#Lore24 – Entry #329 – Fantasy Month IV #24 – The Kerryn Village, and The Fifth Ritual

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

For the sake of our saviors and their families, I will not reveal any further details about their number nor location, suffice to say that they have a village in which they live, though I fear some enterprising individual with ill intent may be able to discern their location through what I’ve stated in my previous entry.  My party has likewise made a vow to keep the location of the village a secret, for we owe our kerryn saviors our lives, and do not wish to bring the eyes of the Emperor upon them, though I fear that may only be a matter of time, given their will to expand into the region.  Yet, we are many days travel from Vindinium, and there is yet much land in between that must be tamed first, so hope remains that these kerryn will remain free of the fate their cousins face within the Empire.

Though our saviors were worried about our coming, understandably so, they were quite friendly with us, and allowed us a few days to rest and recover amongst them, the orcs sufficiently dissuaded from further pursuit after they ventured so far our of their own territory whilst chasing us.  I possess more knowledge of them, of course, but will not reveal it here; this is recorded in my most private notes and shall not be revealed for some time yet, likely until after my death when all of my documents shall be given over to the Great Library.  Regardless, I will say that they had already known of the soldiers reclaiming the fort, having scouted that far to the east after hearing rumors of it from the handful of people they trust to trade with beyond the Wildlands.  They are resolute to remain where they are, though will be taking steps to further their security. 

The kerryn knew of the standing stones we sought, and with some guidance before we parted ways quite peacefully, we continued our journey, and within a day had located the site, nestled in a much nicer hilly region and not the taller mountains further on.  Upon completion of the ritual, gaining our fifth mark, making one on the forehead, one on either bicep, and one on either thigh, we had but one more left to attain.  Taking some time to get our bearings, I again worked to make an accurate plotting of a course that would lead us to the final standing stones.  By my reckoning, it could only be in the center of the Sherstone Morass, likely hinting at the nature of the name of the swampy region.  By my best estimate, the final standing stones were at the convergence of lines drawn from the previous sites, placing it firmly within this region, known to be inhabited primarily by carnivorous lizardmen and flora and fauna that were less than agreeable to most.

We considered returning to Vindinium to resupply, but finally decided against it, deciding instead to push forward to the Sherstone Morass through the grassy lowlands to the southeast of our position at the fifth ritual site, then continue on to Vindinium once we had completed the ritual, if needed, or to head directly to the vault.  It meant crossing gnoll territory, but seeing as we’d already angered the kobolds and orcs during our travels, and would be stepping into the domain of the lizardmen for our next stop, it would seem rather remiss of us to exclude the gnolls now, wouldn’t it?  Such is the life of an adventurer, I suppose.

And so, we set out the following morning, and I for one felt great anticipation as we neared the completion of this series of rituals, though I would be careful to temper myself and remain firmly grounded in my expectations, lest I get distracted more than I already am by these accursed devices secured to me by Lady Armenia.  I can only imagine how much worse my situation would be had the chastity devices not been enchanted to clean themselves and can only hope they’ll remain as vigilant once we enter the swamps.

#Lore24 – Entry #328 – Fantasy Month IV #23 – Hunted and Hounded

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

The problem with orcs is that, while not especially intelligent, outside of those of the Badaxe clan, they tend to breed quite quickly, and thus their numbers are exceptionally high.  Furthermore, their night vision is superior to those of a human, and even to elves, being able to see in darkness with relatively high acuity.  This, combined with a peculiar ferocity and territorial nature, makes them quite a threat to a small party of adventurers.

We were already hunted by the orcs by the time we had completed our ritual and continued to be so as we made our descent from the mountains, bearing roughly north-northwest as best we could manage.  They would rarely allow us any respite, constantly on our trail and trying to ambush us from the terrain they knew so very well.  Our magical reserves were consistently low, and Ellisar’s fireball wand was exhausted by the third day.  We were physically exhausted, as were our horses, and each step we took threatened to be our last, either from an orcish spear or arrow or axe, or one of our horses slipping on the rocky trails and sending us tumbling to our deaths.

I don’t think I’ve ever prayed to the gods quite so much as I did during that flight from the mountains; perhaps all of us did, though I can only be certain of Gresilda, for she made no attempts to hide most of her prayers when we were not trying to be quiet. 

As the days grew more strenuous, we thankfully found a route leading down out of the mountains that marked a return to the wide avenue we had followed between ritual sites to ease our travels, though this likewise meant our pursuers, riding their horse-sized wolves, could chase us more easily. 

I daresay we were on our last dregs of strength and would likely have fallen to our pursuers, wounded and exhausted, had we not ridden into a forested region near the base of the mountains and came upon a hunting party of a dozen men, who had already spotted our coming and set up an ambush for the orcs following us, pelting them from high in the trees with arrows as we rode through their ranks, even toppling some trees upon them. 

Though one would have thought our saviors to be elves, they were in fact, kerryn.

#Lore24 – Entry #327 – Fantasy Month IV #22 – Into the Mountains, and The Fourth Ritual

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

Following our reunion with the men of our party and our push toward the western mountainous region, we were suitably chastised for our admittedly stupid decision to perform our little relaxation ritual without making sure we were in fact alone, but in our defense, what were the chances we would find ourselves so close to a bandit camp, and they just happened to be scouting that particular area at that specific time?  Honestly, very good, given what I know of the nature of blessings from a goddess like Yurisaya; many accounts have I read of her blessings being quite mixed between fortune and misfortune in a most erotic way.

Still, we continued on our original course, and within a few days found ourselves ascending into the mountains.  Along the route, we encountered signs more orcs in the area, some smaller scouting parties from different tribes, which we tried to avoid, only engaging if there was no other choice, along with some wildlife which was more hostile than normal, namely some rather large wolves and even a few bears.  We found out why they were agitated soon enough when we were accosted by another drake, this one of the green-scaled variety, breathing a highly corrosive acid as it attacked us.

