LORE24 ENTRY #21 – Alyssa Cortavelli

Category – Person

Alyssa Cortavelli is a Succubus crime lord and information broker based on Sentinel Prime, part of the larger Cortavelli crime family that has its fingers in multiple systems.  Her base of operations is called the Demon’s Den, a hotel turned nightclub with a strong flavor of BDSM subculture.  Though she is somewhat new to the underworld, her eye for detail and talents learned from her years as a corporate investigator have served her well, and she has quickly become a well known and trustworthy source of illicit information, goods, and services.  She was quick to surround herself with talented people who supplemented the areas in which she was deficient, and has close ties to the church of Yurisaya, often being spotted with its local members.

Alyssa did not always have criminal ambitions, nor was she particularly interested in having a reputation.  In her early years, she actually turned her back on her family, choosing instead to learn proper business methods, going to school and earning her way up through the corporate ladder.  Unlike her more infamous sisters, Alyssa was a “changeling”, and appeared completely human at birth and in her early years.  Always something of an outcast, giving up on her family ties and taking the name Cordova, she worked hard, strictly controlled her indulgences, and passed for human for several years.  It was only when her company, Redstone-Starsazza Property Management, was taken over by DSM that her life would change forever.  Expecting to be laid off and already planning her next move, Alyssa was not prepared to find herself at the mercy of none other than Rivalle Volcari herself.  The cruel head of DSM had taken a personal interest in Alyssa, having easily found out about Alyssa’s heritage and falsified records of her true nature, and threatened her with severe penalties should she not continue with her duties.  Rivalle would proceed to subject Alyssa to an ever-growing list of indignities that would eventually lead Alyssa to losing herself for a time, indulging in the pleasures and “sins” she had for many years carefully avoided.  Over the months and years Alyssa served Rivalle, her appearance would change from an unassuming human woman to the succubus she is today.

Now, Alyssa has striking red skin and glowing yellow eyes, a pair of wicked horns curling up from her forehead, wearing her dark hair long, typically in a ponytail.  Previously rather average in appearance, her body has filled out as her demonic heritage asserted itself, now quite shapely with much of it on display, as Alyssa prefers to wear low-cut tops and short skirts, most often as tight as possible, and quite frequently made of latex.  Though she only stands about five and a half feet tall, she typically appears to be around six feet due to the high heels she wears, and is not the least bit shy about using her succubus charms to put those she deals with off balance, whether she is being seductive or intimidating.  She now appears much like her sisters, who, after some rather uneasy reunions, have embraced her and brought her into the family properly, Alyssa having proved that she is now fully dedicated to their life of crime.

Having established herself on Sentinel Prime, Aylssa is something of a local celebrity now, having risen from practically nothing to a respected business owner with one of the most popular clubs on the planet.  Her club is a known neutral zone where plenty of clandestine meetings take place, and she has forged a reputation for discretion in sensitive matters.  She also has a reputation befitting her demonic appearance should someone cross her, having devised multiple inventive and humiliating punishments for those who would cause trouble within her domain; perhaps owing to her time under the thumb of Rivalle Volcari, she would much rather see them suffer than simply killing them.  



LORE24 ENTRY #20 – Seal-Tech

Category – Technology

Amongst the most controversial and feared arca-tech (arcane technology) in the known galaxy is Seal-Tech, unique to the dark elves, its secrets fiercely protected behind walls of secrecy.  Used primarily in the dark elf-controlled prison system (a lucrative business in its own right given their successful business model), on its surface, Seal-Tech is used as a means of controlling the prisoner population.  At first glance, one could assume that Seal-Tech was simply an advanced form of latex, typically seen in the form of a skin-tight bodysuit prisoners are placed within, sometimes with attached restraints, and able to be recolored at a signal from a controller to indicate various statuses of the wearer, even report back on their general state of health.  It is known to be much more durable than standard latex, and generally is reasoned to be used because nothing could be hidden on a person wearing it.

