was no shortage of parties interested in attaining your considerable talents?”

RV:  “Quite right.  I was offered a place within the Praxium of Arcavarlon, but at the time tensions were rising between the nations, and I had no interest in serving upon a council of my lessers.  The kerryns were insisting upon being the negotiators of peace, while the elves, dawn and dusk, and the aerians were already engaged in multiple conflicts necessitating said peacekeepers, while the humans sought, in their infantile ways, to profit from all sides.  To their credit, the dwarves and drakonae had the good sense to keep to themselves, for the most part, though they too would seek to profit from their exceptional weapon and armor craftsmanship.  The other races would barely leave a mark during this time.”

AG:  “Where did you go during this time?”

RV:  “To war.  I was quite ready to test myself against veteran battle-mages that had been dealing with the aerian nuisance for some time.  I was young then, my blood running hot, what you humans would understand as a rebellious teenager phase, and I was quite ready to test my destructive magic in a practical setting.  And that would lead to my work to build up House Volcari and see the establishment of the Elvish Dominion.”

#Lore24 – Entry #337 – Sci-Fi Month IV #2 – Humble Beginnings Upon Andyllion

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

Though a storm rages outside, I cannot hear the thunder nor feel the force of the wind upon the building as I sit in Rivalle Volcari’s office, and barely notice the lightning due to the flash-hiding properties of the windows.  I can sense the arcane resonance in the air around me, mixing in nigh flawlessly with the technological systems that one would expect to find in a corporate office.  The enchantments are indeed of a warding nature, but are cloaked as to their full purpose, and I dare not probe them further with my arcane sight, for I can sense the power within them, lurking as if they themselves were some predators waiting to strike.  Even the plants inside the office make me wary, for though they are flowered and smell quite pleasant, I have little doubt that they are some kind of specialized breed of maidenbane vine, for they shift about as if following me.

The doors to the office opened within a matter of minutes after my arrival, and two people entered, Rivalle Volcari and her kerryn assistant, following dutifully behind her carrying a tray of food and drink.  I rose to greet her, steeling my nerves as the intensity of her gaze and mere presence slammed into me; there is no question as to the power present in her aura, and I could only begin to guess at the nature of the multiple enchantments upon her and her clothing.  I have never once seen someone with such a powerful aura of magic about them; this is something you would see hundreds, maybe even thousands of years ago, when magic was at its height, certainly prior to the wars that saw the collapse of the Great Elvish Imperium, at any rate.  Also, I can’t help but think I’ve seen her assistant somewhere before; she looks very familiar.

I shall begin the interview immediately, for her time is no doubt limited; any observations and thoughts will be noted as the conversation is transcribed; standard recording devices and handwritten notes will be taken as well.

AG:  “I am so very grateful that you have agreed to allow me to interview you, Ms. Volcari.”

Note:  Her perfume seems to be scented in a similar, if more concentrated, aroma as the majority of the flowering plants in her office.  Her grip is firm, skin smooth, tingling as my arcane sense picks up on the enchantments upon her.  She stands a few inches taller than me, in addition to the high heels she wears.  She makes no effort to hide her apparent amusement at our meeting, in contrast to the typically stoic or uninterested looks she typically gives during standard interviews.

RV:  “You’ve certainly done your homework, Ms. Ganim.  I daresay you’ve been the single most dedicated researcher I’ve encountered in quite some time.  Or would ‘stalker’ be more accurate?  No, I suppose not; you’ve not been that close, not until now, anyway.  Whatever could you wish to know from me that you’ve no doubt already uncovered?”

AG:  “There are several questions I have relating to various aspects of the history I’ve found, more often than not on details that are unclear or questions as to whether you were involved at all.  There are multiple times within our recorded history where the record is questionable at best, and one who has lived for as long as you have must surely have unique insights upon certain events.  Ah, forgive me if I’m a bit too forward in assuming your age, but you’ve reviewed the initial notes I’ve sent you.  Was I correct in my assertation that you are indeed of an age that precedes the Andyllion Demonfall and Great Cataclysm?”

RV:  “No, think nothing of it.  Though my reputation is rather infamous, I do respect the work you’ve done.  I daresay I’m rather flattered that I have become your obsession, Ms. Ganim; yours is certainly the healthiest such obsessive personality I’ve come across.  Most who obsess over me to this degree typically wish to see me dead.  Sit, Ms. Ganim; Lila, see to her comfort.”

