LORE24 ENTRY #42 – Supers Month #11 – The Edgewater Institute


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


There is nothing quite like being the ruler of one’s own domain, especially when said domain is filled with some many interesting people and deeply amusing playthings.  I do not strictly rule over Edgewater as a matter of my own pleasures, though that is certainly an aspect of it; no it is a labor of love, one for which I am uniquely suited.  Sentinel City has a very dangerous problem after all; all of those unhinged and mentally unwell superpowered individuals roaming around the city unchecked simply cannot be left to their own devices, can they?  There must be some kind of order, some kind of control mechanism in place to keep these types in check.  This city needed a place where those of unsound mind could be treated properly, and that could handle the unique requirements of containing the varied types of powers growing amongst the populace.  And if it must be done, why then should it not be me to oversee it?  Who else if not me?  They say that if you love your work, it’s not really work; for the most part, this has held true for me in this endeavor, though a few particular individuals have certainly tried my patience.

I have brought the Edgewater Institute into a new age these past few months; before the coming of superpowers, it was of course a most prestigious mental health institution, a place where minds could be healed and studied, a respected place.  Now it is so much more.  I have overseen its expansion into something on an entirely new scale, a facility that boasts the most advanced patient, or prisoner, as some are, restraint, containment, and monitoring systems not only in Sentinel City, but the entire country, perhaps the world.  I don’t take sole credit for this feat; how could I when I simply had the vision to dream, and the willpower to see it done?  No, Edgewater is built upon the backs of many, and it is through the many uniquely talented people I have working for me that this place continues to advance and surpass any challenges it has faced, that its patients are treated in the most appropriate manner as their unique situations require.

Are my methods unorthodox?  Well, of course they are, by humanity’s standards, anyway.  Humanity has always required special treatment, and it has yet to evolve beyond certain limitations inherent in their very genetics.  Having once been human myself, I can understand these limitations, and given my greater insights into their very basest of desires, I am certainly qualified to treat their many issues as I have laid out within the operational guidelines of Edgewater.  Like my own succubus nature, humans are sexually charged creatures, and indeed this must be understood.  They are also dangerous, short-sighted, and prone to acting on their baser desires.  Do I have a biased opinion on their nature?  Perhaps; my sisters and I have certainly survived our share of trials, many over the centuries, in fact.  And yet we have survived, even thrived amongst them, blending in and finding our particular niche among them.

This is perhaps why I am uniquely suited to control a facility such as Edgewater.  Though I certainly hold no love for certain groups and individuals, many of them associated with the blindly faithful religious types, I am absolutely dedicated to making certain that those I can are helped to the absolute fullest of my ability.  We share this world with the humans, and my kind are far fewer in number than they.  Though we are certainly more powerful, it is only recently that humanity has begun to receive powers that place them upon the same level, if not surpassing it.  So, its absolutely necessary for the continued stability of society that I do what I do.  As the Tempests have done for centuries, I too shall shape the world around me.  In this new age, I have chosen to do so using the most powerful of tools at my disposal.  In the end, regardless of whatever powers they may possess, I can see to it that whatever inherent mental instabilities they have are treated, by whatever means I deem necessary to obtain the most favorable outcome.  I will see these poor, unfortunate souls properly treated, and if they happen to become more loyal and obedient afterward, then I can hardly call that a negative outcome, can I?  What are humans if not pets and playthings to a Tempest, after all?