Below the surface, however, Seal-Tech is much more advanced and insidious.  Having gone through multiple advances over the centuries, Seal-Tech, while indeed latex at its core, is far more than a simple rubber compound.  The reason behind the name is primarily from the most powerful of the material’s abilities, namely the ability to seal away the magic of those wearing it, completely blocking the ability of arcanists and even divine or druidic casters from casting their spells.  The ability of the material to reshape itself on command also makes it perfect for immobilizing hostile prisoners and limiting their ability to cause trouble or even use basic implements, able to form a variety of restraint devices (straps, cuffs, mittens, gags, an inescapable sack to immobilize the wearer, and more).  In the most recent iterations of the technology, the dark elves have managed to incorporate a life-sustaining magic into the mix, which serves to keep a prisoner wearing the suit nourished without the need for actual food (though once their sentence is complete and the suits removed, they are ravenously hungry and must eat immediately), as well as self-cleaning functions so that the suits never have to be removed.

The truly nefarious nature of Seal-Tech is tied to its near-indestructability; once a person has been placed within a suit of Seal-Tech, they cannot remove it.  If the suit is damaged, even with cold, fire, or other means, to the point of being completely burned away, somehow, the Seal-Tech will regrow and reform itself in a matter of minutes (older iterations of the technology took much longer to reform itself, hours or days).  Though outwardly able to affected by magic, it is highly resistant to magical analysis, and the nature of its legendary resilience has yet to be determined, though many arcanists surmise that it is tied to a very advanced form of curse magic.  Others have theorized that Seal-Tech is somehow related to the dark elves’ patron goddess Yurisaya, as her faithful followers often make use of the material for their own purposes, and are known to work closely with the prison system to provide care, discipline, and spiritual guidance to prisoners.


LORE24 ENTRY #19 – Kerryn

Category – Cultural

The Kerryn are a race of humanoids who appear similar to humans, but with feline features, most notably feline ears atop their heads, extended canine teeth, cat-like eyes, tails, and in some cases, fingernails that can be used as claws.  They are generally of average height to shorter height, between five and six feet tall, and with agile builds.  Their reflexes and agility are greater than the average human, on par with elves.  They are possessed of more sensitive hearing, better night vision, and a keen sense of smell, and tend to live for several hundred years, making them the second-longest lived race in the known space after the elves (or perhaps the third if one counts the Shokushu-juu, though no one besides themselves are certain how long they actually live).  Generally they are considered friendly and personable, rather easy-going in nature, and are generally seen as quite attractive by most other races.  

In modern times, Kerryns are prevalent throughout the galaxy, most often living amongst the other races, though have claimed some nations and worlds as their own, though they don’t outright refuse other races (though they remain somewhat wary of elves, as do most races).  Kerryns are generally rather free-spirited and are known to wander from time to time in their long lives, sometimes spending a century or so exploring one particular area of interest before deciding to move on and try something new, somewhere new; it is not uncommon that married couples will embark on periods of wandering and exploration once the children are raised and out of the house.  Most Kerryn societies also tend to have a strong sense of independence and a love of freedom, given multiple historical examples of their kind being oppressed by other races, and as such often have a unified defense force on their worlds and within their borders, with all Kerryns spending some time training in basic self-defense and use of weapons while they are young before pursuing their preferred interests.

Unique amongst the races, Kerryns are known to be very close with their past lives, often experiencing flashes of them as they go about their daily lives.  Often, these flashes give them unique insights or knowledge that may not be readily available to others.  These flashes are stronger in some, and the “old souls” experience them with much more frequency and clarity than others.  The Kerryn mother goddess, Sarresh, sees to it that her children are reborn from time to time regardless of their sins in life, giving them another chance to improve themselves.  Perhaps related to their past-life experience, those Kerryns who have dedicated themselves to the service of the goddess are known to receive prophetic visions, though these are often difficult to decipher.