As we ascended and the trees became sparser, signs of the ancient draconic city were much clearer, though in a much worse condition than in other areas, being little more than piles of rubble for the most part.  Judging by the nature of the damage and local geography, I could make a rather safe assumption that there was a period of great geological upheaval in this area at some time, likely during the Great Cataclysm that reshaped much of the world.  It is honestly rather amazing that we have seen so little of its effects on the rest of the region we have explored thus far.  We found ourselves navigating through multiple narrow ravines and valleys, having to backtrack several times as paths suddenly ended or were otherwise impassable, and this likewise led us into more orcs, who were not willing to speak with us at all, insisting on a fight as we were quite obviously invaders into their territory.

By the time we had managed to find the area of the standing stones, clued in by the subtle shift in the very air around us and the activation of the accessories worn by myself and Risai, we were haggard and near exhaustion from several encounters with orcs, poor Korvalis and Shassk even more so due to their constant work to hide our trails and dissuade the orcs from following us.  The entirety of the radius of the standing stones had been raised as one, it seemed, and they still stood, unaffected by the geologic upheaval that had created the mountains long ago.  Gresilda used what magic she had left to ease the worst of our fatigue, and we hastily pushed through with the next ritual, earning our first mark upon our thighs.  As we waited anxiously for morning, hiding ourselves as best we could amongst the stones, we rested as best we could manage before setting off, hoping to evade further orc pursuit.

It was not to be.

#Lore24 – Entry #326 – Fantasy Month IV #21 – Bandits and Brigands, To Plunder a Dungeon

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

Our captors transported us quickly through the woods, no doubt having become quite familiar with them during their time hiding amongst them.  I could hear when we cleared them and approached their camp, for there were shouts alerting the others that they had “prizes aplenty, ripe and pretty”.  Though I was blindfolded, I could hear quite a few people coming out around us as we were brought to what I assume was the center of the camp and dropped none-to-gently upon the ground.  Risai was certainly vocal in her protests, however garbled by her gag they were.

The excitement around us died down quickly once a commanding voice called out from nearby, sounding very much Imperial in its way of speaking, and quite angry that we’d been brought to the camp.  Our captors made no secret of what it was they sought from us, saying they’d have to work to “crack that one’s shell if we want the sweet meats inside” in reference to me.  I heard the name Garri mentioned, who I figured was their leader, chastising our captors again for stupidly bringing us here.  When he asked about whether they’d dealt with the rest of our party, there was some nervous silence, then one of the orcs, I think, blurted out something about not even checking.  Garri, the leader, ordered us taken to the “cellar”, and the guard to be doubled, on the lookout for any other adventurers who may be lurking around looking for their missing women.

With the camp in an uproar, we were roughly picked up again and taken elsewhere, somewhere nearby and underground, for the sounds changed again, and the air grew cooler, and we were deposited upon cold stone, a door shutting behind our captors, the sound of wooden bar being thrown into place outside. 

We wasted no time in escaping from our bonds.  Though my hands were growing rather numb by this point, the moment we were left alone, we struggled and scooted our way together, somehow managing to coordinate our efforts to free one another, with Gresilda being the first to wiggle her hands free, making short work of the bonds upon Risai and I once she had done so.  It was dark here, only a sliver of light coming from the floor at the base of the door, so I called up a small orb of arcane light so that we could see our surroundings.

It seemed we were indeed in something of a cellar, though the architecture was decidedly draconic in nature, leaving no question that this was once part of the ancient city that once sprawled across this area.  The door was new, and relatively stout, likely from a carpenter amongst the bandits, for Risai couldn’t budge it when she tried to break it down, and only succeeded in earning more bruises.  There were barrels and boxes within the room, some broken, many empty, others with flour, wheat, and the other foodstuffs that would keep for a while.  As Gresilda calmed Risai from her insistence upon busting down the door, I studied the ancient carvings upon the walls.  As I came to a particular carving, I noticed a particular seam in the worked stone that seemed out of place behind some of the boxes containing some woodworking tools.  Upon closer inspection, I determined it to be a well-concealed doorway, and with a few more minutes of study, found the release mechanism.  The ancient door swung inward with barley a rumble, still smooth upon its ancient hinges, revealing a narrow set of stairs leading further down into darkness.

We debated for a few moments about whether to stay or go, and of course, being the bold adventuring types we are, decided to take the stairs, though we would do so cautiously.  We first made sure we could reopen the door from the opposite side, then proceeded carefully along, Risai having taken up a stout, cut board as a makeshift weapon to lead the way, with me following close behind with our light.  I had not mentioned the lack of signs of rats in the food containers in our makeshift prison, meaning that either the bandits were keeping them at bay, or perhaps more likely, something else was.

The passages below were on the cramped side, leading me to think that this area was perhaps once primarily used by the drakonae.  The damage was relatively light compared to other places, though there were signs that the roots of the trees above were inevitably working their way through the stonework.  We avoided any additional stairs, instead looking for another way to reach the surface, hopefully perhaps outside the area of the bandit camp.  After perhaps an hour of searching, we came upon a larger chamber, some of the ancient stone benches still intact around the periphery, along with scraps of wood and cloth of other furniture that had mostly rotted away.  More curious, though, were the weapon racks built into the walls between the benches.  Most were empty, though four remained that still held some metal weapons that looked, aside from dust and cobwebs, to be in usable condition.  As I looked more intently upon them, Risai approached one and reached out for the double-edged sword that stood there. 

I realized a moment too late that she was in danger. 

It clicked in my brain that two of the weapon racks were identical, down to the pattern of the cobwebs and their contents, even the broken nub that remained of a larger peg.  As I called out for her to stop, the rack she approached seemed to rapidly melt like candlewax, shifting into a mass of slimy tentacles and teeth.  Risai cried out in surprise, but was already too close, the tentacles striking out to seize her, wrapping tightly around her limbs and body.  Even Gresilda screamed in startlement, having not expected the mimic. 