Note:  Her assistant, Lila.  As she serves me tea and sets out plates for us as we take our positions in the chairs by the window, I know now why I thought her so familiar.  She is indeed the very likeness of Lila Darius, a fellow historian whom I’ve met many times during my years.  This could not possibly be her, though, for I know for a fact that Lila Darius is exploring the Demon Sector at this moment.  A curious observation indeed, especially considering we’ve brought up the subject of obsession.

AG:  “Might I inquire as to your origins, Ms. Volcari?  You are originally from Andyllion, but I am unable to ascertain the exact time frame.  And could you tell me of your early days?”

RV:  “Oh, I don’t have exact numbers, for I cannot be bothered with such trivial details.  Going by the current scale by which we track the passing of time, I would say that I was born approximately…five hundred years before the Demonfall.  Yes, that sounds about right.  My early life was nothing special; I was born amongst the dawn elves of long-lost Fyva Dorthore, though I knew early on that I was quite special even amongst their kind. 

I was, and still am, possessed of a most keen intellect, you see, and a remarkable affinity for the magical arts.  You’ve no doubt sensed the enchantments around us and upon me by now.  Oh, don’t look so surprised, Ms. Ganim, I’ve done my research on you just as you have done yours upon me.  If I thought you were a threat, I would have taken appropriate steps long ago, and you would either e in one of my private collections or dead.  Back to your question…my childhood and early development were rather unremarkable for the time, save that I excelled at the arcane arts.  At the time I was hailed as something of a prodigy in that regard and had already surpassed my mentors in my backwater little village before I had reached puberty. 

I would then journey to the great city of Arcavarlon, and from there enroll in the prestigious academy upon the Isle of Fang, the youngest dawn elf to have done so then, and now, if I’m not mistaken.  The Azalina Fang Academy as it is known now, such a droll name…it has gone through many names over the years; you can determine which one it was using during this time, I’m certain; again, I don’t keep track of such trivial details.  You may even have records of me being there, though I was, at that time, using my full name:  Rivaressel’alle’nara of House Voclari.  It had not yet reached the status of a Great House yet; that would come later, and with no small amount of work from myself to see it happen.”

#Lore24 – Entry #336 – Sci-Fi Month IV #1 – An Interview for the Ages

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

My many years of research have, it seems, struck paydirt at last.  Or perhaps this is to be my end, given who I’ve been researching.  I must admit to some amount of anxiety going into this interview…but can I really pass up the chance?  This could very well be THE interview for the ages, for if my research is accurate, and I have every confidence that it is, then my subject is amongst the most important and influential individuals in the entirety of the known galaxy!

Of course, I speak of none other than Rivalle Volcari, the nigh-mythical head of the corporate behemoth known as DSM.  What other names have staying power like that of Rivalle Voclari?  She’s been the head of the company for centuries, after all, and has driven DSM’s name to be spoken in virtually every inhabited system, their products, in some form or another, present in every home that is at least halfway modernized. 

My uncertainty about this interview stems from the darker side of DSM and Volcari’s reputation, which, to say the least, beyond being legendary, is rather terrifying, if the truth of even a fraction of the rumors are true.  To say that she is the literal boogeyman of the galaxy is not entirely unfounded, and some worlds (those that have suffered some calamity at the hands of DSM, allegedly) actually describe her in such terms.

Surely a single woman could not be such a power throughout the galaxy, could she?  But what if she was?  What would that mean?  And what does it mean that she has accepted my request for this one-of-a-kind interview?  I know that she is aware of my probing into her past, for I have ran afoul of her agents many times during my quest for the truth of the woman, the myth, the legend, what have you. 

I approach the landing pad of DSM’s headquarters even now and have a distinct discomfort growing within me the closer I get that has nothing to do with the storm outside.  One could wish for better conditions, but one must take the chance when the opportunity arises.  I know not what fate has in store for me in the next few hours, but I have already gotten my affairs in order and made certain preparations in the event that I do not return from this interview.  Supposedly Voclari’s temper can level worlds when the right nerve is struck, though hopefully I can avoid any such landmines, at least well enough to not suffer any lasting ill effects.

This is a story that must be told, and though many of my order have tried over the years, none have gotten this close.  I must not fail.

#Lore24 – Entry #335 – Fantasy Month IV #30 – Return to the Great Library

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

It took us much longer to return home than it took me to reach the Wildlands when I first began my journey, for we could not make use of the teleportation circle that Lady Armenia had first used because of the size of our procession, but once we approached Draconis Magna, I felt a growing delight at being so near to the Great Library once again.  I said my goodbyes to Risai and Kovalis as we passed the city, promising to try to catch up with them again in the future.  Within a few more days, I would once again see the towering visage of the Great Library, feeling a wonderful sense of relief and joy as I once again returned to my home.