LORE24 ENTRY #18 – The UCSD-0001 Incident

Category – Event

A demonstration of power by the megacorp DSM, the UCSD-0001 incident, more commonly known as the Ruvale Blockade outside the official channels, was a show of force by the company, proving that they had the resources and manpower to quickly and efficiently blockade an entire planet in order to secure stolen corporate resources and capture those responsible.  Officially, this demonstration/training exercise went off with only minor issues, the largest of which being a chemical spill aboard one of DSM’s cruisers that resulted in significant damage to the ship’s hangar, and the actual blockade was was fully enforced, tested, and released within 72-hours.  The response of the local populace was stated to be “negative and vocal, but overall insignificant” regarding the inconvenience.

Unofficially, there was much more to the blockade, all of it revolving around the discovery of a relic of unknown origin by a mining company working upon one of more distant planets in the Ruvale system, their corporate headquarters based on Ruvale itself.  The object, listed as “Unknown Crystalline Storage Device – 0001” in company records, was roughly spherical in shape, and only about an inch in diameter.  Within the red-colored gemstone, which was as hard as diamond, were microscopic symbols that were determined to be of an ancient Draconic language; the object itself radiated magic energy.  All attempts at reading the data within the device were unsuccessful, and the mining company reached out to other groups for assistance in deciphering the data contained within the object.

This search for an arcanist put the compnay, and UCSD-0001 on DSM’s radar.  Once DSM had attained knowledge of this relic, their CEO, Rivalle Volcari, immediately initiated hostile takeover procedure of the mining company.  Within two weeks, the company was part of DSM, but its former CEO had gone missing, along with UCSD-0001, just before the final steps were completed.  Moving with remarkable swiftness, having confirmed that the object had yet to leave Ruvale, DSM initiated further measures to fully blockade the planet and secure the object.  The relic had been confirmed to have been taken by the former CEO, and had then been stolen by a third party.  A fast-response security team was dispatched to Ruvale to secure the relic, but the thieves managed to fight their way through the security team and subsequently disappeared.

Initially, a massive manhunt was started locally, with the capitol city, Radermere, being locked down by local law enforcement, working with DSM’s operatives.  Within forty-eight hours, having yielded no results, DSM green-lit the planetary blockade to secure the relic, and their nearest ships were pulled off their assignments and redirected to Ruvale, with others following within a handful of hours.  Hackers intercepted encoded corporate transmissions, however, and word was able to spread on Ruvale of the coming blockade.  Those in the know began preparations to leave the system immediately and spread the word to everyone who would listen.  As it would turn out, the thieves responsible for stealing UCSD-0001 were more resourceful than DSM could have imagined, and were able to smuggle themselves and the relic off-world during the mass exodus of ships that were leaving the planet as the first of DSM’s fleet arrived.


LORE24 ENTRY #17 – Kanna the Crusher

Category – Person

Kanna “The Crusher” is a famous pit-fighter known across multiple systems for being the most skilled fighter around.  Based on the planet Ruvale, she runs “The Crush”, a spacer’s bar and fighting arena where she is the reigning champion with an ongoing challenge to anyone willing to accept it:  beat her in a fight, win the big prize, which is currently over 200,000 credits.  Though many have tried, none have managed to defeat her in a fight.

Kanna is a massive female orc, standing over seven feet tall and is built like an equinarian (meaning she’s loaded with muscle and appears to be amongst the strongest humanoids walking), her green skin covered in intricate tribal tattoos in red and white inks, and below those dozens of scars from her many fights, her shoulder-length hair also white, unkempt and wild, her eyes a distinct reddish tint.  Kanna’s muscular form is rarely covered in more than a furry bikini with matching furry bands around her wrists and ankles.  She is not known to have ever been spotted wearing shoes, either.  Outside the ring, she is friendly and outgoing, often mingling with her customers and getting to know them as they enjoy some food and drink and the other entertainment her establishment offers.