Already suspecting such a thing, I was the first to respond, quickly chanting a spell to call forth slicing blades of fire upon the monster.  Careful to avoid Risai, I targeted the central mass and largest tentacles, getting a satisfying screech from the creature as it panicked and released Risai for the moment, the large warrior stumbling backward as fast as possible.  With the creature’s ire upon me, the flames quickly dying upon its singed flesh, I danced around its flailing tentacles as Gresilda chanted a prayer to Erisaya.  A moment later, holy fire spewed downward from the heavens upon the mimic, making it scream as its flesh boiled and melted, though it still had fight in it.  Risai snatched the blade from the real weapon rack and snarled a battle cry as she hurtled back into the mass, slicing smoking tentacles easily with the ancient blade, her strikes leaving burning cuts across the creature, before driving its tip deeply into the creature’s central mass, again and again until the mimic stopped moving.

Taking a few moments to recover, Gresilda healing the scrapes Risai had from her close encounter with the tentacles, I threw weaker fire upon the other weapon racks and stone benches, but thankfully found no other mimics hiding within.  That one was either young or perhaps sickly from a lack of food, for it seemed to have died rather easily in comparison to what I’ve read of them.  Of course, those stories could have simply made the encounters seem much more deadly than they really were.  Regardless, now that we had a few moments, I examined the weapons we had collected, and soon determined they were dragon-blown steel, attuned to the element of fire.  The other weapons we retrieved were of similar make and would prove quite useful, if not extremely valuable, upon our return to the party.

The rest of the “dungeon” was not nearly as exciting, for we found the remnants of the mimic’s past victims, a handful of humanoids, but mostly animals, in the next chambers, and found another pathway that led upward.  Soon enough, we had located a partially collapsed exit from the ancient draconic structure, but we were able to shift the fallen rock around enough for us to squeeze through.  The night was deep by now, morning approaching, though we had little trouble seeing due to the fires in the nearby bandit camp.  It didn’t take us long to hear panicked screams departing into the woods, and soon enough we were reunited with the rest of our party, who had managed a most deadly attack upon the bandits whilst we made our way through the dungeons.

There was a bounty on them, but we were days away from Vindinium, so did not immediately collect.  Shassk handled the grim business of collecting the heads, which he stored in a sack dedicated to just such a purpose, its enchantment making the load lighter while also preserving them.  With dawn approaching, we collected our missing gear and stowed the dragon-blown weapons that we weren’t immediately using, redressed ourselves, and headed off back toward the course we had originally been upon. 

#Lore24 – Entry #324 – Fantasy Month IV #19 – A Night Most Humiliating

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

The following day, I conferred with the adventurers about our plans for finding the next ritual site, and proposed the general bearings I had determined based on our previous travels and the maps we had.  We had little knowledge of the regions we would need to travel, but made the wise assumption that they were just as dangerous as the areas we’d already visited.  We would pack more supplies this time, and Gresilda, Ellisar, and I would spend some time the next couple of days brewing potions to augment our own abilities.

Risai had arrived late to our discussions, and I noticed that she was having trouble concentrating on our topics, for she kept fidgeting and casting glances toward the redoubt.  She likewise kept brushing her hands over her breasts when she would move her arms, not really doing much to hide the obvious erection of her nipples beneath her shirt.  I quite correctly surmised that this was not simply a lingering effect of the maidenbane vines, as she tried to dismissively inform us.  I would find out that evening the nature of her arrangement with Lady Armenia when I too would be drawn into the affair.

I suppose I should not linger too long in my description of our preparations, for they were fairly mundane.  We did confirm that the magical marks upon us, one of the runes on our foreheads, the other on our left biceps, were still quite visible to those who concentrated upon us when using arcane sight; I did wonder how long they would linger if we were not in pursuit of the standing stones, or if they would vanish entirely were we to leave the region. 

That evening, once the sun had set and we had finished our dinner in the tavern, Risai and I returned to the redoubt.  She told the others she was simply escorting me there, but I knew better, and said not a word of it.  The others suspected, I’m sure, especially Gresilda, but as I’ve said before, Risai is her own woman.  I said nothing, but could sense her frustration, which had only grown following her evening bath, which she had returned from looking quite disappointed and anxious, for I knew it quite well.  I saw Aishi following Commander Asselin along the fort’s walls, catching her knowing gaze and that smugness of her expression once more.

Lady Armenia awaited Risai and I at the commander’s quarters, her expression amused and expectant.  Risai perked up in spite of her apparent lack of fulfilment and constant arousal since her visit last night, looking as if she anticipated something amazing to happen.  Without a word, Lady Armenia bid us to follow her, and so we did, perhaps my own curiosity overriding my common sense.  Or perhaps it was my intense arousal that drove me forward, for the cock cage had been acutely tight and bothersome today, the vibrations there and in my nipple rings likewise seeming to be at their worst.

I had suspected we would go to Lady Armenia’s chambers, but instead she led us away from the commander’s quarters and toward another section of the redoubt, once I had not spent much time in at all.  She led us toward the barracks, then below, not into one of the storage areas, but toward the dungeons.  I daresay that Risai was nearly salivating as we descended, and I resolved that perhaps I should inquire as to the exact nature of her fantasies at some point during our travels, assuming I did not find out all about them this night.  As we descended into the darkness, Lady Armenia summoned a ball of light to guide us, and as we continued deeper, through an underground that was much larger than I had assumed, we came to a heavy, ancient door, recently cleaned and tended to.  I spotted two of her drakonae warriors skulking at the edges of the light, keeping watch over the room, and wondered where the others had been hiding as we passed through the dark corridors.  She removed the new lock upon it and led us inside, and with a snap of her fingers, candles ignited all around us.  As I took in the scene, the door was closed behind us.

It was undeniably a torture chamber, though all of the ancient tools and devices had been cleaned and repaired, the room itself brought back to an immaculate state, complete with a shrine to the Dark Lady, Yurisaya, a large image of her black half-mask entwined with thorn-covered vines displayed prominently at the front of the chamber.  This place had become her temple within the Wildlands, and we were to be the first “sacrifices” to anoint this place in her name.  Lady Armenia had indeed been quite busy during our days of travel through the wilderness.

Silently cursing my curiosity about the nature of Yurisayan rituals, I nonetheless obeyed Lady Armenia’s command when she big Risai and I to strip, for she left no room for protest with the dominance she projected.  I noticed that Risai sported a pair of nipple rings like my own when she and I finally stood together in our nude state, and bore a curious magical glyph, glowing a deep purple color, upon her body, above her pubic mound, which I assumed was a more temporary form of the enchantments upon my cock cage that prevented me from finding release to my frustrations, judging by the moisture upon her thighs and the strong scent of her arousal that filled my nose as we stood beside one another.