Mother Felaria was the first to greet me upon my return, and I was glad to once again see and embrace her.  I had never been away from the Library for so long.  I would spend much of the rest of that day greeting my brothers and sisters as I oversaw the safe unloading of our new study materials.  I would spend the rest of the day catching up with my family, though it would take much longer before I would truly be caught up, for the work must come first. 

I was surprised to find Aishi still lingering around me as evening came, figuring she would be returning to the Emperor’s side now that I had been seen safely home, but she told me then that she was to remain with me for the foreseeable future; the Emperor had been very pleased with my work and wanted to make absolutely certain that it would continue.  She seemed to be quite pleased with the development.  I could only wonder if this would be a blessing or a curse…what had I done to warrant such a close watch by the Emperor’s most loyal guardians?

That was not the only surprise I would have that evening, though.  Following dinner, before I could retreat to my room for a much-needed rest, Mother would deliver to me a letter and a small, wrapped box from Lady Armenia.  The letter expressed her delight for my companionship during our time together, that she and Yurisaya had been quite pleased with my willingness to participate in their fun.  She expressed a desire to see me again once my work allowed me to do so, and that I had a standing invitation to visit her estate.  Likewise, she had sent me some gifts that I could enjoy as I saw fit, the keys to which were inside the box.  Even though I had surmised what the gifts she spoke of were before I even opened the long crate that sat in my floor, I was still completely shocked when I opened it, for the chastity armor and hobble dress were not the only gifts she had sent me.

Inside the crate was none other than Ryona, the kerryn slave that had been so eager to please during my time as Alekos’s tutor, secured in not only the very hobble dress and chastity gear I had once worn, but additional leather straps that had her securely restrained inside the crate, and she had been fitted with a feeder gag harness and wrapped with silken ribbons, tied in several bows.  I could already hear the buzzing of the various devices upon her, could smell her intense arousal, and she stirred, looking up to me with pleading eyes, moaning and whimpering as she wiggled inside the crate. 

Several questions raced through my mind as I stared at her, dumbfounded.  How long had she been trapped in there?!  Why had she been given to me?  How could I possibly get any work done with her here?  What had happened to Alekos?  How would Aishi take to her being there?  How would Ryona take to Aishi?  Would I even be able to find the rest I had so very much desired upon my return to the Library now?  I was finally drawn out of my state of shock when Aishi came up behind me and started laughing at Ryona’s state, looking quite pleased at the lesser slave’s predicament. 

Maybe I could divert Ryona’s attention by encouraging Aishi’s attention upon her?  It was a terrible thought to have, perhaps, but I was too tired and road-weary to give it much more thought.  I knelt beside Ryona and inquired as to her condition, and she answered that she was doing well in spite of the restraints and buzzing accessories.  Feeling my fatigue crashing into me, I nodded, promised her that I would take care of her in the morning, and promptly closed the crate, heading back to my bed for the first time in over a year, where I fell into it and fell asleep in a matter of moments.

And so my strange journey to and through the Wildlands and back had come to a close.  Though this was the end of this tale, there would be plenty more to come, for I would find little in the way of rest during the following days.

But that’s a story for another time.

#Lore24 – Entry #334 – Fantasy Month IV #29 – Parting of Ways, Leaving the Wildlands

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

It has been some time since I last wrote in this journal, for I have been immensely busy with my work in the ancient Cathedral of Eminent Tranquility.  I would spend nearly a month within the chamber working on my initial studies of the chamber, with the rest of my party rotating out to make supply runs to Vindinium and report our success to Commander Asselin and Lady Armenia, as well as deliver my messages to the Great Library.  It did not take long for the Emperor himself to learn of the discovery, for by the end of that first month, the army would establish a secured route between Vindinium and the ruins, with more than enough soldiers to keep the area quite safe, as well as escorting many of my brothers and sisters from the Library to the site to assist with cataloguing the many documents and relics I had found.

Lady Armenia and Commander Asselin would join us for a time, though I was far too focused on the work to recall much of what we discussed.  I daresay I was possessed by a need to know all that I could that I had never felt before.  I do recall Lady Armenia pulling me away for at least a night, though, making sure that I ate properly and got at least one proper night’s rest.  She likewise released me from my “armor” and restored my body to its original state, her fun having been had, and recognizing that I had found something that even she could not tear me away from.  She was quite pleased with the outcome, and we would remain friendly with one another in the coming months, though I would see little of her, as she would leave the area to return to her duties within Draconis Magna, leaving another priestess in charge of the temple she had created for Yurisaya.