In a fight, however, she is all business.  Kanna can certainly be vicious, but unlike many orcs, seems to control her bloodlust, never letting herself get flustered or out of control.  Her movements are always intentional, no movements wasted, as are her strikes.  To date, there hasn’t been a challenger who has managed to best her in battle, her knowledge of unarmed fighting styles seemingly unmatched.  Depending on the attitude of the challenger, she may not hesitate in simply putting them down for the count, or she may play with them, trading maneuvers and wearing them down, drawing them in to see if they have predicted her feints.  Though Kanna is a master of many styles, as her moniker implies, she has a preference for grappling.  A vast majority of her fights end with her opponents being crushed in her arms or between her legs, or even underfoot, with her twisting their limbs in a painful submission hold.  Rumors persist that she gets quite excited having smaller beings under her feet, but thus far, nobody has been brave enough to confirm the rumors.

Unbeknownst to nearly everyone, Kanna is not only amongst the deadliest unarmed fighters in the known galaxy, but she is also a skilled arcanist, casting spells of moderate power, though her true talents are in tattoo magic; many of her tattoos were created through her own efforts, and provide various benefits to her.  Those who are aware of her arcane talents assume that she has enhanced her body with her magics, and it is her magical tattoos which are responsible for her impressive combat abilities.  The truth of the matter is known to only Kanna herself and Shi Sukimori, the kerryn arcane gunslinger whom mentored Kanna in the mystic arts, though there are rivals who, having found out about Kanna’s magical tattoos, are plotting to find out the truth for themselves, whatever it may take. 


LORE24 ENTRY #16 – Shokushu-juu

Category – Cultural

A rather mysterious race that was only widely known fairly commonly in the galaxy after space exploration had advanced to some degree.  Some records may indicate their presence in ancient times, though these are inconclusive.  The Shokushu-juu are large fleshy beings with no particularly defined features other than the many tentacles that sprout from their bodies, their flesh often shades of purple, green, or brown, sometimes with stripes or discolored patches, typically covered in a glistening slime.  In general, most races consider the Shokushu-juu to be quite unpleasant to be around.  To make matters worse, all members of the race are unable to communicate vocally, relying on telepathic communication through touch, though their touch is reputed to be quite pleasant, if not a bit unsettling until one becomes used to it, especially if the Shokushu-juu decides to take control of it’s speaker to speak directly to another person.  The common belief regarding the Shokushu-juu is that for every century they have lived, a new tentacle will sprout from their bodies; this has yet to be proven.

The unpleasant reputation further stems from the fact that the Shokushu-juu are involved with much of the criminal activity in the galaxy, though they don’t consider their actions to be in any way wrong.  Those who are not closely tied to individual Shokushu-juu, or who are not familiar with the inner workings of their very strange society, cannot understand the alien mindset of these beings.  There have been rumors for centuries of various Shokushu-juu influences on galactic society and the cultures of individual worlds, and nobody can seem to agree on just how deep these influences go.

The Shokushu-juu keep mostly to themselves, and strictly regulate travel within their home star system, the Zenalux Expanse, requiring most to remain at dedicated locations along the outer edges.  If they are to travel, they will do so aboard their own vessels, often piloted by loyal crew members of various races.  Though they are capable of moving on their own, they are rarely, if ever, not seen riding some kind of hover-sled.  Amongst their most important traveling companions is the Shokushu-juu’s “Voice”, an individual who has taken the job of being the vessel through which the Shokushu-juu communicates.  This may seem unpleasant to some, as many Shokushu-juu seem to prefer wrapping a tentacle around the neck of their “Voice” and projecting their own thoughts through their mouths, with distinct differences in voice and mannerisms.  By all accounts this is an intense and often pleasing experience, with some having described it as “orgasmic”; to that end, there are reports of some beings becoming addicted to this type of psychic/tactile contact with Shokushu-juu.  There are also just as many rumors floating around that the Shokushu-juu engage in more erotic displays with their “Voice”, and others, using many of their tentacles, though this may simply be exaggeration and the over-active imaginations of many artists throughout the galaxy.  Such concerns and displays are generally deemed as being below the Shokushu-juu.