Though some of the events of that night remain blurry in my memory, I will recount those that I can remember most clearly here.  In short order, Risai and I were secured with heavy manacles between two pillars, our limbs spread painfully wide, facing each other with perhaps ten feet between us, our mouths fitted with large, leather-wrapped bit gags secured by harnesses about our heads.  Thusly secured, our devices began to hum, seemingly with anticipation, as Lady Armenia began her ritual to dedicate the new temple, offering her prayers to Yurisaya over the table of implements she would use upon us that night.

With the metal shackles biting my flesh, but my anticipation and arousal constantly rising, I watched with rapt attention as Lady Armenia took up the wide leather strap and turned first to me.  She stepped behind me, my only warning before the strap struck my backside being the whooshing sound before the blow landed.  I screamed, jerked in my bonds, as pain flared throughout flesh, my ass stinging immediately from the blow, though it was only the first of many.  Lady Armenia would concentrate upon my hips and thighs, making me rise upon my toes as I fought in vain to dance away from the strap.  Once I was in sufficient agony, though I cannot deny the intensity of the arousal I felt during this, for my cock strained hard against its cage, dripping constantly upon the stones of the floor, she turned her attentions to the anxiously awaiting Risai, performing the same procedure upon her, fueling what must have been a deeply masochistic desire within the large woman.

Next, Lady Armenia secured hooks to our nipple rings, guiding the attached strings upward, through a pulley between us, adjusting it so that our rings were constantly being pulled upward and away from us, forcing us to lean forward against our chains.  This was but the first torment to our breasts, though, for she shortly returned with a wicked-looking flogger, its many tassels set with beads upon the ends of its leather thongs.  When she went to Risai first, and struck the first blow against the woman’s back, causing a surprisingly loud cry of pain from her, I was immediately worried, and felt the woman jerk through the painful tug upon my nipple rings.  I was already in agony by the time the warrior’s body had been thoroughly flogged, leaving her a quivering, moaning mass of flesh.  Once it was turned upon me, I know I did not black out, yet my memory of the event is fuzzy, filled with pain, yet a strange sense of pleasure like I had never before experienced.

My energy did not wane during this ordeal, however, and I felt an unusual vigor fill me as we continued to the next phase.  Risai was fitted with a heavy steel collar and released from her standing spreadeagle, commanded to  hands and knees by Lady Armenia, who choked her with a tug on the chain leash as she whipped Risai’s backside with a riding crop while grinding her tall heel into the much larger woman’s back.  She paraded Risai around me, striking her frequently, making her squeal, then guided her toward a stout wooden pillory that stood before the symbol of Yurisaya.  The large warrior was secured into the heavy wooden device, bent over at her waist, her legs once again spread wide, her dripping crotch receiving several swats with the crop. 

Then it was my turn for Lady Armenia’s attention.  Her zeal had only grown, a veritable fire in her eyes as she approached me and secured a leash to my collar, giving me a few very painful swats with the crop.  Before she released me, however, she retrieved another device, which she secured around my hips and between my legs.  It was what I considered to be a very large dildo, secured to a leather harness that settled perfectly around me, placing the phallus right above my caged anatomy.  Feeling a surge of magic as it was settled onto me, Lady Armenia then undid my restraints and secured my arms behind me with a pair of stout leather straps, then guided me forward with the crop, directly toward Risai.  Once I was positioned behind the warrior, Lady Armenia gave the dildo a quick swat with her crop, making me squeal and dance as if my own anatomy had been struck.  Sensing her lascivious smile more than I saw it, I was guided into position behind the waiting Risai, the head of the dildo guided toward her waiting womanhood.  I could feel the heat of her body, the wetness of her juices as the head of the device pressed against her swollen lower lips.  A swat from the crop moved me forward, sinking the dildo deeper into Risai, making us both moan with pleasure.  Lady Armenia’s hands upon my hips guided me ever forward, until the dildo was, I believe the term is “hilted” within Risai, then she took my leash and secured it to the top of the pillory, assuring that I couldn’t move further than a good thrusting distance.

Feeling the pleasure swirling throughout me, I needed little further encouragement to thrust my hips, moving backward to the limit my leash would allow, then pushing forward eagerly, feeling the strange mix of pain in my magically formed, caged cock as it mingled with the pleasure coming from the magically charged dildo, only to mix further with the pain filling my body.  It was a nigh maddening, yet highly intoxicating experience.

I can recall Lady Armenia resecuring the hooks to my nipple rings as I became absorbed into my task, somehow feeding the attached strings upward to a pulley.  I think Risai’s own rings were similarly hooked, her cords ran through a ring on the floor and then upward and secured to my own, for I recall that shortly after this, I would feel constant jerking pains in my breasts.  Though I could not see Lady Armenia at the time, I felt her come up behind me again, now naked, for her body radiated an intense warmth, perhaps fueled by a combination of her hot mazoku blood and the power of Yurisaya.  I then felt a hot, fleshy pressure against my anus, and realized suddenly that she was sliding her own dripping cock into my ass.  How long she had possessed this, I do not know, perhaps all along?  Or perhaps it was simply another dildo harness?  The pleasure and pain that went through me as we stood together, she fucking me, and me fucking the pilloried Risai, before the visage of Yurisaya, the eye of the half-mask having taken on a peculiar glow, must have been overwhelming for my mortal mind.

I have vague flashes of what followed, for I think I finally experienced orgasm in spite of the caged nature of my anatomy, perhaps several of them that night.  The pain-pleasure haze had fully consumed me as we fucked in that debaucherous state.  I can recall that perhaps there were others who came into the room following this, some of the soldiers from the fort above, perhaps, for I remember sucking several cocks, perhaps Lady Armenia’s own, then feeling them inside my ass at the same time, seeing Risai in a similar state, every hole filled by a vague figure, her hands working hard on two more men.  I remember the feel of their fluids upon my body, in my ass, in my mouth, the hot, salty taste.  Then I remember licking it from Risai’s pussy as she in turn licked it from my ass.