I would remain within the region of the ruins throughout the winter, well into the next year as I led the Library’s researchers in our work, though I would be forced to deal with the Emperor’s own arcanists and archivists as well.  I’m told I became quite snippy with them at times, refusing to yield to their “authority” and, as I recall, blatant stupidity at times; for a wonder, I was not chastised for my actions, though I’m sure I will likely have to deal with some of the consequences in the future.  Being diplomatic and working my way through the Imperial political machine is not where my skills lie.

With summer in full swing now, I have finally come to an end of my time in the Wildlands.  Thanks to the work of the many archivists Mother sent to me, we have completed the initial phases of our work of cataloging the scrolls and books and have packed them for transport to the library.  I will be overseeing their safety along the road, though I doubt anyone would dare attack with the size of the Imperial guard that has been set to escort us.

I said my goodbyes to the Heroes of Vindinium, who had, in the time since our plunder of the vault, grown quite famous locally for their investment in the town itself.  Shassk would be remaining in the area, with many of his clan joining him to continue safeguarding the draconic ruins.  Gresilda would stay on as the leader of the growing Erisayan presence in the area as a new temple was constructed, and Ellisar was even staying, feeling that there was much more to learn from the region, even starting his own fledgling arcanist school.  It seemed that civilization was indeed coming to the Wildlands.

Risai and Korvalis were growing quite restless, though, and would be traveling with us back to the Empire until they decided exactly where they would adventure to next, though Risai said she would visit Lady Armenia before setting out. 

It also seems that I have earned the Emperor’s attention as well, for I learned, upon the day we would begin our return journey, that Aishi had been assigned to safeguard me on the way and for the foreseeable future while another of the Stellae Illustris would be assigned to Commander Asselin.  I can’t say I was pleased with this development, though at least some of her interests in me have waned in the months since I was last in the redoubt, the loss of my chastity gear and magically altered anatomy making me less appealing to her now, though she would continue her teasing and belittling of me in that smug way she had about her. 

It would undoubtedly be a trying journey back to the Great Library, but given the focus I had developed over the last few months, I had every confidence I could continue to withstand her attempts to have me begging her for release, which I no longer craved every moment of the day.

For now, though, I will finally allow myself a chance to rest.  I think I’ve earned one.

#Lore24 – Entry #324 – Fantasy Month IV #19 – A Night Most Humiliating

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

The following day, I conferred with the adventurers about our plans for finding the next ritual site, and proposed the general bearings I had determined based on our previous travels and the maps we had.  We had little knowledge of the regions we would need to travel, but made the wise assumption that they were just as dangerous as the areas we’d already visited.  We would pack more supplies this time, and Gresilda, Ellisar, and I would spend some time the next couple of days brewing potions to augment our own abilities.

Risai had arrived late to our discussions, and I noticed that she was having trouble concentrating on our topics, for she kept fidgeting and casting glances toward the redoubt.  She likewise kept brushing her hands over her breasts when she would move her arms, not really doing much to hide the obvious erection of her nipples beneath her shirt.  I quite correctly surmised that this was not simply a lingering effect of the maidenbane vines, as she tried to dismissively inform us.  I would find out that evening the nature of her arrangement with Lady Armenia when I too would be drawn into the affair.

I suppose I should not linger too long in my description of our preparations, for they were fairly mundane.  We did confirm that the magical marks upon us, one of the runes on our foreheads, the other on our left biceps, were still quite visible to those who concentrated upon us when using arcane sight; I did wonder how long they would linger if we were not in pursuit of the standing stones, or if they would vanish entirely were we to leave the region. 

That evening, once the sun had set and we had finished our dinner in the tavern, Risai and I returned to the redoubt.  She told the others she was simply escorting me there, but I knew better, and said not a word of it.  The others suspected, I’m sure, especially Gresilda, but as I’ve said before, Risai is her own woman.  I said nothing, but could sense her frustration, which had only grown following her evening bath, which she had returned from looking quite disappointed and anxious, for I knew it quite well.  I saw Aishi following Commander Asselin along the fort’s walls, catching her knowing gaze and that smugness of her expression once more.