LORE24 ENTRY #15 – Cybernetics

Category – Technology

Though true cybernetics are a modern develop, there are many recorded instances, and surviving artifacts, from the ancient times where limbs had been replaced with magical, artificial replacements, assuming limbs couldn’t be magically regenerated.  However, in the modern era, with most lacking the power, or faith, for such a feat, cybernetics have been developed as a viable and safe option to replace lost limbs and organs.  In most cases, the replacement functions exactly as the original, having been built to the exact specifications to suit the user.  Generally such replacements only require occasional tune-ups and recharging of their power cells.

In recent years, however, there has been a growing evolution of cybernetics, as information has slowly leaked from within the well-protected walls of various companies who have dedicated themselves to advancing the technology with a mind to increasing effectiveness and lifespans of soldiers.  These advanced cybernetics can enhance their users, increasing physical ability, awareness, and ability to interface with technology through varying degrees.  There have even been a few instances that have leaked involving cybernetic weaponry, such as blades or even projectile weapons, hidden within artificial limbs that have led to a growing fear of “cyborg assassins” coming after a corporate rival.

There is a growing subculture outside the corporate-controlled territories, stemming mostly from Sentinel Prime, where cybernetics are being installed when no replacements are needed, simply to enhance the individual.  These are not always as subtle or as refined in nature as those from a corporate source, and not with nearly as high of a safety record, but the fact that such things are now possible is a potential game-changer as the technology is further refined and improved, though there are plenty who have spoken quite vocally against such “abominations” and “defilement” of the natural form.

However, cybernetics have yet to become a cure-all for everyone.  Certain genetic factors, severe damage due to radiation, or other anomalous issues with a person can prevent the use of cybernetics as their body simply rejects the implants.  Further damage to the body can result from such situations unless the implants are removed in a timely manner.  In these cases, only magical means may fix the person, though these are usually even more expensive, and much more difficult to source, than cybernetic replacements.  There are early-phase trials in place regarding specialized replacements based upon individually bioengineered cybernetics tailored to a recipient’s DNA, but currently there is little to show for it. 


LORE24 ENTRY #14 – Succubi

Category – Cultural

Though one unfamiliar with them may think the Succubi were a recent find what with the opening of the Demon Sector, they have actually been around since the Demonic Invasion thousands of years ago.  If nothing else, the blood of demons is strong, as their influence still shows quite clearly upon the Succubi to this day with their “demonic” appearance:  skin and eyes hat are often shades of red or orange or other “unnatural” hues, horns on their heads, tails, claws, and goat-like eyes being very common.  Unlike their progenitors from long ago, however, they are not inherently evil, though many within the galaxy may not believe that to be the case, as they are, on many worlds, treated as second-class citizens.  Regardless of this stigma, Succubi are considered to be extremely beautiful and charismatic, and can, given the chance, become amazingly successful.

They are known as ‘Succubi’ for a few reasons.  Firstly, beyond their obvious beauty, due to a unique quirk in their genetics, they can generally interbreed with any of the known races, though there is an extremely high chance (perhaps over 90%) of the child being female, sharing appearance and traits of both parents; the rare male child is still considered a ‘Succubus’, though some of these may call themselves an ‘Incubus’.  Second, their natural (or unnatural) charisma and innate ability to read others’ emotions gives them a significant advantage in interpersonal dealings.  Third, some Succubi still retain a small measure of power from their demonic heritage, and can manifest it in ways that may unsettle some, such as manifesting flames, causing their voices to boom like thunder, changing ambient temperature around them, etc, though arcanists in the know consider these abilities to be simple arcane manifestations no different from what they can do.

More uncommon amongst the Succubi are those who can pass for the race of their birth parents.  In some cases, these rare individuals do not manifest the unusual skin, eye colors and other demonic features of their brethren at birth, and appear much as their non-Succubi parent lineage.  In some, this lasts their entire lives, and these individuals generally have an easier time integrating on worlds where Succubi are looked upon with suspicion.  In others, it seems that over-indulging in the vices classically associated with demons and evil (the “Seven Deadly Sins”) tends to draw their out their inner demonic nature, causing their bodies to change to match their natures by taking on the typical Succubi appearances.  Though there currently isn’t an official name for these types of Succubi, the term ‘changeling’ has been used in some cases.