I feel like it may have gone on much longer, but beyond that, the night’s events were a blur.  I awoke late the following morning, somehow feeling refreshed, if remaining groggy far longer than I normally would have.  Risai and I were both in Lady Armenia’s bed, nestled against the priestess on either side, bearing no signs of our ordeal aside from the collar that remained around Risai’s neck, now looking more like my own than it had previously.  Perhaps I simply dreamed it all? 

No, it was far too vivid to be but a dream…

And yet…yet I remain as aroused and horny as I was before, in spite of all that may have occurred.  It is a maddening state I find myself in as we make our final preparations to return to our quest.

#Lore24 – Entry #323 – Fantasy Month IV #18 – Recovery in Vindinium

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

Glad to be back in civilization, and thankful that the tavern keeper was willing to fix us a warm meal after our arrival, I began to consider just how weary I was of all the travel we had done, to say nothing of the ordeal which we had just endured, barely making it through the meal before my fatigue overtook me.  Though Lady Armenia was no doubt anxious to hear of what I had learned thus far, and would no doubt ask for all of the intricate details of the lewdest aspects of my adventure thus far, it would have to wait until the following day.  I don’t recall falling asleep at the table, nor being carried to bed, but the following morning I awoke in a room at the inn next to Risai, who had apparently mistaken me for a pillow, not unlike how Lady Armenia had cuddled with me when I had shared her bed.

Once Risai had finally awakened and I could extract myself from her remarkably strong arms, even while she slept, we would have a laugh over the whole situation and have some breakfast and get ourselves cleaned up.  Everyone arose late this morning, and after some discussion of what we would do, I ventured to the redoubt to find Lady Armenia and Commander Asselin to report on our discoveries thus far.  I encountered Aishi before I could reach the commander’s quarters, her smugly superior smirk and sensitive nose picking up on much of what I had hoped to remain hidden.  She asked if I was ready to take her up on her offer, and for a very brief moment, I considered it.  My aroused state, and lack of fulfillment, especially after the encounter with the maidenbane vines, had left me quite frustrated.  I politely declined, still unsettled in her presence.  She seemed to think it was only a matter of time before I would come begging to her, and perhaps it would be.  She walked with me to my meeting and stood behind Commander Asselin as I recounted the events of the last few weeks, showing my notes on the draconic ruins.

It was well into the afternoon by the time I had finished my exhaustive report, omitting exactly how the druids had been dealt with for now, lest I stir up some suspicions about Korvalis that would prove harmful to a man I’ve trusted my life to on several occasions.  In the days since our departure, a handful of other adventurers had come and gone, but had given us some little detail about lands further to the southwest of us, though nothing that would prove terribly useful in determining our course to the next standing stones, though we became aware of at least two additional bandit groups, at least one allied with another tribe of orcs. 

Commander Asselin was of the mind to set up a defensive position at the vault entrance, but given their lack of manpower, that could prove more dangerous to the village and fort should the various forces stirring around them get wind of it and decide to attack the split force.  For now only the party I had joined with and those in the room were aware of the location of the site, though no doubt whispers had spread through the garrison of some kind of big treasure we were hunting, the village as well.  Plus, I had no doubts that the Emperor himself was aware of the find, for Aishi was no doubt sending everything she learned back to him through that curious link the Stellae Illustris shared with him.

Though I wished to return to the party to coordinate our plans and work on determining our next course of action, Lady Armenia insisted I spend some more time recovering from my ordeal under her care before I worried with that.  Somehow I knew that her definition of “recovery” would not match mine, and this proved to be quite accurate when I found myself securely restrained once again in her chamber, my “armor” removed but for the cock cage, which she proceeded to tease and torment as only she can do, coaxing every detail of what I’d left out of the official record from me.  She seemed rather impressed that I had managed to resist my sexual desires so well (not that I could really do anything for them, of course), though I fear that I may have inadvertently turned her eyes toward Risai, given the barbarian’s curious reaction to my situation and her apparent enjoyment of the situation with the vines. 

By evening, after I had been mercilessly teased into a dripping mess by Lady Armenia and found some semblance of rest once she had had her fill, with the plug securely in my ass once more, I was back in my small room, allowed out of the “armor” for a time, working on my notes and attempting to make some form of hybrid map, between what we knew of the region versus what I had found upon the vault door of the ancient city layout, using our path of travel and rough travel times to roughly estimate where the other standing stones could be.  The central stones were likely somewhere in the swamplands that covered the central region; the next closest of the sites should be a few days from Vindinium, to the south, somewhere in the forested hills.  The two sites furthest from us were harder to determine as our knowledge of the geography of the region that far out was limited, but there were higher mountains in the southwesterly direction, and a region that contained some grasslands as the valley flattened to the west and northwest, and each of these were as likely as anything else as possibilities. 

As I began to think of possible magical means of tracking these locations, for there was no question that there as a flow of primal power between the sites and the central vault that could perhaps be followed, my thoughts were interrupted by Aishi as she barged in, smirking down at me in that oh-so-dangerous way she had.  She made it a point to express just how overpowering the scent of my frustration was, before informing me that Risai had been summoned by Lady Armenia and was now enjoying a private audience with the Yurisayan priestess.  When this proclamation failed to illicit the response she wanted, for Risai was her own woman, and what she chose to do with Lady Armenia was between them, Aishi became quite forward with me, snatched my collar and forced me up from my chair and against the wall, her knee rising between my legs to apply pressure to my caged cock and my swollen testes.  The plug inside me decided to activate at that moment, making me squirm, much to her amusement.  She leaned in close, a low, predatory growl rumbling from her as she stared into my eyes.  Bouncing her knee against my magically-induced anatomy, she again offered to relieve my frustrations as only she could.  Her free hand had found my breasts by this point, her fingers squeezing my flesh and tugging at my nipple rings, eliciting an intense rush of desire within me, an overwhelming lust trapped by the tightness of the cage surrounding my dripping anatomy.