Lady Armenia awaited Risai and I at the commander’s quarters, her expression amused and expectant.  Risai perked up in spite of her apparent lack of fulfilment and constant arousal since her visit last night, looking as if she anticipated something amazing to happen.  Without a word, Lady Armenia bid us to follow her, and so we did, perhaps my own curiosity overriding my common sense.  Or perhaps it was my intense arousal that drove me forward, for the cock cage had been acutely tight and bothersome today, the vibrations there and in my nipple rings likewise seeming to be at their worst.

I had suspected we would go to Lady Armenia’s chambers, but instead she led us away from the commander’s quarters and toward another section of the redoubt, once I had not spent much time in at all.  She led us toward the barracks, then below, not into one of the storage areas, but toward the dungeons.  I daresay that Risai was nearly salivating as we descended, and I resolved that perhaps I should inquire as to the exact nature of her fantasies at some point during our travels, assuming I did not find out all about them this night.  As we descended into the darkness, Lady Armenia summoned a ball of light to guide us, and as we continued deeper, through an underground that was much larger than I had assumed, we came to a heavy, ancient door, recently cleaned and tended to.  I spotted two of her drakonae warriors skulking at the edges of the light, keeping watch over the room, and wondered where the others had been hiding as we passed through the dark corridors.  She removed the new lock upon it and led us inside, and with a snap of her fingers, candles ignited all around us.  As I took in the scene, the door was closed behind us.

It was undeniably a torture chamber, though all of the ancient tools and devices had been cleaned and repaired, the room itself brought back to an immaculate state, complete with a shrine to the Dark Lady, Yurisaya, a large image of her black half-mask entwined with thorn-covered vines displayed prominently at the front of the chamber.  This place had become her temple within the Wildlands, and we were to be the first “sacrifices” to anoint this place in her name.  Lady Armenia had indeed been quite busy during our days of travel through the wilderness.

Silently cursing my curiosity about the nature of Yurisayan rituals, I nonetheless obeyed Lady Armenia’s command when she big Risai and I to strip, for she left no room for protest with the dominance she projected.  I noticed that Risai sported a pair of nipple rings like my own when she and I finally stood together in our nude state, and bore a curious magical glyph, glowing a deep purple color, upon her body, above her pubic mound, which I assumed was a more temporary form of the enchantments upon my cock cage that prevented me from finding release to my frustrations, judging by the moisture upon her thighs and the strong scent of her arousal that filled my nose as we stood beside one another.

Though some of the events of that night remain blurry in my memory, I will recount those that I can remember most clearly here.  In short order, Risai and I were secured with heavy manacles between two pillars, our limbs spread painfully wide, facing each other with perhaps ten feet between us, our mouths fitted with large, leather-wrapped bit gags secured by harnesses about our heads.  Thusly secured, our devices began to hum, seemingly with anticipation, as Lady Armenia began her ritual to dedicate the new temple, offering her prayers to Yurisaya over the table of implements she would use upon us that night.

With the metal shackles biting my flesh, but my anticipation and arousal constantly rising, I watched with rapt attention as Lady Armenia took up the wide leather strap and turned first to me.  She stepped behind me, my only warning before the strap struck my backside being the whooshing sound before the blow landed.  I screamed, jerked in my bonds, as pain flared throughout flesh, my ass stinging immediately from the blow, though it was only the first of many.  Lady Armenia would concentrate upon my hips and thighs, making me rise upon my toes as I fought in vain to dance away from the strap.  Once I was in sufficient agony, though I cannot deny the intensity of the arousal I felt during this, for my cock strained hard against its cage, dripping constantly upon the stones of the floor, she turned her attentions to the anxiously awaiting Risai, performing the same procedure upon her, fueling what must have been a deeply masochistic desire within the large woman.

Next, Lady Armenia secured hooks to our nipple rings, guiding the attached strings upward, through a pulley between us, adjusting it so that our rings were constantly being pulled upward and away from us, forcing us to lean forward against our chains.  This was but the first torment to our breasts, though, for she shortly returned with a wicked-looking flogger, its many tassels set with beads upon the ends of its leather thongs.  When she went to Risai first, and struck the first blow against the woman’s back, causing a surprisingly loud cry of pain from her, I was immediately worried, and felt the woman jerk through the painful tug upon my nipple rings.  I was already in agony by the time the warrior’s body had been thoroughly flogged, leaving her a quivering, moaning mass of flesh.  Once it was turned upon me, I know I did not black out, yet my memory of the event is fuzzy, filled with pain, yet a strange sense of pleasure like I had never before experienced.