LORE24 ENTRY #13 – Demon Sector

Category – Place

The Demon Sector, as it is known, is actually a region of space that is far larger than what is typically defined as a sector, though it was discovered and thusly named in the early days of space exploration, and the name stuck.  The region is surrounded by an unnatural, and as yet unexplained, energy barrier known as the Demon Barrier which prevents any ships from entering this region of space.  

The name ‘Demon Sector’ was originally given during the first studies of the region using long-range telescopes and probes (all of which were destroyed immediately upon entry, and any ships that tried to enter were severely damaged, if not outright destroyed), in the days when only 72 stars were detected (since, many more, comparable with regions of known space, have been discovered), with a particularly large cluster near the center of the region consisting of a singular large central star surrounded by a half dozen slightly less intense stars.  The lead researcher on what would become the Demon Sector Research Project, an elf by the name of Faeranduil Quivernelle, being familiar with the historical records of the ancient times when demons were common, thought it appropriate to name the central star Bael, and proceeded to name the rest of the stars after other powerful demons.  There was some pushback on this, but given the nature of the barrier and the lack of ability to penetrate it, and the number of ships damaged in the attempts to pass through, the names stuck.

In the modern era, after thousands of years of waiting, the Demon Sector was finally breached in a completely unexpected manner by an unexpected source, namely the kerryn explorer Lila Darius the 34th and her crew.  With the aid of her friend, Releana Veylani and her company, Veylani Transport, Darius had somehow managed to develop a new iteration of the TK-Drive that would become known as the Advanced TK-Drive, or A-TK, which would combine modern technology with what was, until this event, powerful, lost magic that would allow them to successfully traverse the Demon Barrier and come out in one piece on the far side.  Since then, thousands have rushed to the region and began exploring the nearest systems, and the first permanent settlements have been created in the Valefar system, the nearest of the Demon Sector stars to the Barrier and the nearest world, Sentinel Prime.


LORE24 ENTRY #12 – Chubbi Wubba

Category – Creature

A curious creature, the Chubbi Wubba (pronounced Chuh-bee Whuh-buh) appear to be normal cats of various breeds, living as cats typically do, whether it’s as a favored house pet or as a wanderer on the streets, sharing diets, behaviors, etc.  However, the Chubbi Wubba are quite intelligent, at least average compared to other races in known space, if not superior, not that they typically show it.  Not only are they intelligent, they are also psychic, though they typically don’t allow themselves to be discovered.  

The psychic nature of the Chubbi Wubba is quite subtle, with only talented psychics able to detect their presence at all.  They can communicate telepathically if they so choose, but their most common use of their psychic powers is to subtly influence the thoughts of individuals around them into petting or feeding them, often for many minutes or hours on end, or perhaps convincing someone to open their home for a night should they need a place to stay, or simply convincing someone to clean the litter box for them.  It is exceedingly rare that a Chubbi Wubba will do more than this, as they seem to be content in doing only what brings them pleasure at the time.  Their favorite targets seem to be those who don’t care much for cats, and it is rare that those they target even realize what they’re doing.  Notably, those with feline allergies seem to be unaffected by them around the Chubbi Wubba.

No one is entirely certain where the Chubbi Wubba originated, as they have been encountered on many worlds, and often travel onboard ships, some even making their homes on them.  Some theorize that these felines were once arcanist familiars who evolved beyond their original purposes, or were perhaps forced to evolve after their arcanists had died.  In the modern era, it would seem that conspiracy theories have emerged that would paint the Chubbi Wubba in a negative light, postulating that they are a malevolent force, secretly controlling the galaxy under the guise of harmless cats, or subtly influencing behavior on a galactic scale through cute cat videos on the ‘net.  

If anyone knows for sure, they aren’t saying, and neither are the Chubbi Wubba.