All I had to do was beg her for it, beg her to give me what I craved.  Why should I be denied while Lady Armenia and Risai enjoyed themselves, after all?

I very nearly accepted Aishi’s offer then, feeling a wave of desperation surge through me as my arousal peaked once more, driven by her touch and the vibrations of my gear.  Yet somehow, I resisted her, resisted the temptation to sate my own desires.  Somehow, I felt it would be a betrayal to Lady Armenia to submit myself to Aishi, though given that I Lady Armenia had given me little choice in my current situation, there was no good reason I couldn’t have submitted to the kerryn right then and there, aside from my own stubbornness and perhaps a lingering fear of what exactly that could mean.

Aishi grabbed my caged cock, smirking at me as she squeezed the swelling testes and licked my cheek.  She said she would await my inevitable change of mind when I would come crawling to her to find my relief, giving my nipples one last firm twist before she made her exit, leaving me quivering and panting.  For a time I played with myself as I stood against the wall, my thoughts dancing between my own predicament and wondering what exactly it was that Lady Armenia was doing with Risai in the moment, but all I found was my continued frustration as I stood upon an edge of a most pleasurable experience that I simply could not reach.

It was with utmost frustration that I finally slept that night, fitful and restless, rethinking my decision to rebuff Aishi then, but only briefly before I finally managed to rest.  This would pale in comparison to the frustration I would feel the following night, however.

#Lore24 – Entry #320 – Fantasy Month IV #15 – Unexpected Complications at the Standing Stones

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

I suppose I should likely have been more concerned when we moved deeper into the site of power and my accessories activated once again.  It had been such a mild distraction the last few days during my study of the ruin that I almost dared to believe that I had mastered its influence upon me.  This proved incorrect, however, for as we approached to within a hundred yards or so of the stone circle, both the nipple rings and my most uncomfortable cage began to vibrate, steadily and with growing intensity, as we drew closer, making me fidget enough to unsettle my horse.

Descending toward the center of the valley, the growth of trees around the stone circle thinned as we grew nearer until we were in a treeless clearing at the center, the circle of ancient stones stood perhaps a hundred feet in diameter, with the stones themselves standing roughly twenty feet high.  Some appeared almost like massive claws reaching from beneath the earth, while others formed standing arches at precisely the angles that matched the eight compass points.  No trees grew within the circle, the grass remained short, and no moss covered them.

Though we were exhausted from our assaults from the kobolds, and I was growing more aroused by the moment thanks to the incessant and powerful vibrations surging through me, I nonetheless began to study the circle while camp was prepared, just outside the circle.  After a time, when it seemed I may actually climax, I felt a most jarring cessation of the vibrations, almost as if a lever had been pulled, leaving me unsteady on my feet for several moments as I recovered.  Now that I was upon the edge of climax again, the other function of the items had taken over, and after I had had a few minutes to cool off, the teasing would start up again, ramping up to an almost painful level before shutting off just before I could reach the climax I so desperately needed.

It didn’t take me long to realize that the power of the dragon-rune-covered stones were causing this peculiar behavior, for the nature of the vibrations changed as I touched various stones and traced the runes upon them, transcribing them into my notes with what light we had left.  I wondered if I would be able to find rest at all within the radius of the circle without magical aid to suppress their activation or to put me into a deep magical slumber.  Although this did give me a clue on the origins and nature of the magics that had been worked into the devices attached to me, even though I wouldn’t make pondering upon them a priority.

The party, while not completely unaware of the nature of my predicament, as we had discussed my relationship with Lady Armenia during our travels, and Gresilda and Risai were quite well aware of situation as we had bathed together on multiple occasions to this point, certainly found out that night.  Shassk was indifferent or perhaps unreadable to me, Ellisar and Korvalis seemed quite amused with my predicament, Gresilda sympathetic and understanding, and Risai…perhaps envious?  She is rather stoic outside of battle, showing a remarkable control of her barbarian bloodline, but I’ve noted that she has been watching me for some time with a rather obvious curiosity. 

Still, once we had settled down around the campfire for the night to recover, I had began to form some idea of the nature of these standing stones, perhaps cluing me into the reasons why the magic within my accessories had activated so intently.  The nature of the site, and perhaps of this particular dragon’s domain, was to celebrate fertility and propagation of the species, and thusly, the ritual that must be performed in the name of the dragon ruler was one of a distinctly sexual nature.  This I kept hidden at the time, for I still had over half the stones to study to confirm this theory, but it would prove true enough by the following evening once I had had time enough to compile everything I had collected.  I found my rest through another sleeping enchantment from Ellisar, thankfully, though I was exceptionally aroused and quite wet by the time morning arrived.

Our respite was uninterrupted, the kobolds not willing to cross into the stie’s radius to hunt us down, and by noon the following day Shassk had already found two other routes out of the valley along the ancient, connected roadways that would undoubtedly lead to other standing stones.  After a very long and frustration-filled day, I would have conformation of the nature of the ritual that we would need to perform to show our devotion to the “Blinding Golden God”.  Though not an actual orgy, it would skirt very close to it, given the highly sexualized nature of the ritual movements that must be enacted in the center of the circle to receive the dragon god’s blessing.  The first of six such blessings, I might add.  I detailed what we must do and was met with a range of reactions, from incredulity to indifference to eager curiosity (again on Risai’s part).  Gresilda seemed to think that some of Erisaya’s rituals, and likely Yurisaya’s as well, were quite similar to what I described, and were likely of some ancient, shared origin.

Once we had debated what must be done, only Shassk declined to participate, stating that as a drakonae, he was already quite devoted to his draconic ancestors, and would have no trouble entering the vault once it was unlocked to the rest of us.  He said it with such conviction that I dared not say anything to the contrary; I know little of the drakonae and their modern religious practices, so I took him at his word. 

I won’t detail the nature of the ritual in my journal; that has already been done in my notes regarding the entirety of this expedition and the draconic city ruins, but needless to say, I remained the only one to be highly frustrated through shear arousal after the event, though my accessories did not hinder the ritual’s completion.  When it was done, the runes on the stones glowed and pulsed with the primal essence coursing through the earth beneath us, and we received the blessing as promised, a singular draconic rune upon our foreheads that roughly translates as “One Seeking Enlightenment”, which then faded from sight after a few moments.