My energy did not wane during this ordeal, however, and I felt an unusual vigor fill me as we continued to the next phase.  Risai was fitted with a heavy steel collar and released from her standing spreadeagle, commanded to  hands and knees by Lady Armenia, who choked her with a tug on the chain leash as she whipped Risai’s backside with a riding crop while grinding her tall heel into the much larger woman’s back.  She paraded Risai around me, striking her frequently, making her squeal, then guided her toward a stout wooden pillory that stood before the symbol of Yurisaya.  The large warrior was secured into the heavy wooden device, bent over at her waist, her legs once again spread wide, her dripping crotch receiving several swats with the crop. 

Then it was my turn for Lady Armenia’s attention.  Her zeal had only grown, a veritable fire in her eyes as she approached me and secured a leash to my collar, giving me a few very painful swats with the crop.  Before she released me, however, she retrieved another device, which she secured around my hips and between my legs.  It was what I considered to be a very large dildo, secured to a leather harness that settled perfectly around me, placing the phallus right above my caged anatomy.  Feeling a surge of magic as it was settled onto me, Lady Armenia then undid my restraints and secured my arms behind me with a pair of stout leather straps, then guided me forward with the crop, directly toward Risai.  Once I was positioned behind the warrior, Lady Armenia gave the dildo a quick swat with her crop, making me squeal and dance as if my own anatomy had been struck.  Sensing her lascivious smile more than I saw it, I was guided into position behind the waiting Risai, the head of the dildo guided toward her waiting womanhood.  I could feel the heat of her body, the wetness of her juices as the head of the device pressed against her swollen lower lips.  A swat from the crop moved me forward, sinking the dildo deeper into Risai, making us both moan with pleasure.  Lady Armenia’s hands upon my hips guided me ever forward, until the dildo was, I believe the term is “hilted” within Risai, then she took my leash and secured it to the top of the pillory, assuring that I couldn’t move further than a good thrusting distance.

Feeling the pleasure swirling throughout me, I needed little further encouragement to thrust my hips, moving backward to the limit my leash would allow, then pushing forward eagerly, feeling the strange mix of pain in my magically formed, caged cock as it mingled with the pleasure coming from the magically charged dildo, only to mix further with the pain filling my body.  It was a nigh maddening, yet highly intoxicating experience.

I can recall Lady Armenia resecuring the hooks to my nipple rings as I became absorbed into my task, somehow feeding the attached strings upward to a pulley.  I think Risai’s own rings were similarly hooked, her cords ran through a ring on the floor and then upward and secured to my own, for I recall that shortly after this, I would feel constant jerking pains in my breasts.  Though I could not see Lady Armenia at the time, I felt her come up behind me again, now naked, for her body radiated an intense warmth, perhaps fueled by a combination of her hot mazoku blood and the power of Yurisaya.  I then felt a hot, fleshy pressure against my anus, and realized suddenly that she was sliding her own dripping cock into my ass.  How long she had possessed this, I do not know, perhaps all along?  Or perhaps it was simply another dildo harness?  The pleasure and pain that went through me as we stood together, she fucking me, and me fucking the pilloried Risai, before the visage of Yurisaya, the eye of the half-mask having taken on a peculiar glow, must have been overwhelming for my mortal mind.

I have vague flashes of what followed, for I think I finally experienced orgasm in spite of the caged nature of my anatomy, perhaps several of them that night.  The pain-pleasure haze had fully consumed me as we fucked in that debaucherous state.  I can recall that perhaps there were others who came into the room following this, some of the soldiers from the fort above, perhaps, for I remember sucking several cocks, perhaps Lady Armenia’s own, then feeling them inside my ass at the same time, seeing Risai in a similar state, every hole filled by a vague figure, her hands working hard on two more men.  I remember the feel of their fluids upon my body, in my ass, in my mouth, the hot, salty taste.  Then I remember licking it from Risai’s pussy as she in turn licked it from my ass.

I feel like it may have gone on much longer, but beyond that, the night’s events were a blur.  I awoke late the following morning, somehow feeling refreshed, if remaining groggy far longer than I normally would have.  Risai and I were both in Lady Armenia’s bed, nestled against the priestess on either side, bearing no signs of our ordeal aside from the collar that remained around Risai’s neck, now looking more like my own than it had previously.  Perhaps I simply dreamed it all? 

No, it was far too vivid to be but a dream…

And yet…yet I remain as aroused and horny as I was before, in spite of all that may have occurred.  It is a maddening state I find myself in as we make our final preparations to return to our quest.