Following another night’s rest, we would take the route Shassk had discovered that led to the southeast, hoping to finish a second ritual at the next site before returning to Vindinium to resupply before we continued our pilgrimage to the other locations that remained hidden from us. 

If only things had remained so simple as that.

#Lore24 – Entry #319 – Fantasy Month IV #14 – Seeking the First Standing Stones

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

The following morning found our way northerly blocked not only by the increasingly difficult terrain, but by thick fog rolling down from the mountains that we neared.  Shassk and Risai were especially nervous as we continued forward, given the way the fog tended to muffle sound in addition to its severe reduction in our line of sight, making for a nasty ambush.  Ellisar and Korvalis remained vigilant as well, given their keen elven hearing, and Gresilda and I kept our usual conversation to a minimum.  Thankfully the map that I had pulled from the dragon’s vault door gave us a rough idea of where we needed to go, and what I had suspected was once a massive roadway proved to be more navigable than we’d initially found closer to the temple proper, though it had been severely overgrown and in some places filled with what I assumed may have been buried remains of destroyed buildings that had once been party of the massive city, or perhaps signs of geological upheaval.

Thankfully it seemed that no hostile forces called our immediate route theirs and, as midday approached, the fog began to thin out, the sky overhead clearing from the recent storms.  The air was brisk in this area, but as we topped a rise, we could see a definite route through the rocky hills that was almost as straight as an arrow’s shaft between the hills, forming a definite, if heavily wooded, valley.  Passing into the valley, we remained alert, for there were once again signs of animals here, including a recent dear kill that was mostly consumed, most likely by wolves.  Perhaps a mile or so further on there were signs of humanoid habitation, for we found the remnants of a cooking fire and remnants of wood shavings; the tracks Shassk picked out of the soft earth indicated kobolds.

Perhaps two hours later, following a rest at midday, we saw further signs that there were kobolds nearby.  There were more tracks, and we found no less than half a dozen tribal totems, showing that there were at least two tribes of them in the area.  Knowing that the creatures tended to favor darkness and wouldn’t likely attack during the day, we resolved to pick up our pace, hoping perhaps that we could clear their territory before nightfall.  Korvalis moved up to ride with Shassk during this time, keeping his attention on the ground and trees, cautious of the simple but deadly traps kobolds were known for.  Indeed, he guided us around no less than four pit traps and sent us around two deadfall traps that would have sent boulders down upon us. 

As evening approached, we topped another smaller rise and crossed into a rockier region.  We found a suitably defensive position to set up camp, a covered depression in the hillside with some suitable cover from nearby boulders that would provide us some cover.  Ellisar set up several wards around us to alert us if intruders came, and we had a cold meal that evening, forgoing a fire, and fell into fitful rest. 

The kobolds attacked in the early morning hours, while Korvalis was on watch.  I had learned that he was quite comfortable in the dark by this time, practically became one with it when he wanted to.  He had already taken down three of the yipping attackers from his hidden nook above our encampment by the time we got to our feet.  Though we did not escape unscathed, our injuries were not deadly, thanks to Gresilda’s care afterwards, for the kobold weapons were coated with what was likely spider venom, which created a notable lethargy in those of us who received wounds.  We resolved to rest until first light, wary of another attack, then head out on our path northward. 

The kobolds attacked again as dawn approached, this time lobbing crudely made, but nonetheless effective fire bottles our way.  A quick application of conjured water from myself and Gresilda doused the first burst of flames that would have trapped us within our nook, and we rode out quickly, our well-trained horses trampling the small forms of the dog-like kobolds who appeared in front of us.  More fire sprang up around us, and Ellisar returned the favor with one of his wands, sending an explosive fireball into the midst of the attacking creatures, scattering those that weren’t blown apart or ignited into hiding long enough for us to clear out and continue north.  Perhaps the use of such magic would discourage further pursuit, but we weren’t especially hopeful and remained on guard.

Indeed, we would suffer three more kobold attacks as we continued on our path that day, from three different tribes it seemed, all of whom were quite hungry for our blood.  Word must have spread quickly amongst them, and no doubt the hills around us were honeycombed with kobold warrens that they used to pursue us, coming out of well-hidden crevasses to strike at us.  Their tactics adapted as well, for they began to target our horses, and then started trying to slow us and pincer us between them and drive us toward traps they had prepared ahead of time.  I knew that they were quite crafty, but experiencing their cunning firsthand was certainly an enlightening experience.

Haggard and bloodied, our spell reserves low and our fatigue high, bearing more wounds than we had hoped, we trudged forward as fast as we could.  Indeed, the “armor” gifted me by Lady Armenia proved quite capable of defending me, its enchantments reducing the effectiveness of the kobold weaponry as if I wore something akin to chainmail or scale armor, perhaps.  After the final attack in the late afternoon, near sunset, we passed into a circular valley marked by more kobold totems, though these, Shassk said, were warnings to go no further, marking the end of their territory.  Not far after these, the air changed, at once unnaturally calm yet filled with an undeniable, palpable energy. 

This was undoubtedly a site of great power.  We had arrived at our destination intact.  We had found the standing stones.

#Lore24 – Entry #318 – Fantasy Month IV #13 – A Most Intriguing Puzzle

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

I studied the draconic ruins for several days, spending much of the time on the massive door that marked a sealed vault of some kind beyond, but venturing into other sections of the ruin when I needed to refresh myself, though never without the adventurers close by should I come upon something quite dangerous.  It seemed almost as if the energy of the ruin, the essence of the dragons that once dwelt within still lingered in some way, keeping those beings and creatures not possessed of higher thoughts away.  Though perhaps it would be our folly to explore within; only time would tell.

Regardless, I translated most of the text upon the door (some of the high draconic phrases are still not entirely clear) and interpreted the imagery upon it as best as I could given my knowledge of the ancient dragons, based upon the notes I have made over the years in previous journals stored within my personal pocket library.  I wish that I had additional volumes at my disposal, those found within the Great Library itself, but only texts which I have personally transcribed are permitted within this pocket dimension, or journals I have yet to fill with my knowledge and experiences. 

Still, the nature of the vault door is similar to what has been encountered in other draconic sites.  This place was once a city, though was treated more as a holy temple by those who worshipped the dragons that dwelt here, its name translated as “The Cathedral of Eminent Tranquility”, once ruled by the golden dragon known as Mega-kuramu’Koganekami, whose many titles and alternate epithets have been transcribed within my research notes, for there are over two dozen of them.  Curiously the name is very close to what would become the kerryn script and language (however forbidden they might be to speak within the Empire, making knowledge of it exceptionally rare here), translating as “Blinding Golden God.”

Contained within the vault, supposedly, are the favored relics of this dragon, as well as collections of its vast wisdom and knowledge, though the wards upon the door prevent it from being opened by anyone who is not a worshipper of the dragon or who has not undergone a trial to prove their devotion to it.  Comparing the map of the vast temple-city, an empire unto itself, with the maps of the region now known as the Wildlands, I believe that I have managed to find some similar geographic features that may potentially lead us to discovering a method of opening this door, assuming the places of power still exist and still hold the primal essence of the dragons within, of course.  Even I am tempted by the potential treasures that lie within, more so the knowledge of the ancient dragons, but to study pristine relics of their time would be an incredible opportunity.  The Heroes of Vindinium are certainly keen on getting inside, the promise of wealth beyond imagination so very tempting.

As to what must be done, there should be six sites spread across the region in a pentagonal arrangement, laid out to form a five-pointed star, with the sixth site located directly within its center, and, based upon my translations, each site must be visited as part of a pilgrimage of sorts, and rituals performed at them to gain the blessings of the draconic god to be allowed to enter into its sacred space.  Comparing ancient to modern maps, I can roughly approximate the locations of three of the sites where these standing stones should be and can assume rough distances toward the others based upon the equal distances between points, though I know not of the lands further south and west of here.

The nearest of these standing stones should be to the north of here, perhaps two days travel given the rougher terrain, though it could take us longer depending on just how reclaimed the area is by nature.  We’ll be setting off in the morning to see if we can locate the site and see if its power still remains; the fact that the door itself still holds its warding is encouraging, but far from conclusive.

#Lore24 – Entry #317 – Fantasy Month IV #12 – Unravelling the Past

From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos

When Shassk said that we had entered the area of the ruins, I didn’t believe it at first, for I saw nary a stone that looked anything but natural.  I had been made aware that the ruins were rather expansive and not fully explored yet, but the lack of anything visible as we entered this wooded, hilly region meant that in all likelihood, they had been undisturbed for a significant amount of time.  It would take nearly another hour before I started seeing signs of the ancient site, a pile of worked stones covered in moss here or there, an embankment with a section of exposed stonework, then larger mounds that were likely once structures judging by their arrangement.  It was not out of the question that the very hills we were navigating were themselves ruined structures.

As the elevation increased, and more thunder rumbled in the distance, we came to the location that had been described to me previously, in a narrow valley between two large rocky outcroppings lay the entrance to what I immediately recognized as an ancient draconic temple.  The size of the opening, however overgrown by thick vines and trees it was, gave no doubts.  A quick examination of the carvings beneath some of the vegetation proved it, for I had seen several instances of similar scripts and carvings in the archives and in person at known draconic temples.  Ellisar showed me a section they had cleared off previously, his translation of the script accurately indicating that this was indeed once a temple dedicated to the worship of the draconic lord of this region, though it was only the titles, not its actual name, for that would be found elsewhere.

With Shassk and Korvalis in the lead, the party led me deeper into the ruins, through the areas they had cleared already, though Korvalis remained ever alert for ancient traps he might have missed or that may have reset, as well as new dangers that might have come about.  Shassk kept checking for signs of others having come here, stopping occasionally to listen or smell the air before giving us the all-clear. I was anxious to see the deeper areas, so felt rather annoyed at the slowness we advanced, but given the dangers we had already faced on the way in, their caution was likely warranted.

There were many side passages to explore later, though a good number of these were collapsed.  The main hall was mostly intact however, and I kept my notebooks and portable writing desk at the ready to note particular scripts or carvings that stood out as we proceeded, and to give my estimates on measurements, though most of what I saw conformed to standard draconic practices I had seen previously. 

At last, we reached the grand audience chamber, where the draconic lord would stand upon the massive central dais to receive tribute and hand out its orders.  The dais itself was littered with broken stonework, many of the ancient statues and pillars that once stood around the chamber having collapsed over the centuries and millennia.  The area was still open to the sky, though, the circular opening far above letting in plenty of light and moisture, allowing the chamber to become a veritable forest unto itself.  The party had previously set up camp here and did so again while I busied myself with sketches and notes of my observations.

I found the stairwell behind the dais that I had been told about, one of the massive doors that had once stood closed cracked and crumbled in one corner by particularly massive tree roots, allowing access into the deeper parts of the complex, which is where the relics had been collected.  These consisted of several pieces of jewelry, sized for drakonae or humanoids and bearing draconic scrollwork, a half dozen tiny stone statues of dragons beset with gemstones in their breasts, and an ancient ornamental shield, too heavy to have been used practically, with the seal of the dragon lord emblazoned upon it. 

Again following the party, they led me to what had drawn so much excitement about this particular site, garnering the attention of Lady Armenia (and likely other parties that I was not yet aware of):  far below, perhaps two hundred feet down the massive stairwell (we ignored many side passages and other chambers beyond for now) that required us to use climbing ropes to navigate (well, those of us who were not arcanely inclined, anyway), was a massive double door, easily the size of a colossal ancient dragon.  Already my arcane sight told me the ancient warding enchantments upon the door were still intact, perhaps not as powerful as they once were, but still likely to be deadly to those who could not prove their permission to enter.  The gold and platinum plates that adorned the door, not unlike scales, told something of the history of this particular dragon, forming a mural that would take some time to study properly. 

Fortunately enough, the purpose of our expedition was to do just that, and so I began my work in earnest.  So enraptured by the door was I that my sexual frustrations barely came to mind while I worked.